File "HTAccessRules.php"
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namespace WebPExpress;
class HTAccessRules
private static $useDocRootForStructuringCacheDir;
private static $config;
private static $mingled;
private static $appendWebP;
private static $imageTypes;
private static $fileExt;
private static $fileExtensions;
private static $fileExtIncludingDot;
private static $htaccessDir;
private static $htaccessDirRelToDocRoot;
private static $htaccessDirAbs;
private static $modHeaderDefinitelyUnavailable;
private static $passThroughHeaderDefinitelyUnavailable;
private static $passThroughHeaderDefinitelyAvailable;
private static $passThroughEnvVarDefinitelyUnavailable;
private static $passThroughEnvVarDefinitelyAvailable;
private static $canDefinitelyRunTestScriptInWOD;
private static $canDefinitelyRunTestScriptInWOD2;
private static $capTests;
private static $setAddVaryEnvInRedirect;
private static $dirContainsSourceImages;
private static $dirContainsWebPImages;
private static $alterHtmlEnabled;
private static $docRootString;
private static function trueFalseNullString($var)
if ($var === true) {
return 'yes';
if ($var === false) {
return 'no';
return 'could not be determined';
public static function arePathsUsedInHTAccessOutdated() {
if (!Config::isConfigFileThere()) {
// this properly means that rewrite rules have never been generated
return false;
$oldConfig = Config::loadConfig();
if ($oldConfig === false) {
// corrupt or not readable
return true;
return self::arePathsUsedInHTAccessOutdated2($oldConfig);
private static function arePathsUsedInHTAccessOutdated2($oldConfig)
if (!isset($oldConfig['paths-used-in-htaccess'])) {
return true;
$pathsGoingToBeUsedInHtaccess = [
'wod-url-path' => Paths::getWodUrlPath(),
foreach ($oldConfig['paths-used-in-htaccess'] as $prop => $value) {
if (isset($pathsGoingToBeUsedInHtaccess[$prop])) {
if ($value != $pathsGoingToBeUsedInHtaccess[$prop]) {
return true;
return false;
* Note that server variables are only allowed some places in the .htaccess.
* It is for example not allowed in CondPattern so something like this will not work:
* RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} (?i)(%{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/wordpress/wp-content/themes/)(.*)(\.jpe?g|\.png)$
private static function replaceDocRootWithApacheTokenIfDocRootAvailable($absPath)
// TODO: I would like to test this thoroughly before using so we do nothing now:
return $absPath;
if (PathHelper::isDocRootAvailable()) {
if (strpos($absPath, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) === 0) {
return "%{DOCUMENT_ROOT}" . substr($absPath, strlen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']));
return $absPath;
* Decides if .htaccess rules needs to be updated.
* The result is positive under these circumstances:
* - If there is no existing config.json (it must mean that there are no rules, and so they need "updating")
* - If existing config.json is corrupt or not readable
* - The new config.json is compared to the old. If any of the properties that will affect the .htaccess has
* changed, well, it needs updating. Also, if there is a new property, it needs update, unless the
* value of that new property would not have any effect
* - If the url path to the "wod" folder has changed (actually, to wod/webp-on-demand, but if one of these changes, so does the other)
* - TODO: Should we not also compare (some of) the capability tests?
* - TODO: Should we not also compare some paths, ie. Paths::getContentDirRelToPluginDir(), which is used in
* HTAccessRules::webpRealizerRules()
* - TODO: Some changes would not really require regeneration. We could do a more fine-grained
* check. For example, many changes matters not (ie "wod-url-path") if redirection to
* both webp-realizer and webp-on-demand are disabled.
public static function doesRewriteRulesNeedUpdate($newConfig) {
if (!Config::isConfigFileThere()) {
// this properly means that rewrite rules have never been generated
return true;
$oldConfig = Config::loadConfig();
if ($oldConfig === false) {
// corrupt or not readable
return true;
// $propsToCompare is set like this:
// Keys: properties that should trigger .htaccess update if changed
// Values: The behaviour before that property was intruduced
$propsToCompare = [
'forward-query-string' => true,
'image-types' => 1,
'redirect-to-existing-in-htaccess' => false,
'only-redirect-to-converter-on-cache-miss' => false,
'success-response' => 'converted',
'cache-control' => 'no-header',
'cache-control-custom' => 'public, max-age:3600',
'cache-control-max-age' => 'one-week',
'cache-control-public' => true,
'enable-redirection-to-webp-realizer' => false,
'enable-redirection-to-converter' => true,
'destination-folder' => 'separate',
'destination-extension' => 'append',
'destination-structure' => 'doc-root',
'scope' => ['themes', 'uploads'],
'prevent-using-webps-larger-than-original' => true,
// If one of the props have changed, we need to update.
// And we also need update if one of them doesn't exist in the old config, unless
// the new property/value has same effect as before the property was introduced.
foreach ($propsToCompare as $prop => $behaviourBeforeIntroduced) {
if (!isset($newConfig[$prop])) {
if (!isset($oldConfig[$prop])) {
// Do not trigger .htaccess update if the new value results
// in same old behaviour (before this option was introduced)
if ($newConfig[$prop] == $behaviourBeforeIntroduced) {
} else {
// Otherwise DO trigger .htaccess update
return true;
if ($newConfig[$prop] != $oldConfig[$prop]) {
return true;
if (isset($newConfig['redirect-to-existing-in-htaccess']) && $newConfig['redirect-to-existing-in-htaccess']) {
$propsToCompare['destination-folder'] = 'separate';
$propsToCompare['destination-extension'] = 'append';
$propsToCompare['destination-structure'] = 'doc-root';
if (self::arePathsUsedInHTAccessOutdated2($oldConfig)) {
return true;
return false;
* @return string Info in comments.
private static function infoRules()
return "# The rules below have been dynamically created by WebP Express in accordance with the plugin settings\n" .
"# DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY (unless you are prepared that your changes might be overridden by WebP Express)" . "\n" .
"# The following parameters have been in play to produce the rules:\n" .
"#\n# WebP Express options:\n" .
"# - Operation mode: " . self::$config['operation-mode'] . "\n" .
"# - Redirection to existing webp: " .
(self::$config['redirect-to-existing-in-htaccess'] ? 'enabled' : 'disabled') . "\n" .
"# - Redirection to converter: " .
(self::$config['enable-redirection-to-converter'] ? 'enabled' : 'disabled') . "\n" .
"# - Redirection to converter to create missing webp files upon request for the webp: " .
