File "wc-status-widget.js"
Full Path: /home/amervokv/
File size: 1.78 KB
MIME-type: text/plain
Charset: utf-8
/*global jQuery */
(function( $ ) {
$( function() {
window.wcTracks.recordEvent( 'wcadmin_status_widget_view' );
var recordEvent = function( link ) {
window.wcTracks.recordEvent( 'status_widget_click', {
link: link
} );
$( '.sales-this-month a' ).on( 'click', function() {
recordEvent( 'net-sales' );
$( '.best-seller-this-month a' ).on( 'click', function() {
recordEvent( 'best-seller-this-month' );
$( '.processing-orders a' ).on( 'click', function() {
recordEvent( 'orders-processing' );
$( '.on-hold-orders a' ).on( 'click', function() {
recordEvent( 'orders-on-hold' );
$( '.low-in-stock a' ).on( 'click', function() {
recordEvent( 'low-stock' );
$( '.out-of-stock a' ).on( 'click', function() {
recordEvent( 'out-of-stock' );
$( '.wc_sparkline.bars' ).each( function () {
const chartData = $( this ).data( 'sparkline' );
const options = {
grid: {
show: false,
// main series
const series = [
data: chartData,
color: $( this ).data( 'color' ),
bars: {
fillColor: $( this ).data( 'color' ),
fill: true,
show: true,
lineWidth: 1,
barWidth: $( this ).data( 'barwidth' ),
align: 'center',
shadowSize: 0,
// draw the sparkline
$.plot( $( this ), series, options );
} );
$( '.wc_sparkline.lines' ).each( function () {
const chartData = $( this ).data( 'sparkline' );
const options = {
grid: {
show: false,
// main series
const series = [
data: chartData,
color: $( this ).data( 'color' ),
lines: {
fill: false,
show: true,
lineWidth: 1,
align: 'center',
shadowSize: 0,
// draw the sparkline
$.plot( $( this ), series, options );
} );
})( jQuery );