File "StatsDataStoreTrait.php"
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declare( strict_types = 1);
namespace Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports;
// Exit if accessed directly.
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
use Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\SqlQuery;
* Trait to contain *stats-specific methods for data stores.
* It does preliminary intervals & page calculations
* and prepares intervals & totals data structure by implementing the `get_noncached_data()` method.
* So, this time, you'll need to prepare `get_noncached_stats_data()` which will be called only if
* the requested page is within the date range.
* The trait also exposes the `initialize_queries()` method to initialize the interval and total queries.
* Example:
* <pre><code class="language-php">class MyStatsDataStore extends DataStore implements DataStoreInterface {
* // Use the trait.
* use StatsDataStoreTrait;
* // Provide all the necessary properties and methods for a regular DataStore.
* // ...
* /**
* * Return your results with the help of the interval & total methods and queries.
* * @return stdClass|WP_Error $data filled with your results.
* */
* public function get_noncached_stats_data( $query_args, $params, &$data, $expected_interval_count ) {
* $this->initialize_queries();
* // Do your magic ...
* // ... with a help of things like:
* $this->update_intervals_sql_params( $query_args, $db_interval_count, $expected_interval_count, $table_name );
* $this->total_query->add_sql_clause( 'where_time', $this->get_sql_clause( 'where_time' ) );
* $totals = $wpdb->get_results(
* $this->total_query->get_query_statement(),
* );
* $intervals = $wpdb->get_results(
* $this->interval_query->get_query_statement(),
* );
* $data->totals = (object) $this->cast_numbers( $totals[0] );
* $data->intervals = $intervals;
* if ( TimeInterval::intervals_missing( $expected_interval_count, $db_interval_count, $params['per_page'], $query_args['page'], $query_args['order'], $query_args['orderby'], count( $intervals ) ) ) {
* $this->fill_in_missing_intervals( $db_intervals, $query_args['adj_after'], $query_args['adj_before'], $query_args['interval'], $data );
* $this->sort_intervals( $data, $query_args['orderby'], $query_args['order'] );
* $this->remove_extra_records( $data, $query_args['page'], $params['per_page'], $db_interval_count, $expected_interval_count, $query_args['orderby'], $query_args['order'] );
* } else {
* $this->update_interval_boundary_dates( $query_args['after'], $query_args['before'], $query_args['interval'], $data->intervals );
* }
* return $data;
* }
* }
* </code></pre>
* @see DataStore
trait StatsDataStoreTrait {
* Initialize query objects.
protected function initialize_queries() {
unset( $this->subquery );
$table_name = self::get_db_table_name();
$this->total_query = new SqlQuery( $this->context . '_total' );
$this->total_query->add_sql_clause( 'from', $table_name );
$this->interval_query = new SqlQuery( $this->context . '_interval' );
$this->interval_query->add_sql_clause( 'from', $table_name );
$this->interval_query->add_sql_clause( 'group_by', 'time_interval' );
* Returns the stats report data based on normalized parameters.
* Prepares the basic intervals and object structure
* Will be called by `get_data` if there is no data in cache.
* Will call `get_noncached_stats_data` to fetch the actual data.
* @see get_data
* @param array $query_args Query parameters.
* @return stdClass|WP_Error Data object, or error.
public function get_noncached_data( $query_args ) {
$params = $this->get_limit_params( $query_args );
$expected_interval_count = TimeInterval::intervals_between( $query_args['after'], $query_args['before'], $query_args['interval'] );
$total_pages = (int) ceil( $expected_interval_count / $params['per_page'] );
// Default, empty data object.
$data = (object) array(
'totals' => null,
'intervals' => array(),
'total' => $expected_interval_count,
'pages' => $total_pages,
'page_no' => (int) $query_args['page'],
// If the requested page is out off range, return the default empty object.
if ( $query_args['page'] >= 1 && $query_args['page'] <= $total_pages ) {
// Fetch the actual data.
$data = $this->get_noncached_stats_data( $query_args, $params, $data, $expected_interval_count );
if ( ! is_wp_error( $data ) && is_array( $data->intervals ) ) {
$this->create_interval_subtotals( $data->intervals );
return $data;