(self::$config['enable-redirection-to-webp-realizer'] ? 'enabled' : 'disabled') . "\n" .
"# - Destination folder: " . self::$config['destination-folder'] . "\n" .
"# - Destination extension: " . self::$config['destination-extension'] . "\n" .
"# - Destination structure: " . self::$config['destination-structure'] . (((self::$config['destination-structure'] == 'doc-root') && (!self::$useDocRootForStructuringCacheDir)) ? ' (overruled!)' : '') . "\n" .
"# - Image types: " . str_replace('?', '', implode(', ', self::$fileExtensions)) . "\n" .
'# - Alter HTML enabled?: ' . (self::$alterHtmlEnabled ? 'yes' : 'no') . "\n" .
"#\n# Wordpress/Server configuration:\n" .
'# - Document root availablity: ' . Paths::docRootStatusText() . "\n" .
"#\n# .htaccess capability test results:\n" .
"# - mod_header working?: " .
(self::$capTests['modHeaderWorking'] === true ? 'yes' : (self::$capTests['modHeaderWorking'] === false ? 'no' : 'could not be determined')) . "\n" .
"# - pass variable from .htaccess to script through header working?: " .
(self::$capTests['passThroughHeaderWorking'] === true ? 'yes' : (self::$capTests['passThroughHeaderWorking'] === false ? 'no' : 'could not be determined')) . "\n" .
"# - pass variable from .htaccess to script through environment variable working?: " .
(self::$capTests['passThroughEnvWorking'] === true ? 'yes' : (self::$capTests['passThroughEnvWorking'] === false ? 'no' : 'could not be determined')) . "\n" .
"#\n# Role of the dir that this .htaccess is located in:\n" .
'# - Is this .htaccess in a dir containing source images?: ' . (self::$dirContainsSourceImages ? 'yes' : 'no') . "\n" .
'# - Is this .htaccess in a dir containing webp images?: ' . (self::$dirContainsWebPImages ? 'yes' : 'no') . "\n" .
* @return string rules for cache control
private static function cacheRules()
// Build cache control rules
$ccRules = '';
$cacheControlHeader = Config::getCacheControlHeader(self::$config);
if ($cacheControlHeader != '') {
$ccRules .= "# Set Cache-Control header for requests to webp images\n";
$ccRules .= "<IfModule mod_headers.c>\n";
$ccRules .= " <FilesMatch \"(?i)\.webp$\">\n";
$ccRules .= " Header set Cache-Control \"" . $cacheControlHeader . "\"\n";
$ccRules .= " </FilesMatch>\n";
$ccRules .= "</IfModule>\n\n";
// Fall back to mod_expires if mod_headers is unavailable
if (self::$modHeaderDefinitelyUnavailable) {
$cacheControl = self::$config['cache-control'];
$expires = '';
if ($cacheControl == 'custom') {
$expires = '';
// Do not add Expire header if private is set
// - because then the user don't want caching in proxies / CDNs.
// the Expires header doesn't differentiate between private/public
if (!(preg_match('/private/', self::$config['cache-control-custom']))) {
if (preg_match('/max-age=(\d+)/', self::$config['cache-control-custom'], $matches)) {
if (isset($matches[1])) {
$expires = $matches[1] . ' seconds';
} elseif ($cacheControl == 'no-header') {
$expires = '';
} elseif ($cacheControl == 'set') {
if (self::$config['cache-control-public']) {
$cacheControlOptions = [
'no-header' => '',
'one-second' => '1 seconds',
'one-minute' => '1 minutes',
'one-hour' => '1 hours',
'one-day' => '1 days',
'one-week' => '1 weeks',
'one-month' => '1 months',
'one-year' => '1 years',
$expires = $cacheControlOptions[self::$config['cache-control-max-age']];
if ($expires != '') {
// in case mod_headers is missing, try mod_expires
$ccRules .= "# Fall back to mod_expires if mod_headers is unavailable\n";
$ccRules .= "<IfModule !mod_headers.c>\n";
$ccRules .= " <IfModule mod_expires.c>\n";
$ccRules .= " ExpiresActive On\n";
$ccRules .= " ExpiresByType image/webp \"access plus " . $expires . "\"\n";
$ccRules .= " </IfModule>\n";
$ccRules .= "</IfModule>\n\n";
return $ccRules;
* @return string rules for redirecting to existing
private static function redirectToExistingRules()
$rules = '';
if (self::$mingled) {
// TODO:
// Only write mingled rules for "uploads" dir.
// - UNLESS no .htaccess has been placed in uploads dir (is unwritable) (in that case also write for wp-content / index)
// (self::$htaccessDir == 'uploads')
$rules .= " # Redirect to existing converted image in same dir (if browser supports webp)\n";
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{HTTP_ACCEPT} image/webp\n";
if (self::$htaccessDir == 'index') {
// TODO: Add the following rule if configured to
if (false) {
// TODO: Full path to wp-admin from doc-root - if possible
// (that is: if document root is available).
// ie: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/?wordpress/wp-admin
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !wp-admin\n";
// $rules .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} (?i)(.*)(" . self::$fileExtIncludingDot . ")$\n";
// self::$appendWebP cannot be used, we need this:
// (because we are not sure there are a .htaccess in the uploads folder)
if (self::$useDocRootForStructuringCacheDir) {
if (self::$config['destination-extension'] == 'append') {
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.webp -f\n";
//$rules .= " RewriteCond " . self::$docRootString . "/" . self::$htaccessDirRelToDocRoot . "/$1.$2.webp -f\n";
$rules .= " RewriteRule ^/?(.*)\.(" . self::$fileExt . ")$ $1.$2.webp [NC,T=image/webp,E=EXISTING:1," . (self::$setAddVaryEnvInRedirect ? 'E=ADDVARY:1,' : '') . "L]\n\n";
} else {
// extension: set to webp
//$rules .= " RewriteCond " . self::$docRootString . "/" . self::$htaccessDirRelToDocRoot . "/$1.webp -f\n";
//$rules .= " RewriteRule " . $rewriteRuleStart . "\.(" . self::$fileExt . ")$ $1.webp [T=image/webp,E=EXISTING:1," . (self::$setAddVaryEnvInRedirect ? 'E=ADDVARY:1,' : '') . "L]\n\n";
// Got these new rules here:
// (but are they actually better than the ones we use for append?)
