File "gui.cls.php"
Full Path: /home/amervokv/
File size: 27.45 KB
MIME-type: text/x-php
Charset: utf-8
* The frontend GUI class.
* @since 1.3
* @subpackage LiteSpeed/src
* @author LiteSpeed Technologies <>
namespace LiteSpeed;
defined('WPINC') || exit();
class GUI extends Base
private static $_clean_counter = 0;
private $_promo_true;
// [ file_tag => [ days, litespeed_only ], ... ]
private $_promo_list = array(
'new_version' => array(7, false),
'score' => array(14, false),
// 'slack' => array( 3, false ),
const LIB_GUEST_JS = 'assets/js/guest.min.js';
const LIB_GUEST_DOCREF_JS = 'assets/js/guest.docref.min.js';
const PHP_GUEST = 'guest.vary.php';
const TYPE_DISMISS_WHM = 'whm';
const TYPE_DISMISS_PROMO = 'promo';
const TYPE_DISMISS_PIN = 'pin';
const WHM_MSG = 'lscwp_whm_install';
const WHM_MSG_VAL = 'whm_install';
protected $_summary;
* Instance
* @since 1.3
public function __construct()
$this->_summary = self::get_summary();
* Frontend Init
* @since 3.0
public function init()
Debug2::debug2('[GUI] init');
if (is_admin_bar_showing() && current_user_can('manage_options')) {
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'frontend_enqueue_style'));
add_action('admin_bar_menu', array($this, 'frontend_shortcut'), 95);
* Turn on instant click
* @since 1.8.2
if ($this->conf(self::O_UTIL_INSTANT_CLICK)) {
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'frontend_enqueue_style_public'));
// NOTE: this needs to be before optimizer to avoid wrapper being removed
add_filter('litespeed_buffer_finalize', array($this, 'finalize'), 8);
* Print a loading message when redirecting CCSS/UCSS page to avoid whiteboard confusion
public static function print_loading($counter, $type)
echo '<div style="font-size: 25px; text-align: center; padding-top: 150px; width: 100%; position: absolute;">';
echo "<img width='35' src='" . LSWCP_PLUGIN_URL . "assets/img/Litespeed.icon.svg' /> ";
echo sprintf(__('%1$s %2$s files left in queue', 'litespeed-cache'), $counter, $type);
echo '<p><a href="' . admin_url('admin.php?page=litespeed-page_optm') . '">' . __('Cancel', 'litespeed-cache') . '</a></p>';
echo '</div>';
* Display a pie
* @since 1.6.6
public static function pie($percent, $width = 50, $finished_tick = false, $without_percentage = false, $append_cls = false)
$percentage = '<text x="50%" y="50%">' . $percent . ($without_percentage ? '' : '%') . '</text>';
if ($percent == 100 && $finished_tick) {
$percentage = '<text x="50%" y="50%" class="litespeed-pie-done">✓</text>';
return "
<svg class='litespeed-pie $append_cls' viewbox='0 0 33.83098862 33.83098862' width='$width' height='$width' xmlns=''>
<circle class='litespeed-pie_bg' cx='16.91549431' cy='16.91549431' r='15.91549431' />
<circle class='litespeed-pie_circle' cx='16.91549431' cy='16.91549431' r='15.91549431' stroke-dasharray='$percent,100' />
<g class='litespeed-pie_info'>$percentage</g>
* Display a tiny pie with a tooltip
* @since 3.0
public static function pie_tiny($percent, $width = 50, $tooltip = '', $tooltip_pos = 'up', $append_cls = false)
// formula C = 2πR
$dasharray = 2 * 3.1416 * 9 * ($percent / 100);
return "
<button type='button' data-balloon-break data-balloon-pos='$tooltip_pos' aria-label='$tooltip' class='litespeed-btn-pie'>
<svg class='litespeed-pie litespeed-pie-tiny $append_cls' viewbox='0 0 30 30' width='$width' height='$width' xmlns=''>
<circle class='litespeed-pie_bg' cx='15' cy='15' r='9' />
