File "note-query-builder.php"
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namespace ElementorPro\Modules\Notes\Database\Query;
use Elementor\Core\Utils\Collection;
use ElementorPro\Core\Database\Join_Clause;
use ElementorPro\Modules\Notes\User\Capabilities;
use ElementorPro\Core\Database\Model_Query_Builder;
use ElementorPro\Core\Database\Query_Builder;
use ElementorPro\Modules\Notes\Database\Models\Note;
use ElementorPro\Modules\Notes\Database\Models\User;
use ElementorPro\Modules\Notes\Module;
use ElementorPro\Modules\Notes\Database\Models\Document;
use Elementor\Core\Base\Document as BaseDocument;
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit; // Exit if accessed directly
* @method Note|null first()
* @method Note|null find( $id, $field = 'id' )
class Note_Query_Builder extends Model_Query_Builder {
* Determine if the query should include trashed notes.
* @var bool
private $with_trashed = false;
* Note_Query_Builder constructor.
* @param \wpdb|null $connection
public function __construct( \wpdb $connection = null ) {
parent::__construct( Note::class, $connection );
* Override the default `compile_wheres()` to handle `with_trashed()`.
* @inheritDoc
public function compile_wheres() {
// Don't show trashed notes.
// TODO: Should be called before `get()`, `update()`, `delete()` using `apply_scopes()`.
if ( ! $this->with_trashed ) {
$this->where( 'status', '!=', Note::STATUS_TRASH );
return parent::compile_wheres();
* Set the `with_trashed` flag to `true`.
* @return $this
public function with_trashed() {
$this->with_trashed = true;
return $this;
* Eager load the Note's replies.
* @param callable|null $callback - Callback that gets a `Note_Query_Builder` to customize the replies query.
* @return $this
public function with_replies( callable $callback = null ) {
$key = 'replies';
$foreign_key = 'parent_id';
$local_key = 'id';
$builder = Note::query();
return $this->add_with( $key, function ( Collection $notes ) use ( $callback, $key, $foreign_key, $local_key, $builder ) {
// Get all the replies.
$replies = $builder
$notes->pluck( $local_key )->all()
->when( $callback, function ( Note_Query_Builder $q, callable $callback ) {
// Execute any user-defined callback.
// Used to extend the query (e.g. add another `where` or eager load relations).
call_user_func( $callback, $q );
} )
->group_by( $foreign_key ); // Group the replies by their thread.
// Add the replies to each Note object.
return $notes->map( function ( $note ) use ( $replies, $key, $local_key ) {
$note[ $key ] = $replies->get( $note[ $local_key ], [] );
return $note;
} );
} );
* Eager load the Note's replies count.
* @return $this
public function with_replies_count() {
return $this->add_sub_select( function ( Query_Builder $q ) {
$q->from( Module::TABLE_NOTES, 'replies' )
->select( [ '' ], static::COLUMN_COUNT )
->where_column( 'replies.parent_id', '=', Module::TABLE_NOTES . '.id' );
}, 'replies_count' );
* Eager load the Note's readers.
* @return $this
public function with_readers() {
return $this->add_with( 'readers', function ( Collection $notes ) {
$ids = $notes->pluck( 'id' )->all();
// Get all relations.
$pivot = ( new Query_Builder() )
->select( [ 'note_id', 'user_id' ] )
->where( 'type', '=', Note::USER_RELATION_READ )
->where_in( 'note_id', $ids )
$ids = $pivot->pluck( 'user_id' )->all();
// Exit if there are no readers.
if ( empty( $ids ) ) {
return $notes;
// Get all users that are associated with the relations, and map them into `$user_id => User`.
$readers = User::query()
->where_in( 'ID', $ids )
->key_by( 'ID' );
// Attach a user to each pivot row & group by note id.
$pivot = $pivot->map( function ( $item ) use ( $readers ) {
$item['user'] = $readers->get( $item['user_id'], [] );
return $item;
} )->filter( function ( $item ) {
// Make sure that relations with non-existing users won't be returned.
return ! empty( $item['user'] );
} )->group_by( 'note_id' );
// Add the readers to the note.
return $notes->map( function ( $note ) use ( $pivot ) {
$users = $pivot->get( $note['id'], [] );
$readers = ( new Collection( $users ) )
->unique( 'user_id' )
->pluck( 'user' )
$note['readers'] = $readers;
return $note;
} );
} );
* Eager load the Note's author.
* @return $this
public function with_author() {
return $this->add_with( 'author', function ( Collection $notes ) {
$ids = $notes
->pluck( 'author_id' )
$authors = User::query()
->where_in( 'ID', $ids )
->key_by( 'ID' );
return $notes->map( function ( $note ) use ( $authors ) {
$note['author'] = $authors->get( $note['author_id'] );
return $note;
} );
} );
* Eager load the Note's document.
