File "PaymentProviders-20250317144901-20250318062804.php"
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declare( strict_types=1 );
namespace Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\Admin\Settings;
use Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\PluginsHelper;
use Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\Admin\Settings\PaymentProviders\AmazonPay;
use Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\Admin\Settings\PaymentProviders\MercadoPago;
use Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\Admin\Settings\PaymentProviders\Mollie;
use Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\Admin\Settings\PaymentProviders\PaymentGateway;
use Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\Admin\Settings\PaymentProviders\PayPal;
use Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\Admin\Settings\PaymentProviders\Stripe;
use Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\Admin\Settings\PaymentProviders\WCCore;
use Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\Admin\Settings\PaymentProviders\WooPayments;
use Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\Admin\Suggestions\PaymentExtensionSuggestions as ExtensionSuggestions;
use Exception;
use WC_Payment_Gateway;
use WC_Gateway_BACS;
use WC_Gateway_Cheque;
use WC_Gateway_COD;
use WC_Gateway_Paypal;
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
* Payment Providers class.
class PaymentProviders {
public const TYPE_GATEWAY = 'gateway';
public const TYPE_OFFLINE_PM = 'offline_pm';
public const TYPE_OFFLINE_PMS_GROUP = 'offline_pms_group';
public const TYPE_SUGGESTION = 'suggestion';
public const OFFLINE_METHODS = array( WC_Gateway_BACS::ID, WC_Gateway_Cheque::ID, WC_Gateway_COD::ID );
public const EXTENSION_NOT_INSTALLED = 'not_installed';
public const EXTENSION_INSTALLED = 'installed';
public const EXTENSION_ACTIVE = 'active';
public const EXTENSION_TYPE_WPORG = 'wporg';
public const PROVIDERS_ORDER_OPTION = 'woocommerce_gateway_order';
public const SUGGESTION_ORDERING_PREFIX = '_wc_pes_';
public const OFFLINE_METHODS_ORDERING_GROUP = '_wc_offline_payment_methods_group';
public const CATEGORY_EXPRESS_CHECKOUT = 'express_checkout';
public const CATEGORY_BNPL = 'bnpl';
public const CATEGORY_CRYPTO = 'crypto';
public const CATEGORY_PSP = 'psp';
* The map of gateway IDs to their respective provider classes.
* @var \class-string[]
private array $payment_gateways_providers_class_map = array(
WC_Gateway_BACS::ID => WCCore::class,
WC_Gateway_Cheque::ID => WCCore::class,
WC_Gateway_COD::ID => WCCore::class,
WC_Gateway_Paypal::ID => WCCore::class,
'woocommerce_payments' => WooPayments::class,
'ppcp-gateway' => PayPal::class,
'stripe' => Stripe::class,
'mollie' => Mollie::class,
'mollie_wc_gateway_*' => Mollie::class, // Target all the Mollie gateways.
'amazon_payments_advanced*' => AmazonPay::class,
'woo-mercado-pago-*' => MercadoPago::class,
* The instances of the payment providers.
* @var PaymentGateway[]
private array $instances = array();
* The memoized payment gateways to avoid computing the list multiple times during a request.
* @var array|null
private ?array $payment_gateways_memo = null;
* The payment extension suggestions service.
* @var ExtensionSuggestions
private ExtensionSuggestions $extension_suggestions;
* Initialize the class instance.
* @param ExtensionSuggestions $payment_extension_suggestions The payment extension suggestions service.
* @internal
final public function init( ExtensionSuggestions $payment_extension_suggestions ): void {
$this->extension_suggestions = $payment_extension_suggestions;
* Get the payment gateways for the settings page.
* We apply the same actions and logic that the non-React Payments settings page uses to get the gateways.
* This way we maintain backwards compatibility.
* @param bool $exclude_shells Whether to exclude "shell" gateways that are not intended for display.
* Default is true.
* @return array The payment gateway objects list.
public function get_payment_gateways( bool $exclude_shells = true ): array {
if ( ! is_null( $this->payment_gateways_memo ) ) {
$payment_gateways = $this->payment_gateways_memo;
} else {
// We don't want to output anything from the action. So we buffer it and discard it.
// We just want to give the payment extensions a chance to adjust the payment gateways list for the settings page.
// This is primarily for backwards compatibility.
* Fires before the payment gateways settings fields are rendered.
* @since 1.5.7
do_action( 'woocommerce_admin_field_payment_gateways' );
// Get all payment gateways, ordered by the user.
$payment_gateways = WC()->payment_gateways()->payment_gateways;
// Handle edge-cases for certain providers.
