File "CssDocument.php"
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namespace Pelago\Emogrifier\Css;
use Sabberworm\CSS\CSSList\AtRuleBlockList as CssAtRuleBlockList;
use Sabberworm\CSS\CSSList\Document as SabberwormCssDocument;
use Sabberworm\CSS\Parser as CssParser;
use Sabberworm\CSS\Property\AtRule as CssAtRule;
use Sabberworm\CSS\Property\Charset as CssCharset;
use Sabberworm\CSS\Property\Import as CssImport;
use Sabberworm\CSS\Renderable as CssRenderable;
use Sabberworm\CSS\RuleSet\DeclarationBlock as CssDeclarationBlock;
use Sabberworm\CSS\RuleSet\RuleSet as CssRuleSet;
* Parses and stores a CSS document from a string of CSS, and provides methods to obtain the CSS in parts or as data
* structures.
* @internal
class CssDocument
* @var SabberwormCssDocument
private $sabberwormCssDocument;
* `@import` rules must precede all other types of rules, except `@charset` rules. This property is used while
* rendering at-rules to enforce that.
* @var bool
private $isImportRuleAllowed = true;
* @param string $css
public function __construct(string $css)
$cssParser = new CssParser($css);
/** @var SabberwormCssDocument $sabberwormCssDocument */
$sabberwormCssDocument = $cssParser->parse();
$this->sabberwormCssDocument = $sabberwormCssDocument;
* Collates the media query, selectors and declarations for individual rules from the parsed CSS, in order.
* @param array<array-key, string> $allowedMediaTypes
* @return array<int, StyleRule>
public function getStyleRulesData(array $allowedMediaTypes): array
$ruleMatches = [];
/** @var CssRenderable $rule */
foreach ($this->sabberwormCssDocument->getContents() as $rule) {
if ($rule instanceof CssAtRuleBlockList) {
$containingAtRule = $this->getFilteredAtIdentifierAndRule($rule, $allowedMediaTypes);
if (\is_string($containingAtRule)) {
/** @var CssRenderable $nestedRule */
foreach ($rule->getContents() as $nestedRule) {
if ($nestedRule instanceof CssDeclarationBlock) {
$ruleMatches[] = new StyleRule($nestedRule, $containingAtRule);
} elseif ($rule instanceof CssDeclarationBlock) {
$ruleMatches[] = new StyleRule($rule);
return $ruleMatches;
* Renders at-rules from the parsed CSS that are valid and not conditional group rules (i.e. not rules such as
* `@media` which contain style rules whose data is returned by {@see getStyleRulesData}). Also does not render
* `@charset` rules; these are discarded (only UTF-8 is supported).
* @return string
public function renderNonConditionalAtRules(): string
$this->isImportRuleAllowed = true;
/** @var array<int, CssRenderable> $cssContents */
$cssContents = $this->sabberwormCssDocument->getContents();
$atRules = \array_filter($cssContents, [$this, 'isValidAtRuleToRender']);
if ($atRules === []) {
return '';
$atRulesDocument = new SabberwormCssDocument();
/** @var string $renderedRules */
$renderedRules = $atRulesDocument->render();
return $renderedRules;
* @param CssAtRuleBlockList $rule
* @param array<array-key, string> $allowedMediaTypes
* @return ?string
* If the nested at-rule is supported, it's opening declaration (e.g. "@media (max-width: 768px)") is
* returned; otherwise the return value is null.
private function getFilteredAtIdentifierAndRule(CssAtRuleBlockList $rule, array $allowedMediaTypes): ?string
$result = null;
if ($rule->atRuleName() === 'media') {
/** @var string $mediaQueryList */
$mediaQueryList = $rule->atRuleArgs();
[$mediaType] = \explode('(', $mediaQueryList, 2);
if (\trim($mediaType) !== '') {
$escapedAllowedMediaTypes = \array_map(
static function (string $allowedMediaType): string {
return \preg_quote($allowedMediaType, '/');
$mediaTypesMatcher = \implode('|', $escapedAllowedMediaTypes);
$isAllowed = \preg_match('/^\\s*+(?:only\\s++)?+(?:' . $mediaTypesMatcher . ')/i', $mediaType) > 0;
} else {
$isAllowed = true;
if ($isAllowed) {
$result = '@media ' . $mediaQueryList;
return $result;
* Tests if a CSS rule is an at-rule that should be passed though and copied to a `<style>` element unmodified:
* - `@charset` rules are discarded - only UTF-8 is supported - `false` is returned;
* - `@import` rules are passed through only if they satisfy the specification ("user agents must ignore any
* '@import' rule that occurs inside a block or after any non-ignored statement other than an '@charset' or an
* '@import' rule");
* - `@media` rules are processed separately to see if their nested rules apply - `false` is returned;
* - `@font-face` rules are checked for validity - they must contain both a `src` and `font-family` property;
* - other at-rules are assumed to be valid and treated as a black box - `true` is returned.
* @param CssRenderable $rule
* @return bool
private function isValidAtRuleToRender(CssRenderable $rule): bool
if ($rule instanceof CssCharset) {
return false;
if ($rule instanceof CssImport) {
return $this->isImportRuleAllowed;
$this->isImportRuleAllowed = false;
if (!$rule instanceof CssAtRule) {
return false;
switch ($rule->atRuleName()) {
case 'media':
$result = false;
case 'font-face':
$result = $rule instanceof CssRuleSet
&& $rule->getRules('font-family') !== []
&& $rule->getRules('src') !== [];
$result = true;
return $result;