File "ActionScheduler_ActionFactory.php"
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* Class ActionScheduler_ActionFactory
class ActionScheduler_ActionFactory {
* Return stored actions for given params.
* @param string $status The action's status in the data store.
* @param string $hook The hook to trigger when this action runs.
* @param array $args Args to pass to callbacks when the hook is triggered.
* @param ActionScheduler_Schedule $schedule The action's schedule.
* @param string $group A group to put the action in.
* phpcs:ignore Squiz.Commenting.FunctionComment.ExtraParamComment
* @param int $priority The action priority.
* @return ActionScheduler_Action An instance of the stored action.
public function get_stored_action( $status, $hook, array $args = array(), ActionScheduler_Schedule $schedule = null, $group = '' ) {
// The 6th parameter ($priority) is not formally declared in the method signature to maintain compatibility with
// third-party subclasses created before this param was added.
$priority = func_num_args() >= 6 ? (int) func_get_arg( 5 ) : 10;
switch ( $status ) {
case ActionScheduler_Store::STATUS_PENDING:
$action_class = 'ActionScheduler_Action';
case ActionScheduler_Store::STATUS_CANCELED:
$action_class = 'ActionScheduler_CanceledAction';
if ( ! is_null( $schedule ) && ! is_a( $schedule, 'ActionScheduler_CanceledSchedule' ) && ! is_a( $schedule, 'ActionScheduler_NullSchedule' ) ) {
$schedule = new ActionScheduler_CanceledSchedule( $schedule->get_date() );
$action_class = 'ActionScheduler_FinishedAction';
$action_class = apply_filters( 'action_scheduler_stored_action_class', $action_class, $status, $hook, $args, $schedule, $group );
$action = new $action_class( $hook, $args, $schedule, $group );
$action->set_priority( $priority );
* Allow 3rd party code to change the instantiated action for a given hook, args, schedule and group.
* @param ActionScheduler_Action $action The instantiated action.
* @param string $hook The instantiated action's hook.
* @param array $args The instantiated action's args.
* @param ActionScheduler_Schedule $schedule The instantiated action's schedule.
* @param string $group The instantiated action's group.
* @param int $priority The action priority.
return apply_filters( 'action_scheduler_stored_action_instance', $action, $hook, $args, $schedule, $group, $priority );
* Enqueue an action to run one time, as soon as possible (rather a specific scheduled time).
* This method creates a new action using the NullSchedule. In practice, this results in an action scheduled to
* execute "now". Therefore, it will generally run as soon as possible but is not prioritized ahead of other actions
* that are already past-due.
* @param string $hook The hook to trigger when this action runs.
* @param array $args Args to pass when the hook is triggered.
* @param string $group A group to put the action in.
* @return int The ID of the stored action.
public function async( $hook, $args = array(), $group = '' ) {
return $this->async_unique( $hook, $args, $group, false );
* Same as async, but also supports $unique param.
* @param string $hook The hook to trigger when this action runs.
* @param array $args Args to pass when the hook is triggered.
* @param string $group A group to put the action in.
* @param bool $unique Whether to ensure the action is unique.
* @return int The ID of the stored action.
public function async_unique( $hook, $args = array(), $group = '', $unique = true ) {
$schedule = new ActionScheduler_NullSchedule();
$action = new ActionScheduler_Action( $hook, $args, $schedule, $group );
return $unique ? $this->store_unique_action( $action, $unique ) : $this->store( $action );
* Create single action.
* @param string $hook The hook to trigger when this action runs.
* @param array $args Args to pass when the hook is triggered.
* @param int $when Unix timestamp when the action will run.
* @param string $group A group to put the action in.
* @return int The ID of the stored action.
public function single( $hook, $args = array(), $when = null, $group = '' ) {
return $this->single_unique( $hook, $args, $when, $group, false );
* Create single action only if there is no pending or running action with same name and params.
* @param string $hook The hook to trigger when this action runs.
* @param array $args Args to pass when the hook is triggered.
* @param int $when Unix timestamp when the action will run.
* @param string $group A group to put the action in.
* @param bool $unique Whether action scheduled should be unique.
* @return int The ID of the stored action.
public function single_unique( $hook, $args = array(), $when = null, $group = '', $unique = true ) {
$date = as_get_datetime_object( $when );
$schedule = new ActionScheduler_SimpleSchedule( $date );
$action = new ActionScheduler_Action( $hook, $args, $schedule, $group );
return $unique ? $this->store_unique_action( $action ) : $this->store( $action );
* Create the first instance of an action recurring on a given interval.
