File "wordpress-seo-en_GB.l10n.php"

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return ['x-generator'=>'GlotPress/4.0.1','translation-revision-date'=>'2025-01-06 17:00:09+0000','plural-forms'=>'nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;','project-id-version'=>'Plugins - Yoast SEO - Stable (latest release)','language'=>'en_GB','messages'=>['Not analyzed'=>'Not analysed','%s activation failed'=>'%s activation failed','%s is unable to create database tables'=>'%s is unable to create database tables','Buy now'=>'Buy now','If you were thinking about upgrading, now\'s the time! 30% OFF ends 3rd Dec 11am (CET)'=>'If you were thinking about upgrading, now\'s the time! 30% OFF ends 3rd Dec 11am (CET)','%1$sBuy%2$s %3$s'=>'%1$sBuy%2$s %3$s','30% OFF - BLACK FRIDAY'=>'30% OFF - BLACK FRIDAY','%1$s30%% OFF%2$s'=>'%1$s30%% OFF%2$s','Upgrade now'=>'Upgrade now','Required Yoast SEO version'=>'Required Yoast SEO version','The package could not be installed because it\'s not supported by the currently installed Yoast SEO version.'=>'The package could not be installed because it\'s not supported by the currently installed Yoast SEO version.','The Yoast SEO version on your site is %1$s, however the uploaded plugin requires %2$s.'=>'The Yoast SEO version on your site is %1$s, however the uploaded plugin requires %2$s.','Do not allow search engines to show this author\'s archives in search results.'=>'Do not allow search engines to show this author\'s archives in search results.','Upgrades'=>'Upgrades','block keywordsite structure'=>'site structure','block keywordinternal linking'=>'internal linking','block keywordbreadcrumbs'=>'breadcrumbs','block descriptionAdds the Yoast SEO breadcrumbs to your template or content.'=>'Adds the Yoast SEO breadcrumbs to your template or content.','block titleYoast Breadcrumbs'=>'Yoast Breadcrumbs','block keywordHow to'=>'How to','block keywordHow-to'=>'How-to','block titleYoast How-to'=>'Yoast How-to','block keywordStructured Data'=>'Structured data','block keywordSEO'=>'SEO','block keywordSchema'=>'Schema','block keywordFrequently Asked Questions'=>'Frequently Asked Questions','block keywordFAQ'=>'FAQ','block descriptionList your Frequently Asked Questions in an SEO-friendly way.'=>'List your Frequently Asked Questions in an SEO-friendly way.','block titleYoast FAQ'=>'Yoast FAQ','X username (without @)'=>'X username (without @)','30-day money back guarantee.'=>'30-day money back guarantee.','Only $/€/£99 per year (ex VAT)'=>'Only $/€/£99 per year (ex VAT)','Only $/€/£229 per year (ex VAT). Save over 40% with this subscription!'=>'Only $/€/£229 per year (ex VAT). Save over 40% with this subscription!','The %1$s class must not be instantiated before the %2$s global is set.'=>'The %1$s class must not be instantiated before the %2$s global is set.','%1$sOutrank your competitors even further%2$s with these %3$s plugins'=>'%1$sOutrank your competitors even further%2$s with these %3$s plugins','Explore now'=>'Explore now','Rank higher in search results'=>'Rank higher in search results','Turn more visitors into customers!'=>'Turn more visitors into customers!','Increase Google clicks with rich results'=>'Increase Google clicks with rich results','Write product pages that rank using the SEO analysis'=>'Write product pages that rank using the SEO analysis','Get XML sitemaps'=>'Get XML sitemaps','Optimize your video previews & thumbnails'=>'Optimise your video previews and thumbnails','Make sure your videos load quickly for users'=>'Make sure your videos load quickly for users','Automatically get technical SEO best practices for video content'=>'Automatically get technical SEO best practices for video content','Drive more views to your videos'=>'Drive more views to your videos','Stand out for local searches'=>'Stand out for local searches','Explore %s now!'=>'Explore %s now!','%1$s24/7 support%2$s: Also on evenings and weekends.'=>'%1$s24/7 support%2$s: also on evenings and weekends.','%1$sAppealing social previews%2$s people actually want to click on.'=>'%1$sAppealing social previews%2$s on which people actually want to click.','%1$sNo more broken links%2$s: Automatic redirect manager.'=>'%1$sNo more broken links%2$s: automatic redirect manager.','%1$sSuper fast%2$s internal linking suggestions.'=>'%1$sSuper fast%2$s internal linking suggestions.','%1$sMultiple keywords%2$s: Rank higher for more searches.'=>'%1$sMultiple keywords%2$s: rank higher for more searches.','%1$sAI%2$s: Better SEO titles and meta descriptions, faster.'=>'%1$sAI%2$s: better SEO titles and meta descriptions, faster.','Search engines and other websites can still send traffic to your trashed content.'