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (?i)(.*)(" . self::$fileExtIncludingDot . ")$\n";
$rules .= " RewriteCond " . self::$docRootString . "%1\.webp -f\n";
$rules .= " RewriteRule (?i)(.*)(" . self::$fileExtIncludingDot . ")$ %1\.webp [T=image/webp,E=EXISTING:1," . (self::$setAddVaryEnvInRedirect ? 'E=ADDVARY:1,' : '') . "L]\n\n";
// Instead of using REQUEST_URI, I can use REQUEST_FILENAME and remove DOCUMENT_ROOT
// I suppose REQUEST_URI is what was requested (ie "/wp-content/uploads/image.jpg").
// REQUEST_FILENAME is the filesystem path. (ie "/var/www/")
// But it cant be, because then the digitalocean solution would not work in above case.
// TODO: investigate
// RewriteRule (?i)(.*)(\.jpe?g|\.png)$ %1\.webp [T=image/webp,E=EXISTING:1,E=ADDVARY:1,L]
} else {
$appendWebP = !(self::$config['destination-extension'] == 'set');
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} (?i)(.*)(" . self::$fileExtIncludingDot . ")$\n";
$rules .= " RewriteCond %1" . ($appendWebP ? "%2" : "") . "\.webp -f\n";
$rules .= " RewriteRule (?i)(.*)(" . self::$fileExtIncludingDot . ")$ %1" . ($appendWebP ? "%2" : "") .
"\.webp [T=image/webp,E=EXISTING:1," . (self::$setAddVaryEnvInRedirect ? 'E=ADDVARY:1,' : '') . "L]\n\n";
if (self::$htaccessDir != 'uploads') {
//return '# temporalily disabled';
// Redirect to existing converted image in cache-dir.
// Do not write these rules for uploads in mingled (there are no "uploads" images in cache-dir when in mingled mode)
if (!(self::$mingled && (self::$htaccessDir == 'uploads'))) {
$rules .= " # Redirect to existing converted image in cache-dir (if browser supports webp)\n";
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{HTTP_ACCEPT} image/webp\n";
if (self::$useDocRootForStructuringCacheDir) {
$cacheDirRel = Paths::getCacheDirRelToDocRoot() . '/doc-root';
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f\n";
$rules .= " RewriteCond " .
self::$docRootString .
"/" . $cacheDirRel . "/" . self::$htaccessDirRelToDocRoot . "/$1.$2.webp -f\n";
$rules .= " RewriteRule ^/?(.+)\.(" . self::$fileExt . ")$ /" . $cacheDirRel . "/" . self::$htaccessDirRelToDocRoot .
"/$1.$2.webp [NC,T=image/webp,E=EXISTING:1," . (self::$setAddVaryEnvInRedirect ? 'E=ADDVARY:1,' : '') . "L]\n\n";
} else {
// Make sure source image exists
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f\n";
// Find relative path of source (accessible as %2%3)
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} (?i)(" . self::$htaccessDirAbs . "/)(.*)(" . self::$fileExtIncludingDot . ")$\n";
// Make sure there is a webp in the cache-dir
$cacheDirForThisRoot = Paths::getCacheDirForImageRoot(
$cacheDirForThisRoot = PathHelper::fixAbsPathToUseUnresolvedDocRoot($cacheDirForThisRoot);
$cacheDirForThisRoot = PathHelper::backslashesToForwardSlashes($cacheDirForThisRoot); #512
$rules .= " RewriteCond " . $cacheDirForThisRoot . "/%2%3.webp -f\n";
//RewriteCond /var/www/webp-express-tests/we0/wp-content-moved/webp-express/webp-images/uploads/%2%3.webp -f
$urlPath = '/' . Paths::getContentUrlPath() . "/webp-express/webp-images/" . self::$htaccessDir . "/%2" . (self::$appendWebP ? "%3" : "") . "\.webp";
//$rules .= " RewriteCond %1" . (self::$appendWebP ? "%2" : "") . "\.webp -f\n";
$rules .= " RewriteRule (?i)(.*)(" . self::$fileExtIncludingDot . ")$ " . $urlPath .
" [T=image/webp,E=EXISTING:1," . (self::$setAddVaryEnvInRedirect ? 'E=ADDVARY:1,' : '') . "L]\n\n";
//$rules .= " RewriteRule ^\/?(.*)\.(" . self::$fileExt . ")$ /" . $cacheDirRel . "/" . self::$htaccessDirRelToDocRoot . "/$1.$2.webp [NC,T=image/webp,E=EXISTING:1,L]\n\n";
return $rules;
private static function webpRealizerRules()
# Pass REQUEST_FILENAME to PHP in request header
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/wordpress/uploads-moved/$1 -f
RewriteRule ^(.*)\.(webp)$ - [E=REQFN:%{REQUEST_FILENAME}]
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
RequestHeader set REQFN "%{REQFN}e" env=REQFN
# WebP Realizer: Redirect non-existing webp images to converter when a corresponding jpeg/png is found
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/wordpress/uploads-moved/$1 -f
RewriteRule ^(.*)\.(webp)$ /plugins-moved/webp-express/wod/webp-realizer.php?wp-content=wp-content-moved [NC,L]
$rules = '';
$rules .= "# WebP Realizer: Redirect non-existing webp images to webp-realizer.php, which will locate corresponding jpg/png, \n" .
"# convert it, and deliver the freshly converted webp\n";
$rules .= "<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>\n" .
" RewriteEngine On\n";
if (self::$useDocRootForStructuringCacheDir) {
Generate something like this:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^/?(.+)\.(webp)$ /plugins-moved/webp-express/wod/webp-realizer.php [E=DESTINATIONREL:wp-content-moved/$0,E=WPCONTENT:wp-content-moved,NC,L]
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f\n";
$params = [];
$flags = [];
if (!self::$passThroughEnvVarDefinitelyUnavailable) {
$flags[] = 'E=DESTINATIONREL:' . self::$htaccessDirRelToDocRoot . '/$0';
if (!self::$passThroughEnvVarDefinitelyUnavailable) {
$flags[] = 'E=WPCONTENT:' . Paths::getContentDirRel();
$flags[] = 'NC';
$flags[] = 'L';
$passRelativePathToSourceInQS = !(self::$passThroughEnvVarDefinitelyAvailable || self::$passThroughHeaderDefinitelyAvailable);
if ($passRelativePathToSourceInQS) {
$params[] = 'xdestination-rel=x' . self::$htaccessDirRelToDocRoot . '/$1.$2';
if (!self::$passThroughEnvVarDefinitelyAvailable) {
$params[] = "wp-content=" . Paths::getContentDirRel();
// When matching from the beginning (^), we need the "/?" in order to make it work on litespeed too.
