File "orm.php"
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namespace Yoast\WP\Lib;
use ArrayAccess;
use Exception;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use ReturnTypeWillChange;
use wpdb;
use Yoast\WP\SEO\Config\Migration_Status;
* Yoast ORM class.
* Based on Idiorm
* URL:
* A single-class super-simple database abstraction layer for PHP.
* Provides (nearly) zero-configuration object-relational mapping
* and a fluent interface for building basic, commonly-used queries.
* BSD Licensed.
* Copyright (c) 2010, Jamie Matthews
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* The methods documented below are magic methods that conform to PSR-1.
* This documentation exposes these methods to doc generators and IDEs.
* @see
class ORM implements ArrayAccess {
public const CONDITION_FRAGMENT = 0;
public const CONDITION_VALUES = 1;
* Holds the class name. Wrapped find_one and find_many classes will return an instance or instances of this class.
* @var string
protected $class_name;
* Holds the name of the table the current ORM instance is associated with.
* @var string
protected $table_name;
* Holds the alias for the table to be used in SELECT queries.
* @var string
protected $table_alias = null;
* Values to be bound to the query.
* @var array
protected $values = [];
* Columns to select in the result.
* @var array
protected $result_columns = [ '*' ];
* Are we using the default result column or have these been manually changed?
* @var bool
protected $using_default_result_columns = true;
* Holds the join sources.
* @var array
protected $join_sources = [];
* Should the query include a DISTINCT keyword?
* @var bool
protected $distinct = false;
* Is this a raw query?
* @var bool
protected $is_raw_query = false;
* The raw query.
* @var string
protected $raw_query = '';
* The raw query parameters.
* @var array
protected $raw_parameters = [];
* Array of WHERE clauses.
* @var array
protected $where_conditions = [];
* @var int
protected $limit = null;
* @var int
protected $offset = null;
* @var array
protected $order_by = [];
* @var array
protected $group_by = [];
* @var array
protected $having_conditions = [];
* The data for a hydrated instance of the class.
* @var array
protected $data = [];
* Lifetime of the object.
* @var array
protected $dirty_fields = [];
* Fields that are to be inserted in the DB raw.
* @var array
protected $expr_fields = [];
* Is this a new object (has create() been called)?
* @var bool
protected $is_new = false;
* Name of the column to use as the primary key for
* this instance only. Overrides the config settings.
* @var string
protected $instance_id_column = null;
* Factory method, return an instance of this class bound to the supplied
* table name.
* A repeat of content in parent::for_table, so that created class is ORM.
* @param string $table_name The table to create instance for.
* @return ORM Instance of the ORM.
public static function for_table( $table_name ) {
return new static( $table_name, [] );
* Executes a raw query as a wrapper for wpdb::query.
* Useful for queries that can't be accomplished through Idiorm,
* particularly those using engine-specific features.
* @example raw_execute('INSERT OR REPLACE INTO `widget` (`id`, `name`) SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `other_table`')
* @example raw_execute('SELECT `name`, AVG(`order`) FROM `customer` GROUP BY `name` HAVING AVG(`order`) > 10')
* @param string $query The raw SQL query.
* @param array $parameters Optional bound parameters.
* @return bool Success.
public static function raw_execute( $query, $parameters = [] ) {
return self::execute( $query, $parameters );
* Internal helper method for executing statements.
* @param string $query The query.
* @param array $parameters An array of parameters to be bound in to the query.
* @return bool|int Response of wpdb::query
protected static function execute( $query, $parameters = [] ) {
* The global WordPress database variable.
* @var wpdb
global $wpdb;
$show_errors = $wpdb->show_errors;
if ( \YoastSEO()->classes->get( Migration_Status::class )->get_error( 'free' ) ) {
$wpdb->show_errors = false;
$parameters = \array_filter(
static function ( $parameter ) {
return $parameter !== null;
if ( ! empty( $parameters ) ) {
$query = $wpdb->prepare( $query, $parameters );
$result = $wpdb->query( $query );
$wpdb->show_errors = $show_errors;
return $result;
* "Private" constructor; shouldn't be called directly.
* Use the ORM::for_table factory method instead.
* @param string $table_name Table name.
* @param array $data Data to populate table.
protected function __construct( $table_name, $data = [] ) {
$this->table_name = $table_name;
$this->data = $data;
* Sets the name of the class which the wrapped methods should return instances of.
* @param string $class_name The classname to set.
* @return void
public function set_class_name( $class_name ) {
$this->class_name = $class_name;
* Creates a new, empty instance of the class. Used to add a new row to your database. May optionally be passed an
* associative array of data to populate the instance. If so, all fields will be flagged as dirty so all will be
* saved to the database when save() is called.
* @param array|null $data Data to populate table.
* @return bool|Model|ORM
public function create( $data = null ) {
$this->is_new = true;
if ( ! \is_null( $data ) ) {
$this->hydrate( $data )->force_all_dirty();
return $this->create_model_instance( $this );
* Specifies the ID column to use for this instance or array of instances only.
* This overrides the id_column and id_column_overrides settings.
* This is mostly useful for libraries built on top of Idiorm, and will not normally be used in manually built
* queries. If you don't know why you would want to use this, you should probably just ignore it.
* @param string $id_column The ID column.
* @return ORM
public function use_id_column( $id_column ) {
$this->instance_id_column = $id_column;
return $this;
* Creates an ORM instance from the given row (an associative array of data fetched from the database).
* @param array $row A row from the database.
* @return bool|Model
protected function create_instance_from_row( $row ) {
$instance = self::for_table( $this->table_name );
$instance->use_id_column( $this->instance_id_column );
$instance->hydrate( $row );
return $this->create_model_instance( $instance );
* Tells the ORM that you are expecting a single result back from your query, and execute it. Will return a single
* instance of the ORM class, or false if no rows were returned. As a shortcut, you may supply an ID as a parameter
* to this method. This will perform a primary key lookup on the table.
* @param int|null $id An (optional) ID.
* @return bool|Model
public function find_one( $id = null ) {
if ( ! \is_null( $id ) ) {
$this->where_id_is( $id );
$this->limit( 1 );
$rows = $this->run();
if ( empty( $rows ) ) {
return false;
return $this->create_instance_from_row( $rows[0] );
* Tells the ORM that you are expecting multiple results from your query, and execute it. Will return an array of
* instances of the ORM class, or an empty array if no rows were returned.
* @return array
public function find_many() {
$rows = $this->run();
if ( $rows === false ) {
return [];
return \array_map( [ $this, 'create_instance_from_row' ], $rows );
* Creates an instance of the model class associated with this wrapper and populate it with the supplied Idiorm
* instance.
* @param ORM $orm The ORM used by model.
