File "ActionScheduler_Abstract_QueueRunner.php"
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* Abstract class with common Queue Cleaner functionality.
abstract class ActionScheduler_Abstract_QueueRunner extends ActionScheduler_Abstract_QueueRunner_Deprecated {
* ActionScheduler_QueueCleaner instance.
* @var ActionScheduler_QueueCleaner
protected $cleaner;
* ActionScheduler_FatalErrorMonitor instance.
* @var ActionScheduler_FatalErrorMonitor
protected $monitor;
* ActionScheduler_Store instance.
* @var ActionScheduler_Store
protected $store;
* The created time.
* Represents when the queue runner was constructed and used when calculating how long a PHP request has been running.
* For this reason it should be as close as possible to the PHP request start time.
* @var int
private $created_time;
* ActionScheduler_Abstract_QueueRunner constructor.
* @param ActionScheduler_Store|null $store Store object.
* @param ActionScheduler_FatalErrorMonitor|null $monitor Monitor object.
* @param ActionScheduler_QueueCleaner|null $cleaner Cleaner object.
public function __construct( ?ActionScheduler_Store $store = null, ?ActionScheduler_FatalErrorMonitor $monitor = null, ?ActionScheduler_QueueCleaner $cleaner = null ) {
$this->created_time = microtime( true );
$this->store = $store ? $store : ActionScheduler_Store::instance();
$this->monitor = $monitor ? $monitor : new ActionScheduler_FatalErrorMonitor( $this->store );
$this->cleaner = $cleaner ? $cleaner : new ActionScheduler_QueueCleaner( $this->store );
* Process an individual action.
* @param int $action_id The action ID to process.
* @param string $context Optional identifier for the context in which this action is being processed, e.g. 'WP CLI' or 'WP Cron'
* Generally, this should be capitalised and not localised as it's a proper noun.
* @throws \Exception When error running action.
public function process_action( $action_id, $context = '' ) {
// Temporarily override the error handler while we process the current action.
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.DevelopmentFunctions.error_log_set_error_handler
* Temporary error handler which can catch errors and convert them into exceptions. This facilitates more
* robust error handling across all supported PHP versions.
* @throws Exception
* @param int $type Error level expressed as an integer.
* @param string $message Error message.
function ( $type, $message ) {
throw new Exception( $message );
* The nested try/catch structure is required because we potentially need to convert thrown errors into
* exceptions (and an exception thrown from a catch block cannot be caught by a later catch block in the *same*
* structure).
try {
try {
$valid_action = false;
do_action( 'action_scheduler_before_execute', $action_id, $context );
if ( ActionScheduler_Store::STATUS_PENDING !== $this->store->get_status( $action_id ) ) {
do_action( 'action_scheduler_execution_ignored', $action_id, $context );
$valid_action = true;
do_action( 'action_scheduler_begin_execute', $action_id, $context );
$action = $this->store->fetch_action( $action_id );
$this->store->log_execution( $action_id );
do_action( 'action_scheduler_after_execute', $action_id, $action, $context );
$this->store->mark_complete( $action_id );
} catch ( Throwable $e ) {
// Throwable is defined when executing under PHP 7.0 and up. We convert it to an exception, for
// compatibility with ActionScheduler_Logger.
throw new Exception( $e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
// This catch block exists for compatibility with PHP 5.6.
$this->handle_action_error( $action_id, $e, $context, $valid_action );
} finally {
if ( isset( $action ) && is_a( $action, 'ActionScheduler_Action' ) && $action->get_schedule()->is_recurring() ) {
$this->schedule_next_instance( $action, $action_id );
* Marks actions as either having failed execution or failed validation, as appropriate.
* @param int $action_id Action ID.
* @param Exception $e Exception instance.
* @param string $context Execution context.
* @param bool $valid_action If the action is valid.
* @return void
private function handle_action_error( $action_id, $e, $context, $valid_action ) {
if ( $valid_action ) {
$this->store->mark_failure( $action_id );
* Runs when action execution fails.
* @param int $action_id Action ID.
* @param Exception $e Exception instance.
* @param string $context Execution context.
do_action( 'action_scheduler_failed_execution', $action_id, $e, $context );
} else {
* Runs when action validation fails.
* @param int $action_id Action ID.
* @param Exception $e Exception instance.
* @param string $context Execution context.
do_action( 'action_scheduler_failed_validation', $action_id, $e, $context );
* Schedule the next instance of the action if necessary.
* @param ActionScheduler_Action $action Action.
* @param int $action_id Action ID.
protected function schedule_next_instance( ActionScheduler_Action $action, $action_id ) {
// If a recurring action has been consistently failing, we may wish to stop rescheduling it.
if (
ActionScheduler_Store::STATUS_FAILED === $this->store->get_status( $action_id )
&& $this->recurring_action_is_consistently_failing( $action, $action_id )
) {
__( 'This action appears to be consistently failing. A new instance will not be scheduled.', 'woocommerce' )
try {
ActionScheduler::factory()->repeat( $action );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
do_action( 'action_scheduler_failed_to_schedule_next_instance', $action_id, $e, $action );
* Determine if the specified recurring action has been consistently failing.
* @param ActionScheduler_Action $action The recurring action to be rescheduled.
* @param int $action_id The ID of the recurring action.
* @return bool
private function recurring_action_is_consistently_failing( ActionScheduler_Action $action, $action_id ) {
* Controls the failure threshold for recurring actions.
* Before rescheduling a recurring action, we look at its status. If it failed, we then check if all of the most
* recent actions (upto the threshold set by this filter) sharing the same hook have also failed: if they have,
* that is considered consistent failure and a new instance of the action will not be scheduled.
* @param int $failure_threshold Number of actions of the same hook to examine for failure. Defaults to 5.