// Here is why:
$rewriteRuleStart = '^/?(.+)';
$rules .= " RewriteRule " . $rewriteRuleStart . "\.(webp)$ " .
"/" . self::getWebPRealizerUrlPath() .
((count($params) > 0) ? "?" . implode('&', $params) : '') .
" [" . implode(',', $flags) . "]\n\n";
} else {
Generate something like this:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule (?i).*(\.jpe?g|\.png)\.webp$ /plugins-moved/webp-express/wod/webp-realizer.php [E=WE_WP_CONTENT_REL_TO_PLUGIN_DIR:../wp-content-moved,E=WE_DESTINATION_REL_HTACCESS:$0,E=WE_HTACCESS_ID:cache,NC,L]
// Add condition for making sure the webp does not already exist
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f\n";
$params = [];
$flags = [];
if (!self::$passThroughEnvVarDefinitelyUnavailable) {
//$flags[] = 'E=WE_WP_CONTENT_REL_TO_PLUGIN_DIR:' . Paths::getContentDirRelToPluginDir();
$flags[] = 'E=WE_WP_CONTENT_REL_TO_WE_PLUGIN_DIR:' . Paths::getContentDirRelToWebPExpressPluginDir();
$flags[] = 'E=WE_HTACCESS_ID:' . self::$htaccessDir; // this will btw either be "uploads" or "cache"
$flags[] = 'NC'; // case-insensitive match (so file extension can be jpg, JPG or even jPg)
$flags[] = 'L';
if (!self::$passThroughEnvVarDefinitelyAvailable) {
//$params[] = 'xwp-content-rel-to-plugin-dir=x' . Paths::getContentDirRelToPluginDir();
$params[] = 'xwp-content-rel-to-we-plugin-dir=x' . Paths::getContentDirRelToWebPExpressPluginDir();
$params[] = 'xdestination-rel-htaccess=x$0';
$params[] = 'htaccess-id=' . self::$htaccessDir;
// self::$appendWebP cannot be used, we need the following in order for
// it to work for uploads in: Mingled, "Set to WebP", "Image roots".
// TODO! Will it work for ie theme images?
// - well, it should, because the script is passed $0. Not matching the ".png" part of the filename
// only means it is a bit more greedy than it has to
$appendWebP = !(self::$config['destination-extension'] == 'set');
$rules .= " RewriteRule (?i).*" . ($appendWebP ? "(" . self::$fileExtIncludingDot . ")" : "") . "\.webp$ " .
"/" . self::getWebPRealizerUrlPath() .
(count($params) > 0 ? "?" . implode('&', $params) : "") .
" [" . implode(',', $flags) . "]\n";
Generate something like this:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule (?i).*\.webp$ /plugins-moved/webp-express/wod/webp-realizer.php [E=WE_WP_CONTENT_REL_TO_PLUGIN_DIR:../wp-content-moved,E=WE_DESTINATION_REL_IMAGE_ROOT:$0,E=WE_IMAGE_ROOT_ID:wp-content,NC,L]
// Add condition for making sure the webp does not already exist
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f\n";
$params = [];
$flags = [];
if (!self::$passThroughEnvVarDefinitelyUnavailable) {
$flags[] = 'E=WE_WP_CONTENT_REL_TO_PLUGIN_DIR:' . Paths::getContentDirRelToPluginDir();
$flags[] = 'E=WE_IMAGE_ROOT_ID:' . self::$htaccessDir;
$flags[] = 'NC'; // case-insensitive match (so file extension can be jpg, JPG or even jPg)
$flags[] = 'L';
if (!self::$passThroughEnvVarDefinitelyAvailable) {
$params[] = 'image-root-id=' . self::$htaccessDir;
$params[] = 'xdestination-rel-image-root=x$0';
$params[] = 'xwp-content-rel-to-plugin-dir=x' . Paths::getContentDirRelToPluginDir();
// self::$appendWebP cannot be used, we need the following in order for
// it to work for uploads in: Mingled, "Set to WebP", "Image roots".
// TODO! Will it work for ie theme images?
// - well, it should, because the script is passed $0. Not matching the ".png" part of the filename
// only means it is a bit more greedy than it has to
$appendWebP = !(self::$config['destination-extension'] == 'set');
$rules .= " RewriteRule (?i).*" . ($appendWebP ? "(" . self::$fileExtIncludingDot . ")" : "") . "\.webp$ " .
"/" . self::getWebPRealizerUrlPath() .
(count($params) > 0 ? "?" . implode('&', $params) : "") .
" [" . implode(',', $flags) . "]\n\n";
Generate something like this:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} (?i)(/var/www/webp-express-tests/we0/wordpress/uploads-moved/)(.*)(\.jpe?g|\.png)(\.webp)$
RewriteRule (?i).*\.webp$ /plugins-moved/webp-express/wod/webp-realizer.php?root-id=uploads&xdest-rel-to-root-id=x%2%3%4 [E=WE_WP_CONTENT_REL_TO_PLUGIN_DIR:../wp-content-moved,E=REQFN:%{REQUEST_FILENAME},NC,L]
// Bugger! When the requested file does not exist, %{REQUEST_FILENAME} will always contain the full path.
// - it is set to the closest existing path plus one path component.
// So we cannot use %{REQUEST_FILENAME} for webp realizer.
// It seems we must use REQUEST_URI. But this could get tricky as we may not have access to the resolved document root in the scripts
// Add condition for making sure the webp does not already exist
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f\n";
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} (?i)(" .
self::$htaccessDirAbs . "/)(.*)" . (self::$appendWebP ? "(" . self::$fileExtIncludingDot . ")" : "") . "(\.webp)$\n";
$params = [];
$flags = [];
if (!self::$passThroughEnvVarDefinitelyUnavailable) {
$flags[] = 'E=WE_WP_CONTENT_REL_TO_PLUGIN_DIR:' . Paths::getContentDirRelToPluginDir();
$flags[] = 'E=WEDESTINATIONABS:%0';
$flags[] = 'NC'; // case-insensitive match (so file extension can be jpg, JPG or even jPg)
$flags[] = 'L';
if (!self::$passThroughEnvVarDefinitelyAvailable) {
$params[] = 'root-id=' . self::$htaccessDir;
$params[] = 'xdest-rel-to-root-id=x%2%3' . (self::$appendWebP ? "%4" : "");
$rules .= " RewriteRule (?i).*\.webp$ " .
"/" . self::getWebPRealizerUrlPath() .