* @return bool|Model Instance of the model class.
protected function create_model_instance( $orm ) {
if ( $orm === false ) {
return false;
* An instance of Model is being made.
* @var Model $model
$model = new $this->class_name();
$model->set_orm( $orm );
return $model;
* Tells the ORM that you are expecting multiple results from your query, and execute it. Will return an array, or
* an empty array if no rows were returned.
* @return array The query results.
public function find_array() {
return $this->run();
* Tells the ORM that you wish to execute a COUNT query.
* @param string $column The table column.
* @return float|int An integer representing the number of rows returned.
public function count( $column = '*' ) {
return $this->call_aggregate_db_function( __FUNCTION__, $column );
* Tells the ORM that you wish to execute a MAX query.
* @param string $column The table column.
* @return float|int The max value of the chosen column.
public function max( $column ) {
return $this->call_aggregate_db_function( __FUNCTION__, $column );
* Tells the ORM that you wish to execute a MIN query.
* @param string $column The table column.
* @return float|int The min value of the chosen column.
public function min( $column ) {
return $this->call_aggregate_db_function( __FUNCTION__, $column );
* Tells the ORM that you wish to execute a AVG query.
* @param string $column The table column.
* @return float|int The average value of the chosen column.
public function avg( $column ) {
return $this->call_aggregate_db_function( __FUNCTION__, $column );
* Tells the ORM that you wish to execute a SUM query.
* @param string $column The table column.
* @return float|int The sum of the chosen column.
public function sum( $column ) {
return $this->call_aggregate_db_function( __FUNCTION__, $column );
* Returns the select query as SQL.
* @return string The select query in SQL.
public function get_sql() {
return $this->build_select();
* Returns the update query as SQL.
* @return string The update query in SQL.
public function get_update_sql() {
return $this->build_update();
* Executes an aggregate query on the current connection.
* @param string $sql_function The aggregate function to call eg. MIN, COUNT, etc.
* @param string $column The column to execute the aggregate query against.
* @return int
protected function call_aggregate_db_function( $sql_function, $column ) {
$alias = \strtolower( $sql_function );
$sql_function = \strtoupper( $sql_function );
if ( $column !== '*' ) {
$column = $this->quote_identifier( $column );
$result_columns = $this->result_columns;
$this->result_columns = [];
$this->select_expr( "{$sql_function}({$column})", $alias );
$result = $this->find_one();
$this->result_columns = $result_columns;
$return_value = 0;
if ( $result !== false && isset( $result->{$alias} ) ) {
if ( ! \is_numeric( $result->{$alias} ) ) {
$return_value = $result->{$alias};
// phpcs:ignore Universal.Operators.StrictComparisons -- Reason: This loose comparison seems intentional.
elseif ( (int) $result->{$alias} == (float) $result->{$alias} ) {
$return_value = (int) $result->{$alias};
else {
$return_value = (float) $result->{$alias};
return $return_value;
* Hydrates (populate) this instance of the class from an associative array of data. This will usually be called
* only from inside the class, but it's public in case you need to call it directly.
* @param array $data Data to populate table.
* @return ORM
public function hydrate( $data = [] ) {
$this->data = $data;
return $this;
* Forces the ORM to flag all the fields in the $data array as "dirty" and therefore update them when save() is
* called.
* @return ORM
public function force_all_dirty() {
$this->dirty_fields = $this->data;
return $this;
* Performs a raw query. The query can contain placeholders in either named or question mark style. If placeholders
* are used, the parameters should be an array of values which will be bound to the placeholders in the query.
* If this method is called, all other query building methods will be ignored.
* @param array $query The query.
* @param array $parameters The parameters. Defaults to an empty array.
* @return ORM
public function raw_query( $query, $parameters = [] ) {
$this->is_raw_query = true;
$this->raw_query = $query;
$this->raw_parameters = $parameters;
return $this;
* Adds an alias for the main table to be used in SELECT queries.
* @param string $alias The alias.
* @return ORM
public function table_alias( $alias ) {
$this->table_alias = $alias;
return $this;
* Adds an unquoted expression to the set of columns returned by the SELECT query. Internal method.
* @param string $expr The expression.
* @param string|null $alias The alias to return the expression as. Defaults to null.
* @return ORM
protected function add_result_column( $expr, $alias = null ) {
if ( ! \is_null( $alias ) ) {
$expr .= ' AS ' . $this->quote_identifier( $alias );
if ( $this->using_default_result_columns ) {
$this->result_columns = [ $expr ];
$this->using_default_result_columns = false;
else {
$this->result_columns[] = $expr;
return $this;
* Counts the number of columns that belong to the primary key and their value is null.
* @return int The amount of null columns.
* @throws Exception Primary key ID contains null value(s).
* @throws Exception Primary key ID missing from row or is null.
public function count_null_id_columns() {
if ( \is_array( $this->get_id_column_name() ) ) {
return \count( \array_filter( $this->id(), 'is_null' ) );
else {
return \is_null( $this->id() ) ? 1 : 0;
* Adds a column to the list of columns returned by the SELECT query.
* @param string $column The column. Defaults to '*'.
* @param string|null $alias The alias to return the column as. Defaults to null.
* @return ORM
public function select( $column, $alias = null ) {
$column = $this->quote_identifier( $column );
return $this->add_result_column( $column, $alias );
* Adds an unquoted expression to the list of columns returned by the SELECT query.
* @param string $expr The expression.
* @param string|null $alias The alias to return the column as. Defaults to null.
* @return ORM
public function select_expr( $expr, $alias = null ) {
return $this->add_result_column( $expr, $alias );
* Adds columns to the list of columns returned by the SELECT query.
* This defaults to '*'.
* Many columns can be supplied as either an array or as a list of parameters to the method.
* Note that the alias must not be numeric - if you want a numeric alias then prepend it with some alpha chars. eg.
* a1.
* @example select_many(array('column', 'column2', 'column3'), 'column4', 'column5');
* @example select_many(array('alias' => 'column', 'column2', 'alias2' => 'column3'), 'column4', 'column5');
* @example select_many('column', 'column2', 'column3');
* @return ORM
public function select_many() {
$columns = \func_get_args();
if ( ! empty( $columns ) ) {
$columns = $this->normalise_select_many_columns( $columns );
foreach ( $columns as $alias => $column ) {
if ( \is_numeric( $alias ) ) {
$alias = null;
$this->select( $column, $alias );
return $this;
* Adds an unquoted expression to the list of columns returned by the SELECT query.
* Many columns can be supplied as either an array or as a list of parameters to the method.
* Note that the alias must not be numeric - if you want a numeric alias then prepend it with some alpha chars. eg.
