File "ActionScheduler_QueueRunner.php"
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* Class ActionScheduler_QueueRunner
class ActionScheduler_QueueRunner extends ActionScheduler_Abstract_QueueRunner {
const WP_CRON_HOOK = 'action_scheduler_run_queue';
const WP_CRON_SCHEDULE = 'every_minute';
* ActionScheduler_AsyncRequest_QueueRunner instance.
* @var ActionScheduler_AsyncRequest_QueueRunner
protected $async_request;
* ActionScheduler_QueueRunner instance.
* @var ActionScheduler_QueueRunner
private static $runner = null;
* Number of processed actions.
* @var int
private $processed_actions_count = 0;
* Get instance.
* @return ActionScheduler_QueueRunner
* @codeCoverageIgnore
public static function instance() {
if ( empty( self::$runner ) ) {
$class = apply_filters( 'action_scheduler_queue_runner_class', 'ActionScheduler_QueueRunner' );
self::$runner = new $class();
return self::$runner;
* ActionScheduler_QueueRunner constructor.
* @param ActionScheduler_Store|null $store Store object.
* @param ActionScheduler_FatalErrorMonitor|null $monitor Monitor object.
* @param ActionScheduler_QueueCleaner|null $cleaner Cleaner object.
* @param ActionScheduler_AsyncRequest_QueueRunner|null $async_request Async request runner object.
public function __construct( ?ActionScheduler_Store $store = null, ?ActionScheduler_FatalErrorMonitor $monitor = null, ?ActionScheduler_QueueCleaner $cleaner = null, ?ActionScheduler_AsyncRequest_QueueRunner $async_request = null ) {
parent::__construct( $store, $monitor, $cleaner );
if ( is_null( $async_request ) ) {
$async_request = new ActionScheduler_AsyncRequest_QueueRunner( $this->store );
$this->async_request = $async_request;
* Initialize.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
public function init() {
add_filter( 'cron_schedules', array( self::instance(), 'add_wp_cron_schedule' ) ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.CronInterval.CronSchedulesInterval
// Check for and remove any WP Cron hook scheduled by Action Scheduler < 3.0.0, which didn't include the $context param.
$next_timestamp = wp_next_scheduled( self::WP_CRON_HOOK );
if ( $next_timestamp ) {
wp_unschedule_event( $next_timestamp, self::WP_CRON_HOOK );
$cron_context = array( 'WP Cron' );
if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( self::WP_CRON_HOOK, $cron_context ) ) {
$schedule = apply_filters( 'action_scheduler_run_schedule', self::WP_CRON_SCHEDULE );
wp_schedule_event( time(), $schedule, self::WP_CRON_HOOK, $cron_context );
add_action( self::WP_CRON_HOOK, array( self::instance(), 'run' ) );
* Hook check for dispatching an async request.
public function hook_dispatch_async_request() {
add_action( 'shutdown', array( $this, 'maybe_dispatch_async_request' ) );
* Unhook check for dispatching an async request.
public function unhook_dispatch_async_request() {
remove_action( 'shutdown', array( $this, 'maybe_dispatch_async_request' ) );
* Check if we should dispatch an async request to process actions.
* This method is attached to 'shutdown', so is called frequently. To avoid slowing down
* the site, it mitigates the work performed in each request by:
* 1. checking if it's in the admin context and then
* 2. haven't run on the 'shutdown' hook within the lock time (60 seconds by default)
* 3. haven't exceeded the number of allowed batches.
* The order of these checks is important, because they run from a check on a value:
* 1. in memory - is_admin() maps to $GLOBALS or the WP_ADMIN constant
* 2. in memory - transients use autoloaded options by default
* 3. from a database query - has_maximum_concurrent_batches() run the query
* $this->store->get_claim_count() to find the current number of claims in the DB.
