File "ajax-handler.php"
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namespace ElementorPro\Modules\Forms\Classes;
use ElementorPro\Core\Utils;
use ElementorPro\Modules\Forms\Module;
use ElementorPro\Plugin;
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit; // Exit if accessed directly
class Ajax_Handler {
public $is_success = true;
public $messages = [
'success' => [],
'error' => [],
'admin_error' => [],
public $data = [];
public $errors = [];
private $current_form;
const SUCCESS = 'success';
const ERROR = 'error';
const FIELD_REQUIRED = 'required_field';
const INVALID_FORM = 'invalid_form';
const SERVER_ERROR = 'server_error';
const SUBSCRIBER_ALREADY_EXISTS = 'subscriber_already_exists';
public static function is_form_submitted() {
// PHPCS - No nonce is required, all visitors may send the form.
return wp_doing_ajax() && isset( $_POST['action'] ) && 'elementor_pro_forms_send_form' === $_POST['action']; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing
public static function get_default_messages() {
return [
self::SUCCESS => esc_html__( 'Your submission was successful.', 'elementor-pro' ),
self::ERROR => esc_html__( 'Your submission failed because of an error.', 'elementor-pro' ),
self::FIELD_REQUIRED => esc_html__( 'This field is required.', 'elementor-pro' ),
self::INVALID_FORM => esc_html__( 'Your submission failed because the form is invalid.', 'elementor-pro' ),
self::SERVER_ERROR => esc_html__( 'Your submission failed because of a server error.', 'elementor-pro' ),
self::SUBSCRIBER_ALREADY_EXISTS => esc_html__( 'Subscriber already exists.', 'elementor-pro' ),
public static function get_default_message( $id, $settings ) {
if ( ! empty( $settings['custom_messages'] ) ) {
$field_id = $id . '_message';
if ( isset( $settings[ $field_id ] ) ) {
return $settings[ $field_id ];
$default_messages = self::get_default_messages();
return isset( $default_messages[ $id ] ) ? $default_messages[ $id ] : esc_html__( 'Unknown error.', 'elementor-pro' );
public function ajax_send_form() {
$post_data = $_POST; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing
// $post_id that holds the form settings.
$post_id = $post_data['post_id'];
// $queried_id the post for dynamic values data.
if ( isset( $post_data['queried_id'] ) ) {
$queried_id = $post_data['queried_id'];
} else {
$queried_id = $post_id;
// Make the post as global post for dynamic values.
Plugin::elementor()->db->switch_to_post( $queried_id );
$form_id = $post_data['form_id'];
$elementor = Plugin::elementor();
$document = $elementor->documents->get( $post_id );
$form = null;
$template_id = null;
if ( $document ) {
$form = Module::find_element_recursive( $document->get_elements_data(), $form_id );
if ( ! empty( $form['templateID'] ) ) {
$template = Plugin::elementor()->documents->get( $form['templateID'] );
if ( ! $template ) {
return false;
$template_id = $template->get_id();
$form = $template->get_elements_data()[0];
if ( empty( $form ) ) {
->add_error_message( self::get_default_message( self::INVALID_FORM, [] ) )
// restore default values
$widget = $elementor->elements_manager->create_element_instance( $form );
$form['settings'] = $widget->get_settings_for_display();
$form['settings']['id'] = $form_id;
$form['settings']['form_post_id'] = $template_id ? $template_id : $post_id;
// TODO: Should be removed if there is an ability to edit "global widgets"
$form['settings']['edit_post_id'] = $post_id;
$this->current_form = $form;
if ( empty( $form['settings']['form_fields'] ) ) {
->add_error_message( self::get_default_message( self::INVALID_FORM, $form['settings'] ) )
$record = new Form_Record( $post_data['form_fields'], $form );
if ( ! $record->validate( $this ) ) {
->add_error( $record->get( 'errors' ) )
->add_error_message( self::get_default_message( self::ERROR, $form['settings'] ) )
$record->process_fields( $this );
//check for process errors
if ( ! empty( $this->errors ) ) {
$module = Module::instance();
$actions = $module->actions_registrar->get();
$errors = array_merge( $this->messages['error'], $this->messages['admin_error'] );
* Filters the record before it sent to actions after submit.