* a1
* @example select_many_expr(array('alias' => 'column', 'column2', 'alias2' => 'column3'), 'column4', 'column5')
* @example select_many_expr('column', 'column2', 'column3')
* @example select_many_expr(array('column', 'column2', 'column3'), 'column4', 'column5')
* @return ORM
public function select_many_expr() {
$columns = \func_get_args();
if ( ! empty( $columns ) ) {
$columns = $this->normalise_select_many_columns( $columns );
foreach ( $columns as $alias => $column ) {
if ( \is_numeric( $alias ) ) {
$alias = null;
$this->select_expr( $column, $alias );
return $this;
* Takes a column specification for the select many methods and convert it into a normalised array of columns and
* aliases.
* It is designed to turn the following styles into a normalised array:
* array(array('alias' => 'column', 'column2', 'alias2' => 'column3'), 'column4', 'column5'))
* @param array $columns The columns.
* @return array
protected function normalise_select_many_columns( $columns ) {
$return = [];
foreach ( $columns as $column ) {
if ( \is_array( $column ) ) {
foreach ( $column as $key => $value ) {
if ( ! \is_numeric( $key ) ) {
$return[ $key ] = $value;
else {
$return[] = $value;
else {
$return[] = $column;
return $return;
* Adds a DISTINCT keyword before the list of columns in the SELECT query.
* @return ORM
public function distinct() {
$this->distinct = true;
return $this;
* Add a JOIN source to the query. Internal method.
* The join_operator should be one of INNER, LEFT OUTER, CROSS etc - this
* will be prepended to JOIN.
* The table should be the name of the table to join to.
* The constraint may be either a string or an array with three elements. If it
* is a string, it will be compiled into the query as-is, with no escaping. The
* recommended way to supply the constraint is as an array with three elements:
* first_column, operator, second_column
* Example: array('', '=', 'profile.user_id')
* will compile to
* ON `user`.`id` = `profile`.`user_id`
* The final (optional) argument specifies an alias for the joined table.
* @param string $join_operator The join_operator should be one of INNER, LEFT OUTER, CROSS etc - this will be
* prepended to JOIN.
* @param string $table The table should be the name of the table to join to.
* @param string $constraint The constraint.
* @param string|null $table_alias The alias for the joined table. Defaults to null.
* @return ORM
protected function add_join_source( $join_operator, $table, $constraint, $table_alias = null ) {
$join_operator = \trim( "{$join_operator} JOIN" );
$table = $this->quote_identifier( $table );
// Add table alias if present.
if ( ! \is_null( $table_alias ) ) {
$table_alias = $this->quote_identifier( $table_alias );
$table .= " {$table_alias}";
// Build the constraint.
if ( \is_array( $constraint ) ) {
list( $first_column, $operator, $second_column ) = $constraint;
$first_column = $this->quote_identifier( $first_column );
$second_column = $this->quote_identifier( $second_column );
$constraint = "{$first_column} {$operator} {$second_column}";
$this->join_sources[] = "{$join_operator} {$table} ON {$constraint}";
return $this;
* Adds a RAW JOIN source to the query.
* @param string $table The table name.
* @param string $constraint The constraint.
* @param string $table_alias The table alias.
* @param array $parameters The parameters. Defaults to an empty array.
* @return ORM
public function raw_join( $table, $constraint, $table_alias, $parameters = [] ) {
// Add table alias if present.
if ( ! \is_null( $table_alias ) ) {
$table_alias = $this->quote_identifier( $table_alias );
$table .= " {$table_alias}";
$this->values = \array_merge( $this->values, $parameters );
// Build the constraint.
if ( \is_array( $constraint ) ) {
list( $first_column, $operator, $second_column ) = $constraint;
$first_column = $this->quote_identifier( $first_column );
$second_column = $this->quote_identifier( $second_column );
$constraint = "{$first_column} {$operator} {$second_column}";
$this->join_sources[] = "{$table} ON {$constraint}";
return $this;
* Adds a simple JOIN source to the query.
* @param string $table The table name.
* @param string $constraint The constraint.
* @param string|null $table_alias The table alias. Defaults to null.
* @return ORM
public function join( $table, $constraint, $table_alias = null ) {
return $this->add_join_source( '', $table, $constraint, $table_alias );
* Adds an INNER JOIN source to the query.
* @param string $table The table name.
* @param string $constraint The constraint.
* @param string|null $table_alias The table alias. Defaults to null.
* @return ORM
public function inner_join( $table, $constraint, $table_alias = null ) {
return $this->add_join_source( 'INNER', $table, $constraint, $table_alias );
* Adds a LEFT OUTER JOIN source to the query.
* @param string $table The table name.
* @param string $constraint The constraint.
* @param string|null $table_alias The table alias. Defaults to null.
* @return ORM
public function left_outer_join( $table, $constraint, $table_alias = null ) {
return $this->add_join_source( 'LEFT OUTER', $table, $constraint, $table_alias );
* Adds a RIGHT OUTER JOIN source to the query.
* @param string $table The table name.
* @param string $constraint The constraint.
* @param string|null $table_alias The table alias. Defaults to null.
* @return ORM
public function right_outer_join( $table, $constraint, $table_alias = null ) {
return $this->add_join_source( 'RIGHT OUTER', $table, $constraint, $table_alias );
* Adds a FULL OUTER JOIN source to the query.
* @param string $table The table name.
* @param string $constraint The constraint.
* @param string|null $table_alias The table alias. Defaults to null.
* @return ORM
public function full_outer_join( $table, $constraint, $table_alias = null ) {
return $this->add_join_source( 'FULL OUTER', $table, $constraint, $table_alias );
* Adds a HAVING condition to the query. Internal method.
* @param string $fragment The fragment.
* @param array $values The values. Defaults to an empty array.
* @return ORM
protected function add_having( $fragment, $values = [] ) {
return $this->add_condition( 'having', $fragment, $values );
* Adds a HAVING condition to the query. Internal method.
* @param string $column_name The table column.
* @param string $separator The separator.
* @param mixed $value The value.
* @return ORM
protected function add_simple_having( $column_name, $separator, $value ) {
return $this->add_simple_condition( 'having', $column_name, $separator, $value );
* Adds a HAVING clause with multiple values (like IN and NOT IN). Internal method.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @param string $separator The separator.
* @param array $values The values.
* @return ORM
public function add_having_placeholder( $column_name, $separator, $values ) {
if ( ! \is_array( $column_name ) ) {
$data = [ $column_name => $values ];
else {
$data = $column_name;
$result = $this;
foreach ( $data as $key => $val ) {
$column = $result->quote_identifier( $key );
$placeholders = $result->create_placeholders( $val );
$result = $result->add_having( "{$column} {$separator} ({$placeholders})", $val );
return $result;
* Adds a HAVING clause with no parameters(like IS NULL and IS NOT NULL). Internal method.
* @param string $column_name The column name.
* @param string $operator The operator.