<circle class='litespeed-pie_circle' cx='15' cy='15' r='9' stroke-dasharray='$dasharray,100' />
<g class='litespeed-pie_info'><text x='50%' y='50%'>i</text></g>
* Get classname of PageSpeed Score
* Scale:
* 90-100 (fast)
* 50-89 (average)
* 0-49 (slow)
* @since 2.9
* @access public
public function get_cls_of_pagescore($score)
if ($score >= 90) {
return 'success';
if ($score >= 50) {
return 'warning';
return 'danger';
* Dismiss banner
* @since 1.0
* @access public
public static function dismiss()
$_instance = self::cls();
switch (Router::verify_type()) {
case self::TYPE_DISMISS_WHM:
self::update_option(Admin_Display::DB_DISMISS_MSG, Admin_Display::RULECONFLICT_DISMISSED);
case self::TYPE_DISMISS_PIN:
if (empty($_GET['promo_tag'])) {
$promo_tag = sanitize_key($_GET['promo_tag']);
if (empty($_instance->_promo_list[$promo_tag])) {
defined('LSCWP_LOG') && Debug2::debug('[GUI] Dismiss promo ' . $promo_tag);
// Forever dismiss
if (!empty($_GET['done'])) {
$_instance->_summary[$promo_tag] = 'done';
} elseif (!empty($_GET['later'])) {
// Delay the banner to half year later
$_instance->_summary[$promo_tag] = time() + 86400 * 180;
} else {
// Update welcome banner to 30 days after
$_instance->_summary[$promo_tag] = time() + 86400 * 30;
if (Router::is_ajax()) {
// All dismiss actions are considered as ajax call, so just exit
exit(\json_encode(array('success' => 1)));
// Plain click link, redirect to referral url
* Check if has rule conflict notice
* @since 1.1.5
* @access public
* @return boolean
public static function has_msg_ruleconflict()
$db_dismiss_msg = self::get_option(Admin_Display::DB_DISMISS_MSG);
if (!$db_dismiss_msg) {
self::update_option(Admin_Display::DB_DISMISS_MSG, -1);
return $db_dismiss_msg == Admin_Display::RULECONFLICT_ON;
* Check if has whm notice
* @since 1.1.1
* @access public
* @return boolean
public static function has_whm_msg()
$val = self::get_option(self::WHM_MSG);
if (!$val) {
return false;
return $val == self::WHM_MSG_VAL;
* Delete whm msg tag
* @since 1.1.1
* @access public
public static function dismiss_whm()
self::update_option(self::WHM_MSG, -1);
* Set current page a litespeed page
* @since 2.9
private function _is_litespeed_page()
if (
!empty($_GET['page']) &&
in_array($_GET['page'], array(
) {
return true;
return false;
* Display promo banner
* @since 2.1
* @access public
public function show_promo($check_only = false)
$is_litespeed_page = $this->_is_litespeed_page();
// Bypass showing info banner if disabled all in debug
if (defined('LITESPEED_DISABLE_ALL')) {
if ($is_litespeed_page && !$check_only) {
include_once LSCWP_DIR . 'tpl/inc/disabled_all.php';
return false;
if (file_exists(ABSPATH . '.litespeed_no_banner')) {
defined('LSCWP_LOG') && Debug2::debug('[GUI] Bypass banners due to silence file');
return false;
foreach ($this->_promo_list as $promo_tag => $v) {
list($delay_days, $litespeed_page_only) = $v;
if ($litespeed_page_only && !$is_litespeed_page) {
// first time check
if (empty($this->_summary[$promo_tag])) {
$this->_summary[$promo_tag] = time() + 86400 * $delay_days;
$promo_timestamp = $this->_summary[$promo_tag];
// was ticked as done
if ($promo_timestamp == 'done') {
// Not reach the dateline yet
if (time() < $promo_timestamp) {
// try to load, if can pass, will set $this->_promo_true = true
$this->_promo_true = false;
include LSCWP_DIR . "tpl/banner/$promo_tag.php";
// If not defined, means it didn't pass the display workflow in tpl.