=>'Search engines and other websites can still send traffic to your binned content.','The %1$s interface is currently unavailable in the beta WooCommerce product editor. To resolve any issues, please disable the beta editor. %2$sLearn how to disable the beta WooCommerce product editor.%3$s'=>'The %1$s interface is currently unavailable in the beta WooCommerce product editor. To resolve any issues, please disable the beta editor. %2$sLearn how to disable the beta WooCommerce product editor.%3$s','Compatibility issue: Yoast SEO is incompatible with the beta WooCommerce product editor.'=>'Compatibility issue: Yoast SEO is incompatible with the beta WooCommerce product editor.','Use AI to generate titles and meta descriptions, automatically redirect deleted pages, get 24/7 support, and much, much more!'=>'Use AI to generate titles and meta descriptions, automatically redirect deleted pages, get 24/7 support, and much, much more!','%1$s Now with 30%% Black Friday Discount!'=>'%1$s Now with 30%% Black Friday Discount!','30% OFF'=>'30% OFF','BLACK FRIDAY'=>'BLACK FRIDAY','Use the power of Yoast AI to automatically generate compelling titles and descriptions for your posts and pages.'=>'Use the power of Yoast AI to automatically generate compelling titles and descriptions for your posts and pages.','AI title & description generator'=>'AI title & description generator','%1$s, %2$s and %3$s'=>'%1$s, %2$s and %3$s','%1$s and %2$s'=>'%1$s and %2$s','You\'ve added a new type of content. We recommend that you review the corresponding %1$sSearch appearance settings%2$s.'=>'You\'ve added a new type of content. We recommend that you review the corresponding %1$sSearch appearance settings%2$s.','Error: Taxonomy was not removed from new_taxonomies list.'=>'Error: Taxonomy was not removed from new_taxonomies list.','Taxonomy is no longer new.'=>'Taxonomy is no longer new.','Taxonomy is not new.'=>'Taxonomy is not new.','Error: Post type was not removed from new_post_types list.'=>'Error: Post type was not removed from new_post_types list.','Post type is no longer new.'=>'Post type is no longer new.','Post type is not new.'=>'Post type is not new.','Support'=>'Support','Prevent Google AdsBot from crawling'=>'Prevent Google AdsBot from crawling','Every fifteen minutes'=>'Every fifteen minutes','Your WordPress environment is running on a non-production site. Indexables can only be created on production environments. Please check your `WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE` settings.'=>'Your WordPress environment is running on a non-production site. Indexables can only be created on production environments. Please check your `WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE` settings.','Inclusive language: %s'=>'Inclusive language: %s','%1$s / %2$s: Top Keyphrases'=>'%1$s / %2$s: Top Keyphrases','The post type %s could not be indexed because it does not meet indexing requirements.'=>'The post type %s could not be indexed because it does not meet indexing requirements.','Academy'=>'Academy','%1$s %2$s isn\'t working as expected %3$s and you are not receiving updates or support! Make sure to %4$s activate your product subscription in %5$s%6$s to unlock all the features of %7$s.'=>'%1$s %2$s isn\'t working as expected %3$s and you are not receiving updates or support! Make sure to %4$s activate your product subscription in %5$s%6$s to unlock all the features of %7$s.','%1$s can\'t be updated because your product subscription is expired. %2$sRenew your product subscription%3$s to get updates again and use all the features of %1$s.'=>'%1$s can\'t be updated because your product subscription is expired. %2$sRenew your product subscription%3$s to get updates again and use all the features of %1$s.','This feature is disabled when your site is not using pretty permalinks.'=>'This feature is disabled when your site is not using pretty permalinks.','This feature is disabled when your site is not using %1$spretty permalinks%2$s.'=>'This feature is disabled when your site is not using %1$spretty permalinks%2$s.','%1$s: unregistered URL parameter removed. See %2$s'=>'%1$s: unregistered URL parameter removed. See %2$s','%1$s: redirect utm variables to #'=>'%1$s: redirect utm variables to #','Optimize your business for multiple locations'=>'Optimise your business for multiple locations','Easily add maps, address finders, and opening hours to your content'=>'Easily add maps, address finders, and opening hours to your content','Automatically get technical SEO best practices for local businesses'=>'Automatically get technical SEO best practices for local businesses','Attract more customers to your site and physical store'=>'Attract more customers to your site and physical store','It looks like you\'ve enabled media pages. We recommend that you help us to re-analyze your site by running the SEO data optimization.'