File "ConvertHelperIndependent.php"
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This class is made to not be dependent on Wordpress functions and must be kept like that.
It is used by webp-on-demand.php. It is also used for bulk conversion.
namespace WebPExpress;
use \WebPConvert\WebPConvert;
use \WebPConvert\Convert\ConverterFactory;
use \WebPConvert\Exceptions\WebPConvertException;
use \WebPConvert\Loggers\BufferLogger;
use \WebPExpress\FileHelper;
use \WebPExpress\SanityCheck;
use \WebPExpress\SanityException;
class ConvertHelperIndependent
* @return boolean Whether or not the destination corresponding to a given source should be stored in the same folder or the separate (in wp-content/webp-express)
private static function storeMingledOrNot($source, $destinationFolder, $uploadDirAbs)
if ($destinationFolder != 'mingled') {
return false;
// Option is set for mingled, but this does not neccessarily means we should store "mingled".
// - because the mingled option only applies to upload folder, the rest is stored in separate cache folder
// So, return true, if $source is located in upload folder
return (strpos($source, $uploadDirAbs) === 0);
* Verify if source is inside in document root
* Note: This function relies on the existence of both.
* @return true if windows; false if not.
public static function sourceIsInsideDocRoot($source, $docRoot){
$normalizedSource = realpath($source);
$normalizedDocRoot = realpath($docRoot);
return strpos($normalizedSource, $normalizedDocRoot) === 0;
public static function getSource()
* Append ".webp" to path or replace extension with "webp", depending on what is appropriate.
* If destination-folder is set to mingled and destination-extension is set to "set" and
* the path is inside upload folder, the appropriate thing is to SET the extension.
* Otherwise, it is to APPEND.
* @param string $path
* @param string $destinationFolder
* @param string $destinationExt
* @param boolean $inUploadFolder
public static function appendOrSetExtension($path, $destinationFolder, $destinationExt, $inUploadFolder)
if (($destinationFolder == 'mingled') && ($destinationExt == 'set') && $inUploadFolder) {
return preg_replace('/\\.(jpe?g|png)$/i', '', $path) . '.webp';
} else {
return $path . '.webp';
* Get destination path corresponding to the source path given (and some configurations)
* If for example Operation mode is set to "mingled" and extension is set to "Append .webp",
* the result of finding the destination path that corresponds to "/path/to/logo.jpg" will be "/path/to/logo.jpg.webp".
* @param string $source Path to source file
* @param string $destinationFolder 'mingled' or 'separate'
* @param string $destinationExt Extension ('append' or 'set')
* @param string $webExpressContentDirAbs
* @param string $uploadDirAbs
* @param boolean $useDocRootForStructuringCacheDir
* @param ImageRoots $imageRoots An image roots object
* @return string|false Returns path to destination corresponding to source, or false on failure
public static function getDestination(
// At this point, everything has already been checked for sanity. But for good meassure, lets
// check the most important parts again. This is after all a public method.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
try {
// Check source
// --------------
// TODO: make this check work with symlinks
//$source = SanityCheck::absPathExistsAndIsFileInDocRoot($source);
// Calculate destination and check that the result is sane
// -------------------------------------------------------
if (self::storeMingledOrNot($source, $destinationFolder, $uploadDirAbs)) {
$destination = self::appendOrSetExtension($source, $destinationFolder, $destinationExt, true);
} else {
if ($useDocRootForStructuringCacheDir) {
// We must find the relative path from document root to source.
// However, we dont know if document root is resolved or not.
// We also do not know if source begins with a resolved or unresolved document root.
// And we cannot be sure that document root is resolvable.
// Lets say:
// 1. document root is unresolvable.
// 2. document root is configured to something unresolved ("/my-website")
// 3. source is resolved and within an image root ("/var/www/my-website/wp-content/uploads/test.jpg")
// 4. all image roots are resolvable.
// 5. Paths::canUseDocRootForRelPaths()) returned true
// Can the relative path then be found?
// Actually, yes.