* @return ORM
public function add_having_no_value( $column_name, $operator ) {
$conditions = \is_array( $column_name ) ? $column_name : [ $column_name ];
$result = $this;
foreach ( $conditions as $column ) {
$column = $this->quote_identifier( $column );
$result = $result->add_having( "{$column} {$operator}" );
return $result;
* Adds a WHERE condition to the query. Internal method.
* @param string $fragment The fragment.
* @param array $values The values. Defaults to an empty array.
* @return ORM
protected function add_where( $fragment, $values = [] ) {
return $this->add_condition( 'where', $fragment, $values );
* Adds a WHERE condition to the query. Internal method.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @param string $separator The separator.
* @param mixed $value The value.
* @return ORM
protected function add_simple_where( $column_name, $separator, $value ) {
return $this->add_simple_condition( 'where', $column_name, $separator, $value );
* Adds a WHERE clause with multiple values (like IN and NOT IN).
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @param string $separator The separator.
* @param array $values The values.
* @return ORM
public function add_where_placeholder( $column_name, $separator, $values ) {
if ( ! \is_array( $column_name ) ) {
$data = [ $column_name => $values ];
else {
$data = $column_name;
$result = $this;
foreach ( $data as $key => $val ) {
$column = $result->quote_identifier( $key );
$placeholders = $result->create_placeholders( $val );
$result = $result->add_where( "{$column} {$separator} ({$placeholders})", $val );
return $result;
* Adds a WHERE clause with no parameters(like IS NULL and IS NOT NULL).
* @param string $column_name The column name.
* @param string $operator The operator.
* @return ORM
public function add_where_no_value( $column_name, $operator ) {
$conditions = \is_array( $column_name ) ? $column_name : [ $column_name ];
$result = $this;
foreach ( $conditions as $column ) {
$column = $this->quote_identifier( $column );
$result = $result->add_where( "{$column} {$operator}" );
return $result;
* Adds a HAVING or WHERE condition to the query. Internal method.
* @param string $type The type.
* @param string $fragment The fragment.
* @param array $values The values. Defaults to empty array.
* @return ORM
protected function add_condition( $type, $fragment, $values = [] ) {
$conditions_class_property_name = "{$type}_conditions";
if ( ! \is_array( $values ) ) {
$values = [ $values ];
self::CONDITION_FRAGMENT => $fragment,
self::CONDITION_VALUES => $values,
return $this;
* Compiles a simple COLUMN SEPARATOR VALUE style HAVING or WHERE condition into a string and value ready to be
* passed to the add_condition method.
* Avoids duplication of the call to quote_identifier.
* If column_name is an associative array, it will add a condition for each column.
* @param string $type The type.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @param string $separator The separator.
* @param mixed $value The value.
* @return ORM
protected function add_simple_condition( $type, $column_name, $separator, $value ) {
$multiple = \is_array( $column_name ) ? $column_name : [ $column_name => $value ];
$result = $this;
foreach ( $multiple as $key => $val ) {
// Add the table name in case of ambiguous columns.
if ( \count( $result->join_sources ) > 0 && \strpos( $key, '.' ) === false ) {
$table = $result->table_name;
if ( ! \is_null( $result->table_alias ) ) {
$table = $result->table_alias;
$key = "{$table}.{$key}";
$key = $result->quote_identifier( $key );
$placeholder = ( $val === null ) ? 'NULL' : '%s';
$result = $result->add_condition( $type, "{$key} {$separator} {$placeholder}", $val );
return $result;
* Returns a string containing the given number of question marks, separated by commas. Eg "?, ?, ?".
* @param array $fields Fields to create placeholder for.
* @return string
protected function create_placeholders( $fields ) {
if ( ! empty( $fields ) ) {
$db_fields = [];
foreach ( $fields as $key => $value ) {
// Process expression fields directly into the query.
if ( \array_key_exists( $key, $this->expr_fields ) ) {
$db_fields[] = $value;
else {
$db_fields[] = ( $value === null ) ? 'NULL' : '%s';
return \implode( ', ', $db_fields );
return '';
* Filters a column/value array returning only those columns that belong to a compound primary key.
* If the key contains a column that does not exist in the given array, a null value will be returned for it.
* @param mixed $value The value.
* @return array
protected function get_compound_id_column_values( $value ) {
$filtered = [];
foreach ( $this->get_id_column_name() as $key ) {
$filtered[ $key ] = ( $value[ $key ] ?? null );
return $filtered;
* Filters an array containing compound column/value arrays.
* @param array $values The values.
* @return array
protected function get_compound_id_column_values_array( $values ) {
$filtered = [];
foreach ( $values as $value ) {
$filtered[] = $this->get_compound_id_column_values( $value );
return $filtered;
* Add a WHERE column = value clause to your query. Each time this is called in the chain, an additional WHERE will
* be added, and these will be ANDed together when the final query is built.
* If you use an array in $column_name, a new clause will be added for each element. In this case, $value is
* ignored.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @param mixed|null $value The value. Defaults to null.
* @return ORM
public function where( $column_name, $value = null ) {
return $this->where_equal( $column_name, $value );
* More explicitly named version of for the where() method. Can be used if preferred.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @param mixed|null $value The value. Defaults to null.
* @return ORM
public function where_equal( $column_name, $value = null ) {
return $this->add_simple_where( $column_name, '=', $value );
* Add a WHERE column != value clause to your query.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @param mixed|null $value The value. Defaults to null.
* @return ORM
public function where_not_equal( $column_name, $value = null ) {
return $this->add_simple_where( $column_name, '!=', $value );
* Queries the table by its primary key. Special method.
* If primary key is compound, only the columns that belong to they key will be used for the query.
* @param string $id The ID.
* @return ORM
public function where_id_is( $id ) {
return \is_array( $this->get_id_column_name() ) ? $this->where( $this->get_compound_id_column_values( $id ), null ) : $this->where( $this->get_id_column_name(), $id );
* Allows adding a WHERE clause that matches any of the conditions specified in the array. Each element in the
* associative array will be a different condition, where the key will be the column name.
* By default, an equal operator will be used against all columns, but it can be overriden for any or every column
* using the second parameter.
* Each condition will be ORed together when added to the final query.
* @param array $values The values.
* @param string $operator The operator.
* @return ORM
public function where_any_is( $values, $operator = '=' ) {
$data = [];
$query = [ '((' ];
$first = true;
foreach ( $values as $value ) {
if ( $first ) {
$first = false;
else {
$query[] = ') OR (';
$firstsub = true;
foreach ( $value as $key => $item ) {
$op = \is_string( $operator ) ? $operator : ( $operator[ $key ] ?? '=' );
if ( $op === '=' && $item === null ) {
$op = 'IS';
if ( $firstsub ) {
$firstsub = false;
else {
$query[] = 'AND';
$query[] = $this->quote_identifier( $key );
$data[] = $item;
$query[] = $op;
$query[] = ( ( $item === null ) ? 'NULL' : '%s' );
$query[] = '))';
return $this->where_raw( \implode( ' ', $query ), $data );
* Queries the table by its primary key.
