File "PhpDocReader.php"
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declare (strict_types=1);
namespace ElementorDeps\PhpDocReader;
use ElementorDeps\PhpDocReader\PhpParser\UseStatementParser;
use ReflectionClass;
use ReflectionMethod;
use ReflectionParameter;
use ReflectionProperty;
use Reflector;
* PhpDoc reader
class PhpDocReader
/** @var UseStatementParser */
private $parser;
private const PRIMITIVE_TYPES = ['bool' => 'bool', 'boolean' => 'bool', 'string' => 'string', 'int' => 'int', 'integer' => 'int', 'float' => 'float', 'double' => 'float', 'array' => 'array', 'object' => 'object', 'callable' => 'callable', 'resource' => 'resource', 'mixed' => 'mixed', 'iterable' => 'iterable'];
/** @var bool */
private $ignorePhpDocErrors;
* @param bool $ignorePhpDocErrors Enable or disable throwing errors when PhpDoc errors occur (when parsing annotations).
public function __construct(bool $ignorePhpDocErrors = \false)
$this->parser = new UseStatementParser();
$this->ignorePhpDocErrors = $ignorePhpDocErrors;
* Parse the docblock of the property to get the type (class or primitive type) of the var annotation.
* @return string|null Type of the property (content of var annotation)
* @throws AnnotationException
public function getPropertyType(ReflectionProperty $property) : ?string
return $this->readPropertyType($property, \true);
* Parse the docblock of the property to get the class of the var annotation.
* @return string|null Type of the property (content of var annotation)
* @throws AnnotationException
public function getPropertyClass(ReflectionProperty $property) : ?string
return $this->readPropertyType($property, \false);
private function readPropertyType(ReflectionProperty $property, bool $allowPrimitiveTypes) : ?string
// Get the content of the @var annotation
$docComment = $property->getDocComment();
if (!$docComment) {
return null;
if (\preg_match('/@var\\s+([^\\s]+)/', $docComment, $matches)) {
[, $type] = $matches;
} else {
return null;
// Ignore primitive types
if (isset(self::PRIMITIVE_TYPES[$type])) {
if ($allowPrimitiveTypes) {
return self::PRIMITIVE_TYPES[$type];
return null;
// Ignore types containing special characters ([], <> ...)
if (!\preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9\\\\_]+$/', $type)) {
return null;
$class = $property->getDeclaringClass();
// If the class name is not fully qualified (i.e. doesn't start with a \)
if ($type[0] !== '\\') {
// Try to resolve the FQN using the class context
$resolvedType = $this->tryResolveFqn($type, $class, $property);
if (!$resolvedType && !$this->ignorePhpDocErrors) {
throw new AnnotationException(\sprintf('The @var annotation on %s::%s contains a non existent class "%s". ' . 'Did you maybe forget to add a "use" statement for this annotation?', $class->name, $property->getName(), $type));
$type = $resolvedType;
if (!$this->ignorePhpDocErrors && !$this->classExists($type)) {
throw new AnnotationException(\sprintf('The @var annotation on %s::%s contains a non existent class "%s"', $class->name, $property->getName(), $type));
// Remove the leading \ (FQN shouldn't contain it)
$type = \is_string($type) ? \ltrim($type, '\\') : null;
return $type;
* Parse the docblock of the property to get the type (class or primitive type) of the param annotation.
* @return string|null Type of the property (content of var annotation)
* @throws AnnotationException
public function getParameterType(ReflectionParameter $parameter) : ?string
return $this->readParameterClass($parameter, \true);
* Parse the docblock of the property to get the class of the param annotation.