// We can loop through the image roots.
// When we get to the "uploads" root, it must neccessarily contain the unresolved document root.
// It will in other words be: "my-website/wp-content/uploads"
// It can not be configured to the resolved path because canUseDocRootForRelPaths would have then returned false as
// It would not be possible to establish that "/var/www/my-website/wp-content/uploads/" is within document root, as
// document root is "/my-website" and unresolvable.
// To sum up, we have:
// If document root is unresolvable while canUseDocRootForRelPaths() succeeded, then the image roots will all begin with
// the unresolved path.
// In this method, if $useDocRootForStructuringCacheDir is true, then it is assumed that canUseDocRootForRelPaths()
// succeeded.
// OH!
// I realize that the image root can be passed as well:
// $imageRoot = $webExpressContentDirAbs . '/webp-images';
// So the question is: Will $webExpressContentDirAbs also be the unresolved path?
// That variable is calculated in WodConfigLoader based on various methods available.
// I'm not digging into it, but would expect it to in some cases be resolved. Which means that relative path can not
// be found.
// So. Lets play it safe and require that document root is resolvable in order to use docRoot for structure
if (!PathHelper::isDocRootAvailable()) {
throw new \Exception(
'Can not calculate destination using "doc-root" structure as document root is not available. $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] is empty. ' .
'This is probably a misconfiguration on the server. ' .
'However, WebP Express can function without using documument root. If you resave options and regenerate the .htaccess files, it should ' .
'automatically start to structure the webp files in subfolders that are relative the image root folders rather than document-root.'
if (!PathHelper::isDocRootAvailableAndResolvable()) {
throw new \Exception(
'Can not calculate destination using "doc-root" structure as document root cannot be resolved for symlinks using "realpath". The ' .
'reason for that is probably that open_basedir protection has been set up and that document root is outside outside that open_basedir. ' .
'WebP Express can function in that setting, however you will need to resave options and regenerate the .htaccess files. It should then ' .
'automatically stop to structure the webp files as relative to document root and instead structure them as relative to image root folders.'
$docRoot = rtrim(realpath($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]), '/');
$imageRoot = $webExpressContentDirAbs . '/webp-images';
// TODO: make this check work with symlinks
$sourceRel = substr(realpath($source), strlen($docRoot) + 1);
$destination = $imageRoot . '/doc-root/' . $sourceRel;
$destination = self::appendOrSetExtension($destination, $destinationFolder, $destinationExt, false);
// TODO: make this check work with symlinks
//$destination = SanityCheck::absPathIsInDocRoot($destination);
} else {
$destination = '';
$sourceResolved = realpath($source);
// Check roots until we (hopefully) get a match.
// (that is: find a root which the source is inside)
foreach ($imageRoots->getArray() as $i => $imageRoot) {
// in $obj, "rel-path" is only set when document root can be used for relative paths.
// So, if it is set, we can use it (beware: we cannot neccessarily use realpath on document root,
// but we do not need to - see the long comment in Paths::canUseDocRootForRelPaths())
$rootPath = $imageRoot->getAbsPath();
if (isset($obj['rel-path'])) {
$docRoot = rtrim($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"], '/');
$rootPath = $docRoot . '/' . $obj['rel-path'];
} else {
// If "rel-path" isn't set, then abs-path is, and we can use that.
$rootPath = $obj['abs-path'];
// $source may be resolved or not. Same goes for $rootPath.
// We can assume that $rootPath is resolvable using realpath (it ought to exist and be within open_basedir for WP to function)
// We can also assume that $source is resolvable (it ought to exist and within open_basedir)
// So: Resolve both! and test if the resolved source begins with the resolved rootPath.
if (strpos($sourceResolved, realpath($rootPath)) !== false) {
$relPath = substr($sourceResolved, strlen(realpath($rootPath)) + 1);
$relPath = self::appendOrSetExtension($relPath, $destinationFolder, $destinationExt, false);
$destination = $webExpressContentDirAbs . '/webp-images/' . $imageRoot->id . '/' . $relPath;
if ($destination == '') {
return false;
} catch (SanityException $e) {
return false;
return $destination;
* Find source corresponding to destination, separate.