$payment_gateways = $this->handle_non_standard_registration_for_payment_gateways( $payment_gateways );
// Store the entire payment gateways list for later use.
$this->payment_gateways_memo = $payment_gateways;
// Remove "shell" gateways that are not intended for display.
// We consider a gateway to be a "shell" if it has no WC admin title or description.
if ( $exclude_shells ) {
$payment_gateways = array_filter(
function ( $gateway ) {
return ! empty( $gateway->get_method_title() ) || ! empty( $gateway->get_method_description() );
return $payment_gateways;
* Get the payment gateways details.
* @param WC_Payment_Gateway $payment_gateway The payment gateway object.
* @param int $payment_gateway_order The order of the payment gateway.
* @param string $country_code Optional. The country code for which the details are being gathered.
* This should be a ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
* @return array The payment gateway details.
public function get_payment_gateway_details( WC_Payment_Gateway $payment_gateway, int $payment_gateway_order, string $country_code = '' ): array {
return $this->enhance_payment_gateway_details(
$this->get_payment_gateway_base_details( $payment_gateway, $payment_gateway_order, $country_code ),
* Get the payment gateways details from the object.
* @param WC_Payment_Gateway $payment_gateway The payment gateway object.
* @param int $payment_gateway_order The order of the payment gateway.
* @param string $country_code Optional. The country code for which the details are being gathered.
* This should be a ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
* @return array The payment gateway base details.
public function get_payment_gateway_base_details( WC_Payment_Gateway $payment_gateway, int $payment_gateway_order, string $country_code = '' ): array {
$provider = $this->get_gateway_provider_instance( $payment_gateway->id );
return $provider->get_details( $payment_gateway, $payment_gateway_order, $country_code );
* Get the source plugin slug of a payment gateway instance.
* @param WC_Payment_Gateway $payment_gateway The payment gateway object.
* @return string The plugin slug of the payment gateway.
public function get_payment_gateway_plugin_slug( WC_Payment_Gateway $payment_gateway ): string {
$provider = $this->get_gateway_provider_instance( $payment_gateway->id );
return $provider->get_plugin_slug( $payment_gateway );
* Get the plugin file of payment gateway, without the .php extension.
* This is useful for the WP API, which expects the plugin file without the .php extension.
* @param WC_Payment_Gateway $payment_gateway The payment gateway object.
* @param string $plugin_slug Optional. The payment gateway plugin slug to use directly.
* @return string The plugin file corresponding to the payment gateway plugin. Does not include the .php extension.
public function get_payment_gateway_plugin_file( WC_Payment_Gateway $payment_gateway, string $plugin_slug = '' ): string {
$provider = $this->get_gateway_provider_instance( $payment_gateway->id );
return $provider->get_plugin_file( $payment_gateway, $plugin_slug );
* Get the offline payment methods gateways.
* @return array The registered offline payment methods gateways keyed by their global gateways list order/index.
public function get_offline_payment_methods_gateways(): array {
return array_filter(
$this->get_payment_gateways( false ), // We include the shells to get the global order/index.
function ( $gateway ) {
return $this->is_offline_payment_method( $gateway->id );
* Check if a payment gateway is an offline payment method.
* @param string $id The ID of the payment gateway.
* @return bool True if the payment gateway is an offline payment method, false otherwise.
public function is_offline_payment_method( string $id ): bool {
return in_array( $id, self::OFFLINE_METHODS, true );
* Get the payment extension suggestions for the given location.
* @param string $location The location for which the suggestions are being fetched.
* @param string $context Optional. The context ID of where these extensions are being used.
* @return array[] The payment extension suggestions for the given location, split into preferred and other.
* @throws Exception If there are malformed or invalid suggestions.
public function get_extension_suggestions( string $location, string $context = '' ): array {
$preferred_psp = null;
$preferred_apm = null;
$other = array();
$extensions = $this->extension_suggestions->get_country_extensions( $location, $context );
// Sort them by _priority.
function ( $a, $b ) {
return $a['_priority'] <=> $b['_priority'];
$has_enabled_ecommerce_gateways = $this->has_enabled_ecommerce_gateways();
// Keep track of the active extensions.
$active_extensions = array();
foreach ( $extensions as $extension ) {
$extension = $this->enhance_extension_suggestion( $extension );
if ( self::EXTENSION_ACTIVE === $extension['plugin']['status'] ) {
// If the suggested extension is active, we no longer suggest it.
// But remember it for later.
$active_extensions[] = $extension['id'];
// Determine if the suggestion is preferred or not by looking at its tags.
