File ""
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File size: 2.69 KB
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<th scope="row">Scope<?php
echo helpIcon(
'<p>This setting determines which folders WebP Express is operational in. ' .
'If for example "Uploads only" is selected, WebP Express will only convert the upload images and only put ' .
'an <i>.htaccess</i> file in the <i>uploads</i> folder (if needed). Also, <i>Alter HTML</i> will limit itself to that area.' .
'</p>' .
'<p>The "All content" setting will work on <i>uploads</i>, <i>themes</i>, <i>plugins</i> - anything in the "wp-content" ' .
'(or whatever it has been renamed to). It will work on uploads, even if the uploads folder has been ' .
'configured to reside outside of wp-content - and on <i>plugins<i>, even if plugins has been moved.</p>'
<select name="scope" id="scope">
/*webpexpress_selectBoxOptions($config['destination-structure'], [
'doc-root' => 'Document root',
'image-roots' => 'Image roots',
$imageTypes = $config['scope'];
sort($imageTypes, SORT_STRING);
$imageTypesString = implode(',', $imageTypes);
$options = [
['uploads', 'Uploads only'],
['themes', 'Themes only'],
['themes,uploads', 'Uploads and themes'],
['plugins,themes,uploads,wp-content', 'All content'],
['index,plugins,themes,uploads,wp-content', 'Everything (including wp-admin)'],
$otherValidOptions = ['index', 'wp-content'];
if (in_array($imageTypesString, $otherValidOptions)) {
$options[] = [$imageTypesString, $imageTypesString];
$hasSelected = false;
foreach ($options as list($optionId, $optionName)) {
$selected = ($imageTypesString == $optionId);
if ($selected) {
$hasSelected = true;
echo '<option value="' . $optionId . '"' . ($selected ? ' selected' : '') . '>' . $optionName . '</option>';
if (!$hasSelected) {
// Non-default option is "selected".
// This can be done in migrate11.php or user could have edited config.php manually.
// PS: We can rest assure that scope is sanitized - any invalid rootId is filtered out in Config::fix.
echo '<option value="' . $imageTypesString . '" selected>' .
'Custom: ' . implode(', ', explode(',', $imageTypesString)) .