if (!$this->_promo_true) {
if ($check_only) {
return $promo_tag;
defined('LSCWP_LOG') && Debug2::debug('[GUI] Show promo ' . $promo_tag);
// Only contain one
return false;
* Load frontend public script
* @since 1.8.2
* @access public
public function frontend_enqueue_style_public()
wp_enqueue_script(Core::PLUGIN_NAME, LSWCP_PLUGIN_URL . 'assets/js/instant_click.min.js', array(), Core::VER, true);
* Load frontend menu shortcut
* @since 1.3
* @access public
public function frontend_enqueue_style()
wp_enqueue_style(Core::PLUGIN_NAME, LSWCP_PLUGIN_URL . 'assets/css/litespeed.css', array(), Core::VER, 'all');
* Load frontend menu shortcut
* @since 1.3
* @access public
public function frontend_shortcut()
global $wp_admin_bar;
'id' => 'litespeed-menu',
'title' => '<span class="ab-icon"></span>',
'href' => get_admin_url(null, 'admin.php?page=litespeed'),
'meta' => array('tabindex' => 0, 'class' => 'litespeed-top-toolbar'),
'parent' => 'litespeed-menu',
'id' => 'litespeed-purge-single',
'title' => __('Purge this page', 'litespeed-cache') . ' - LSCache',
'href' => Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_PURGE, Purge::TYPE_PURGE_FRONT, false, true),
'meta' => array('tabindex' => '0'),
if ($this->has_cache_folder('ucss')) {
$possible_url_tag = UCSS::get_url_tag();
$append_arr = array();
if ($possible_url_tag) {
$append_arr['url_tag'] = $possible_url_tag;
'parent' => 'litespeed-menu',
'id' => 'litespeed-purge-single-ucss',
'title' => __('Purge this page', 'litespeed-cache') . ' - UCSS',
'href' => Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_PURGE, Purge::TYPE_PURGE_UCSS, false, true, $append_arr),
'meta' => array('tabindex' => '0'),
'parent' => 'litespeed-menu',
'id' => 'litespeed-single-action',
'title' => __('Mark this page as ', 'litespeed-cache'),
'meta' => array('tabindex' => '0'),
if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
$append_arr = array(
Conf::TYPE_SET . '[' . self::O_CACHE_FORCE_URI . '][]' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '$',
'redirect' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],
'parent' => 'litespeed-single-action',
'id' => 'litespeed-single-forced_cache',
'title' => __('Forced cacheable', 'litespeed-cache'),
'href' => Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_CONF, Conf::TYPE_SET, false, true, $append_arr),
$append_arr = array(
Conf::TYPE_SET . '[' . self::O_CACHE_EXC . '][]' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '$',
'redirect' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],
'parent' => 'litespeed-single-action',
'id' => 'litespeed-single-noncache',
'title' => __('Non cacheable', 'litespeed-cache'),
'href' => Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_CONF, Conf::TYPE_SET, false, true, $append_arr),
$append_arr = array(
Conf::TYPE_SET . '[' . self::O_CACHE_PRIV_URI . '][]' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '$',
'redirect' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],
'parent' => 'litespeed-single-action',
'id' => 'litespeed-single-private',
'title' => __('Private cache', 'litespeed-cache'),
'href' => Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_CONF, Conf::TYPE_SET, false, true, $append_arr),
$append_arr = array(
Conf::TYPE_SET . '[' . self::O_OPTM_EXC . '][]' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '$',
'redirect' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],
'parent' => 'litespeed-single-action',
'id' => 'litespeed-single-nonoptimize',
'title' => __('No optimization', 'litespeed-cache'),
'href' => Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_CONF, Conf::TYPE_SET, false, true, $append_arr),
'parent' => 'litespeed-single-action',
'id' => 'litespeed-single-more',