$is_preferred = in_array( ExtensionSuggestions::TAG_PREFERRED, $extension['tags'], true );
// Determine if the suggestion is hidden (from the preferred locations).
$is_hidden = $this->is_payment_extension_suggestion_hidden( $extension );
if ( ! $is_hidden && $is_preferred ) {
// If the suggestion is preferred, add it to the preferred list.
if ( empty( $preferred_psp ) && ExtensionSuggestions::TYPE_PSP === $extension['_type'] ) {
$preferred_psp = $extension;
// In the preferred APM slot we might surface APMs but also Express Checkouts (PayPal Wallet).
if ( empty( $preferred_apm ) &&
in_array( $extension['_type'], array( ExtensionSuggestions::TYPE_APM, ExtensionSuggestions::TYPE_EXPRESS_CHECKOUT ), true ) ) {
$preferred_apm = $extension;
if ( $is_hidden &&
ExtensionSuggestions::TYPE_APM === $extension['_type'] &&
ExtensionSuggestions::PAYPAL_FULL_STACK === $extension['id'] ) {
// If the PayPal Full Stack suggestion is hidden, we no longer suggest it,
// because we have the PayPal Express Checkout (Wallet) suggestion.
// If there are no enabled ecommerce gateways (no PSP selected),
// we don't suggest express checkout, BNPL, or crypto extensions.
if ( ! $has_enabled_ecommerce_gateways &&
in_array( $extension['_type'], array( ExtensionSuggestions::TYPE_EXPRESS_CHECKOUT, ExtensionSuggestions::TYPE_BNPL, ExtensionSuggestions::TYPE_CRYPTO ), true )
) {
// If WooPayments or Stripe is active, we don't suggest other BNPLs.
if ( ExtensionSuggestions::TYPE_BNPL === $extension['_type'] &&
in_array( ExtensionSuggestions::STRIPE, $active_extensions, true ) ||
in_array( ExtensionSuggestions::WOOPAYMENTS, $active_extensions, true )
) {
// If we made it to this point, the suggestion goes into the other list.
// But first, make sure there isn't already an extension added to the other list with the same plugin slug.
// This can happen if the same extension is suggested as both a PSP and an APM.
// The first entry that we encounter is the one that we keep.
$extension_slug = $extension['plugin']['slug'];
$extension_exists = array_filter(
function ( $suggestion ) use ( $extension_slug ) {
return $suggestion['plugin']['slug'] === $extension_slug;
if ( ! empty( $extension_exists ) ) {
$other[] = $extension;
// Make sure that the preferred suggestions are not among the other list by removing any entries with their plugin slug.
$other = array_values(
function ( $suggestion ) use ( $preferred_psp, $preferred_apm ) {
return ( empty( $preferred_psp ) || $suggestion['plugin']['slug'] !== $preferred_psp['plugin']['slug'] ) &&
( empty( $preferred_apm ) || $suggestion['plugin']['slug'] !== $preferred_apm['plugin']['slug'] );
// The preferred PSP gets a recommended tag that instructs the UI to highlight it further.
if ( ! empty( $preferred_psp ) ) {
$preferred_psp['tags'][] = ExtensionSuggestions::TAG_RECOMMENDED;
return array(
'preferred' => array_values(
// The PSP should naturally have a higher priority than the APM.
// No need to impose a specific order here.
'other' => $other,
* Get a payment extension suggestion by ID.
* @param string $id The ID of the payment extension suggestion.
* @return ?array The payment extension suggestion details, or null if not found.
public function get_extension_suggestion_by_id( string $id ): ?array {
return $this->extension_suggestions->get_by_id( $id );
* Get a payment extension suggestion by plugin slug.
* @param string $slug The plugin slug of the payment extension suggestion.
* @param string $country_code Optional. The business location country code to get the suggestions for.
* @return ?array The payment extension suggestion details, or null if not found.
public function get_extension_suggestion_by_plugin_slug( string $slug, string $country_code = '' ): ?array {
return $this->extension_suggestions->get_by_plugin_slug( $slug, $country_code, Payments::SUGGESTIONS_CONTEXT );
* Hide a payment extension suggestion.
* @param string $id The ID of the payment extension suggestion to hide.
* @return bool True if the suggestion was successfully hidden, false otherwise.
* @throws Exception If the suggestion ID is invalid.
public function hide_extension_suggestion( string $id ): bool {
// We may receive a suggestion ID that is actually an order map ID used in the settings page providers list.