* @return $this
public function with_document() {
return $this->add_with( 'document', function ( Collection $notes ) {
$ids = $notes
->pluck( 'post_id' )
$documents = Document::query()
->where_in( 'ID', $ids )
->key_by( 'ID' );
return $notes->map( function ( $note ) use ( $documents ) {
$note['document'] = $documents->get( $note['post_id'] );
return $note;
} );
} );
* Eager load the Note's read state by a user ID.
* @param int $user_id - User ID to check.
* @return $this
public function with_is_read( $user_id ) {
$alias = 'is_read';
if ( $this->is_column_selected( $alias ) ) {
return $this;
// TODO: Maybe use JOIN.
return $this->add_sub_select( function ( Query_Builder $q ) use ( $user_id ) {
$q->from( Module::TABLE_NOTES_USERS_RELATIONS, 'users_relations' )
->select( [ '' ], static::COLUMN_COUNT )
->where( 'type', '=', Note::USER_RELATION_READ )
->where_column( Module::TABLE_NOTES . '.id', '=', 'users_relations.note_id' )
->where( 'user_id', '=', $user_id );
}, $alias );
* Make sure that users without permissions to read private notes won't get them.
* @param integer $user_id - User ID to check.
* @return Note_Query_Builder
public function only_visible( $user_id ) {
// User can read private notes - do nothing.
if ( user_can( $user_id, Capabilities::READ_OTHERS_PRIVATE_NOTES ) ) {
return $this;
// User can read only public or their note.
return $this->where( function ( Query_Builder $q ) use ( $user_id ) {
$q->where( 'is_public', '=', true )
->or_where( 'author_id', '=', $user_id );
} );
* Filter only notes that their post is visible to the user.
* @param $user_id
* @return $this
public function only_visible_posts( $user_id ) {
$post_types = ( new Collection( get_post_types() ) )
->map( function ( $post_type_value ) {
return get_post_type_object( $post_type_value );
} );
$can_read_unpublished_post_types = $post_types
->filter( function ( $post_type ) use ( $user_id ) {
return $post_type && user_can( $user_id, $post_type->cap->edit_posts );
} )
$can_read_private_post_types = $post_types
->filter( function ( $post_type ) use ( $user_id ) {
return $post_type && user_can( $user_id, $post_type->cap->read_private_posts );
} )
foreach ( [ 'route_post_id', 'post_id' ] as $column ) {
$table_alias = "posts_{$column}_visible";
function ( Join_Clause $join ) use ( $table_alias, $column ) {
return $join->table( 'posts', $table_alias )
->on_column( "{$table_alias}.ID", '=', $column );
function ( Query_Builder $query ) use ( $can_read_unpublished_post_types, $table_alias ) {
// If there is no post ID, there is nothing to check,
// OR if the post is published the user can view the post,
// OR if the user is allowed to view unpublished post (for the current `post_type`).
$query->where_null( "{$table_alias}.ID" )
->or_where( "{$table_alias}.post_status", '=', BaseDocument::STATUS_PUBLISH )
->or_where_in( "{$table_alias}.post_type", $can_read_unpublished_post_types );
function ( Query_Builder $query ) use ( $user_id, $can_read_private_post_types, $table_alias ) {
// If there is no post ID, there is nothing to check,
// OR if the post is not private the user can see view post,
// OR if the current user is the author of the private post, so he can view the post,
// OR if the user is allowed to view private posts (for the current `post_type`).
$query->where_null( "{$table_alias}.ID" )
->or_where( "{$table_alias}.post_status", '!=', BaseDocument::STATUS_PRIVATE )
->or_where( "{$table_alias}.post_author", '=', $user_id )
->or_where_in( "{$table_alias}.post_type", $can_read_private_post_types );
return $this;
* Filter only the notes that are relevant to the user.
* @param int $user_id - User ID to check.
* @return Note_Query_Builder
public function only_relevant( $user_id ) {
// User replied to the thread.
$replied_to_thread = function ( Query_Builder $q ) use ( $user_id ) {
$q->select_raw( [ 1 ] )
->from( Module::TABLE_NOTES, 'e_notes_relevant_replies' )
->where_column( 'e_notes_relevant_replies.parent_id', '=', Module::TABLE_NOTES . '.id' )
->where( 'e_notes_relevant_replies.author_id', '=', $user_id )
->where( 'e_notes_relevant_replies.status', '!=', Note::STATUS_TRASH );
// User is mentioned in the thread.
