File "cdn.cls.php"
Full Path: /home/amervokv/
File size: 13.13 KB
MIME-type: text/x-php
Charset: utf-8
* The CDN class.
* @since 1.2.3
* @since 1.5 Moved into /inc
* @package LiteSpeed
* @subpackage LiteSpeed/inc
* @author LiteSpeed Technologies <>
namespace LiteSpeed;
defined('WPINC') || exit();
class CDN extends Root
private $content;
private $_cfg_cdn;
private $_cfg_url_ori;
private $_cfg_ori_dir;
private $_cfg_cdn_mapping = array();
private $_cfg_cdn_exclude;
private $cdn_mapping_hosts = array();
* Init
* @since 1.2.3
public function init()
Debug2::debug2('[CDN] init');
if (defined(self::BYPASS)) {
Debug2::debug2('CDN bypass');
if (!Router::can_cdn()) {
if (!defined(self::BYPASS)) {
define(self::BYPASS, true);
$this->_cfg_cdn = $this->conf(Base::O_CDN);
if (!$this->_cfg_cdn) {
if (!defined(self::BYPASS)) {
define(self::BYPASS, true);
$this->_cfg_url_ori = $this->conf(Base::O_CDN_ORI);
// Parse cdn mapping data to array( 'filetype' => 'url' )
$mapping_to_check = array(Base::CDN_MAPPING_INC_IMG, Base::CDN_MAPPING_INC_CSS, Base::CDN_MAPPING_INC_JS);
foreach ($this->conf(Base::O_CDN_MAPPING) as $v) {
if (!$v[Base::CDN_MAPPING_URL]) {
$this_url = $v[Base::CDN_MAPPING_URL];
$this_host = parse_url($this_url, PHP_URL_HOST);
// Check img/css/js
foreach ($mapping_to_check as $to_check) {
if ($v[$to_check]) {
Debug2::debug2('[CDN] mapping ' . $to_check . ' -> ' . $this_url);
// If filetype to url is one to many, make url be an array
$this->_append_cdn_mapping($to_check, $this_url);
if (!in_array($this_host, $this->cdn_mapping_hosts)) {
$this->cdn_mapping_hosts[] = $this_host;
// Check file types
foreach ($v[Base::CDN_MAPPING_FILETYPE] as $v2) {
$this->_cfg_cdn_mapping[Base::CDN_MAPPING_FILETYPE] = true;
// If filetype to url is one to many, make url be an array
$this->_append_cdn_mapping($v2, $this_url);
if (!in_array($this_host, $this->cdn_mapping_hosts)) {
$this->cdn_mapping_hosts[] = $this_host;
Debug2::debug2('[CDN] mapping ' . implode(',', $v[Base::CDN_MAPPING_FILETYPE]) . ' -> ' . $this_url);
if (!$this->_cfg_url_ori || !$this->_cfg_cdn_mapping) {
if (!defined(self::BYPASS)) {
define(self::BYPASS, true);
$this->_cfg_ori_dir = $this->conf(Base::O_CDN_ORI_DIR);
// In case user customized upload path
if (defined('UPLOADS')) {
$this->_cfg_ori_dir[] = UPLOADS;
// Check if need preg_replace
$this->_cfg_url_ori = Utility::wildcard2regex($this->_cfg_url_ori);
$this->_cfg_cdn_exclude = $this->conf(Base::O_CDN_EXC);
if (!empty($this->_cfg_cdn_mapping[Base::CDN_MAPPING_INC_IMG])) {
// Hook to srcset
if (function_exists('wp_calculate_image_srcset')) {
add_filter('wp_calculate_image_srcset', array($this, 'srcset'), 999);
// Hook to mime icon
add_filter('wp_get_attachment_image_src', array($this, 'attach_img_src'), 999);
add_filter('wp_get_attachment_url', array($this, 'url_img'), 999);
if (!empty($this->_cfg_cdn_mapping[Base::CDN_MAPPING_INC_CSS])) {
add_filter('style_loader_src', array($this, 'url_css'), 999);
if (!empty($this->_cfg_cdn_mapping[Base::CDN_MAPPING_INC_JS])) {
add_filter('script_loader_src', array($this, 'url_js'), 999);
add_filter('litespeed_buffer_finalize', array($this, 'finalize'), 30);
* Associate all filetypes with url
* @since 2.0
* @access private
private function _append_cdn_mapping($filetype, $url)
// If filetype to url is one to many, make url be an array
if (empty($this->_cfg_cdn_mapping[$filetype])) {
$this->_cfg_cdn_mapping[$filetype] = $url;
} elseif (is_array($this->_cfg_cdn_mapping[$filetype])) {
// Append url to filetype
$this->_cfg_cdn_mapping[$filetype][] = $url;
} else {
// Convert _cfg_cdn_mapping from string to array
$this->_cfg_cdn_mapping[$filetype] = array($this->_cfg_cdn_mapping[$filetype], $url);
* If include css/js in CDN
* @since
* @return bool true if included in CDN
public function inc_type($type)
if ($type == 'css' && !empty($this->_cfg_cdn_mapping[Base::CDN_MAPPING_INC_CSS])) {
return true;