(count($params) > 0 ? "?" . implode('&', $params) : "") .
" [" . implode(',', $flags) . "]\n\n";
/*if (!self::$config['redirect-to-existing-in-htaccess']) {
$rules .= self::cacheRules();
$rules .= "</IfModule>\n\n";
return $rules;
private static function webpOnDemandRules()
$setEnvVar = !self::$passThroughEnvVarDefinitelyUnavailable;
$passRelativePathToSourceInQS = !(self::$passThroughEnvVarDefinitelyAvailable || self::$passThroughHeaderDefinitelyAvailable);
$rules = '';
// Do not add header magic if passing through env is definitely working
// Do not add either, if we definitily know it isn't working
if ((!self::$passThroughEnvVarDefinitelyAvailable) && (!self::$passThroughHeaderDefinitelyUnavailable)) {
if (self::$config['enable-redirection-to-converter']) {
$rules .= " # Pass REQUEST_FILENAME to webp-on-demand.php in request header\n";
//$rules .= $basicConditions;
//$rules .= " RewriteRule ^(.*)\.(" . self::$fileExt . ")$ - [E=REQFN:%{REQUEST_FILENAME}]\n" .
$rules .= " <IfModule mod_headers.c>\n" .
" RequestHeader set REQFN \"%{REQFN}e\" env=REQFN\n" .
" </IfModule>\n\n";
if (self::$config['enable-redirection-to-webp-realizer']) {
// We haven't implemented a clever way to pass through header for webp-realizer yet
$rules .= " # Redirect images to webp-on-demand.php ";
if (self::$config['only-redirect-to-converter-for-webp-enabled-browsers']) {
$rules .= "(if browser supports webp)\n";
} else {
$rules .= "(regardless whether browser supports webp or not!)\n";
if (self::$config['only-redirect-to-converter-for-webp-enabled-browsers']) {
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{HTTP_ACCEPT} image/webp\n";
if (self::$useDocRootForStructuringCacheDir) {
Generate something like this:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_ACCEPT} image/webp
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
RewriteRule ^/?(.+)\.(jpe?g|png)$ /plugins-moved/webp-express/wod/webp-on-demand.php [NC,L,E=REQFN:%{REQUEST_FILENAME},E=WPCONTENT:wp-content-moved]
$params = [];
$flags = ['NC', 'L'];
if ($setEnvVar) {
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f\n";
if ($passRelativePathToSourceInQS) {
$params[] = 'xsource-rel=x' . self::$htaccessDirRelToDocRoot . '/$1.$2';
if (!self::$passThroughEnvVarDefinitelyAvailable) {
$params[] = "wp-content=" . Paths::getContentDirRel();
if (!self::$passThroughEnvVarDefinitelyUnavailable) {
$flags[] = 'E=WPCONTENT:' . Paths::getContentDirRel();
// TODO: When $rewriteRuleStart is empty, we don't need the .*, do we? - test
$rewriteRuleStart = '^/?(.+)';
$rules .= " RewriteRule " . $rewriteRuleStart . "\.(" . self::$fileExt . ")$ " .
"/" . self::getWodUrlPath() .
(count($params) > 0 ? "?" . implode('&', $params) : "") .
" [" . implode(',', $flags) . "]\n";
} else {
Create something like this:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} (?i)(.*)(\.jpe?g|\.png)$
RewriteRule (?i).*$ /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/webp-express/wod/webp-on-demand.php [E=WE_WP_CONTENT_REL_TO_WE_PLUGIN_DIR:../..,E=WE_SOURCE_REL_HTACCESS:$0,E=WE_HTACCESS_ID:uploads,NC,L]
// Making sure the source exists
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f\n";
$params = [];
$flags = [];
if (!self::$passThroughEnvVarDefinitelyUnavailable) {
//$flags[] = 'E=WE_WP_CONTENT_REL_TO_PLUGIN_DIR:' . Paths::getContentDirRelToPluginDir();
$flags[] = 'E=WE_WP_CONTENT_REL_TO_WE_PLUGIN_DIR:' . Paths::getContentDirRelToWebPExpressPluginDir();
$flags[] = 'E=WE_SOURCE_REL_HTACCESS:$0';
$flags[] = 'E=WE_HTACCESS_ID:' . self::$htaccessDir; // this will btw be one of the image roots. It will not be "cache"
$flags[] = 'NC'; // case-insensitive match (so file extension can be jpg, JPG or even jPg)
$flags[] = 'L';
if (!self::$passThroughEnvVarDefinitelyAvailable) {
//$params[] = 'xwp-content-rel-to-plugin-dir=x' . Paths::getContentDirRelToPluginDir();
$params[] = 'xwp-content-rel-to-we-plugin-dir=x' . Paths::getContentDirRelToWebPExpressPluginDir();
$params[] = 'xsource-rel-htaccess=x$0';
$params[] = 'htaccess-id=' . self::$htaccessDir;
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} (?i)(.*)(" . self::$fileExtIncludingDot . ")$\n";
$rules .= " RewriteRule (?i).*$ " .
"/" . self::getWodUrlPath() .
(count($params) > 0 ? "?" . implode('&', $params) : "") .
" [" . implode(',', $flags) . "]\n";
// self::$appendWebP cannot be used, we need the following in order for
// it to work for uploads in: Mingled, "Set to WebP", "Image roots".
// TODO! Will it work for ie theme images?
// - well, it should, because the script is passed $0. Not matching the ".png" part of the filename
// only means it is a bit more greedy than it has to
$appendWebP = !(self::$config['destination-extension'] == 'set');
$rules .= " RewriteRule (?i).*" . ($appendWebP ? "(" . self::$fileExtIncludingDot . ")" : "") . "$ " .
"/" . self::getWodUrlPath() .
(count($params) > 0 ? "?" . implode('&', $params) : "") .
" [" . implode(',', $flags) . "]\n";
Create something like this (for wp-content):
# Redirect to existing converted image in cache-dir (if browser supports webp)
RewriteCond %{HTTP_ACCEPT} image/webp
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} (?i)(/var/www/webp-express-tests/we0/wp-content-moved/)(.*)(\.jpe?g|\.png)$
RewriteRule (?i)(.*)(\.jpe?g|\.png)$ /plugins-moved/webp-express/wod/webp-on-demand.php?root-id=wp-content&xsource-rel-to-root-id=%2%3
PS: Actually, the whole REQUEST_FILENAME could be passed in querystring by adding "&req-fn=%0" to above.