* We can rely on destinationExt being "append" for separate.
* Returns false if source file is not found or if a path is not sane. Otherwise returns path to source
* destination does not have to exist.
* @param string $destination Path to destination file (does not have to exist)
* @param string $destinationStructure "doc-root" or "image-roots"
* @param string $webExpressContentDirAbs
* @param ImageRoots $imageRoots An image roots object
* @return string|false Returns path to source, if found. If not - or a path is not sane, false is returned
private static function findSourceSeparate($destination, $destinationStructure, $webExpressContentDirAbs, $imageRoots)
try {
if ($destinationStructure == 'doc-root') {
// Check that destination path is sane and inside document root
// --------------------------
$destination = SanityCheck::absPathIsInDocRoot($destination);
// Check that calculated image root is sane and inside document root
// --------------------------
$imageRoot = SanityCheck::absPathIsInDocRoot($webExpressContentDirAbs . '/webp-images/doc-root');
// Calculate source and check that it is sane and exists
// -----------------------------------------------------
// TODO: This does not work on Windows yet.
if (strpos($destination, $imageRoot . '/') === 0) {
// "Eat" the left part off the $destination parameter. $destination is for example:
// "/var/www/webp-express-tests/we0/wp-content-moved/webp-express/webp-images/doc-root/wordpress/uploads-moved/2018/12/tegning5-300x265.jpg.webp"
// We also eat the slash (+1)
$sourceRel = substr($destination, strlen($imageRoot) + 1);
$docRoot = rtrim(realpath($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]), '/');
$source = $docRoot . '/' . $sourceRel;
$source = preg_replace('/\\.(webp)$/', '', $source);
} else {
// Try with symlinks resolved
// This is not trivial as this must also work when the destination path doesn't exist, and
// realpath can only be used to resolve symlinks for files that exists.
// But here is how we achieve it anyway:
// 1. We make sure imageRoot exists (if not, create it) - this ensures that we can resolve it.
// 2. Find closest folder existing folder (resolved) of destination - using PathHelper::findClosestExistingFolderSymLinksExpanded()
// 3. Test that resolved closest existing folder starts with resolved imageRoot
// 4. If it does, we could create a dummy file at the destination to get its real path, but we want to avoid that, so instead
// we can create the containing directory.
// 5. We can now use realpath to get the resolved path of the containing directory. The rest is simple enough.
if (!file_exists($imageRoot)) {
mkdir($imageRoot, 0777, true);
$closestExistingResolved = PathHelper::findClosestExistingFolderSymLinksExpanded($destination);
if ($closestExistingResolved == '') {
return false;
} else {
$imageRootResolved = realpath($imageRoot);
if (strpos($closestExistingResolved . '/', $imageRootResolved . '/') === 0) {
// echo $destination . '<br>' . $closestExistingResolved . '<br>' . $imageRootResolved . '/'; exit;
// Create containing dir for destination
$containingDir = PathHelper::dirname($destination);
if (!file_exists($containingDir)) {
mkdir($containingDir, 0777, true);
$containingDirResolved = realpath($containingDir);
$filename = PathHelper::basename($destination);
$destinationResolved = $containingDirResolved . '/' . $filename;
$sourceRel = substr($destinationResolved, strlen($imageRootResolved) + 1);
$docRoot = rtrim(realpath($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]), '/');
$source = $docRoot . '/' . $sourceRel;
$source = preg_replace('/\\.(webp)$/', '', $source);
return $source;
} else {
return false;
return SanityCheck::absPathExistsAndIsFileInDocRoot($source);
} else {
// Mission: To find source corresponding to destination (separate) - using the "image-roots" structure.
// How can we do that?