'title' => __('More settings', 'litespeed-cache'),
'href' => get_admin_url(null, 'admin.php?page=litespeed-cache'),
'parent' => 'litespeed-menu',
'id' => 'litespeed-purge-all',
'title' => __('Purge All', 'litespeed-cache'),
'href' => Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_PURGE, Purge::TYPE_PURGE_ALL, false, '_ori'),
'meta' => array('tabindex' => '0'),
'parent' => 'litespeed-menu',
'id' => 'litespeed-purge-all-lscache',
'title' => __('Purge All', 'litespeed-cache') . ' - ' . __('LSCache', 'litespeed-cache'),
'href' => Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_PURGE, Purge::TYPE_PURGE_ALL_LSCACHE, false, '_ori'),
'meta' => array('tabindex' => '0'),
'parent' => 'litespeed-menu',
'id' => 'litespeed-purge-cssjs',
'title' => __('Purge All', 'litespeed-cache') . ' - ' . __('CSS/JS Cache', 'litespeed-cache'),
'href' => Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_PURGE, Purge::TYPE_PURGE_ALL_CSSJS, false, '_ori'),
'meta' => array('tabindex' => '0'),
if ($this->conf(self::O_CDN_CLOUDFLARE)) {
'parent' => 'litespeed-menu',
'id' => 'litespeed-purge-cloudflare',
'title' => __('Purge All', 'litespeed-cache') . ' - ' . __('Cloudflare', 'litespeed-cache'),
'href' => Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_CDN_CLOUDFLARE, CDN\Cloudflare::TYPE_PURGE_ALL),
'meta' => array('tabindex' => '0'),
if (defined('LSCWP_OBJECT_CACHE')) {
'parent' => 'litespeed-menu',
'id' => 'litespeed-purge-object',
'title' => __('Purge All', 'litespeed-cache') . ' - ' . __('Object Cache', 'litespeed-cache'),
'href' => Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_PURGE, Purge::TYPE_PURGE_ALL_OBJECT, false, '_ori'),
'meta' => array('tabindex' => '0'),
if (Router::opcache_enabled()) {
'parent' => 'litespeed-menu',
'id' => 'litespeed-purge-opcache',
'title' => __('Purge All', 'litespeed-cache') . ' - ' . __('Opcode Cache', 'litespeed-cache'),
'href' => Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_PURGE, Purge::TYPE_PURGE_ALL_OPCACHE, false, '_ori'),
'meta' => array('tabindex' => '0'),
if ($this->has_cache_folder('ccss')) {
'parent' => 'litespeed-menu',
'id' => 'litespeed-purge-ccss',
'title' => __('Purge All', 'litespeed-cache') . ' - CCSS',
'href' => Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_PURGE, Purge::TYPE_PURGE_ALL_CCSS, false, '_ori'),
'meta' => array('tabindex' => '0'),
if ($this->has_cache_folder('ucss')) {
'parent' => 'litespeed-menu',
'id' => 'litespeed-purge-ucss',
'title' => __('Purge All', 'litespeed-cache') . ' - UCSS',
'href' => Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_PURGE, Purge::TYPE_PURGE_ALL_UCSS, false, '_ori'),
if ($this->has_cache_folder('localres')) {
'parent' => 'litespeed-menu',
'id' => 'litespeed-purge-localres',
'title' => __('Purge All', 'litespeed-cache') . ' - ' . __('Localized Resources', 'litespeed-cache'),
'href' => Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_PURGE, Purge::TYPE_PURGE_ALL_LOCALRES, false, '_ori'),
'meta' => array('tabindex' => '0'),
if ($this->has_cache_folder('lqip')) {
'parent' => 'litespeed-menu',
'id' => 'litespeed-purge-placeholder',
'title' => __('Purge All', 'litespeed-cache') . ' - ' . __('LQIP Cache', 'litespeed-cache'),
'href' => Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_PURGE, Purge::TYPE_PURGE_ALL_LQIP, false, '_ori'),
'meta' => array('tabindex' => '0'),
if ($this->has_cache_folder('avatar')) {
'parent' => 'litespeed-menu',
'id' => 'litespeed-purge-avatar',
'title' => __('Purge All', 'litespeed-cache') . ' - ' . __('Gravatar Cache', 'litespeed-cache'),
'href' => Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_PURGE, Purge::TYPE_PURGE_ALL_AVATAR, false, '_ori'),
'meta' => array('tabindex' => '0'),
* Hooked to wp_before_admin_bar_render.