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} (?i)(" .
self::$htaccessDirAbs . "/)(.*)(" . self::$fileExtIncludingDot . ")$\n";
$params = [];
$flags = [];
if (!self::$passThroughEnvVarDefinitelyUnavailable) {
$flags[] = 'E=WE_WP_CONTENT_REL_TO_PLUGIN_DIR:' . Paths::getContentDirRelToPluginDir();
$flags[] = 'NC'; // case-insensitive match (so file extension can be jpg, JPG or even jPg)
$flags[] = 'L';
$params[] = 'root-id=' . self::$htaccessDir;
$params[] = 'xsource-rel-to-root-id=x%2' . (self::$appendWebP ? "%3" : "");
$rules .= " RewriteRule (?i)(.*)(" . self::$fileExtIncludingDot . ")$ " .
"/" . self::getWodUrlPath() .
(count($params) > 0 ? "?" . implode('&', $params) : "") .
" [" . implode(',', $flags) . "]\n";
TODO: NO, this will not do on systems that cannot pass through ENV.
(Or is REQUEST_FILENAME useable at all? If it is, then we could perhaps
catch the whole %{REQUEST_FILENAME} and pass it in %1)
$params = [];
$flags = ['NC', 'L'];
if ($passRelativePathToSourceInQS) {
$params[] = 'xsource-rel-to-plugin-dir=x' . self::$htaccessDirRelToDocRoot . '/$1.$2';
if (!self::$passThroughEnvVarDefinitelyAvailable) {
$params[] = "xwp-content-rel-to-plugin-dir=x" . Paths::getContentDirRelToPluginDir();
// $rules .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f\n";
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} (?i)(" .
self::$htaccessDirAbs . "/)(.*)(" . self::$fileExtIncludingDot . ")$\n";
$rules .= " RewriteRule (?i)(.*)(" . self::$fileExtIncludingDot . ")$ " .
"/" . self::getWodUrlPath() .
(count($params) > 0 ? "?" . implode('&', $params) : "") .
" [" . implode(',', $flags) . "]\n";
//$urlPath = '/' . Paths::getUrlPathById('plugins') . "/%2" . (self::$appendWebP ? "%3" : "") . "\.webp";
// $urlPath = '/' . Paths::getUrlPathById(self::$htaccessDir) . "/%2" . (self::$appendWebP ? "%3" : "") . "\.webp";
//$urlPath = '/' . Paths::getContentUrlPath() . "/webp-express/webp-images/" . self::$htaccessDir . "/%2" . (self::$appendWebP ? "%3" : "") . "\.webp";
//$rules .= " RewriteCond %1" . (self::$appendWebP ? "%2" : "") . "\.webp -f\n";
//$rules .= " RewriteRule (?i)(.*)(" . self::$fileExtIncludingDot . ")$ " . $urlPath ." [T=image/webp,E=EXISTING:1," . (self::$setAddVaryEnvInRedirect ? 'E=ADDVARY:1,' : '') . "L]\n\n";
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} (?i)(" . self::$htaccessDirAbs . "/)(.*)(" . self::$fileExtIncludingDot . ")$\n";
$urlPath = '/' . Paths::getContentUrlPath() . "/webp-express/webp-images/" . self::$htaccessDir . "/%2" . (self::$appendWebP ? "%3" : "") . "\.webp";
//$rules .= " RewriteCond %1" . (self::$appendWebP ? "%2" : "") . "\.webp -f\n";
$rules .= " RewriteRule (?i)(.*)(" . self::$fileExtIncludingDot . ")$ " . $urlPath .
" [T=image/webp,E=EXISTING:1," . (self::$setAddVaryEnvInRedirect ? 'E=ADDVARY:1,' : '') . "L]\n\n";
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} (?i)(.*)(\.jpe?g|\.png)$\n";
$rules .= " RewriteCond %1%2\.webp -f\n";
$rules .= " RewriteRule (?i)(.*)(\.jpe?g|\.png)$ %1%2\.webp [T=image/webp,E=EXISTING:1,E=ADDVARY:1,L]\n";
$rules .= "\n";
return $rules;
private static function setInternalProperties($config, $htaccessDir = 'index')
self::$useDocRootForStructuringCacheDir = (
($config['destination-structure'] == 'doc-root') &&
self::$htaccessDir = $htaccessDir;
self::$htaccessDirAbs = Paths::getAbsDirById(self::$htaccessDir);
self::$htaccessDirRelToDocRoot = '';
if (self::$useDocRootForStructuringCacheDir) {
self::$htaccessDirRelToDocRoot = PathHelper::getRelPathFromDocRootToDirNoDirectoryTraversalAllowed(
// When using the absolute dir, the rewrite rules needs document root and does not work
// if the symlinks have been resolved.
// We can fix this - but only if document root is available and resolvable.
// - which is sad, because the image-roots was introduced in order to get it to work on setups
// where it isn't.
self::$htaccessDirAbs = PathHelper::fixAbsPathToUseUnresolvedDocRoot(self::$htaccessDirAbs);
// Fix config.