=>'It looks like you\'ve enabled media pages. We recommend that you help us to re-analyse your site by running the SEO data optimisation.','Potentially non-inclusive'=>'Potentially non-inclusive','Finish your %s'=>'Finish your %s','%1$sGet%2$s %3$s'=>'%1$sGet%2$s %3$s','Upgrading your PHP version is something your hosting provider can help you out with. If they can’t upgrade your PHP version, we advise you to consider %1$sswitching to a hosting provider%2$s that can provide the security and features a modern host should provide.'=>'Upgrading your PHP version is something your hosting provider can help you out with. If they can’t upgrade your PHP version, we advise you to consider %1$sswitching to a hosting provider%2$s that can provide the security and features a modern host should provide.','Can’t upgrade yourself? Ask your host!'=>'Can’t upgrade yourself? Ask your host!','By November 1st, 2024, we’ll update the minimum PHP requirement for %1$s, %2$s and all our add-ons to PHP 7.4. This, to ensure we can keep delivering state of the art features.'=>'By 1 November 2024, we’ll update the minimum PHP requirement for %1$s, %2$s and all our add-ons to PHP 7.4. This, to ensure we can keep delivering state of the art features.','Upgrade your PHP version'=>'Upgrade your PHP version',' support forums'=>' support forums','Yoast Premium support'=>'Yoast Premium support',' help section'=>' help section','Help'=>'Help','Write better content'=>'Write better content','Improve your blog post'=>'Improve your blog post','Learn more SEO'=>'Learn more SEO','SEO Tools'=>'SEO Tools','Focus keyphrase: '=>'Focus keyphrase: ','not set'=>'not set','With a 30-day money-back guarantee. No questions asked.'=>'With a 30-day money-back guarantee. No questions asked.','Reach new customers who live near your business'=>'Reach new customers who live near your business','Get all 5 Yoast plugins for WordPress at a big discount'=>'Get all five Yoast plugins for WordPress at a big discount','Cover all your SEO bases'=>'Cover all your SEO bases','all the Yoast plugins'=>'all the Yoast plugins','Add global identifiers for variable products'=>'Add global identifiers for variable products','Drive more traffic to your online store'=>'Drive more traffic to your online store','Add all necessary markup'=>'Add all necessary markup','Ping Google on the publication of a new post'=>'Ping Google on the publication of a new post','Rank higher in Google\'s news carousel'=>'Rank higher in Google\'s news carousel','Make your videos responsive for all screen sizes'=>'Make your videos responsive for all screen sizes','We need to re-analyze some of your SEO data because of a change in the visibility of your taxonomies. Please help us do that by running the SEO data optimization.'=>'We need to re-analyse some of your SEO data because of a change in the visibility of your taxonomies. Please help us do that by running the SEO data optimisation.','We need to re-analyze some of your SEO data because of a change in the visibility of your post types. Please help us do that by running the SEO data optimization.'=>'We need to re-analyse some of your SEO data because of a change in the visibility of your post types. Please help us do that by running the SEO data optimisation.','The term %s could not be built because it\'s not indexable.'=>'The term %s could not be built because it\'s not indexable.','The post %s could not be indexed because it\'s post type is excluded from indexing.'=>'The post %s could not be indexed because it\'s post type is excluded from indexing.','The post %s could not be indexed because it does not meet indexing requirements.'=>'The post %s could not be indexed because it does not meet indexing requirements.','Cleaned up %1$d record from %2$s.'=>'Cleaned up %1$d record from %2$s.' . "\0" . 'Cleaned up %1$d records from %2$s.','Cleaning up %1$s [%2$s]'=>'Cleaning up %1$s [%2$s]','Skipping %1$s. %2$s is not active on this site.'=>'Skipping %1$s. %2$s is not active on this site.','Cleaned up %1$d record.'=>'Cleaned up %1$d record.' . "\0" . 'Cleaned up %1$d records.','The value for \'batch-size\' must be a positive integer higher than equal to 1.'=>'The value for \'batch-size\' must be a positive integer higher than equal to 1.','The value for \'interval\' must be a positive integer.'