* @param string $hook The hook to trigger when this action runs.
* @param array $args Args to pass when the hook is triggered.
* @param int $first Unix timestamp for the first run.
* @param int $interval Seconds between runs.
* @param string $group A group to put the action in.
* @return int The ID of the stored action.
public function recurring( $hook, $args = array(), $first = null, $interval = null, $group = '' ) {
return $this->recurring_unique( $hook, $args, $first, $interval, $group, false );
* Create the first instance of an action recurring on a given interval only if there is no pending or running action with same name and params.
* @param string $hook The hook to trigger when this action runs.
* @param array $args Args to pass when the hook is triggered.
* @param int $first Unix timestamp for the first run.
* @param int $interval Seconds between runs.
* @param string $group A group to put the action in.
* @param bool $unique Whether action scheduled should be unique.
* @return int The ID of the stored action.
public function recurring_unique( $hook, $args = array(), $first = null, $interval = null, $group = '', $unique = true ) {
if ( empty( $interval ) ) {
return $this->single_unique( $hook, $args, $first, $group, $unique );
$date = as_get_datetime_object( $first );
$schedule = new ActionScheduler_IntervalSchedule( $date, $interval );
$action = new ActionScheduler_Action( $hook, $args, $schedule, $group );
return $unique ? $this->store_unique_action( $action ) : $this->store( $action );
* Create the first instance of an action recurring on a Cron schedule.
* @param string $hook The hook to trigger when this action runs.
* @param array $args Args to pass when the hook is triggered.
* @param int $base_timestamp The first instance of the action will be scheduled
* to run at a time calculated after this timestamp matching the cron
* expression. This can be used to delay the first instance of the action.
* @param int $schedule A cron definition string.
* @param string $group A group to put the action in.
* @return int The ID of the stored action.
public function cron( $hook, $args = array(), $base_timestamp = null, $schedule = null, $group = '' ) {
return $this->cron_unique( $hook, $args, $base_timestamp, $schedule, $group, false );
* Create the first instance of an action recurring on a Cron schedule only if there is no pending or running action with same name and params.
* @param string $hook The hook to trigger when this action runs.
* @param array $args Args to pass when the hook is triggered.
* @param int $base_timestamp The first instance of the action will be scheduled
* to run at a time calculated after this timestamp matching the cron
* expression. This can be used to delay the first instance of the action.
* @param int $schedule A cron definition string.
* @param string $group A group to put the action in.
* @param bool $unique Whether action scheduled should be unique.
* @return int The ID of the stored action.
public function cron_unique( $hook, $args = array(), $base_timestamp = null, $schedule = null, $group = '', $unique = true ) {
if ( empty( $schedule ) ) {
return $this->single_unique( $hook, $args, $base_timestamp, $group, $unique );
$date = as_get_datetime_object( $base_timestamp );
$cron = CronExpression::factory( $schedule );
$schedule = new ActionScheduler_CronSchedule( $date, $cron );
$action = new ActionScheduler_Action( $hook, $args, $schedule, $group );
return $unique ? $this->store_unique_action( $action ) : $this->store( $action );
* Create a successive instance of a recurring or cron action.
* Importantly, the action will be rescheduled to run based on the current date/time.
* That means when the action is scheduled to run in the past, the next scheduled date
* will be pushed forward. For example, if a recurring action set to run every hour
* was scheduled to run 5 seconds ago, it will be next scheduled for 1 hour in the
* future, which is 1 hour and 5 seconds from when it was last scheduled to run.
* Alternatively, if the action is scheduled to run in the future, and is run early,
* likely via manual intervention, then its schedule will change based on the time now.
* For example, if a recurring action set to run every day, and is run 12 hours early,
* it will run again in 24 hours, not 36 hours.
* This slippage is less of an issue with Cron actions, as the specific run time can
* be set for them to run, e.g. 1am each day. In those cases, and entire period would
* need to be missed before there was any change is scheduled, e.g. in the case of an
* action scheduled for 1am each day, the action would need to run an entire day late.
* @param ActionScheduler_Action $action The existing action.