* @since 3.3.0
* @param Form_Record $record The form record.
* @param Ajax_Handler $this The class that handle the submission of the record
$record = apply_filters( 'elementor_pro/forms/record/actions_before', $record, $this );
foreach ( $actions as $action ) {
if ( ! in_array( $action->get_name(), $form['settings']['submit_actions'], true ) ) {
$exception = null;
try {
$action->run( $record, $this );
$this->handle_bc_errors( $errors );
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
$exception = $e;
// Add an admin error.
if ( ! in_array( $exception->getMessage(), $this->messages['admin_error'], true ) ) {
$this->add_admin_error_message( "{$action->get_label()} {$exception->getMessage()}" );
// Add a user error.
$this->add_error_message( $this->get_default_message( self::ERROR, $this->current_form['settings'] ) );
$errors = array_merge( $this->messages['error'], $this->messages['admin_error'] );
* After form actions run.
* Fires after Elementor forms run actions. This hook allows
* developers to add functionality after certain actions run.
* @param Action_Base $action An instance of form action.
* @param \Exception|null $exception An instance of the exception.
do_action( 'elementor_pro/forms/actions/after_run', $action, $exception );
$activity_log = $module->get_component( 'activity_log' );
if ( $activity_log ) {
$activity_log->run( $record, $this );
$cf7db = $module->get_component( 'cf7db' );
if ( $cf7db ) {
$cf7db->run( $record, $this );
* New Elementor form record.
* Fires before a new form record is sent by ajax. This hook allows
* developers to add functionality before a new form record is sent.
* @since 1.0.0
* @param Form_Record $record An instance of the form record.
* @param Ajax_Handler $this An instance of the ajax handler.
do_action( 'elementor_pro/forms/new_record', $record, $this );
public function add_success_message( $message ) {
$this->messages['success'][] = $message;
return $this;
public function add_response_data( $key, $data ) {
$this->data[ $key ] = $data;
return $this;
public function add_error_message( $message ) {
$this->messages['error'][] = $message;
$this->set_success( false );
return $this;
public function add_error( $field, $message = '' ) {
if ( is_array( $field ) ) {
$this->errors += $field;
} else {
$this->errors[ $field ] = $message;
$this->set_success( false );
return $this;
public function add_admin_error_message( $message ) {
$this->messages['admin_error'][] = $message;
$this->set_success( false );
return $this;
public function set_success( $bool ) {
$this->is_success = $bool;
return $this;
public function send() {
if ( $this->is_success ) {
wp_send_json_success( [
'message' => $this->get_default_message( self::SUCCESS, $this->current_form['settings'] ),
'data' => $this->data,
] );
if ( empty( $this->messages['error'] ) && ! empty( $this->errors ) ) {
$this->add_error_message( $this->get_default_message( self::INVALID_FORM, $this->current_form['settings'] ) );
$post_id = Utils::_unstable_get_super_global_value( $_POST, 'post_id' ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing
$error_msg = implode( '<br>', $this->messages['error'] );
if ( current_user_can( 'edit_post', $post_id ) && ! empty( $this->messages['admin_error'] ) ) {
$this->add_admin_error_message( esc_html__( 'This message is not visible to site visitors.', 'elementor-pro' ) );
$error_msg .= '<div class="elementor-forms-admin-errors">' . implode( '<br>', $this->messages['admin_error'] ) . '</div>';
wp_send_json_error( [
'message' => $error_msg,
'errors' => $this->errors,
'data' => $this->data,
] );
public function get_current_form() {
return $this->current_form;
* BC: checks if the current action add some errors to the errors array
* if it add an error the "run" method treat it as a failed action.
* @param $errors
* @throws \Exception
private function handle_bc_errors( $errors ) {
$current_errors = array_merge( $this->messages['error'], $this->messages['admin_error'] );
$errors_diff = array_diff( $current_errors, $errors );
if ( count( $errors_diff ) > 0 ) {
throw new \Exception( implode( ', ', $errors_diff ) );
public function __construct() {
add_action( 'wp_ajax_elementor_pro_forms_send_form', [ $this, 'ajax_send_form' ] );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_elementor_pro_forms_send_form', [ $this, 'ajax_send_form' ] );