$defaults = [
'operation-mode' => 'varied-image-responses',
'enable-redirection-to-converter' => true,
'forward-query-string' => true,
'image-types' => 1,
'do-not-pass-source-in-query-string' => false,
'redirect-to-existing-in-htaccess' => false,
'only-redirect-to-converter-on-cache-miss' => false,
'destination-folder' => 'separate',
'destination-extension' => 'append',
'destination-structure' => 'doc-root',
'success-response' => 'converted',
$config = array_merge($defaults, $config);
if (!isset($config['base-htaccess-on-these-capability-tests'])) {
$config['base-htaccess-on-these-capability-tests'] = Config::runAndStoreCapabilityTests($config);
// We currently accept that the following capability tests might not
// have been run (we did not want to force recreation of .htaccess because of these)
// - "modHeaderWorking"
// - "canRunTestScriptInWOD"
// - "canRunTestScriptInWOD2"
if (!isset($config['base-htaccess-on-these-capability-tests']['modHeaderWorking'])) {
$config['base-htaccess-on-these-capability-tests']['modHeaderWorking'] = HTAccessCapabilityTestRunner::modHeaderWorking();
if (!isset($config['base-htaccess-on-these-capability-tests']['canRunTestScriptInWOD'])) {
$config['base-htaccess-on-these-capability-tests']['canRunTestScriptInWOD'] = HTAccessCapabilityTestRunner::canRunTestScriptInWOD();
if (!isset($config['base-htaccess-on-these-capability-tests']['canRunTestScriptInWOD2'])) {
$config['base-htaccess-on-these-capability-tests']['canRunTestScriptInWOD2'] = HTAccessCapabilityTestRunner::canRunTestScriptInWOD2();
self::$config = $config;
if (!isset($config['alter-html']['enabled'])) {
self::$alterHtmlEnabled = false;
} else {
self::$alterHtmlEnabled = true;
$capTests = self::$config['base-htaccess-on-these-capability-tests'];
self::$docRootString = '%{DOCUMENT_ROOT}';
self::$docRootString = constant('WEBPEXPRESS_DOCUMENT_ROOT_IN_HTACCESS');
self::$modHeaderDefinitelyUnavailable = ($capTests['modHeaderWorking'] === false);
self::$passThroughHeaderDefinitelyUnavailable = ($capTests['passThroughHeaderWorking'] === false);
self::$passThroughHeaderDefinitelyAvailable = ($capTests['passThroughHeaderWorking'] === true);
self::$passThroughEnvVarDefinitelyUnavailable = ($capTests['passThroughEnvWorking'] === false);
self::$passThroughEnvVarDefinitelyAvailable = ($capTests['passThroughEnvWorking'] === true);
self::$canDefinitelyRunTestScriptInWOD = ($capTests['canRunTestScriptInWOD'] === true);
self::$canDefinitelyRunTestScriptInWOD2 = ($capTests['canRunTestScriptInWOD2'] === true);
self::$capTests = $capTests;
self::$imageTypes = self::$config['image-types'];
self::$fileExtensions = [];
if (self::$imageTypes & 1) {
self::$fileExtensions[] = 'jpe?g';
if (self::$imageTypes & 2) {
self::$fileExtensions[] = 'png';
self::$fileExt = implode('|', self::$fileExtensions);
self::$fileExtIncludingDot = "\." . implode("|\.", self::$fileExtensions);
self::$mingled = (self::$config['destination-folder'] == 'mingled');
// TODO: If we cannot store all .htaccess files we would like, we need to take into account which dir
$setWebPExt = ((self::$config['destination-extension'] == 'set') && (self::$htaccessDir == 'uploads'));
self::$appendWebP = !$setWebPExt;
public static function addVaryHeaderRules()
$rules = [
'# Add "Vary: Accept" header in order to make proxies aware that the response varies depending',
'# on the "accept" request header (which is the one browsers use to signal if they support webp).',
'# In this folder, there are only webp files, so there is no need for any other logic than the ',
'# check which ensures that mod_headers is available.',
'<IfModule mod_headers.c>',
' Header append "Vary" "Accept"',
return implode("\n", $rules);
public static function addVaryHeaderEnvRules($indent = 0)
$rules = [];
$rules[] = "# Set Vary:Accept header if we came here by way of our redirect, which set the ADDVARY environment variable";
$rules[] = "# The purpose is to make proxies and CDNs aware that the response varies with the Accept header";
$rules[] = "<IfModule mod_headers.c>";
$rules[] = " <IfModule mod_setenvif.c>";
$rules[] = " # Apache appends \"REDIRECT_\" in front of the environment variables defined in mod_rewrite, but LiteSpeed does not";
$rules[] = " # So, the next lines are for Apache, in order to set environment variables without \"REDIRECT_\"";
$rules[] = " SetEnvIf REDIRECT_EXISTING 1 EXISTING=1";
$rules[] = " SetEnvIf REDIRECT_ADDVARY 1 ADDVARY=1";
$rules[] = "";
$rules[] = " Header append \"Vary\" \"Accept\" env=ADDVARY";
$rules[] = "";
if (self::$config['redirect-to-existing-in-htaccess']) {
$rules[] = " # Set X-WebP-Express header for diagnose purposes";
//" SetEnvIf REDIRECT_WOD 1 WOD=1\n\n" .
//" # Set the debug header\n" .
$rules[] = " Header set \"X-WebP-Express\" \"Redirected directly to existing webp\" env=EXISTING";
//" Header set \"X-WebP-Express\" \"Redirected to image converter\" env=WOD\n" .
$rules[] = " </IfModule>";
$rules[] = "</IfModule>";
$rules[] = "";
if ($indent > 0) {
$indentStr = '';
for ($x=0; $x<$indent; $x++) {
$indentStr .= ' ';
foreach ($rules as $i => $rule) {
if ($rule != '') {
$rules[$i] = $indentStr . $rule;
return implode("\n", $rules);
private static function getWodUrlPath()
// We prefer the "wod" folder over "wod2" (when it works), simply because it is older
// and we should not change things without having a good reason.
if (self::$canDefinitelyRunTestScriptInWOD) {
return Paths::getWodUrlPath();
// We however prefer the "wod2" folder when "wod" does not work, even if
// "wod2" doesn't work either. Why? Less things can go wrong in "wod2", so trying to fix
// it should be more straight forward.
return Paths::getWod2UrlPath();
private static function getWebPRealizerUrlPath()
// We prefer the "wod" folder over "wod2", simply because it is older
// and we should not change things without having a good reason.
if (self::$canDefinitelyRunTestScriptInWOD) {
return Paths::getWebPRealizerUrlPath();
return Paths::getWebPRealizer2UrlPath();
* PS: $config has a property "base-htaccess-on-these-capability-tests", which will be used.
* make sure that this is up-to-date before calling this method.
* It is updated with $config->runAndStoreCapabilityTests()
public static function generateHTAccessRulesFromConfigObj($config, $htaccessDir = 'index', $dirContainsSourceImages = true, $dirContainsWebPImages = true)
self::setInternalProperties($config, $htaccessDir);
self::$dirContainsSourceImages = $dirContainsSourceImages;
self::$dirContainsWebPImages = $dirContainsWebPImages;
if (
(!self::$config['enable-redirection-to-converter']) &&
(!self::$config['redirect-to-existing-in-htaccess']) &&
) {
return '# WebP Express does not need to write any rules (it has not been set up to redirect to converter, nor' .
' to existing webp, and the "convert non-existing webp-files upon request" option has not been enabled)';
if (self::$imageTypes == 0) {
return '# WebP Express disabled (no image types has been choosen to be converted/redirected)';
self::$setAddVaryEnvInRedirect = self::$config['redirect-to-existing-in-htaccess'];
if (self::$modHeaderDefinitelyUnavailable) {
self::$setAddVaryEnvInRedirect = false;
/* Build rules */
$rules = '';
$rules .= self::infoRules();
$variedImageResponses =
(self::$config['redirect-to-existing-in-htaccess']) ||
$addVaryHeaderUsingModHeader = $variedImageResponses;
TODO: (#447)
We should not add the "Header append" code if it is disallowed
in the server config (ie if "FileInfo" isn't in the AllowOverride list)
Why? Well, it will result in 500 internal error on the image requests
(or errors in the log, if configured to "NonFatal")
.. But this requires a bit of effort, as it might be that it is allowed
in some dirs but not in others.