if ($type == 'js' && !empty($this->_cfg_cdn_mapping[Base::CDN_MAPPING_INC_JS])) {
return true;
return false;
* Run CDN process
* NOTE: As this is after cache finalized, can NOT set any cache control anymore
* @since 1.2.3
* @access public
* @return string The content that is after optimization
public function finalize($content)
$this->content = $content;
return $this->content;
* Replace CDN url
* @since 1.2.3
* @access private
private function _finalize()
if (defined(self::BYPASS)) {
Debug2::debug('CDN _finalize');
// Start replacing img src
if (!empty($this->_cfg_cdn_mapping[Base::CDN_MAPPING_INC_IMG])) {
if (!empty($this->_cfg_cdn_mapping[Base::CDN_MAPPING_FILETYPE])) {
* Parse all file types
* @since 1.2.3
* @access private
private function _replace_file_types()
$ele_to_check = $this->conf(Base::O_CDN_ATTR);
foreach ($ele_to_check as $v) {
if (!$v || strpos($v, '.') === false) {
Debug2::debug2('[CDN] replace setting bypassed: no . attribute ' . $v);
Debug2::debug2('[CDN] replace attribute ' . $v);
$v = explode('.', $v);
$attr = preg_quote($v[1], '#');
if ($v[0]) {
$pattern = '#<' . preg_quote($v[0], '#') . '([^>]+)' . $attr . '=([\'"])(.+)\g{2}#iU';
} else {
$pattern = '# ' . $attr . '=([\'"])(.+)\g{1}#iU';
preg_match_all($pattern, $this->content, $matches);
if (empty($matches[$v[0] ? 3 : 2])) {
foreach ($matches[$v[0] ? 3 : 2] as $k2 => $url) {
// Debug2::debug2( '[CDN] check ' . $url );
$postfix = '.' . pathinfo((string) parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH), PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if (!array_key_exists($postfix, $this->_cfg_cdn_mapping)) {
// Debug2::debug2( '[CDN] non-existed postfix ' . $postfix );
Debug2::debug2('[CDN] matched file_type ' . $postfix . ' : ' . $url);
if (!($url2 = $this->rewrite($url, Base::CDN_MAPPING_FILETYPE, $postfix))) {
$attr = str_replace($url, $url2, $matches[0][$k2]);
$this->content = str_replace($matches[0][$k2], $attr, $this->content);
* Parse all images
* @since 1.2.3
* @access private
private function _replace_img()
preg_match_all('#<img([^>]+?)src=([\'"\\\]*)([^\'"\s\\\>]+)([\'"\\\]*)([^>]*)>#i', $this->content, $matches);
foreach ($matches[3] as $k => $url) {
// Check if is a DATA-URI
if (strpos($url, 'data:image') !== false) {
if (!($url2 = $this->rewrite($url, Base::CDN_MAPPING_INC_IMG))) {
$html_snippet = sprintf('<img %1$s src=%2$s %3$s>', $matches[1][$k], $matches[2][$k] . $url2 . $matches[4][$k], $matches[5][$k]);
$this->content = str_replace($matches[0][$k], $html_snippet, $this->content);
* Parse and replace all inline styles containing url()
* @since 1.2.3
* @access private
private function _replace_inline_css()
Debug2::debug2('[CDN] _replace_inline_css', $this->_cfg_cdn_mapping);
* Excludes `\` from URL matching
* @see #959152 - WordPress LSCache CDN Mapping causing malformed URLS
* @see #685485
* @since 3.0
preg_match_all('/url\((?![\'"]?data)[\'"]?([^\)\'"\\\]+)[\'"]?\)/i', $this->content, $matches);
foreach ($matches[1] as $k => $url) {
$url = str_replace(array(' ', '\t', '\n', '\r', '\0', '\x0B', '"', "'", '"', '''), '', $url);
// Parse file postfix
$postfix = '.' . pathinfo(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH), PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if (array_key_exists($postfix, $this->_cfg_cdn_mapping)) {
Debug2::debug2('[CDN] matched file_type ' . $postfix . ' : ' . $url);
if (!($url2 = $this->rewrite($url, Base::CDN_MAPPING_FILETYPE, $postfix))) {
} elseif (in_array($postfix, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'svg', 'webp', 'avif'))) {
if (!($url2 = $this->rewrite($url, Base::CDN_MAPPING_INC_IMG))) {
} else {
$attr = str_replace($matches[1][$k], $url2, $matches[0][$k]);
$this->content = str_replace($matches[0][$k], $attr, $this->content);
Debug2::debug2('[CDN] _replace_inline_css done');
* Hook to wp_get_attachment_image_src
* @since 1.2.3
* @since 1.7 Removed static from function
* @access public