* Adds a link to the admin bar so users can quickly purge all.
* @access public
* @global WP_Admin_Bar $wp_admin_bar
* @since 1.7.2 Moved from admin_display.cls to gui.cls; Renamed from `add_quick_purge` to `backend_shortcut`
public function backend_shortcut()
global $wp_admin_bar;
// if ( defined( 'LITESPEED_ON' ) ) {
'id' => 'litespeed-menu',
'title' => '<span class="ab-icon" title="' . __('LiteSpeed Cache Purge All', 'litespeed-cache') . ' - ' . __('LSCache', 'litespeed-cache') . '"></span>',
'href' => Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_PURGE, Purge::TYPE_PURGE_ALL_LSCACHE),
'meta' => array('tabindex' => 0, 'class' => 'litespeed-top-toolbar'),
// }
// else {
// $wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array(
// 'id' => 'litespeed-menu',
// 'title' => '<span class="ab-icon" title="' . __( 'LiteSpeed Cache', 'litespeed-cache' ) . '"></span>',
// 'meta' => array( 'tabindex' => 0, 'class' => 'litespeed-top-toolbar' ),
// ) );
// }
'parent' => 'litespeed-menu',
'id' => 'litespeed-bar-manage',
'title' => __('Manage', 'litespeed-cache'),
'href' => 'admin.php?page=litespeed',
'meta' => array('tabindex' => '0'),
'parent' => 'litespeed-menu',
'id' => 'litespeed-bar-setting',
'title' => __('Settings', 'litespeed-cache'),
'href' => 'admin.php?page=litespeed-cache',
'meta' => array('tabindex' => '0'),
if (!is_network_admin()) {
'parent' => 'litespeed-menu',
'id' => 'litespeed-bar-imgoptm',
'title' => __('Image Optimization', 'litespeed-cache'),
'href' => 'admin.php?page=litespeed-img_optm',
'meta' => array('tabindex' => '0'),
'parent' => 'litespeed-menu',
'id' => 'litespeed-purge-all',
'title' => __('Purge All', 'litespeed-cache'),
'href' => Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_PURGE, Purge::TYPE_PURGE_ALL),
'meta' => array('tabindex' => '0'),
'parent' => 'litespeed-menu',
'id' => 'litespeed-purge-all-lscache',
'title' => __('Purge All', 'litespeed-cache') . ' - ' . __('LSCache', 'litespeed-cache'),
'href' => Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_PURGE, Purge::TYPE_PURGE_ALL_LSCACHE),
'meta' => array('tabindex' => '0'),
'parent' => 'litespeed-menu',
'id' => 'litespeed-purge-cssjs',
'title' => __('Purge All', 'litespeed-cache') . ' - ' . __('CSS/JS Cache', 'litespeed-cache'),
'href' => Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_PURGE, Purge::TYPE_PURGE_ALL_CSSJS),
'meta' => array('tabindex' => '0'),
if ($this->conf(self::O_CDN_CLOUDFLARE)) {
'parent' => 'litespeed-menu',
'id' => 'litespeed-purge-cloudflare',
'title' => __('Purge All', 'litespeed-cache') . ' - ' . __('Cloudflare', 'litespeed-cache'),
'href' => Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_CDN_CLOUDFLARE, CDN\Cloudflare::TYPE_PURGE_ALL),
'meta' => array('tabindex' => '0'),
if (defined('LSCWP_OBJECT_CACHE')) {
'parent' => 'litespeed-menu',
'id' => 'litespeed-purge-object',
'title' => __('Purge All', 'litespeed-cache') . ' - ' . __('Object Cache', 'litespeed-cache'),
'href' => Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_PURGE, Purge::TYPE_PURGE_ALL_OBJECT),
'meta' => array('tabindex' => '0'),
if (Router::opcache_enabled()) {
'parent' => 'litespeed-menu',
'id' => 'litespeed-purge-opcache',
'title' => __('Purge All', 'litespeed-cache') . ' - ' . __('Opcode Cache', 'litespeed-cache'),
'href' => Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_PURGE, Purge::TYPE_PURGE_ALL_OPCACHE),