// Extract the suggestion ID from the order map ID.
if ( $this->is_suggestion_order_map_id( $id ) ) {
$id = $this->get_suggestion_id_from_order_map_id( $id );
$suggestion = $this->get_extension_suggestion_by_id( $id );
if ( is_null( $suggestion ) ) {
throw new Exception( esc_html__( 'Invalid suggestion ID.', 'woocommerce' ) );
$user_payments_nox_profile = get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), Payments::USER_PAYMENTS_NOX_PROFILE_KEY, true );
if ( empty( $user_payments_nox_profile ) ) {
$user_payments_nox_profile = array();
} else {
$user_payments_nox_profile = maybe_unserialize( $user_payments_nox_profile );
// Mark the suggestion as hidden.
if ( empty( $user_payments_nox_profile['hidden_suggestions'] ) ) {
$user_payments_nox_profile['hidden_suggestions'] = array();
// Check if it is already hidden.
if ( in_array( $id, array_column( $user_payments_nox_profile['hidden_suggestions'], 'id' ), true ) ) {
return true;
$user_payments_nox_profile['hidden_suggestions'][] = array(
'id' => $id,
'timestamp' => time(),
$result = update_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), Payments::USER_PAYMENTS_NOX_PROFILE_KEY, $user_payments_nox_profile );
// Since we already check if the suggestion is already hidden, we should not get a false result
// for trying to update with the same value. False means the update failed and the suggestion is not hidden.
if ( false === $result ) {
return false;
return true;
* Get the payment extension suggestions categories details.
* @return array The payment extension suggestions categories.
public function get_extension_suggestion_categories(): array {
$categories = array();
$categories[] = array(
'_priority' => 10,
'title' => esc_html__( 'Express Checkouts', 'woocommerce' ),
'description' => esc_html__( 'Allow shoppers to fast-track the checkout process with express options like Apple Pay and Google Pay.', 'woocommerce' ),
$categories[] = array(
'id' => self::CATEGORY_BNPL,
'_priority' => 20,
'title' => esc_html__( 'Buy Now, Pay Later', 'woocommerce' ),
'description' => esc_html__( 'Offer flexible payment options to your shoppers.', 'woocommerce' ),
$categories[] = array(
'id' => self::CATEGORY_CRYPTO,
'_priority' => 30,
'title' => esc_html__( 'Crypto Payments', 'woocommerce' ),
'description' => esc_html__( 'Offer cryptocurrency payment options to your shoppers.', 'woocommerce' ),
$categories[] = array(
'id' => self::CATEGORY_PSP,
'_priority' => 40,
'title' => esc_html__( 'Payment Providers', 'woocommerce' ),
'description' => esc_html__( 'Give your shoppers additional ways to pay.', 'woocommerce' ),
return $categories;
* Get the payment providers order map.
* @return array The payment providers order map.
public function get_order_map(): array {
// This will also handle backwards compatibility.
return $this->enhance_order_map( get_option( self::PROVIDERS_ORDER_OPTION, array() ) );
* Save the payment providers order map.
* @param array $order_map The order map to save.
* @return bool True if the payment providers order map was successfully saved, false otherwise.
public function save_order_map( array $order_map ): bool {
return update_option( self::PROVIDERS_ORDER_OPTION, $order_map );
* Update the payment providers order map.
* This has effects both on the Payments settings page and the checkout page
* since registered payment gateways (enabled or not) are among the providers.
* @param array $order_map The new order for payment providers.
* The order map should be an associative array where the keys are the payment provider IDs
* and the values are the new integer order for the payment provider.
* This can be a partial list of payment providers and their orders.
* It can also contain new IDs and their orders.
* @return bool True if the payment providers ordering was successfully updated, false otherwise.
public function update_payment_providers_order_map( array $order_map ): bool {
$existing_order_map = get_option( self::PROVIDERS_ORDER_OPTION, array() );
$new_order_map = $this->payment_providers_order_map_apply_mappings( $existing_order_map, $order_map );
// This will also handle backwards compatibility.
$new_order_map = $this->enhance_order_map( $new_order_map );
// Save the new order map to the DB.
$result = $this->save_order_map( $new_order_map );
return $result;
* Enhance a payment providers order map.
* If the payments providers order map is empty, it will be initialized with the current WC payment gateway ordering.
* If there are missing entries (registered payment gateways, suggestions, offline PMs, etc.), they will be added.
* Various rules will be enforced (e.g., offline PMs and their relation with the offline PMs group).
* @param array $order_map The payment providers order map.
* @return array The updated payment providers order map.
public function enhance_order_map( array $order_map ): array {
// We don't exclude shells here, because we need to get the order of all the registered payment gateways.