=>'The value for \'interval\' must be a positive integer.','Learn more'=>'Learn more','Redirect pretty URLs for search pages to raw format'=>'Redirect pretty URLs for search pages to raw format','These are expert features, so make sure you know what you\'re doing before removing the parameters. %1$sRead more about how your site can be affected%2$s.'=>'These are expert features, so make sure you know what you\'re doing before removing the parameters. %1$sRead more about how your site can be affected%2$s.','Read reviews from real users'=>'Read reviews from real users','%1$s attempted to load the class %2$s but it could not be found.'=>'%1$s attempted to load the class %2$s but it could not be found.','Remove unused resources'=>'Remove unused resources','Prevent search engines from crawling /wp-json/'=>'Prevent search engines from crawling /wp-json/','Prevent search engines from crawling site search URLs'=>'Prevent search engines from crawling site search URLs','Removes the inclusive language analysis section from the metabox and disables all inclusive language-related suggestions.'=>'Removes the inclusive language analysis section from the metabox and disables all inclusive language-related suggestions.','Disable inclusive language analysis'=>'Disable inclusive language analysis','Discover why inclusive language is important for SEO.'=>'Discover why inclusive language is important for SEO.','The inclusive language analysis offers suggestions to write more inclusive copy.'=>'The inclusive language analysis offers suggestions to write more inclusive copy.','Inclusive language analysis'=>'Inclusive language analysis','Inclusive language'=>'Inclusive language','Front-end SEO inspector'=>'Front-end SEO inspector','Unlock with Premium!'=>'Unlock with Premium!','Activate %1$s!'=>'Activate %1$s!','You\'ve installed %1$s but it\'s not activated yet. %2$sActivate %1$s now!%3$s'=>'You\'ve installed %1$s but it\'s not activated yet. %2$sActivate %1$s now!%3$s','Permalink cleanup settings'=>'Permalink cleanup settings','Search cleanup settings'=>'Search cleanup settings','Filter searches with common spam patterns'=>'Filter searches with common spam patterns','Filter searches with emojis and other special characters'=>'Filter searches with emojis and other special characters','Filter search terms'=>'Filter search terms','Unregistered URL parameters'=>'Unregistered URL parameters','Campaign tracking URL parameters'=>'Campaign tracking URL parameters','Contact WordProof support'=>'Contact WordProof support','Find out how IndexNow can help your site.'=>'Find out how IndexNow can help your site.','Automatically ping search engines like Bing and Yandex whenever you publish, update or delete a post.'=>'Automatically ping search engines like Bing and Yandex whenever you publish, update or delete a post.','IndexNow'=>'IndexNow','We noticed that you haven\'t fully configured Yoast SEO yet. Optimize your SEO settings even further by using our improved %1$s First-time configuration%2$s.'=>'We noticed that you haven\'t fully configured Yoast SEO yet. Optimise your SEO settings even further by using our improved %1$s First-time configuration%2$s.','SEO configuration'=>'SEO configuration','Feed crawl settings'=>'Feed crawl settings','Basic crawl settings'=>'Basic crawl settings','Powered by HTTP header'=>'Powered by HTTP header','Pingback HTTP header'=>'Pingback HTTP header','Emoji scripts'=>'Emoji scripts','Generator tag'=>'Generator tag','oEmbed links'=>'oEmbed links','RSD / WLW links'=>'RSD / WLW links','REST API links'=>'REST API links','Shortlinks'=>'Shortlinks','Atom/RDF feeds'=>'Atom/RDF feeds','Search results feeds'=>'Search results feeds','Custom taxonomy feeds'=>'Custom taxonomy feeds','Tag feeds'=>'Tag feeds','Category feeds'=>'Category feeds','Post type feeds'=>'Post type feeds','Post authors feeds'=>'Post authors feeds','Global comment feeds'=>'Global comment feeds','Global feed'=>'Global feed','Post comments feeds'=>'Post comments feeds','%1$sLearn more about crawl settings.%2$s'=>'%1$sLearn more about crawl settings.%2$s','No items found.'=>'No items found.','All redirect types'=>'All redirect types','Add Redirect'=>'Add Redirect','Old URL'=>'Old URL','The redirect type is the HTTP response code sent to the browser telling the browser what type of redirect is served. %1$sLearn more about redirect types%2$s.'