File "BiggerThanSourceDummyFiles.php"

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This class is made to not be dependent on Wordpress functions and must be kept like that.
It is used by webp-on-demand.php. It is also used for bulk conversion.
namespace WebPExpress;

class BiggerThanSourceDummyFiles

     * Create the directory for log files and put a .htaccess file into it, which prevents
     * it to be viewed from the outside (not that it contains any sensitive information btw, but for good measure).
     * @param  string  $logDir  The folder where log files are kept
     * @return boolean  Whether it was created successfully or not.
    private static function createBiggerThanSourceBaseDir($dir)
        if (!is_dir($dir)) {
            @mkdir($dir, 0775, true);
            @chmod($dir, 0775);
            @file_put_contents(rtrim($dir . '/') . '/.htaccess', <<<APACHE
<IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
Require all denied
<IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
            @chmod($dir . '/.htaccess', 0664);
        return is_dir($dir);

    public static function pathToDummyFile($source, $basedir, $imageRoots, $destinationFolder, $destinationExt)
        $sourceResolved = realpath($source);

        // Check roots until we (hopefully) get a match.
        // (that is: find a root which the source is inside)
        foreach ($imageRoots->getArray() as $i => $imageRoot) {
            $rootPath = $imageRoot->getAbsPath();

            // We can assume that $rootPath is resolvable using realpath (it ought to exist and be within open_basedir for WP to function)
            // We can also assume that $source is resolvable (it ought to exist and within open_basedir)
            // So: Resolve both! and test if the resolved source begins with the resolved rootPath.
            if (strpos($sourceResolved, realpath($rootPath)) !== false) {
                $relPath = substr($sourceResolved, strlen(realpath($rootPath)) + 1);
                $relPath = ConvertHelperIndependent::appendOrSetExtension($relPath, $destinationFolder, $destinationExt, false);

                return $basedir . '/' . $imageRoot->id . '/' . $relPath;
        return false;

    public static function pathToDummyFileRootAndRelKnown($source, $basedir, $rootId, $destinationFolder, $destinationExt)

     * Check if webp is bigger than original.
     * @return boolean|null   True if it is bigger than original, false if not. NULL if it cannot be determined
    public static function bigger($source, $destination)
        if ((!@file_exists($source)) || (!@file_exists($destination) {
            return null;
        $filesizeDestination = @filesize($destination);
        $filesizeSource = @filesize($source);

        // sizes are FALSE on failure (ie if file does not exists)
        if (($filesizeDestination === false) || ($filesizeDestination === false)) {
            return null;

        return ($filesizeDestination > $filesizeSource);

     * Update the status for a single image (when rootId is unknown)
     * Checks if webp is bigger than original. If it is, a dummy file is placed. Otherwise, it is
     * removed (if exists)
     * @param  string  $source   Path to the source file that was converted
    public static function updateStatus($source, $destination, $webExpressContentDirAbs, $imageRoots, $destinationFolder, $destinationExt)
        $basedir = $webExpressContentDirAbs . '/webp-images-bigger-than-source';
        if (!file_exists($basedir)) {
        $bigWebP = BiggerThanSource::bigger($source, $destination);

        $file = self::pathToDummyFile($source, $basedir, $imageRoots, $destinationFolder, $destinationExt);
        if ($file === false) {

        if ($bigWebP === true) {
            // place dummy file, which marks that webp is bigger than source

            $folder = @dirname($file);
            if (!@file_exists($folder)) {
                mkdir($folder, 0777, true);
            if (@file_exists($folder)) {
                file_put_contents($file, '');

        } else {
            // remove dummy file (if exists)
            if (@file_exists($file)) {