// We got the destination (unresolved) - ie '/website-symlinked/wp-content/webp-express/webp-images/uploads/2018/07/hello.jpg.webp'
// If we were lazy and unprecise, we could simply:
// - search for "webp-express/webp-images/"
// - strip anything before that - result: 'uploads/2018/07/hello.jpg.webp'
// - the first path component is the root id.
// - the rest of the path is the relative path to the source - if we strip the ".webp" ending
// So, are we lazy? - what is the alternative?
// - Get closest existing resolved folder of destination (ie "/var/www/website/wp-content-moved/webp-express/webp-images/wp-content")
// - Check if that folder is below the cache root (resolved) (cache root is the "wp-content" image root + 'webp-express/webp-images')
// - Create dir for destination (if missing)
// - We can now resolve destination. With cache root also being resolved, we can get the relative dir.
// ie 'uploads/2018/07/hello.jpg.webp'.
// The first path component is the root id, the rest is the relative path to the source.
$closestExistingResolved = PathHelper::findClosestExistingFolderSymLinksExpanded($destination);
$cacheRoot = $webExpressContentDirAbs . '/webp-images';
if ($closestExistingResolved == '') {
return false;
} else {
$cacheRootResolved = realpath($cacheRoot);
if (strpos($closestExistingResolved . '/', $cacheRootResolved . '/') === 0) {
// Create containing dir for destination
$containingDir = PathHelper::dirname($destination);
if (!file_exists($containingDir)) {
mkdir($containingDir, 0777, true);
$containingDirResolved = realpath($containingDir);
$filename = PathHelper::basename($destination);
$destinationResolved = $containingDirResolved . '/' . $filename;
$destinationRelToCacheRoot = substr($destinationResolved, strlen($cacheRootResolved) + 1);
$parts = explode('/', $destinationRelToCacheRoot);
$imageRoot = array_shift($parts);
$sourceRel = implode('/', $parts);
$source = $imageRoots->byId($imageRoot)->getAbsPath() . '/' . $sourceRel;
$source = preg_replace('/\\.(webp)$/', '', $source);
return $source;
} else {
return false;
return false;
} catch (SanityException $e) {
return false;
return $source;
* Find source corresponding to destination (mingled)
* Returns false if not found. Otherwise returns path to source
* @param string $destination Path to destination file (does not have to exist)
* @param string $destinationExt Extension ('append' or 'set')
* @param string $destinationStructure "doc-root" or "image-roots"
* @return string|false Returns path to source, if found. If not - or a path is not sane, false is returned
private static function findSourceMingled($destination, $destinationExt, $destinationStructure)
try {
if ($destinationStructure == 'doc-root') {
// Check that destination path is sane and inside document root
// --------------------------
$destination = SanityCheck::absPathIsInDocRoot($destination);
} else {
// The following will fail if path contains directory traversal. TODO: Is that ok?
$destination = SanityCheck::absPath($destination);
// Calculate source and check that it is sane and exists
// -----------------------------------------------------
if ($destinationExt == 'append') {
$source = preg_replace('/\\.(webp)$/', '', $destination);
} else {
$source = preg_replace('#\\.webp$#', '.jpg', $destination);
// TODO!
// Also check for "Jpeg", "JpEg" etc.