$payment_gateways = $this->get_payment_gateways( false );
// Make it a list keyed by the payment gateway ID.
$payment_gateways = array_combine(
fn( $gateway ) => $gateway->id,
// Get the payment gateways order map.
$payment_gateways_order_map = array_flip( array_keys( $payment_gateways ) );
// Get the payment gateways to suggestions map.
$payment_gateways_to_suggestions_map = array_map(
fn( $gateway ) => $this->extension_suggestions->get_by_plugin_slug( Utils::normalize_plugin_slug( $this->get_payment_gateway_plugin_slug( $gateway ) ) ),
* Initialize the order map with the current ordering.
if ( empty( $order_map ) ) {
$order_map = $payment_gateways_order_map;
$order_map = Utils::order_map_normalize( $order_map );
$handled_suggestion_ids = array();
* Go through the registered gateways and add any missing ones.
// Use a map to keep track of the insertion offset for each suggestion ID.
// We need this so we can place multiple PGs matching a suggestion right after it but maintain their relative order.
$suggestion_order_map_id_to_offset_map = array();
foreach ( $payment_gateways_order_map as $id => $order ) {
if ( isset( $order_map[ $id ] ) ) {
// If there is a suggestion entry matching this payment gateway,
// we will add the payment gateway right after it so gateways pop-up in place of matching suggestions.
// We rely on suggestions and matching registered PGs being mutually exclusive in the UI.
if ( ! empty( $payment_gateways_to_suggestions_map[ $id ] ) ) {
$suggestion_id = $payment_gateways_to_suggestions_map[ $id ]['id'];
$suggestion_order_map_id = $this->get_suggestion_order_map_id( $suggestion_id );
if ( isset( $order_map[ $suggestion_order_map_id ] ) ) {
// Determine the offset for placing missing PGs after this suggestion.
if ( ! isset( $suggestion_order_map_id_to_offset_map[ $suggestion_order_map_id ] ) ) {
$suggestion_order_map_id_to_offset_map[ $suggestion_order_map_id ] = 0;
$suggestion_order_map_id_to_offset_map[ $suggestion_order_map_id ] += 1;
// Place the missing payment gateway right after the suggestion,
// with an offset to maintain relative order between multiple PGs matching the same suggestion.
$order_map = Utils::order_map_place_at_order(
$order_map[ $suggestion_order_map_id ] + $suggestion_order_map_id_to_offset_map[ $suggestion_order_map_id ]
// Remember that we handled this suggestion - don't worry about remembering it multiple times.
$handled_suggestion_ids[] = $suggestion_id;
// Add the missing payment gateway at the end.
$order_map[ $id ] = empty( $order_map ) ? 0 : max( $order_map ) + 1;
$handled_suggestion_ids = array_unique( $handled_suggestion_ids );
* Place not yet handled suggestion entries right before their matching registered payment gateway IDs.
* This means that registered PGs already in the order map force the suggestions
* to be placed/moved right before them. We rely on suggestions and registered PGs being mutually exclusive.
foreach ( array_keys( $order_map ) as $id ) {
// If the id is not of a payment gateway or there is no suggestion for this payment gateway, ignore it.
if ( ! array_key_exists( $id, $payment_gateways_to_suggestions_map ) ||
empty( $payment_gateways_to_suggestions_map[ $id ] )
) {
$suggestion = $payment_gateways_to_suggestions_map[ $id ];
// If the suggestion was already handled, skip it.
if ( in_array( $suggestion['id'], $handled_suggestion_ids, true ) ) {
// Place the suggestion at the same order as the payment gateway
// thus ensuring that the suggestion is placed right before the payment gateway.
$order_map = Utils::order_map_place_at_order(
$this->get_suggestion_order_map_id( $suggestion['id'] ),
$order_map[ $id ]
// Remember that we've handled this suggestion to avoid adding it multiple times.
// We only want to attach the suggestion to the first payment gateway that matches the plugin slug.
$handled_suggestion_ids[] = $suggestion['id'];
// Extract all the registered offline PMs and keep their order values.
$offline_methods = array_filter(
array( $this, 'is_offline_payment_method' ),
if ( ! empty( $offline_methods ) ) {
* If the offline PMs group is missing, add it before the last offline PM.
if ( ! array_key_exists( self::OFFLINE_METHODS_ORDERING_GROUP, $order_map ) ) {
$last_offline_method_order = max( $offline_methods );
$order_map = Utils::order_map_place_at_order( $order_map, self::OFFLINE_METHODS_ORDERING_GROUP, $last_offline_method_order );
* Place all the offline PMs right after the offline PMs group entry.