If mod_headers simply isn't installed, the system behaves fine (thanks to
the "IfModule" directive. So we should actually add the code, when that is
the case (as the server setting might change for the better)
if (self::$modHeaderDefinitelyUnavailable) {
//$addVaryHeaderUsingModHeader = false;
if ($dirContainsSourceImages && $variedImageResponses) {
$rules .= "# Rules for handling requests for source images\n";
$rules .= "# ---------------------------------------------\n\n";
$rules .= "<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>\n" .
" RewriteEngine On\n\n";
$rules .= " # Escape hatch #1: Adding ?dontreplace to an url can be used to bypass redirection\n";
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} dontreplace$\n";
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f\n";
$rules .= " RewriteRule . - [L]\n\n";
$rules .= " # Escape hatch #2: Placing an empty file in the same folder as the jpeg/png which has same file name, but \".dontreplace\" appended will bypass redirection\n";
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} (?i)(.*)(\.jpe?g|\.png)$\n";
$rules .= " RewriteCond %1%2\.dontreplace -f\n";
$rules .= " RewriteRule . - [L]\n\n";
$rules .= " # Deprecated escape hatch: Adding ?original to an url can be used to bypass redirection\n";
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} original$\n";
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f\n";
$rules .= " RewriteRule . - [L]\n\n";
$rules .= " # Deprecated escape hatch: Placing an empty file in the same folder as the jpeg/png which has same file name, but \".do-not-convert\" appended will bypass redirection\n";
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} (?i)(.*)(\.jpe?g|\.png)$\n";
$rules .= " RewriteCond %1%2\.do-not-convert -f\n";
$rules .= " RewriteRule . - [L]\n\n";
if ($config['prevent-using-webps-larger-than-original']) {
$rules .= " # Avoid redirecting to webp files that are bigger than the original\n";
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f\n";
// Find relative path of source (accessible as %2%3)
$rules .= " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} (?i)(" . self::$htaccessDirAbs . "/)(.*)(" .self::$fileExtIncludingDot . ")$\n";
// Check if dummy file exists
$cacheDirForThisRoot = PathHelper::fixAbsPathToUseUnresolvedDocRoot(
Paths::getBiggerThanSourceDirAbs() . '/' . self::$htaccessDir
$rules .= " RewriteCond " .
) .
"/%2%3.webp -f\n";
$rules .= " RewriteRule . - [L]\n\n";
// In the future, we could let user add exeptions in UI. Also for folders
// in order to make this work for folders, we will need to update the .htaccess
// and list the exceptions here with rules like this:
// RewriteRule ^uploads/2021/06/ - [L]
if (self::$config['redirect-to-existing-in-htaccess']) {
$rules .= self::redirectToExistingRules();
if (self::$config['enable-redirection-to-converter']) {
$rules .= self::webpOnDemandRules();
//if (self::$setAddVaryEnvInRedirect) {
if ($addVaryHeaderUsingModHeader) {
$rules .= " # Make sure that browsers which does not support webp also gets the Vary:Accept header\n" .
" # when requesting images that would be redirected to webp on browsers that does.\n";
$rules .= " <IfModule mod_headers.c>\n";
$rules .= ' <FilesMatch "(?i)\.(jpe?g|png)$">' . "\n";
$rules .= ' Header append "Vary" "Accept"' . "\n";
$rules .= " </FilesMatch>\n";
$rules .= " </IfModule>\n\n";
" <IfModule mod_setenvif.c>\n" .
" SetEnvIf Request_URI \"\.(" . self::$fileExt . ")$\" ADDVARY\n" .
" </IfModule>\n\n";
//self::$setAddVaryEnvInRedirect = (self::$config['enable-redirection-to-converter'] && (self::$config['success-response'] == 'converted')) || (self::$config['redirect-to-existing-in-htaccess']);
if (self::$setAddVaryEnvInRedirect) {
if ($dirContainsWebPImages) {
$rules .= self::addVaryHeaderEnvRules(2);
$rules .= "</IfModule>\n";
} /*else {
if ($dirContainsWebPImages) {
$rules .= self::addVaryHeaderEnvRules();
if ($dirContainsWebPImages) {
$rules .= "\n# Rules for handling requests for webp images\n";
$rules .= "# ---------------------------------------------\n\n";
if (self::$config['enable-redirection-to-webp-realizer']) {
$rules .= self::webpRealizerRules();
$rules .= self::cacheRules();
if (
(self::$config['enable-redirection-to-webp-realizer']) ||
) {
if ($addVaryHeaderUsingModHeader) {
if (!$dirContainsSourceImages && !self::$alterHtmlEnabled) {
// Simple rules for Vary:Accept #444
// These can be used when we are sure that the webp in this folder is never
// requested directly.
// The simple rules are prefered when possible because they are more robust
// and doesn't depend on mod_setenvif
// TODO: Use simple rules if it can be proved that mod_setenvif isn't working
$rules .= self::addVaryHeaderRules();
} else {
// Advanced rules, which ensures that direct requests for webps doesn't get
// Vary:Accept header added
$rules .= self::addVaryHeaderEnvRules();
$rules .= "\n# Register webp mime type \n";
$rules .= "<IfModule mod_mime.c>\n";
$rules .= " AddType image/webp .webp\n";
$rules .= "</IfModule>\n";
/*if (self::$config['redirect-to-existing-in-htaccess']) {
$rules .=
"<IfModule mod_headers.c>\n" .
" # Append Vary Accept header, when the rules above are redirecting to existing webp\n" .
" # or existing jpg" .
" # Apache appends \"REDIRECT_\" in front of the environment variables, but LiteSpeed does not.\n" .
" # These next line is for Apache, in order to set environment variables without \"REDIRECT_\"\n" .
" # Make CDN caching possible.\n" .
" # The effect is that the CDN will cache both the webp image and the jpeg/png image and return the proper\n" .
" # image to the proper clients (for this to work, make sure to set up CDN to forward the \"Accept\" header)\n" .
" Header append Vary Accept env=WEBPACCEPT\n" .
return $rules;