if (!@file_exists($source)) {
$source = preg_replace('/\\.webp$/', '.jpeg', $destination);
if (!@file_exists($source)) {
$source = preg_replace('/\\.webp$/', '.JPG', $destination);
if (!@file_exists($source)) {
$source = preg_replace('/\\.webp$/', '.JPEG', $destination);
if (!@file_exists($source)) {
$source = preg_replace('/\\.webp$/', '.png', $destination);
if (!@file_exists($source)) {
$source = preg_replace('/\\.webp$/', '.PNG', $destination);
if ($destinationStructure == 'doc-root') {
$source = SanityCheck::absPathExistsAndIsFileInDocRoot($source);
} else {
$source = SanityCheck::absPathExistsAndIsFile($source);
} catch (SanityException $e) {
return false;
return $source;
* Get source from destination (and some configurations)
* Returns false if not found. Otherwise returns path to source
* @param string $destination Path to destination file (does not have to exist). May not contain directory traversal
* @param string $destinationFolder 'mingled' or 'separate'
* @param string $destinationExt Extension ('append' or 'set')
* @param string $destinationStructure "doc-root" or "image-roots"
* @param string $webExpressContentDirAbs
* @param ImageRoots $imageRoots An image roots object
* @return string|false Returns path to source, if found. If not - or a path is not sane, false is returned
public static function findSource($destination, $destinationFolder, $destinationExt, $destinationStructure, $webExpressContentDirAbs, $imageRoots)
try {
if ($destinationStructure == 'doc-root') {
// Check that destination path is sane and inside document root
// --------------------------
$destination = SanityCheck::absPathIsInDocRoot($destination);
} else {
// The following will fail if path contains directory traversal. TODO: Is that ok?
$destination = SanityCheck::absPath($destination);
} catch (SanityException $e) {
return false;
if ($destinationFolder == 'mingled') {
$result = self::findSourceMingled($destination, $destinationExt, $destinationStructure);
if ($result === false) {
$result = self::findSourceSeparate($destination, $destinationStructure, $webExpressContentDirAbs, $imageRoots);
return $result;
} else {
return self::findSourceSeparate($destination, $destinationStructure, $webExpressContentDirAbs, $imageRoots);
* @param string $source Path to source file
* @param string $logDir The folder where log files are kept
* @return string|false Returns computed filename of log - or false if a path is not sane
public static function getLogFilename($source, $logDir)
try {
// Check that source path is sane and inside document root
// -------------------------------------------------------
$source = SanityCheck::absPathIsInDocRoot($source);
// Check that log path is sane and inside document root
// -------------------------------------------------------
$logDir = SanityCheck::absPathIsInDocRoot($logDir);
// Compute and check log path
// --------------------------
$logDirForConversions = $logDir .= '/conversions';
// We store relative to document root.
// "Eat" the left part off the source parameter which contains the document root.
// and also eat the slash (+1)
$docRoot = rtrim(realpath($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]), '/');
$sourceRel = substr($source, strlen($docRoot) + 1);
$logFileName = $logDir . '/doc-root/' . $sourceRel . '.md';
} catch (SanityException $e) {
return false;
return $logFileName;
* Create the directory for log files and put a .htaccess file into it, which prevents
* it to be viewed from the outside (not that it contains any sensitive information btw, but for good measure).
* @param string $logDir The folder where log files are kept
* @return boolean Whether it was created successfully or not.
private static function createLogDir($logDir)
if (!is_dir($logDir)) {
@mkdir($logDir, 0775, true);
@chmod($logDir, 0775);
@file_put_contents(rtrim($logDir . '/') . '/.htaccess', <<<APACHE
<IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
Require all denied
<IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
@chmod($logDir . '/.htaccess', 0664);
return is_dir($logDir);
* Saves the log file corresponding to a conversion.
* @param string $source Path to the source file that was converted
* @param string $logDir The folder where log files are kept
* @param string $text Content of the log file
* @param string $msgTop A message that is printed before the conversion log (containing version info)
private static function saveLog($source, $logDir, $text, $msgTop)
if (!file_exists($logDir)) {
$text = preg_replace('#' . preg_quote($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]) . '#', '[doc-root]', $text);
// TODO: Put version number somewhere else. Ie \WebPExpress\VersionNumber::version
$text = 'WebP Express 0.25.9. ' . $msgTop . ', ' . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "\n\r\n\r" . $text;
$logFile = self::getLogFilename($source, $logDir);
if ($logFile === false) {
$logFolder = @dirname($logFile);
if (!@file_exists($logFolder)) {
mkdir($logFolder, 0777, true);
if (@file_exists($logFolder)) {
file_put_contents($logFile, $text);
* Trigger an actual conversion with webp-convert.
* PS: To convert with a specific converter, set it in the $converter param.
* @param string $source Full path to the source file that was converted.