* @param array $img The URL of the attachment image src, the width, the height
* @return array
public function attach_img_src($img)
if ($img && ($url = $this->rewrite($img[0], Base::CDN_MAPPING_INC_IMG))) {
$img[0] = $url;
return $img;
* Try to rewrite one URL with CDN
* @since 1.7
* @access public
public function url_img($url)
if ($url && ($url2 = $this->rewrite($url, Base::CDN_MAPPING_INC_IMG))) {
$url = $url2;
return $url;
* Try to rewrite one URL with CDN
* @since 1.7
* @access public
public function url_css($url)
if ($url && ($url2 = $this->rewrite($url, Base::CDN_MAPPING_INC_CSS))) {
$url = $url2;
return $url;
* Try to rewrite one URL with CDN
* @since 1.7
* @access public
public function url_js($url)
if ($url && ($url2 = $this->rewrite($url, Base::CDN_MAPPING_INC_JS))) {
$url = $url2;
return $url;
* Hook to replace WP responsive images
* @since 1.2.3
* @since 1.7 Removed static from function
* @access public
* @param array $srcs
* @return array
public function srcset($srcs)
if ($srcs) {
foreach ($srcs as $w => $data) {
if (!($url = $this->rewrite($data['url'], Base::CDN_MAPPING_INC_IMG))) {
$srcs[$w]['url'] = $url;
return $srcs;
* Replace URL to CDN URL
* @since 1.2.3
* @access public
* @param string $url
* @return string Replaced URL
public function rewrite($url, $mapping_kind, $postfix = false)
Debug2::debug2('[CDN] rewrite ' . $url);
$url_parsed = parse_url($url);
if (empty($url_parsed['path'])) {
Debug2::debug2('[CDN] -rewrite bypassed: no path');
return false;
// Only images under wp-cotnent/wp-includes can be replaced
$is_internal_folder = Utility::str_hit_array($url_parsed['path'], $this->_cfg_ori_dir);
if (!$is_internal_folder) {
Debug2::debug2('[CDN] -rewrite failed: path not match: ' . LSCWP_CONTENT_FOLDER);
return false;
// Check if is external url
if (!empty($url_parsed['host'])) {
if (!Utility::internal($url_parsed['host']) && !$this->_is_ori_url($url)) {
Debug2::debug2('[CDN] -rewrite failed: host not internal');
return false;
$exclude = Utility::str_hit_array($url, $this->_cfg_cdn_exclude);
if ($exclude) {
Debug2::debug2('[CDN] -abort excludes ' . $exclude);
return false;
// Fill full url before replacement
if (empty($url_parsed['host'])) {
$url = Utility::uri2url($url);
Debug2::debug2('[CDN] -fill before rewritten: ' . $url);
$url_parsed = parse_url($url);
$scheme = !empty($url_parsed['scheme']) ? $url_parsed['scheme'] . ':' : '';
if ($scheme) {
// Debug2::debug2( '[CDN] -scheme from url: ' . $scheme );
// Find the mapping url to be replaced to
if (empty($this->_cfg_cdn_mapping[$mapping_kind])) {
return false;
if ($mapping_kind !== Base::CDN_MAPPING_FILETYPE) {
$final_url = $this->_cfg_cdn_mapping[$mapping_kind];
} else {
// select from file type
$final_url = $this->_cfg_cdn_mapping[$postfix];
// If filetype to url is one to many, need to random one
if (is_array($final_url)) {
$final_url = $final_url[mt_rand(0, count($final_url) - 1)];
// Now lets replace CDN url
foreach ($this->_cfg_url_ori as $v) {
if (strpos($v, '*') !== false) {
$url = preg_replace('#' . $scheme . $v . '#iU', $final_url, $url);
} else {
$url = str_replace($scheme . $v, $final_url, $url);
Debug2::debug2('[CDN] -rewritten: ' . $url);
return $url;
* Check if is original URL of CDN or not
* @since 2.1
* @access private
private function _is_ori_url($url)
$url_parsed = parse_url($url);
$scheme = !empty($url_parsed['scheme']) ? $url_parsed['scheme'] . ':' : '';
foreach ($this->_cfg_url_ori as $v) {
$needle = $scheme . $v;
if (strpos($v, '*') !== false) {
if (preg_match('#' . $needle . '#iU', $url)) {
return true;
} else {
if (strpos($url, $needle) === 0) {
return true;
return false;
* Check if the host is the CDN internal host
* @since 1.2.3
public static function internal($host)
if (defined(self::BYPASS)) {
return false;
$instance = self::cls();
return in_array($host, $instance->cdn_mapping_hosts); // todo: can add $this->_is_ori_url() check in future