File "ObjectDefinitionDumper.php"
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declare (strict_types=1);
namespace ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\Dumper;
use ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\Definition;
use ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\ObjectDefinition;
use ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\ObjectDefinition\MethodInjection;
use ReflectionException;
* Dumps object definitions to string for debugging purposes.
* @since 4.1
* @author Matthieu Napoli <>
class ObjectDefinitionDumper
* Returns the definition as string representation.
public function dump(ObjectDefinition $definition) : string
$className = $definition->getClassName();
$classExist = \class_exists($className) || \interface_exists($className);
// Class
if (!$classExist) {
$warning = '#UNKNOWN# ';
} else {
$class = new \ReflectionClass($className);
$warning = $class->isInstantiable() ? '' : '#NOT INSTANTIABLE# ';
$str = \sprintf(' class = %s%s', $warning, $className);
// Lazy
$str .= \PHP_EOL . ' lazy = ' . \var_export($definition->isLazy(), \true);
if ($classExist) {
// Constructor
$str .= $this->dumpConstructor($className, $definition);
// Properties
$str .= $this->dumpProperties($definition);
// Methods
$str .= $this->dumpMethods($className, $definition);
return \sprintf('Object (' . \PHP_EOL . '%s' . \PHP_EOL . ')', $str);
private function dumpConstructor(string $className, ObjectDefinition $definition) : string
$str = '';
$constructorInjection = $definition->getConstructorInjection();
if ($constructorInjection !== null) {
$parameters = $this->dumpMethodParameters($className, $constructorInjection);
$str .= \sprintf(\PHP_EOL . ' __construct(' . \PHP_EOL . ' %s' . \PHP_EOL . ' )', $parameters);
return $str;
private function dumpProperties(ObjectDefinition $definition) : string
$str = '';
foreach ($definition->getPropertyInjections() as $propertyInjection) {
$value = $propertyInjection->getValue();
$valueStr = $value instanceof Definition ? (string) $value : \var_export($value, \true);
$str .= \sprintf(\PHP_EOL . ' $%s = %s', $propertyInjection->getPropertyName(), $valueStr);
return $str;
private function dumpMethods(string $className, ObjectDefinition $definition) : string
$str = '';
foreach ($definition->getMethodInjections() as $methodInjection) {
$parameters = $this->dumpMethodParameters($className, $methodInjection);
$str .= \sprintf(\PHP_EOL . ' %s(' . \PHP_EOL . ' %s' . \PHP_EOL . ' )', $methodInjection->getMethodName(), $parameters);
return $str;
private function dumpMethodParameters(string $className, MethodInjection $methodInjection) : string
$methodReflection = new \ReflectionMethod($className, $methodInjection->getMethodName());
$args = [];
$definitionParameters = $methodInjection->getParameters();
foreach ($methodReflection->getParameters() as $index => $parameter) {
if (\array_key_exists($index, $definitionParameters)) {
$value = $definitionParameters[$index];
$valueStr = $value instanceof Definition ? (string) $value : \var_export($value, \true);
$args[] = \sprintf('$%s = %s', $parameter->getName(), $valueStr);
// If the parameter is optional and wasn't specified, we take its default value
if ($parameter->isOptional()) {
try {
$value = $parameter->getDefaultValue();
$args[] = \sprintf('$%s = (default value) %s', $parameter->getName(), \var_export($value, \true));
} catch (ReflectionException $e) {
// The default value can't be read through Reflection because it is a PHP internal class
$args[] = \sprintf('$%s = #UNDEFINED#', $parameter->getName());
return \implode(\PHP_EOL . ' ', $args);