$target_order = $order_map[ self::OFFLINE_METHODS_ORDERING_GROUP ] + 1;
// Sort the offline PMs by their order.
asort( $offline_methods );
foreach ( $offline_methods as $offline_method => $order ) {
$order_map = Utils::order_map_place_at_order( $order_map, $offline_method, $target_order );
return Utils::order_map_normalize( $order_map );
* Get the ID of the suggestion order map entry.
* @param string $suggestion_id The ID of the suggestion.
* @return string The ID of the suggestion order map entry.
public function get_suggestion_order_map_id( string $suggestion_id ): string {
return self::SUGGESTION_ORDERING_PREFIX . $suggestion_id;
* Check if the ID is a suggestion order map entry ID.
* @param string $id The ID to check.
* @return bool True if the ID is a suggestion order map entry ID, false otherwise.
public function is_suggestion_order_map_id( string $id ): bool {
return 0 === strpos( $id, self::SUGGESTION_ORDERING_PREFIX );
* Get the ID of the suggestion from the suggestion order map entry ID.
* @param string $order_map_id The ID of the suggestion order map entry.
* @return string The ID of the suggestion.
public function get_suggestion_id_from_order_map_id( string $order_map_id ): string {
return str_replace( self::SUGGESTION_ORDERING_PREFIX, '', $order_map_id );
* Reset the memoized data. Useful for testing purposes.
* @internal
* @return void
public function reset_memo(): void {
$this->payment_gateways_memo = null;
* Handle payment gateways with non-standard registration behavior.
* @param array $payment_gateways The payment gateways list.
* @return array The payment gateways list with the necessary adjustments.
private function handle_non_standard_registration_for_payment_gateways( array $payment_gateways ): array {
* Handle the Mollie gateway's particular behavior: if there are no API keys or no PMs enabled,
* the extension doesn't register a gateway instance.
* We will need to register a mock gateway to represent Mollie in the settings page.
$payment_gateways = $this->maybe_add_pseudo_mollie_gateway( $payment_gateways );
return $payment_gateways;
* Add the pseudo Mollie gateway to the payment gateways list if necessary.
* @param array $payment_gateways The payment gateways list.
* @return array The payment gateways list with the pseudo Mollie gateway added if necessary.
private function maybe_add_pseudo_mollie_gateway( array $payment_gateways ): array {
$mollie_provider = $this->get_gateway_provider_instance( 'mollie' );
// Do nothing if there is a Mollie gateway registered.
if ( $mollie_provider->is_gateway_registered( $payment_gateways ) ) {
return $payment_gateways;
// Get the Mollie suggestion and determine if the plugin is active.
$mollie_suggestion = $this->get_extension_suggestion_by_id( ExtensionSuggestions::MOLLIE );
if ( empty( $mollie_suggestion ) ) {
return $payment_gateways;
$mollie_suggestion = $this->enhance_extension_suggestion( $mollie_suggestion );
// Do nothing if the plugin is not active.
if ( self::EXTENSION_ACTIVE !== $mollie_suggestion['plugin']['status'] ) {
return $payment_gateways;
// Add the pseudo Mollie gateway to the list since the plugin is active but there is no Mollie gateway registered.
$payment_gateways[] = $mollie_provider->get_pseudo_gateway( $mollie_suggestion );
return $payment_gateways;
* Enhance the payment gateway details with additional information from other sources.
* @param array $gateway_details The gateway details to enhance.
* @param WC_Payment_Gateway $payment_gateway The payment gateway object.
* @param string $country_code The country code for which the details are being enhanced.
* This should be a ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
* @return array The enhanced gateway details.
private function enhance_payment_gateway_details( array $gateway_details, WC_Payment_Gateway $payment_gateway, string $country_code ): array {
// We discriminate between offline payment methods and gateways.
$gateway_details['_type'] = $this->is_offline_payment_method( $payment_gateway->id ) ? self::TYPE_OFFLINE_PM : self::TYPE_GATEWAY;
$plugin_slug = $gateway_details['plugin']['slug'];
// The payment gateway plugin might use a non-standard directory name.
// Try to normalize it to the common slug to avoid false negatives when matching.
$normalized_plugin_slug = Utils::normalize_plugin_slug( $plugin_slug );
// If we have a matching suggestion, hoist details from there.
// The suggestions only know about the normalized (aka official) plugin slug.
$suggestion = $this->get_extension_suggestion_by_plugin_slug( $normalized_plugin_slug, $country_code );
if ( ! is_null( $suggestion ) ) {
// Enhance the suggestion details.
