File "class-cookiestate.php"
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* Pass state to subsequent requests via cookies.
* @package automattic/jetpack-status
namespace Automattic\Jetpack;
* Class Automattic\Jetpack\Status
* Used to retrieve information about the current status of Jetpack and the site overall.
class CookieState {
* State is passed via cookies from one request to the next, but never to subsequent requests.
* SET: state( $key, $value );
* GET: $value = state( $key );
* @param string $key State key.
* @param string $value Value.
* @param bool $restate Reset the cookie (private).
public function state( $key = null, $value = null, $restate = false ) {
static $state = array();
static $path, $domain;
if ( ! isset( $path ) ) {
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';
$admin_url = ( new Paths() )->admin_url();
$bits = wp_parse_url( $admin_url );
if ( is_array( $bits ) ) {
$path = ( isset( $bits['path'] ) ) ? dirname( $bits['path'] ) : null;
$domain = ( isset( $bits['host'] ) ) ? $bits['host'] : null;
} else {
$path = null;
$domain = null;
// Extract state from cookies and delete cookies.
if ( isset( $_COOKIE['jetpackState'] ) && is_array( $_COOKIE['jetpackState'] ) ) {
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized -- User should sanitize if necessary.
$yum = wp_unslash( $_COOKIE['jetpackState'] );
unset( $_COOKIE['jetpackState'] );
foreach ( $yum as $k => $v ) {
if ( strlen( $v ) ) {
$state[ $k ] = $v;
setcookie( "jetpackState[$k]", false, 0, $path, $domain, is_ssl(), true );
if ( $restate ) {
foreach ( $state as $k => $v ) {
setcookie( "jetpackState[$k]", $v, 0, $path, $domain, is_ssl(), true );
// Get a state variable.
if ( isset( $key ) && ! isset( $value ) ) {
if ( array_key_exists( $key, $state ) ) {
return $state[ $key ];
return null;
// Set a state variable.
if ( isset( $key ) && isset( $value ) ) {
if ( is_array( $value ) && isset( $value[0] ) ) {
$value = $value[0];
$state[ $key ] = $value;
if ( ! headers_sent() ) {
if ( $this->should_set_cookie( $key ) ) {
setcookie( "jetpackState[$key]", $value, 0, $path, $domain, is_ssl(), true );
* Determines whether the jetpackState[$key] value should be added to the
* cookie.
* @param string $key The state key.
* @return boolean Whether the value should be added to the cookie.
public function should_set_cookie( $key ) {
global $current_screen;
$page = isset( $current_screen->base ) ? $current_screen->base : null;
if ( 'toplevel_page_jetpack' === $page && 'display_update_modal' === $key ) {
return false;
return true;