'meta' => array('tabindex' => '0'),
if ($this->has_cache_folder('ccss')) {
'parent' => 'litespeed-menu',
'id' => 'litespeed-purge-ccss',
'title' => __('Purge All', 'litespeed-cache') . ' - CCSS',
'href' => Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_PURGE, Purge::TYPE_PURGE_ALL_CCSS),
'meta' => array('tabindex' => '0'),
if ($this->has_cache_folder('ucss')) {
'parent' => 'litespeed-menu',
'id' => 'litespeed-purge-ucss',
'title' => __('Purge All', 'litespeed-cache') . ' - UCSS',
'href' => Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_PURGE, Purge::TYPE_PURGE_ALL_UCSS),
if ($this->has_cache_folder('localres')) {
'parent' => 'litespeed-menu',
'id' => 'litespeed-purge-localres',
'title' => __('Purge All', 'litespeed-cache') . ' - ' . __('Localized Resources', 'litespeed-cache'),
'href' => Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_PURGE, Purge::TYPE_PURGE_ALL_LOCALRES),
'meta' => array('tabindex' => '0'),
if ($this->has_cache_folder('lqip')) {
'parent' => 'litespeed-menu',
'id' => 'litespeed-purge-placeholder',
'title' => __('Purge All', 'litespeed-cache') . ' - ' . __('LQIP Cache', 'litespeed-cache'),
'href' => Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_PURGE, Purge::TYPE_PURGE_ALL_LQIP),
'meta' => array('tabindex' => '0'),
if ($this->has_cache_folder('avatar')) {
'parent' => 'litespeed-menu',
'id' => 'litespeed-purge-avatar',
'title' => __('Purge All', 'litespeed-cache') . ' - ' . __('Gravatar Cache', 'litespeed-cache'),
'href' => Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_PURGE, Purge::TYPE_PURGE_ALL_AVATAR),
'meta' => array('tabindex' => '0'),
* Clear unfinished data
* @since 2.4.2
* @access public
public static function img_optm_clean_up($unfinished_num)
return sprintf(
'<a href="%1$s" class="button litespeed-btn-warning" data-balloon-pos="up" aria-label="%2$s"><span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-removeformatting"></span> %3$s</a>',
Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_IMG_OPTM, Img_Optm::TYPE_CLEAN),
__('Remove all previous unfinished image optimization requests.', 'litespeed-cache'),
__('Clean Up Unfinished Data', 'litespeed-cache') . ($unfinished_num ? ': ' . Admin_Display::print_plural($unfinished_num, 'image') : '')
* Generate install link
* @since 2.4.2
* @access public
public static function plugin_install_link($title, $name, $v)
$url = wp_nonce_url(self_admin_url('update.php?action=install-plugin&plugin=' . $name), 'install-plugin_' . $name);
$action = sprintf(
'<a href="%1$s" class="install-now" data-slug="%2$s" data-name="%3$s" aria-label="%4$s">%5$s</a>',
esc_attr(sprintf(__('Install %s', 'litespeed-cache'), $title)),
__('Install Now', 'litespeed-cache')
return $action;
// $msg .= " <a href='$upgrade_link' class='litespeed-btn-success' target='_blank'>" . __( 'Click here to upgrade', 'litespeed-cache' ) . '</a>';
* Generate upgrade link
* @since 2.4.2
* @access public
public static function plugin_upgrade_link($title, $name, $v)
$details_url = self_admin_url('plugin-install.php?tab=plugin-information&plugin=' . $name . '§ion=changelog&TB_iframe=true&width=600&height=800');
$file = $name . '/' . $name . '.php';
$msg = sprintf(