$suggestion = $this->enhance_extension_suggestion( $suggestion );
// The title, description, icon, and image from the suggestion take precedence over the ones from the gateway.
// This is temporary until we update the partner extensions.
// Do not override the title and description for certain suggestions because theirs are more descriptive
// (like including the payment method when registering multiple gateways for the same provider).
if ( ! in_array(
) ) {
$gateway_details['title'] = $suggestion['title'];
$gateway_details['description'] = $suggestion['description'];
$gateway_details['icon'] = $suggestion['icon'];
$gateway_details['image'] = $suggestion['image'];
if ( empty( $gateway_details['links'] ) ) {
$gateway_details['links'] = $suggestion['links'];
if ( empty( $gateway_details['tags'] ) ) {
$gateway_details['tags'] = $suggestion['tags'];
if ( empty( $gateway_details['plugin'] ) ) {
$gateway_details['plugin'] = $suggestion['plugin'];
if ( empty( $gateway_details['_incentive'] ) && ! empty( $suggestion['_incentive'] ) ) {
$gateway_details['_incentive'] = $suggestion['_incentive'];
// Attach the suggestion ID to the gateway details so we can reference it with precision.
$gateway_details['_suggestion_id'] = $suggestion['id'];
// Get the gateway's corresponding plugin details.
$plugin_data = PluginsHelper::get_plugin_data( $plugin_slug );
if ( ! empty( $plugin_data ) ) {
// If there are no links, try to get them from the plugin data.
if ( empty( $gateway_details['links'] ) ) {
if ( is_array( $plugin_data ) && ! empty( $plugin_data['PluginURI'] ) ) {
$gateway_details['links'] = array(
'_type' => ExtensionSuggestions::LINK_TYPE_ABOUT,
'url' => esc_url( $plugin_data['PluginURI'] ),
} elseif ( ! empty( $gateway_details['plugin']['_type'] ) &&
ExtensionSuggestions::PLUGIN_TYPE_WPORG === $gateway_details['plugin']['_type'] ) {
// Fallback to constructing the WPORG plugin URI from the normalized plugin slug.
$gateway_details['links'] = array(
'_type' => ExtensionSuggestions::LINK_TYPE_ABOUT,
'url' => '' . $normalized_plugin_slug,
return $gateway_details;
* Check if the store has any enabled ecommerce gateways.
* We exclude offline payment methods from this check.
* @return bool True if the store has any enabled ecommerce gateways, false otherwise.
private function has_enabled_ecommerce_gateways(): bool {
$gateways = $this->get_payment_gateways();
$enabled_gateways = array_filter(
function ( $gateway ) {
// Filter out offline gateways.
return 'yes' === $gateway->enabled && ! $this->is_offline_payment_method( $gateway->id );
return ! empty( $enabled_gateways );
* Enhance a payment extension suggestion with additional information.
* @param array $extension The extension suggestion.
* @return array The enhanced payment extension suggestion.
private function enhance_extension_suggestion( array $extension ): array {
// Determine the category of the extension.
switch ( $extension['_type'] ) {
case ExtensionSuggestions::TYPE_PSP:
$extension['category'] = self::CATEGORY_PSP;
case ExtensionSuggestions::TYPE_EXPRESS_CHECKOUT:
$extension['category'] = self::CATEGORY_EXPRESS_CHECKOUT;
case ExtensionSuggestions::TYPE_BNPL:
$extension['category'] = self::CATEGORY_BNPL;
case ExtensionSuggestions::TYPE_CRYPTO:
$extension['category'] = self::CATEGORY_CRYPTO;
$extension['category'] = '';
// Determine the PES's plugin status.
// Default to not installed.
$extension['plugin']['status'] = self::EXTENSION_NOT_INSTALLED;
// Put in the default plugin file.
$extension['plugin']['file'] = '';
if ( ! empty( $extension['plugin']['slug'] ) ) {
// This is a best-effort approach, as the plugin might be sitting under a directory (slug) that we can't handle.
// Always try the official plugin slug first, then the testing variations.
$plugin_slug_variations = Utils::generate_testing_plugin_slugs( $extension['plugin']['slug'], true );
foreach ( $plugin_slug_variations as $plugin_slug ) {
if ( PluginsHelper::is_plugin_installed( $plugin_slug ) ) {
// Make sure we put in the actual slug and file path that we found.