* @param string $destination Full path to the destination file (may exist or not).
* @param array $convertOptions Conversion options.
* @param string $logDir The folder where log files are kept or null for no logging
* @param string $converter (optional) Set it to convert with a specific converter.
public static function convert($source, $destination, $convertOptions, $logDir = null, $converter = null) {
include_once __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';
// At this point, everything has already been checked for sanity. But for good meassure, lets
// check the most important parts again. This is after all a public method.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
try {
// Check that source path is sane, exists, is a file and is inside document root
// -------------------------------------------------------
$source = SanityCheck::absPathExistsAndIsFileInDocRoot($source);
// Check that destination path is sane and is inside document root
// -------------------------------------------------------
$destination = SanityCheck::absPathIsInDocRoot($destination);
$destination = SanityCheck::pregMatch('#\.webp$#', $destination, 'Destination does not end with .webp');
// Check that log path is sane and inside document root
// -------------------------------------------------------
if (!is_null($logDir)) {
$logDir = SanityCheck::absPathIsInDocRoot($logDir);
// PS: No need to check $logMsgTop. Log files are markdown and stored as ".md". They can do no harm.
} catch (SanityException $e) {
return [
'success' => false,
'msg' => $e->getMessage(),
'log' => '',
$success = false;
$msg = '';
$logger = new BufferLogger();
try {
if (!is_null($converter)) {
//if (isset($convertOptions['converter'])) {
$logger->logLn('Converter set to: ' . $converter);
$converter = ConverterFactory::makeConverter($converter, $source, $destination, $convertOptions, $logger);
} else {
//error_log('options:' . print_r(json_encode($convertOptions,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), true));
WebPConvert::convert($source, $destination, $convertOptions, $logger);
$success = true;
} catch (\WebpConvert\Exceptions\WebPConvertException $e) {
$msg = $e->getMessage();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
//$msg = 'An exception was thrown!';
$msg = $e->getMessage();
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
//Executed only in PHP 7 and 8, will not match in PHP 5
$msg = $e->getMessage();
if (!is_null($logDir)) {
self::saveLog($source, $logDir, $logger->getMarkDown("\n\r"), 'Conversion triggered using bulk conversion');
return [
'success' => $success,
'msg' => $msg,
'log' => $logger->getMarkDown("\n"),
* Serve a converted file (if it does not already exist, a conversion is triggered - all handled in webp-convert).
public static function serveConverted($source, $destination, $serveOptions, $logDir = null, $logMsgTop = '')
include_once __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';
// At this point, everything has already been checked for sanity. But for good meassure, lets
// check again. This is after all a public method.
// ---------------------------------------------
try {
// Check that source path is sane, exists, is a file.
// -------------------------------------------------------
//$source = SanityCheck::absPathExistsAndIsFileInDocRoot($source);
$source = SanityCheck::absPathExistsAndIsFile($source);
// Check that destination path is sane
// -------------------------------------------------------
//$destination = SanityCheck::absPathIsInDocRoot($destination);
$destination = SanityCheck::absPath($destination);
$destination = SanityCheck::pregMatch('#\.webp$#', $destination, 'Destination does not end with .webp');
// Check that log path is sane
// -------------------------------------------------------
//$logDir = SanityCheck::absPathIsInDocRoot($logDir);
if ($logDir != null) {
$logDir = SanityCheck::absPath($logDir);
// PS: No need to check $logMsgTop. Log files are markdown and stored as ".md". They can do no harm.
} catch (SanityException $e) {
$msg = $e->getMessage();
echo $msg;
header('X-WebP-Express-Error: ' . $msg, true);
// TODO: error_log() ?
$convertLogger = new BufferLogger();
WebPConvert::serveConverted($source, $destination, $serveOptions, null, $convertLogger);
if (!is_null($logDir)) {
$convertLog = $convertLogger->getMarkDown("\n\r");
if ($convertLog != '') {
self::saveLog($source, $logDir, $convertLog, $logMsgTop);