$consistent_failure_threshold = (int) apply_filters( 'action_scheduler_recurring_action_failure_threshold', 5 );
// This query should find the earliest *failing* action (for the hook we are interested in) within our threshold.
$query_args = array(
'hook' => $action->get_hook(),
'status' => ActionScheduler_Store::STATUS_FAILED,
'date' => date_create( 'now', timezone_open( 'UTC' ) )->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ),
'date_compare' => '<',
'per_page' => 1,
'offset' => $consistent_failure_threshold - 1,
$first_failing_action_id = $this->store->query_actions( $query_args );
// If we didn't retrieve an action ID, then there haven't been enough failures for us to worry about.
if ( empty( $first_failing_action_id ) ) {
return false;
// Now let's fetch the first action (having the same hook) of *any status* within the same window.
unset( $query_args['status'] );
$first_action_id_with_the_same_hook = $this->store->query_actions( $query_args );
* If a recurring action is assessed as consistently failing, it will not be rescheduled. This hook provides a
* way to observe and optionally override that assessment.
* @param bool $is_consistently_failing If the action is considered to be consistently failing.
* @param ActionScheduler_Action $action The action being assessed.
return (bool) apply_filters(
$first_action_id_with_the_same_hook === $first_failing_action_id,
* Run the queue cleaner.
protected function run_cleanup() {
$this->cleaner->clean( 10 * $this->get_time_limit() );
* Get the number of concurrent batches a runner allows.
* @return int
public function get_allowed_concurrent_batches() {
return apply_filters( 'action_scheduler_queue_runner_concurrent_batches', 1 );
* Check if the number of allowed concurrent batches is met or exceeded.
* @return bool
public function has_maximum_concurrent_batches() {
return $this->store->get_claim_count() >= $this->get_allowed_concurrent_batches();
* Get the maximum number of seconds a batch can run for.
* @return int The number of seconds.
protected function get_time_limit() {
$time_limit = 30;
// Apply deprecated filter from deprecated get_maximum_execution_time() method.
if ( has_filter( 'action_scheduler_maximum_execution_time' ) ) {
_deprecated_function( 'action_scheduler_maximum_execution_time', '2.1.1', 'action_scheduler_queue_runner_time_limit' );
$time_limit = apply_filters( 'action_scheduler_maximum_execution_time', $time_limit );
return absint( apply_filters( 'action_scheduler_queue_runner_time_limit', $time_limit ) );
* Get the number of seconds the process has been running.
* @return int The number of seconds.
protected function get_execution_time() {
$execution_time = microtime( true ) - $this->created_time;
// Get the CPU time if the hosting environment uses it rather than wall-clock time to calculate a process's execution time.
if ( function_exists( 'getrusage' ) && apply_filters( 'action_scheduler_use_cpu_execution_time', defined( 'PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT' ) ) ) {
$resource_usages = getrusage();
if ( isset( $resource_usages['ru_stime.tv_usec'], $resource_usages['ru_stime.tv_usec'] ) ) {
$execution_time = $resource_usages['ru_stime.tv_sec'] + ( $resource_usages['ru_stime.tv_usec'] / 1000000 );
return $execution_time;
* Check if the host's max execution time is (likely) to be exceeded if processing more actions.
* @param int $processed_actions The number of actions processed so far - used to determine the likelihood of exceeding the time limit if processing another action.
* @return bool
protected function time_likely_to_be_exceeded( $processed_actions ) {
$execution_time = $this->get_execution_time();
$max_execution_time = $this->get_time_limit();
// Safety against division by zero errors.
if ( 0 === $processed_actions ) {
return $execution_time >= $max_execution_time;
$time_per_action = $execution_time / $processed_actions;
$estimated_time = $execution_time + ( $time_per_action * 3 );
$likely_to_be_exceeded = $estimated_time > $max_execution_time;
return apply_filters( 'action_scheduler_maximum_execution_time_likely_to_be_exceeded', $likely_to_be_exceeded, $this, $processed_actions, $execution_time, $max_execution_time );
* Get memory limit
* Based on WP_Background_Process::get_memory_limit()
* @return int
protected function get_memory_limit() {
if ( function_exists( 'ini_get' ) ) {
$memory_limit = ini_get( 'memory_limit' );
} else {
$memory_limit = '128M'; // Sensible default, and minimum required by WooCommerce.
if ( ! $memory_limit || -1 === $memory_limit || '-1' === $memory_limit ) {
// Unlimited, set to 32GB.
$memory_limit = '32G';
return ActionScheduler_Compatibility::convert_hr_to_bytes( $memory_limit );
* Memory exceeded
* Ensures the batch process never exceeds 90% of the maximum WordPress memory.
* Based on WP_Background_Process::memory_exceeded()
* @return bool
protected function memory_exceeded() {
$memory_limit = $this->get_memory_limit() * 0.90;
$current_memory = memory_get_usage( true );
$memory_exceeded = $current_memory >= $memory_limit;
return apply_filters( 'action_scheduler_memory_exceeded', $memory_exceeded, $this );
* See if the batch limits have been exceeded, which is when memory usage is almost at
* the maximum limit, or the time to process more actions will exceed the max time limit.
* Based on WC_Background_Process::batch_limits_exceeded()
* @param int $processed_actions The number of actions processed so far - used to determine the likelihood of exceeding the time limit if processing another action.
* @return bool
protected function batch_limits_exceeded( $processed_actions ) {
return $this->memory_exceeded() || $this->time_likely_to_be_exceeded( $processed_actions );
* Process actions in the queue.
* @param string $context Optional identifier for the context in which this action is being processed, e.g. 'WP CLI' or 'WP Cron'
* Generally, this should be capitalised and not localised as it's a proper noun.
* @return int The number of actions processed.
abstract public function run( $context = '' );