=>'The redirect type is the HTTP response code sent to the browser telling the browser what type of redirect is served. %1$sLearn more about redirect types%2$s.','301 Moved Permanently'=>'301 Moved Permanently','Type'=>'Type','Plain redirects'=>'Plain redirects','Regex Redirects'=>'Regex Redirects','Crawl settings'=>'Crawl settings','First-time configuration'=>'First-time configuration','You should finish the %1$sfirst time configuration%2$s to make sure your SEO data has been optimized and you’ve set the essential Yoast SEO settings for your site.'=>'You should finish the %1$sfirst time configuration%2$s to make sure your SEO data has been optimised and you’ve set the essential Yoast SEO settings for your site.','Step 4: Go through the first time configuration'=>'Step 4: Go through the first time configuration','Postname permalink'=>'Postname permalink','Page comments'=>'Page comments','Links table'=>'Links table','If you already have saved AIOSEO \'Search Appearance\' settings and the issue persists, please contact our support team so we can take a closer look.'=>'If you already have saved AIOSEO \'Search Appearance\' settings and the issue persists, please contact our support team so we can take a closer look.','If you have never saved any AIOSEO \'Search Appearance\' settings, please do that first and run the import again.'=>'If you have never saved any AIOSEO \'Search Appearance\' settings, please do that first and run the import again.','The AIOSEO import was cancelled because some AIOSEO data is missing. Please try and take the following steps to fix this:'=>'The AIOSEO import was cancelled because some AIOSEO data is missing. Please try and take the following steps to fix this:','The validation of the AIOSEO data structure has failed.'=>'The validation of the AIOSEO data structure has failed.','The WordProof Timestamp plugin needs to be disabled before you can activate this integration.'=>'The WordProof Timestamp plugin needs to be disabled before you can activate this integration.','Currently, the %s integration is not available for multisites.'=>'Currently, the %s integration is not available for multisites.','Open settings'=>'Open settings','Open authentication'=>'Open authentication','The timestamp is not created because you need to authenticate with %s first.'=>'The timestamp is not created because you need to authenticate with %s first.','The timestamp is not retrieved by your site. Please try again or contact %1$s support.'=>'The timestamp is not retrieved by your site. Please try again or contact %1$s support.','%1$s failed to timestamp this page. Please check if you\'re correctly authenticated with %1$s and try to save this page again.'=>'%1$s failed to timestamp this page. Please check if you\'re correctly authenticated with %1$s and try to save this page again.','%s has successfully timestamped this page.'=>'%s has successfully timestamped this page.','You are out of timestamps. Please upgrade your account by opening the %s settings.'=>'You are out of timestamps. Please upgrade your account by opening the %s settings.','Cleanup failed with the following error:'=>'Cleanup failed with the following error:','Note: These settings will overwrite the default settings of Yoast SEO.'=>'Note: these settings will overwrite the default settings of Yoast SEO.','Note: This metadata will only be imported if there is no existing Yoast SEO metadata yet.'=>'Note: this metadata will only be imported if there is no existing Yoast SEO metadata yet.','Post metadata (SEO titles, descriptions, etc.)'=>'Post metadata (SEO titles, descriptions, etc)','The import from %s includes:'=>'The import from %s includes:','Once you\'re certain that your site is working properly with the imported data from another SEO plugin, you can clean up all the original data from that plugin.'=>'Once you\'re certain that your site is working properly with the imported data from another SEO plugin, you can clean up all the original data from that plugin.','Please select an SEO plugin below to see what data can be imported.'=>'Please select an SEO plugin below to see what data can be imported.','Clean up'=>'Clean up','After you\'ve imported data from another SEO plugin, please make sure to clean up all the original data from that plugin. (step 5)'=>'After you\'ve imported data from another SEO plugin, please make sure to clean up all the original data from that plugin. (step 5)','Note: '=>'Note: ','The cleanup can take a long time depending on your site\'s size.'=>'The cleanup can take a long time depending on your site\'s size.','Default tagline'=>'Default tagline','Import failed with the following error:'=>'Import failed with the following error:','No data found from other SEO plugins.'=>'No data found from other SEO plugins.','Select SEO plugin'=>'Select SEO plugin','The import can take a long time depending on your site\'s size.'