$extension['plugin']['slug'] = $plugin_slug;
$extension['plugin']['file'] = PluginsHelper::get_plugin_path_from_slug( $plugin_slug );
// Remove the .php extension from the file path. The WP API expects it without it.
if ( ! empty( $extension['plugin']['file'] ) && str_ends_with( $extension['plugin']['file'], '.php' ) ) {
$extension['plugin']['file'] = substr( $extension['plugin']['file'], 0, -4 );
$extension['plugin']['status'] = self::EXTENSION_INSTALLED;
if ( PluginsHelper::is_plugin_active( $plugin_slug ) ) {
$extension['plugin']['status'] = self::EXTENSION_ACTIVE;
return $extension;
* Check if a payment extension suggestion has been hidden by the user.
* @param array $extension The extension suggestion.
* @return bool True if the extension suggestion is hidden, false otherwise.
private function is_payment_extension_suggestion_hidden( array $extension ): bool {
$user_payments_nox_profile = get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), Payments::USER_PAYMENTS_NOX_PROFILE_KEY, true );
if ( empty( $user_payments_nox_profile ) ) {
return false;
$user_payments_nox_profile = maybe_unserialize( $user_payments_nox_profile );
if ( empty( $user_payments_nox_profile['hidden_suggestions'] ) ) {
return false;
return in_array( $extension['id'], array_column( $user_payments_nox_profile['hidden_suggestions'], 'id' ), true );
* Apply order mappings to a base payment providers order map.
* @param array $base_map The base order map.
* @param array $new_mappings The order mappings to apply.
* This can be a full or partial list of the base one,
* but it can also contain (only) new provider IDs and their orders.
* @return array The updated base order map, normalized.
private function payment_providers_order_map_apply_mappings( array $base_map, array $new_mappings ): array {
// Sanity checks.
// Remove any null or non-integer values.
$new_mappings = array_filter( $new_mappings, 'is_int' );
if ( empty( $new_mappings ) ) {
$new_mappings = array();
// If we have no existing order map or
// both the base and the new map have the same length and keys, we can simply use the new map.
if ( empty( $base_map ) ||
( count( $base_map ) === count( $new_mappings ) &&
empty( array_diff( array_keys( $base_map ), array_keys( $new_mappings ) ) ) )
) {
$new_order_map = $new_mappings;
} else {
// If we are dealing with ONLY offline PMs updates (for all that are registered) and their group is present,
// normalize the new order map to keep behavior as intended (i.e., reorder only inside the offline PMs list).
$offline_pms = $this->get_offline_payment_methods_gateways();
// Make it a list keyed by the payment gateway ID.
$offline_pms = array_combine(
fn( $gateway ) => $gateway->id,
if (
isset( $base_map[ self::OFFLINE_METHODS_ORDERING_GROUP ] ) &&
count( $new_mappings ) === count( $offline_pms ) &&
empty( array_diff( array_keys( $new_mappings ), array_keys( $offline_pms ) ) )
) {
$new_mappings = Utils::order_map_change_min_order( $new_mappings, $base_map[ self::OFFLINE_METHODS_ORDERING_GROUP ] + 1 );
$new_order_map = Utils::order_map_apply_mappings( $base_map, $new_mappings );
return Utils::order_map_normalize( $new_order_map );
* Get the payment gateway provider instance.
* @param string $gateway_id The gateway ID.
* @return PaymentGateway The payment gateway provider instance.
* Will return the general provider of no specific provider is found.
private function get_gateway_provider_instance( string $gateway_id ): PaymentGateway {
if ( isset( $this->instances[ $gateway_id ] ) ) {
return $this->instances[ $gateway_id ];
* The provider class for the gateway.
* @var PaymentGateway|null $provider_class
$provider_class = null;
if ( isset( $this->payment_gateways_providers_class_map[ $gateway_id ] ) ) {
$provider_class = $this->payment_gateways_providers_class_map[ $gateway_id ];
} else {
// Check for wildcard mappings.
foreach ( $this->payment_gateways_providers_class_map as $gateway_id_pattern => $mapped_class ) {
// Try to see if we have a wildcard mapping and if the gateway ID matches it.
// Use the first found match.
if ( false !== strpos( $gateway_id_pattern, '*' ) ) {
$gateway_id_pattern = str_replace( '*', '.*', $gateway_id_pattern );
if ( preg_match( '/^' . $gateway_id_pattern . '$/', $gateway_id ) ) {
$provider_class = $mapped_class;
// If the gateway ID is not mapped to a provider class, return the generic provider.
if ( is_null( $provider_class ) ) {
if ( ! isset( $this->instances['generic'] ) ) {
$this->instances['generic'] = new PaymentGateway();
return $this->instances['generic'];
$this->instances[ $gateway_id ] = new $provider_class();
return $this->instances[ $gateway_id ];