__('<a href="%1$s" %2$s>View version %3$s details</a> or <a href="%4$s" %5$s target="_blank">update now</a>.', 'litespeed-cache'),
sprintf('class="thickbox open-plugin-details-modal" aria-label="%s"', esc_attr(sprintf(__('View %1$s version %2$s details', 'litespeed-cache'), $title, $v))),
wp_nonce_url(self_admin_url('update.php?action=upgrade-plugin&plugin=') . $file, 'upgrade-plugin_' . $file),
sprintf('class="update-link" aria-label="%s"', esc_attr(sprintf(__('Update %s now', 'litespeed-cache'), $title)))
return $msg;
* Finalize buffer by GUI class
* @since 1.6
* @access public
public function finalize($buffer)
$buffer = $this->_clean_wrapper($buffer);
// Maybe restore doc.ref
if ($this->conf(Base::O_GUEST) && strpos($buffer, '<head>') !== false && defined('LITESPEED_IS_HTML')) {
$buffer = $this->_enqueue_guest_docref_js($buffer);
if (defined('LITESPEED_GUEST') && LITESPEED_GUEST && strpos($buffer, '</body>') !== false && defined('LITESPEED_IS_HTML')) {
$buffer = $this->_enqueue_guest_js($buffer);
return $buffer;
* Append guest restore doc.ref JS for organic traffic count
* @since 4.4.6
private function _enqueue_guest_docref_js($buffer)
$js_con = File::read(LSCWP_DIR . self::LIB_GUEST_DOCREF_JS);
$buffer = preg_replace('/<head>/', '<head><script data-no-optimize="1">' . $js_con . '</script>', $buffer, 1);
return $buffer;
* Append guest JS to update vary
* @since 4.0
private function _enqueue_guest_js($buffer)
$js_con = File::read(LSCWP_DIR . self::LIB_GUEST_JS);
// $guest_update_url = add_query_arg( 'litespeed_guest', 1, home_url( '/' ) );
$guest_update_url = parse_url(LSWCP_PLUGIN_URL . self::PHP_GUEST, PHP_URL_PATH);
$js_con = str_replace('litespeed_url', esc_url($guest_update_url), $js_con);
$buffer = preg_replace('/<\/body>/', '<script data-no-optimize="1">' . $js_con . '</script></body>', $buffer, 1);
return $buffer;
* Clean wrapper from buffer
* @since 1.4
* @since 1.6 converted to private with adding prefix _
* @access private
private function _clean_wrapper($buffer)
if (self::$_clean_counter < 1) {
Debug2::debug2('GUI bypassed by no counter');
return $buffer;
Debug2::debug2('GUI start cleaning counter ' . self::$_clean_counter);
for ($i = 1; $i <= self::$_clean_counter; $i++) {
// If miss beginning
$start = strpos($buffer, self::clean_wrapper_begin($i));
if ($start === false) {
$buffer = str_replace(self::clean_wrapper_end($i), '', $buffer);
Debug2::debug2("GUI lost beginning wrapper $i");
// If miss end
$end_wrapper = self::clean_wrapper_end($i);
$end = strpos($buffer, $end_wrapper);
if ($end === false) {
$buffer = str_replace(self::clean_wrapper_begin($i), '', $buffer);
Debug2::debug2("GUI lost ending wrapper $i");
// Now replace wrapped content
$buffer = substr_replace($buffer, '', $start, $end - $start + strlen($end_wrapper));
Debug2::debug2("GUI cleaned wrapper $i");
return $buffer;
* Display a to-be-removed html wrapper
* @since 1.4
* @access public
public static function clean_wrapper_begin($counter = false)
if ($counter === false) {
$counter = self::$_clean_counter;
Debug2::debug("GUI clean wrapper $counter begin");
return '<!-- LiteSpeed To Be Removed begin ' . $counter . ' -->';
* Display a to-be-removed html wrapper
* @since 1.4
* @access public
public static function clean_wrapper_end($counter = false)
if ($counter === false) {
$counter = self::$_clean_counter;
Debug2::debug("GUI clean wrapper $counter end");
return '<!-- LiteSpeed To Be Removed end ' . $counter . ' -->';