=>'The import can take a long time depending on your site\'s size.','Installation Successful'=>'Installation successful','Blog Post'=>'Blog post','Activate %s'=>'Activate %s','Update %s'=>'Update %s','Renew %s'=>'Renew %s','Get help activating your subscription'=>'Get help activating your subscription','It looks like you’re running an outdated and unactivated version of %1$s, please activate your subscription in %2$sMyYoast%3$s and update to the latest version (at least 17.7) to gain access to our updated workouts section.'=>'It looks like you’re running an outdated and unactivated version of %1$s, please activate your subscription in %2$sMyYoast%3$s and update to the latest version (at least 17.7) to gain access to our updated workouts section.','Activate your subscription of %s'=>'Activate your subscription of %s','It looks like you\'re running an outdated version of %1$s, please %2$supdate to the latest version (at least 17.7)%3$s to gain access to our updated workouts section.'=>'It looks like you\'re running an outdated version of %1$s, please %2$supdate to the latest version (at least 17.7)%3$s to gain access to our updated workouts section.','Update to the latest version of %s'=>'Update to the latest version of %s','Renew your subscription'=>'Renew your subscription','Accessing the latest workouts requires an updated version of %s (at least 17.7), but it looks like your subscription has expired. Please renew your subscription to update and gain access to all the latest features.'=>'Accessing the latest workouts requires an updated version of %s (at least 17.7), but it looks like your subscription has expired. Please renew your subscription to update and gain access to all the latest features.','Renew your subscription of %s'=>'Renew your subscription of %s','Get started quickly with the %1$s%2$s First-time configuration%3$s and configure Yoast SEO with the optimal SEO settings for your site!'=>'Get started quickly with the %1$s%2$s First-time configuration%3$s and configure Yoast SEO with the optimal SEO settings for your site!','Current or first category title'=>'Current or first category title','Category Title'=>'Category Title','Replaced with the post content'=>'Replaced with the post content','Post Content'=>'Post Content','Replaced with the permalink'=>'Replaced with the permalink','Replaced with the last name of the author'=>'Replaced with the last name of the author','Author last name'=>'Author last name','Replaced with the first name of the author'=>'Replaced with the first name of the author','Author first name'=>'Author first name','Replaced with the day the post was published'=>'Replaced with the day the post was published','Post day'=>'Post day','Replaced with the month the post was published'=>'Replaced with the month the post was published','Post month'=>'Post month','Replaced with the year the post was published'=>'Replaced with the year the post was published','Post year'=>'Post year','Current day'=>'Current day','Current month'=>'Current month','Current date'=>'Current date','It looks like you aren\'t using our %1$s%2$s addon%3$s. %4$sUpgrade today%5$s to unlock more tools and SEO features to make your products stand out in search results.'=>'It looks like you aren\'t using our %1$s%2$s add-on%3$s. %4$sUpgrade today%5$s to unlock more tools and SEO features to make your products stand out in search results.','Below are the technical details for the error. See %1$sthis page%2$s for a more detailed explanation.'=>'Below are the technical details for the error. See %1$sthis page%2$s for a more detailed explanation.','Workouts'=>'Workouts','Improve the quality of your site search! Automatically helps your users find your cornerstone and most important content in your internal search results. It also removes noindexed posts & pages from your site’s search results.'=>'Improve the quality of your site search! Automatically helps your users find your cornerstone and most important content in your internal search results. It also removes noindexed posts and pages from your site’s search results.','Find out more about our %s integration.'=>'Find out more about our %s integration.','Read more about how internal linking can improve your site structure.'=>'Read more about how internal linking can improve your site structure.','Get relevant internal linking suggestions — while you’re writing! The link suggestions metabox shows a list of posts on your blog with similar content that might be interesting to link to. '=>'Get relevant internal linking suggestions — while you’re writing! The link suggestions metabox shows a list of posts on your blog with similar content that might be interesting to link to. ','Link suggestions'=>'Link suggestions','Find out how Insights can help you improve your content.'