File "cwebp.php"
Full Path: /home/amervokv/
File size: 3.87 KB
MIME-type: text/plain
Charset: utf-8
<div id="cwebp" style="display:none;">
<div class="cwebp converter-options">
<h3>cweb options</h3>
<label for="cwebp_use_nice">Use nice</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="cwebp_use_nice">
<br>Enabling this option saves system resources at the cost of slightly slower conversion
<label for="cwebp_try_common_system_paths">Try to execute cweb binary at common locations</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="cwebp_try_common_system_paths">
<br>If checked, we will look for binaries in common locations, such as <i>/usr/bin/cwebp</i>
<label for="cwebp_try_supplied_binary">Try precompiled cwebp</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="cwebp_try_supplied_binary">
<br>This plugin ships with precompiled cweb binaries for different platforms. If checked, and we have a precompiled binary for your OS, we will try to exectute it
<label for="cwebp_skip_these_precompiled_binaries">Skip these precompiled cwebp</label>
<input type="text" size="40" id="cwebp_skip_these_precompiled_binaries" style="width:100%">
<br>To skip precompiled binaries that are known not to work on current system (check the conversion log).
This will cut down on conversion time. Separate values with comma.
<label for="cwebp_method">Method (0-6)</label>
<input type="text" size="2" id="cwebp_method">
<br>This parameter controls the trade off between encoding speed and the compressed file size and quality.
Possible values range from 0 to 6. 0 is fastest. 6 results in best quality.
<label for="cwebp_set_size">Set size option (and ignore quality option)</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="cwebp_set_size">
<br>This option activates the size option below.
if ($canDetectQuality) {
echo 'As you have quality detection working on your server, it is probably best to use that, rather ';
echo 'than the "size" option. Using the size option takes more ressources (it takes about 2.5 times ';
echo 'longer for cwebp to do a a conversion with the size option than the quality option). Long ';
echo 'story short, you should probably <i>not</i> activate the size option.';
} else {
echo 'As you do not have quality detection working on your server, it is probably a good ';
echo 'idea to use the size option to avoid making conversions with a higher quality setting ';
echo 'than the source image. ';
echo 'Beware, though, that cwebp takes about 2.5 times longer to do a a conversion with the size option set.';
<label for="cwebp_size_in_percentage">Size (in percentage of source)</label>
<input type="text" size="2" id="cwebp_size_in_percentage">
<br>Set the cwebp should aim for, in percentage of the original.
Usually cwebp can reduce to ~45% of original without loosing quality.
<label for="cwebp_command_line_options">Extra command line options</label><br>
<input type="text" size="40" id="cwebp_command_line_options" style="width:100%">
<br>This allows you to set any parameter available for cwebp in the same way as
you would do when executing <i>cwebp</i>. As a syntax example, you could ie. set it to
"-low_memory -af -f 50 -sharpness 0 -mt -crop 10 10 40 40" (do not include the quotes).
Read more about all the available parameters in
<a target="_blank" href="">the docs</a>
<?php webp_express_printUpdateButtons() ?>