* @return string The ID of the stored action
* @throws InvalidArgumentException If $action is not a recurring action.
public function repeat( $action ) {
$schedule = $action->get_schedule();
$next = $schedule->get_next( as_get_datetime_object() );
if ( is_null( $next ) || ! $schedule->is_recurring() ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException( __( 'Invalid action - must be a recurring action.', 'woocommerce' ) );
$schedule_class = get_class( $schedule );
$new_schedule = new $schedule( $next, $schedule->get_recurrence(), $schedule->get_first_date() );
$new_action = new ActionScheduler_Action( $action->get_hook(), $action->get_args(), $new_schedule, $action->get_group() );
$new_action->set_priority( $action->get_priority() );
return $this->store( $new_action );
* Creates a scheduled action.
* This general purpose method can be used in place of specific methods such as async(),
* async_unique(), single() or single_unique(), etc.
* @internal Not intended for public use, should not be overridden by subclasses.
* @param array $options {
* Describes the action we wish to schedule.
* @type string $type Must be one of 'async', 'cron', 'recurring', or 'single'.
* @type string $hook The hook to be executed.
* @type array $arguments Arguments to be passed to the callback.
* @type string $group The action group.
* @type bool $unique If the action should be unique.
* @type int $when Timestamp. Indicates when the action, or first instance of the action in the case
* of recurring or cron actions, becomes due.
* @type int|string $pattern Recurrence pattern. This is either an interval in seconds for recurring actions
* or a cron expression for cron actions.
* @type int $priority Lower values means higher priority. Should be in the range 0-255.
* }
* @return int The action ID. Zero if there was an error scheduling the action.
public function create( array $options = array() ) {
$defaults = array(
'type' => 'single',
'hook' => '',
'arguments' => array(),
'group' => '',
'unique' => false,
'when' => time(),
'pattern' => null,
'priority' => 10,
$options = array_merge( $defaults, $options );
// Cron/recurring actions without a pattern are treated as single actions (this gives calling code the ability
// to use functions like as_schedule_recurring_action() to schedule recurring as well as single actions).
if ( ( 'cron' === $options['type'] || 'recurring' === $options['type'] ) && empty( $options['pattern'] ) ) {
$options['type'] = 'single';
switch ( $options['type'] ) {
case 'async':
$schedule = new ActionScheduler_NullSchedule();
case 'cron':
$date = as_get_datetime_object( $options['when'] );
$cron = CronExpression::factory( $options['pattern'] );
$schedule = new ActionScheduler_CronSchedule( $date, $cron );
case 'recurring':
$date = as_get_datetime_object( $options['when'] );
$schedule = new ActionScheduler_IntervalSchedule( $date, $options['pattern'] );
case 'single':
$date = as_get_datetime_object( $options['when'] );
$schedule = new ActionScheduler_SimpleSchedule( $date );
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.DevelopmentFunctions.error_log_error_log
error_log( "Unknown action type '{$options['type']}' specified when trying to create an action for '{$options['hook']}'." );
return 0;
$action = new ActionScheduler_Action( $options['hook'], $options['arguments'], $schedule, $options['group'] );
$action->set_priority( $options['priority'] );
$action_id = 0;
try {
$action_id = $options['unique'] ? $this->store_unique_action( $action ) : $this->store( $action );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.DevelopmentFunctions.error_log_error_log
/* translators: %1$s is the name of the hook to be enqueued, %2$s is the exception message. */
__( 'Caught exception while enqueuing action "%1$s": %2$s', 'woocommerce' ),
return $action_id;
* Save action to database.
* @param ActionScheduler_Action $action Action object to save.
* @return int The ID of the stored action
protected function store( ActionScheduler_Action $action ) {
$store = ActionScheduler_Store::instance();
return $store->save_action( $action );
* Store action if it's unique.
* @param ActionScheduler_Action $action Action object to store.
* @return int ID of the created action. Will be 0 if action was not created.
protected function store_unique_action( ActionScheduler_Action $action ) {
$store = ActionScheduler_Store::instance();
if ( method_exists( $store, 'save_unique_action' ) ) {
return $store->save_unique_action( $action );
} else {
* Fallback to non-unique action if the store doesn't support unique actions.
* We try to save the action as unique, accepting that there might be a race condition.
* This is likely still better than giving up on unique actions entirely.
$existing_action_id = (int) $store->find_action(
'args' => $action->get_args(),
'status' => ActionScheduler_Store::STATUS_PENDING,
'group' => $action->get_group(),
if ( $existing_action_id > 0 ) {
return 0;
return $store->save_action( $action );