* @return string|null Type of the property (content of var annotation)
* @throws AnnotationException
public function getParameterClass(ReflectionParameter $parameter) : ?string
return $this->readParameterClass($parameter, \false);
private function readParameterClass(ReflectionParameter $parameter, bool $allowPrimitiveTypes) : ?string
// Use reflection
$parameterType = $parameter->getType();
if ($parameterType && $parameterType instanceof \ReflectionNamedType && !$parameterType->isBuiltin()) {
return $parameterType->getName();
$parameterName = $parameter->name;
// Get the content of the @param annotation
$method = $parameter->getDeclaringFunction();
$docComment = $method->getDocComment();
if (!$docComment) {
return null;
if (\preg_match('/@param\\s+([^\\s]+)\\s+\\$' . $parameterName . '/', $docComment, $matches)) {
[, $type] = $matches;
} else {
return null;
// Ignore primitive types
if (isset(self::PRIMITIVE_TYPES[$type])) {
if ($allowPrimitiveTypes) {
return self::PRIMITIVE_TYPES[$type];
return null;
// Ignore types containing special characters ([], <> ...)
if (!\preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9\\\\_]+$/', $type)) {
return null;
$class = $parameter->getDeclaringClass();
// If the class name is not fully qualified (i.e. doesn't start with a \)
if ($type[0] !== '\\') {
// Try to resolve the FQN using the class context
$resolvedType = $this->tryResolveFqn($type, $class, $parameter);
if (!$resolvedType && !$this->ignorePhpDocErrors) {
throw new AnnotationException(\sprintf('The @param annotation for parameter "%s" of %s::%s contains a non existent class "%s". ' . 'Did you maybe forget to add a "use" statement for this annotation?', $parameterName, $class->name, $method->name, $type));
$type = $resolvedType;
if (!$this->ignorePhpDocErrors && !$this->classExists($type)) {
throw new AnnotationException(\sprintf('The @param annotation for parameter "%s" of %s::%s contains a non existent class "%s"', $parameterName, $class->name, $method->name, $type));
// Remove the leading \ (FQN shouldn't contain it)
$type = \is_string($type) ? \ltrim($type, '\\') : null;
return $type;
* Attempts to resolve the FQN of the provided $type based on the $class and $member context.
* @return string|null Fully qualified name of the type, or null if it could not be resolved
private function tryResolveFqn(string $type, ReflectionClass $class, Reflector $member) : ?string
$alias = ($pos = \strpos($type, '\\')) === \false ? $type : \substr($type, 0, $pos);
$loweredAlias = \strtolower($alias);
// Retrieve "use" statements
$uses = $this->parser->parseUseStatements($class);
if (isset($uses[$loweredAlias])) {
// Imported classes
if ($pos !== \false) {
return $uses[$loweredAlias] . \substr($type, $pos);
return $uses[$loweredAlias];
if ($this->classExists($class->getNamespaceName() . '\\' . $type)) {
return $class->getNamespaceName() . '\\' . $type;
if (isset($uses['__NAMESPACE__']) && $this->classExists($uses['__NAMESPACE__'] . '\\' . $type)) {
// Class namespace
return $uses['__NAMESPACE__'] . '\\' . $type;
if ($this->classExists($type)) {
// No namespace
return $type;
// If all fail, try resolving through related traits
return $this->tryResolveFqnInTraits($type, $class, $member);
* Attempts to resolve the FQN of the provided $type based on the $class and $member context, specifically searching
* through the traits that are used by the provided $class.
* @return string|null Fully qualified name of the type, or null if it could not be resolved
private function tryResolveFqnInTraits(string $type, ReflectionClass $class, Reflector $member) : ?string
/** @var ReflectionClass[] $traits */
$traits = [];
// Get traits for the class and its parents
while ($class) {
$traits = \array_merge($traits, $class->getTraits());
$class = $class->getParentClass();
foreach ($traits as $trait) {
// Eliminate traits that don't have the property/method/parameter
if ($member instanceof ReflectionProperty && !$trait->hasProperty($member->name)) {
if ($member instanceof ReflectionMethod && !$trait->hasMethod($member->name)) {
if ($member instanceof ReflectionParameter && !$trait->hasMethod($member->getDeclaringFunction()->name)) {
// Run the resolver again with the ReflectionClass instance for the trait
$resolvedType = $this->tryResolveFqn($type, $trait, $member);
if ($resolvedType) {
return $resolvedType;
return null;
private function classExists(string $class) : bool
return \class_exists($class) || \interface_exists($class);