* Similar to where_id_is() but allowing multiple primary keys.
* If primary key is compound, only the columns that belong to they key will be used for the query.
* @param string[] $ids The IDs.
* @return ORM
public function where_id_in( $ids ) {
return \is_array( $this->get_id_column_name() ) ? $this->where_any_is( $this->get_compound_id_column_values_array( $ids ) ) : $this->where_in( $this->get_id_column_name(), $ids );
* Adds a WHERE ... LIKE clause to your query.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @param mixed|null $value The value. Defaults to null.
* @return ORM
public function where_like( $column_name, $value = null ) {
return $this->add_simple_where( $column_name, 'LIKE', $value );
* Adds where WHERE ... NOT LIKE clause to your query.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @param mixed|null $value The value. Defaults to null.
* @return ORM
public function where_not_like( $column_name, $value = null ) {
return $this->add_simple_where( $column_name, 'NOT LIKE', $value );
* Adds a WHERE ... > clause to your query.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @param mixed|null $value The value. Defaults to null.
* @return ORM
public function where_gt( $column_name, $value = null ) {
return $this->add_simple_where( $column_name, '>', $value );
* Adds a WHERE ... < clause to your query.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @param mixed|null $value The value. Defaults to null.
* @return ORM
public function where_lt( $column_name, $value = null ) {
return $this->add_simple_where( $column_name, '<', $value );
* Adds a WHERE ... >= clause to your query.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @param mixed|null $value The value. Defaults to null.
* @return ORM
public function where_gte( $column_name, $value = null ) {
return $this->add_simple_where( $column_name, '>=', $value );
* Adds a WHERE ... <= clause to your query.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @param mixed|null $value The value. Defaults to null.
* @return ORM
public function where_lte( $column_name, $value = null ) {
return $this->add_simple_where( $column_name, '<=', $value );
* Adds a WHERE ... IN clause to your query.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @param array $values The values.
* @return ORM
public function where_in( $column_name, $values ) {
return $this->add_where_placeholder( $column_name, 'IN', $values );
* Adds a WHERE ... NOT IN clause to your query.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @param array $values The values.
* @return ORM
public function where_not_in( $column_name, $values ) {
return $this->add_where_placeholder( $column_name, 'NOT IN', $values );
* Adds a WHERE column IS NULL clause to your query.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @return ORM
public function where_null( $column_name ) {
return $this->add_where_no_value( $column_name, 'IS NULL' );
* Adds a WHERE column IS NOT NULL clause to your query.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @return ORM
public function where_not_null( $column_name ) {
return $this->add_where_no_value( $column_name, 'IS NOT NULL' );
* Adds a raw WHERE clause to the query. The clause should contain question mark placeholders, which will be bound
* to the parameters supplied in the second argument.
* @param string $clause The clause that should contain question mark placeholders.
* @param array $parameters The parameters to include in the query.
* @return ORM
public function where_raw( $clause, $parameters = [] ) {
return $this->add_where( $clause, $parameters );
* Adds a LIMIT to the query.
* @param int $limit The limit.
* @return ORM
public function limit( $limit ) {
$this->limit = $limit;
return $this;
* Adds an OFFSET to the query.
* @param int $offset The offset.
* @return ORM
public function offset( $offset ) {
$this->offset = $offset;
return $this;
* Adds an ORDER BY clause to the query.
* @param string $column_name The column name.
* @param string $ordering The ordering. DESC or ASC.
* @return ORM
protected function add_order_by( $column_name, $ordering ) {
$column_name = $this->quote_identifier( $column_name );
$this->order_by[] = "{$column_name} {$ordering}";
return $this;
* Adds an ORDER BY column DESC clause.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @return ORM
public function order_by_desc( $column_name ) {
return $this->add_order_by( $column_name, 'DESC' );
* Adds an ORDER BY column ASC clause.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @return ORM
public function order_by_asc( $column_name ) {
return $this->add_order_by( $column_name, 'ASC' );
* Adds an unquoted expression as an ORDER BY clause.
* @param string $clause The clause.
* @return ORM
public function order_by_expr( $clause ) {
$this->order_by[] = $clause;
return $this;
* Adds a column to the list of columns to GROUP BY.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @return ORM
public function group_by( $column_name ) {
$column_name = $this->quote_identifier( $column_name );
$this->group_by[] = $column_name;
return $this;
* Adds an unquoted expression to the list of columns to GROUP BY.
* @param string $expr The expression.
* @return ORM
public function group_by_expr( $expr ) {
$this->group_by[] = $expr;
return $this;
* Adds a HAVING column = value clause to your query.
* Each time this is called in the chain, an additional HAVING will be added, and these will be ANDed together when
* the final query is built.
* If you use an array in $column_name, a new clause will be added for each element. In this case, $value is
* ignored.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @param mixed|null $value The value.
* @return ORM
public function having( $column_name, $value = null ) {
return $this->having_equal( $column_name, $value );
* Adds a having equal to your query.
* More explicitly named version of for the having() method. Can be used if preferred.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @param mixed|null $value The value.
* @return ORM
public function having_equal( $column_name, $value = null ) {
return $this->add_simple_having( $column_name, '=', $value );
* Adds a HAVING column != value clause to your query.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @param mixed|null $value The value.
* @return ORM
public function having_not_equal( $column_name, $value = null ) {
return $this->add_simple_having( $column_name, '!=', $value );
* Queries the table by its primary key. Special method.
* If primary key is compound, only the columns that belong to they key will be used for the query.
* @param string $id The ID.
* @return ORM
public function having_id_is( $id ) {
return \is_array( $this->get_id_column_name() ) ? $this->having( $this->get_compound_id_column_values( $id ), null ) : $this->having( $this->get_id_column_name(), $id );
* Adds a HAVING ... LIKE clause to your query.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @param string|null $value The value.
* @return ORM
public function having_like( $column_name, $value = null ) {
return $this->add_simple_having( $column_name, 'LIKE', $value );
* Adds where HAVING ... NOT LIKE clause to your query.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @param string|null $value The value.
* @return ORM
public function having_not_like( $column_name, $value = null ) {
return $this->add_simple_having( $column_name, 'NOT LIKE', $value );
* Adds a HAVING ... > clause to your query.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @param mixed $value The value.
* @return ORM
public function having_gt( $column_name, $value = null ) {
return $this->add_simple_having( $column_name, '>', $value );
* Adds a HAVING ... < clause to your query.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @param mixed $value The value.