* If all of these conditions are met, then we request an async runner check whether it
* should dispatch a request to process pending actions.
public function maybe_dispatch_async_request() {
// Only start an async queue at most once every 60 seconds.
if (
&& ! ActionScheduler::lock()->is_locked( 'async-request-runner' )
&& ActionScheduler::lock()->set( 'async-request-runner' )
) {
* Process actions in the queue. Attached to self::WP_CRON_HOOK i.e. 'action_scheduler_run_queue'
* The $context param of this method defaults to 'WP Cron', because prior to Action Scheduler 3.0.0
* that was the only context in which this method was run, and the self::WP_CRON_HOOK hook had no context
* passed along with it. New code calling this method directly, or by triggering the self::WP_CRON_HOOK,
* should set a context as the first parameter. For an example of this, refer to the code seen in
* @see ActionScheduler_AsyncRequest_QueueRunner::handle()
* @param string $context Optional identifier for the context in which this action is being processed, e.g. 'WP CLI' or 'WP Cron'
* Generally, this should be capitalised and not localised as it's a proper noun.
* @return int The number of actions processed.
public function run( $context = 'WP Cron' ) {
ActionScheduler_Compatibility::raise_time_limit( $this->get_time_limit() );
do_action( 'action_scheduler_before_process_queue' );
$this->processed_actions_count = 0;
if ( false === $this->has_maximum_concurrent_batches() ) {
do {
$batch_size = apply_filters( 'action_scheduler_queue_runner_batch_size', 25 );
$processed_actions_in_batch = $this->do_batch( $batch_size, $context );
$this->processed_actions_count += $processed_actions_in_batch;
} while ( $processed_actions_in_batch > 0 && ! $this->batch_limits_exceeded( $this->processed_actions_count ) ); // keep going until we run out of actions, time, or memory.
do_action( 'action_scheduler_after_process_queue' );
return $this->processed_actions_count;
* Process a batch of actions pending in the queue.
* Actions are processed by claiming a set of pending actions then processing each one until either the batch
* size is completed, or memory or time limits are reached, defined by @see $this->batch_limits_exceeded().
* @param int $size The maximum number of actions to process in the batch.
* @param string $context Optional identifier for the context in which this action is being processed, e.g. 'WP CLI' or 'WP Cron'
* Generally, this should be capitalised and not localised as it's a proper noun.
* @return int The number of actions processed.
protected function do_batch( $size = 100, $context = '' ) {
$claim = $this->store->stake_claim( $size );
$this->monitor->attach( $claim );
$processed_actions = 0;
foreach ( $claim->get_actions() as $action_id ) {
// bail if we lost the claim.
if ( ! in_array( $action_id, $this->store->find_actions_by_claim_id( $claim->get_id() ), true ) ) {
$this->process_action( $action_id, $context );
if ( $this->batch_limits_exceeded( $processed_actions + $this->processed_actions_count ) ) {
$this->store->release_claim( $claim );
return $processed_actions;
* Flush the cache if possible (intended for use after a batch of actions has been processed).
* This is useful because running large batches can eat up memory and because invalid data can accrue in the
* runtime cache, which may lead to unexpected results.
protected function clear_caches() {
* Calling wp_cache_flush_runtime() lets us clear the runtime cache without invalidating the external object
* cache, so we will always prefer this method (as compared to calling wp_cache_flush()) when it is available.
* However, this function was only introduced in WordPress 6.0. Additionally, the preferred way of detecting if
* it is supported changed in WordPress 6.1 so we use two different methods to decide if we should utilize it.
$flushing_runtime_cache_explicitly_supported = function_exists( 'wp_cache_supports' ) && wp_cache_supports( 'flush_runtime' );
$flushing_runtime_cache_implicitly_supported = ! function_exists( 'wp_cache_supports' ) && function_exists( 'wp_cache_flush_runtime' );
if ( $flushing_runtime_cache_explicitly_supported || $flushing_runtime_cache_implicitly_supported ) {
} elseif (
! wp_using_ext_object_cache()
* When an external object cache is in use, and when wp_cache_flush_runtime() is not available, then
* normally the cache will not be flushed after processing a batch of actions (to avoid a performance
* penalty for other processes).
* This filter makes it possible to override this behavior and always flush the cache, even if an external
* object cache is in use.
* @since 1.0
* @param bool $flush_cache If the cache should be flushed.
|| apply_filters( 'action_scheduler_queue_runner_flush_cache', false )
) {
* Add schedule to WP cron.
* @param array<string, array<string, int|string>> $schedules Schedules.
* @return array<string, array<string, int|string>>
public function add_wp_cron_schedule( $schedules ) {
$schedules['every_minute'] = array(
'interval' => 60, // in seconds.
'display' => __( 'Every minute', 'woocommerce' ),
return $schedules;