$mentioned_in_thread = function ( Query_Builder $q ) use ( $user_id ) {
$q->select_raw( [ 1 ] )
->table( Module::TABLE_NOTES_USERS_RELATIONS, 'e_notes_relevant_relation' )
->where_column( 'e_notes_relevant_relation.note_id', '=', Module::TABLE_NOTES . '.id' )
->where( 'e_notes_relevant_relation.user_id', '=', $user_id )
->where( 'e_notes_relevant_relation.type', '=', Note::USER_RELATION_MENTION );
// User is mentioned in one of the replies.
$mentioned_in_replies = function ( Query_Builder $q ) use ( $user_id ) {
$q->select_raw( [ 1 ] )
->table( Module::TABLE_NOTES_USERS_RELATIONS, 'e_notes_relevant_relation_replies' )
->where_in( 'e_notes_relevant_relation_replies.note_id', function ( Query_Builder $q ) use ( $user_id ) {
$q->select( [ '' ] )
->from( Module::TABLE_NOTES, 'e_notes_relevant_replies_ids' )
->where_column( 'e_notes_relevant_replies_ids.parent_id', '=', Module::TABLE_NOTES . '.id' )
->where( 'e_notes_relevant_replies_ids.status', '!=', Note::STATUS_TRASH );
} )
->where( 'e_notes_relevant_relation_replies.user_id', '=', $user_id )
->where( 'e_notes_relevant_relation_replies.type', '=', Note::USER_RELATION_MENTION );
return $this->where( function ( Query_Builder $q ) use ( $user_id, $replied_to_thread, $mentioned_in_thread, $mentioned_in_replies ) {
$q->where( 'author_id', '=', $user_id ) // User created the thread.
->or_where_exists( $replied_to_thread )
->or_where_exists( $mentioned_in_thread )
->or_where_exists( $mentioned_in_replies );
} );
* Filter only unread notes.
* @param integer $user_id - User id that the notes are unread by.
* @return Note_Query_Builder
public function only_unread( $user_id ) {
return $this
->with_unread_replies_count( $user_id )
->with_is_read( $user_id )
->having_raw( '`unread_replies_count` > 0 OR `is_read` = 0' );
* Filter only threads.
* @return Note_Query_Builder
public function only_threads() {
return $this->where( 'parent_id', '=', 0 );
* Filter only replies.
* @return Note_Query_Builder
public function only_replies() {
return $this->where( 'parent_id', '!=', 0 );
* Filter only trashed notes.
* @return Note_Query_Builder
public function only_trashed() {
return $this->with_trashed()
->where( 'status', '=', Note::STATUS_TRASH );
* Eager load the Note's unread replies count by a user ID.
* @param int $user_id - User ID to check.
* @return Note_Query_Builder
public function with_unread_replies_count( $user_id ) {
$alias = 'unread_replies_count';
if ( $this->is_column_selected( $alias ) ) {
return $this;
return $this->add_sub_select( function ( Query_Builder $q ) use ( $user_id ) {
$q->select( [ '' ], static::COLUMN_COUNT )
->from( Module::TABLE_NOTES, 'e_replies_count' )
->left_join( function ( Join_Clause $j ) use ( $user_id ) {
} )
->where_column( 'e_replies_count.parent_id', '=', Module::TABLE_NOTES . '.id' )
->where_null( '' );
}, $alias );
* Extends base delete method to allow deleting all the related entities
* of the notes, including 'user relations' and 'replies'.
* @param false $include_related_entities
* @return bool|int
public function delete( $include_related_entities = false ) {
if ( ! $include_related_entities ) {
return parent::delete();
// Get all the ids of the notes it wishes to delete.
$notes_ids = $this->select( [ 'id' ] )
->pluck( 'id' );
if ( $notes_ids->is_empty() ) {
return 0;
// Get all the replies ids.
$replies_ids = Note::query()
->select( [ 'id' ] )
->where_in( 'parent_id', $notes_ids->values() )
->pluck( 'id' );
// Merge the thread ids with the replies.
$all_relevant_notes_ids = $notes_ids->merge( $replies_ids );
// Delete all the users relations of the notes.
( new Query_Builder() )
->where_in( 'note_id', $all_relevant_notes_ids->values() )
// Delete all the notes.
return Note::query()
->where_in( 'id', $all_relevant_notes_ids->values() )
* Move notes to trash.
* @return bool|int
public function trash() {
$now = gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
return $this->update( [
'status' => Note::STATUS_TRASH,
'updated_at' => $now,
] );
* Restore notes from trash.
* @return bool|int
public function restore() {
$now = gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
return $this
->where( 'status', '=', Note::STATUS_TRASH )
->update( [
'status' => Note::STATUS_PUBLISH, // TODO: It should be the last status
'updated_at' => $now,
] );