* @return ORM
public function having_lt( $column_name, $value = null ) {
return $this->add_simple_having( $column_name, '<', $value );
* Adds a HAVING ... >= clause to your query.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @param mixed $value The value. Defaults to null.
* @return ORM
public function having_gte( $column_name, $value = null ) {
return $this->add_simple_having( $column_name, '>=', $value );
* Adds a HAVING ... <= clause to your query.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @param mixed $value The value.
* @return ORM
public function having_lte( $column_name, $value = null ) {
return $this->add_simple_having( $column_name, '<=', $value );
* Adds a HAVING ... IN clause to your query.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @param array|null $values The values. Defaults to null.
* @return ORM
public function having_in( $column_name, $values = null ) {
return $this->add_having_placeholder( $column_name, 'IN', $values );
* Adds a HAVING ... NOT IN clause to your query.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @param array|null $values The values. Defaults to null.
* @return ORM
public function having_not_in( $column_name, $values = null ) {
return $this->add_having_placeholder( $column_name, 'NOT IN', $values );
* Adds a HAVING column IS NULL clause to your query.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @return ORM
public function having_null( $column_name ) {
return $this->add_having_no_value( $column_name, 'IS NULL' );
* Adds a HAVING column IS NOT NULL clause to your query.
* @param string|array $column_name The table column.
* @return ORM
public function having_not_null( $column_name ) {
return $this->add_having_no_value( $column_name, 'IS NOT NULL' );
* Adds a raw HAVING clause to the query. The clause should contain question mark placeholders, which will be bound
* to the parameters supplied in the second argument.
* @param string $clause The clause that should contain question mark placeholders.
* @param array $parameters The parameters to include in the query.
* @return ORM
public function having_raw( $clause, $parameters = [] ) {
return $this->add_having( $clause, $parameters );
* Builds a SELECT statement based on the clauses that have been passed to this instance by chaining method calls.
* @return string
protected function build_select() {
// If the query is raw, just set the $this->values to be the raw query parameters and return the raw query.
if ( $this->is_raw_query ) {
$this->values = $this->raw_parameters;
return $this->raw_query;
// Build and return the full SELECT statement by concatenating the results of calling each separate builder method.
return $this->join_if_not_empty(
' ',
* Builds the start of the SELECT statement.
* @return string
protected function build_select_start() {
$fragment = 'SELECT ';
$result_columns = \implode( ', ', $this->result_columns );
if ( $this->distinct ) {
$result_columns = 'DISTINCT ' . $result_columns;
$fragment .= "{$result_columns} FROM " . $this->quote_identifier( $this->table_name );
if ( ! \is_null( $this->table_alias ) ) {
$fragment .= ' ' . $this->quote_identifier( $this->table_alias );
return $fragment;
* Builds the JOIN sources.
* @return string
protected function build_join() {
if ( \count( $this->join_sources ) === 0 ) {
return '';
return \implode( ' ', $this->join_sources );
* Builds the WHERE clause(s).
* @return string
protected function build_where() {
return $this->build_conditions( 'where' );
* Build the HAVING clause(s)
* @return string
protected function build_having() {
return $this->build_conditions( 'having' );
* Builds GROUP BY.
* @return string
protected function build_group_by() {
if ( \count( $this->group_by ) === 0 ) {
return '';
return 'GROUP BY ' . \implode( ', ', $this->group_by );
* Builds a WHERE or HAVING clause.
* @param string $type Where or having.
* @return string
protected function build_conditions( $type ) {
$conditions_class_property_name = "{$type}_conditions";
// If there are no clauses, return empty string.
if ( \count( $this->{$conditions_class_property_name} ) === 0 ) {
return '';
$conditions = [];
foreach ( $this->{$conditions_class_property_name} as $condition ) {
$conditions[] = $condition[ self::CONDITION_FRAGMENT ];
$this->values = \array_merge( $this->values, $condition[ self::CONDITION_VALUES ] );
return \strtoupper( $type ) . ' ' . \implode( ' AND ', $conditions );
* Builds ORDER BY.
* @return string
protected function build_order_by() {
if ( \count( $this->order_by ) === 0 ) {
return '';
return 'ORDER BY ' . \implode( ', ', $this->order_by );
* Builds LIMIT.
* @return string
protected function build_limit() {
if ( ! \is_null( $this->limit ) ) {
return "LIMIT {$this->limit}";
return '';
* Builds OFFSET.
* @return string
protected function build_offset() {
if ( ! \is_null( $this->offset ) ) {
return 'OFFSET ' . $this->offset;
return '';
* Joins strings if they are not empty.
* @param string $glue Glue.
* @param string[] $pieces Pieces to join.
* @return string
protected function join_if_not_empty( $glue, $pieces ) {
$filtered_pieces = [];
foreach ( $pieces as $piece ) {
if ( \is_string( $piece ) ) {
$piece = \trim( $piece );
if ( ! empty( $piece ) ) {
$filtered_pieces[] = $piece;
return \implode( $glue, $filtered_pieces );
* Quotes a string that is used as an identifier (table names, column names etc).
* This method can also deal with dot-separated identifiers eg table.column.
* @param string|string[] $identifier One or more identifiers.
* @return string
protected function quote_one_identifier( $identifier ) {
$parts = \explode( '.', $identifier );
$parts = \array_map( [ $this, 'quote_identifier_part' ], $parts );
return \implode( '.', $parts );
* Quotes a string that is used as an identifier (table names, column names etc) or an array containing multiple
* identifiers. This method can also deal with dot-separated identifiers eg table.column.
* @param string|string[] $identifier One or more identifiers.
* @return string
protected function quote_identifier( $identifier ) {
if ( \is_array( $identifier ) ) {
$result = \array_map( [ $this, 'quote_one_identifier' ], $identifier );
return \implode( ', ', $result );
else {
return $this->quote_one_identifier( $identifier );
* Quotes a single part of an identifier, using the identifier quote character specified in the config
* (or autodetected).
* @param string $part The part to quote.
* @return string
protected function quote_identifier_part( $part ) {
if ( $part === '*' ) {
return $part;
$quote_character = '`';
// Double up any identifier quotes to escape them.
return $quote_character . \str_replace( $quote_character, $quote_character . $quote_character, $part ) . $quote_character;
* Executes the SELECT query that has been built up by chaining methods on this class.
* Return an array of rows as associative arrays.
* @return array|false The result rows. False if the query failed.
protected function run() {
global $wpdb;
$query = $this->build_select();
$success = self::execute( $query, $this->values );
if ( $success === false ) {
// If the query fails run the migrations and try again.
// Action is intentionally undocumented and should not be used by third-parties.
\do_action( '_yoast_run_migrations' );
$success = self::execute( $query, $this->values );
if ( $success === false ) {
return false;
$rows = [];
foreach ( $wpdb->last_result as $row ) {
$rows[] = \get_object_vars( $row );
return $rows;
* Resets the Idiorm instance state.
* @return void
private function reset_idiorm_state() {
$this->values = [];
$this->result_columns = [ '*' ];
$this->using_default_result_columns = true;
* Returns the raw data wrapped by this ORM instance as an associative array. Column names may optionally be
* supplied as arguments, if so, only those keys will be returned.
* @return array Associative array of the raw data.
public function as_array() {
if ( \func_num_args() === 0 ) {
return $this->data;
$args = \func_get_args();
return \array_intersect_key( $this->data, \array_flip( $args ) );
* Returns the value of a property of this object (database row) or null if not present.
* If a column-names array is passed, it will return a associative array with the value of each column or null if
* it is not present.
* @param string|array $key Key.
* @return array|mixed|null
public function get( $key ) {
if ( \is_array( $key ) ) {
$result = [];
foreach ( $key as $column ) {
$result[ $column ] = ( $this->data[ $column ] ?? null );
return $result;
else {
return ( $this->data[ $key ] ?? null );
* Returns the name of the column in the database table which contains the primary key ID of the row.
* @return string The primary key ID of the row.
protected function get_id_column_name() {
if ( ! \is_null( $this->instance_id_column ) ) {
return $this->instance_id_column;
return 'id';
* Gets the primary key ID of this object.
* @param bool $disallow_null Whether to allow null IDs.
* @return array|mixed|null
* @throws Exception Primary key ID contains null value(s).
* @throws Exception Primary key ID missing from row or is null.
public function id( $disallow_null = false ) {
$id = $this->get( $this->get_id_column_name() );
if ( $disallow_null ) {
if ( \is_array( $id ) ) {
foreach ( $id as $id_part ) {
if ( $id_part === null ) {
throw new Exception( 'Primary key ID contains null value(s)' );
elseif ( $id === null ) {
throw new Exception( 'Primary key ID missing from row or is null' );
return $id;
* Sets a property to a particular value on this object.
* To set multiple properties at once, pass an associative array as the first parameter and leave out the second
* parameter. Flags the properties as 'dirty' so they will be saved to the database when save() is called.
* @param string|array $key Key.
* @param string|null $value Value.
* @return ORM
public function set( $key, $value = null ) {
return $this->set_orm_property( $key, $value );
* Set a property to a particular value on this object as expression.
* To set multiple properties at once, pass an associative array as the first parameter and leave out the second
* parameter. Flags the properties as 'dirty' so they will be saved to the database when save() is called.
* @param string|array $key Key.
* @param string|null $value Value.
* @return ORM
public function set_expr( $key, $value = null ) {
return $this->set_orm_property( $key, $value, true );
* Sets a property on the ORM object.
* @param string|array $key Key.
* @param string|null $value Value.
* @param bool $expr Expression.
* @return ORM
protected function set_orm_property( $key, $value = null, $expr = false ) {
if ( ! \is_array( $key ) ) {
$key = [ $key => $value ];
foreach ( $key as $field => $value ) {
$this->data[ $field ] = $value;
$this->dirty_fields[ $field ] = $value;
if ( $expr === false && isset( $this->expr_fields[ $field ] ) ) {
unset( $this->expr_fields[ $field ] );
elseif ( $expr === true ) {
$this->expr_fields[ $field ] = true;
return $this;
* Checks whether the given field has been changed since this object was saved.
* @param mixed $key Key.
* @return bool
public function is_dirty( $key ) {
return \array_key_exists( $key, $this->dirty_fields );
* Checks whether the model was the result of a call to create() or not.
* @return bool
public function is_new() {
return $this->is_new;
* Saves any fields which have been modified on this object to the database.
* @return bool True on success.
* @throws Exception Primary key ID contains null value(s).
* @throws Exception Primary key ID missing from row or is null.
public function save() {
global $wpdb;
// Remove any expression fields as they are already baked into the query.
$values = \array_values( \array_diff_key( $this->dirty_fields, $this->expr_fields ) );
if ( ! $this->is_new ) {
// If there are no dirty values, do nothing.
if ( empty( $values ) && empty( $this->expr_fields ) ) {
return true;
$query = \implode( ' ', [ $this->build_update(), $this->add_id_column_conditions() ] );
$id = $this->id( true );
if ( \is_array( $id ) ) {
$values = \array_merge( $values, \array_values( $id ) );
else {
$values[] = $id;
else {
$query = $this->build_insert();
$success = self::execute( $query, $values );
// If we've just inserted a new record, set the ID of this object.
if ( $this->is_new ) {
$this->is_new = false;
if ( $this->count_null_id_columns() !== 0 ) {
$column = $this->get_id_column_name();
// If the primary key is compound, assign the last inserted id to the first column.
if ( \is_array( $column ) ) {
$column = \reset( $column );
// Explicitly cast to int to make dealing with Id's simpler.
$this->data[ $column ] = (int) $wpdb->insert_id;
$this->dirty_fields = [];
$this->expr_fields = [];
return $success;
* Extracts and gathers all dirty column names from the given model instances.
* @param array $models Array of model instances to be inserted.
* @return array The distinct set of columns that are dirty in at least one of the models.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException Instance to be inserted is not a new one.
public function get_dirty_column_names( $models ) {
$dirty_column_names = [];
foreach ( $models as $model ) {
if ( ! $model->orm->is_new() ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Instance to be inserted is not a new one' );
// Remove any expression fields as they are already baked into the query.
$dirty_fields = \array_diff_key( $model->orm->dirty_fields, $model->orm->expr_fields );
$dirty_column_names = \array_merge( $dirty_column_names, $dirty_fields );
$dirty_column_names = \array_keys( $dirty_column_names );
return $dirty_column_names;
* Inserts multiple rows in a single query. Expects new rows as it's a strictly insert function, not an update one.
* @example From the Indexable_Link_Builder class: $this->seo_links_repository->query()->insert_many( $links );
* @param array $models Array of model instances to be inserted.
* @return bool True for successful insert, false for failed.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException Invalid instances to be inserted.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException Instance to be inserted is not a new one.
public function insert_many( $models ) {
// Validate the input first.
if ( ! \is_array( $models ) ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid instances to be inserted' );
if ( empty( $models ) ) {
return true;
$success = true;
* Filter: 'wpseo_chunk_bulked_insert_queries' - Allow filtering the chunk size of each bulked INSERT query.
* @param int $chunk_size The chunk size of the bulked INSERT queries.
$chunk = \apply_filters( 'wpseo_chunk_bulk_insert_queries', 100 );
$chunk = ! \is_int( $chunk ) ? 100 : $chunk;
$chunk = ( $chunk <= 0 ) ? 100 : $chunk;
$chunked_models = \array_chunk( $models, $chunk );
foreach ( $chunked_models as $models_chunk ) {
$values = [];
// First, we'll gather all the dirty fields throughout the models to be inserted.
$dirty_column_names = $this->get_dirty_column_names( $models_chunk );
// Now, we're creating all dirty fields throughout the models and
// setting them to null if they don't exist in each model.
foreach ( $models_chunk as $model ) {
$model_values = [];
foreach ( $dirty_column_names as $dirty_column ) {
// Set the value to null if it hasn't been set already.
if ( ! isset( $model->orm->dirty_fields[ $dirty_column ] ) ) {
$model->orm->dirty_fields[ $dirty_column ] = null;
// Only register the value if it is not null.
if ( ! \is_null( $model->orm->dirty_fields[ $dirty_column ] ) ) {
$model_values[] = $model->orm->dirty_fields[ $dirty_column ];
$values = \array_merge( $values, $model_values );
// We now have the same set of dirty columns in all our models and also gathered all values.
$query = $this->build_insert_many( $models_chunk, $dirty_column_names );
$success = $success && (bool) self::execute( $query, $values );
return $success;
* Updates many records in the database.
* @return int|bool The number of rows changed if the query was succesful. False otherwise.
public function update_many() {
// Remove any expression fields as they are already baked into the query.
$values = \array_values( \array_diff_key( $this->dirty_fields, $this->expr_fields ) );
// If there are no dirty values, do nothing.
if ( empty( $values ) && empty( $this->expr_fields ) ) {
return true;
$query = $this->join_if_not_empty( ' ', [ $this->build_update(), $this->build_where() ] );
$success = self::execute( $query, \array_merge( $values, $this->values ) );
$this->dirty_fields = [];
$this->expr_fields = [];
return $success;
* Adds a WHERE clause for every column that belongs to the primary key.
* @return string The where part of the query.
public function add_id_column_conditions() {
$query = [];
$query[] = 'WHERE';
$keys = \is_array( $this->get_id_column_name() ) ? $this->get_id_column_name() : [ $this->get_id_column_name() ];
$first = true;
foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
if ( $first ) {
$first = false;
else {
$query[] = 'AND';
$query[] = $this->quote_identifier( $key );
$query[] = '= %s';
return \implode( ' ', $query );
* Builds an UPDATE query.
* @return string The update query.
protected function build_update() {
$query = [];
$query[] = "UPDATE {$this->quote_identifier($this->table_name)} SET";
$field_list = [];
foreach ( $this->dirty_fields as $key => $value ) {
if ( ! \array_key_exists( $key, $this->expr_fields ) ) {
$value = ( $value === null ) ? 'NULL' : '%s';
$field_list[] = "{$this->quote_identifier($key)} = {$value}";
$query[] = \implode( ', ', $field_list );
return \implode( ' ', $query );
* Builds an INSERT query.
* @return string The insert query.
protected function build_insert() {
$query = [];
$query[] = 'INSERT INTO';
$query[] = $this->quote_identifier( $this->table_name );
$field_list = \array_map( [ $this, 'quote_identifier' ], \array_keys( $this->dirty_fields ) );
$query[] = '(' . \implode( ', ', $field_list ) . ')';
$query[] = 'VALUES';
$placeholders = $this->create_placeholders( $this->dirty_fields );
$query[] = "({$placeholders})";
return \implode( ' ', $query );
* Builds a bulk INSERT query.
* @param array $models Array of model instances to be inserted.
* @param array $dirty_column_names Array of dirty fields to be used in INSERT.
* @return string The insert query.
protected function build_insert_many( $models, $dirty_column_names ) {
$example_model = $models[0];
$total_placeholders = '';
$query = [];
$query[] = 'INSERT INTO';
$query[] = $this->quote_identifier( $example_model->orm->table_name );
$field_list = \array_map( [ $this, 'quote_identifier' ], $dirty_column_names );
$query[] = '(' . \implode( ', ', $field_list ) . ')';
$query[] = 'VALUES';
// We assign placeholders per model for dirty fields that have values and NULL for dirty fields that don't.
foreach ( $models as $model ) {
$placeholder = [];
foreach ( $dirty_column_names as $dirty_field ) {
$placeholder[] = ( $model->orm->dirty_fields[ $dirty_field ] === null ) ? 'NULL' : '%s';
$placeholders = \implode( ', ', $placeholder );
$total_placeholders .= "({$placeholders}),";
$query[] = \rtrim( $total_placeholders, ',' );
return \implode( ' ', $query );
* Deletes this record from the database.
* @return string The delete query.
* @throws Exception Primary key ID contains null value(s).
* @throws Exception Primary key ID missing from row or is null.
public function delete() {
$query = [ 'DELETE FROM', $this->quote_identifier( $this->table_name ), $this->add_id_column_conditions() ];
return self::execute( \implode( ' ', $query ), \is_array( $this->id( true ) ) ? \array_values( $this->id( true ) ) : [ $this->id( true ) ] );
* Deletes many records from the database.
* @return bool|int Response of wpdb::query.
public function delete_many() {
// Build and return the full DELETE statement by concatenating
// the results of calling each separate builder method.
$query = $this->join_if_not_empty(
' ',
$this->quote_identifier( $this->table_name ),
return self::execute( $query, $this->values );
* --- ArrayAccess ---
* Checks whether the data has the key.
* @param mixed $offset Key.
* @return bool Whether the data has the key.
public function offsetExists( $offset ) {
return \array_key_exists( $offset, $this->data );
* Retrieves the value of the key.
* @param mixed $offset Key.
* @return array|mixed|null The value.
public function offsetGet( $offset ) {
return $this->get( $offset );
* Sets the value of the key.
* @param string|int $offset Key.
* @param mixed $value Value.
* @return void
public function offsetSet( $offset, $value ) {
if ( \is_null( $offset ) ) {
$this->set( $offset, $value );
* Removes the given key from the data.
* @param mixed $offset Key.
* @return void
public function offsetUnset( $offset ) {
unset( $this->data[ $offset ] );
unset( $this->dirty_fields[ $offset ] );
* Handles magic get via offset.
* @param mixed $key Key.
* @return array|mixed|null The value in the offset.
public function __get( $key ) {
return $this->offsetGet( $key );
* Handles magic set via offset.
* @param string|int $key Key.
* @param mixed $value Value.
* @return void
public function __set( $key, $value ) {
$this->offsetSet( $key, $value );
* Handles magic unset via offset.
* @param mixed $key Key.
* @return void
public function __unset( $key ) {
$this->offsetUnset( $key );
* Handles magic isset via offset.
* @param mixed $key Key.
* @return bool Whether the offset has the key.
public function __isset( $key ) {
return $this->offsetExists( $key );