=>'Find out how Insights can help you improve your content.','Find relevant data about your content right in the Insights section in the Yoast SEO metabox. You’ll see what words you use most often and if they’re a match with your keywords! '=>'Find relevant data about your content right in the Insights section in the Yoast SEO meta box. You’ll see what words you use most often and if they’re a match with your keywords! ','Insights'=>'Insights','Oops, something has gone wrong and we couldn\'t complete the optimization of your SEO data. Please make sure to activate your subscription in MyYoast by completing %1$sthese steps%2$s.'=>'Oops, something has gone wrong and we couldn\'t complete the optimisation of your SEO data. Please make sure to activate your subscription in MyYoast by completing %1$sthese steps%2$s.','Unlock with Premium'=>'Unlock with Premium','No %1$s plugins have been installed. You don\'t seem to own any active subscriptions.'=>'No %1$s plugins have been installed. You don\'t seem to own any active subscriptions.','Addon installation failed because of an error: %s.'=>'Add-on installation failed because of an error: %s.','You are not allowed to install plugins.'=>'You are not allowed to install plugins.','Addon installed.'=>'Add-on installed.','Addon activation failed because of an error: %s.'=>'Add-on activation failed because of an error: %s.','You are not allowed to activate plugins.'=>'You are not allowed to activate plugins.','Addon activated.'=>'Add-on activated.','%1$s Continue to %2$s%3$s'=>'%1$s Continue to %2$s%3$s','Installing and activating addons'=>'Installing and activating add-ons','Required by %s'=>'Required by %s','Auto-updates are disabled based on this setting for %1$s.'=>'Auto-updates are disabled based on this setting for %1$s.','Auto-updates are enabled based on this setting for %1$s.'=>'Auto-updates are enabled based on this setting for %1$s.','New'=>'New','The post could not be found.'=>'The post could not be found.','The term is considered invalid. The following reason was given by WordPress: %s'=>'The term is considered invalid. The following reason was given by WordPress: %s','The term could not be found.'=>'The term could not be found.','This feature has been disabled since subsites never send tracking data.'=>'This feature has been disabled, since sub-sites never send tracking data.','We notice that you have installed WPML. To make sure your canonical URLs are set correctly, %1$sinstall and activate the WPML SEO add-on%2$s as well!'=>'We notice that you have installed WPML. To make sure your canonical URLs are set correctly, %1$sinstall and activate the WPML SEO add-on%2$s as well!','Because of a change in your category base setting, some of your SEO data needs to be reprocessed.'=>'Because of a change in your category base setting, some of your SEO data needs to be reprocessed.','Find out how a rich snippet can improve visibility and click-through-rate.'=>'Find out how a rich snippet can improve visibility and click-through-rate.','This adds an author byline and reading time estimate to the article’s snippet when shared on Slack.'=>'This adds an author byline and reading time estimate to the article’s snippet when shared on Slack.','Enhanced Slack sharing'=>'Enhanced Slack sharing','Wait for a week or so, until %1$s automatically processes most of your content in the background.'=>'Wait for a week or so, until %1$s automatically processes most of your content in the background.','%s minute'=>'%s minute' . "\0" . '%s minutes','Est. reading time'=>'Estimated reading time','Written by'=>'Written by','Google Rich Results Test'=>'Google Rich Results Test','Because of a change in your tag base setting, some of your SEO data needs to be reprocessed.'=>'Because of a change in your tag base setting, some of your SEO data needs to be reprocessed.','The %s integration offers suggestions and insights for keywords related to the entered focus keyphrase.'=>'The %s integration offers suggestions and insights for keywords related to the entered focus keyphrase.','This tab allows you to selectively disable %1$s integrations with third-party products for all sites in the network. By default all integrations are enabled, which allows site admins to choose for themselves if they want to toggle an integration on or off for their site. When you disable an integration here, site admins will not be able to use that integration at all.'=>'This tab allows you to selectively disable %1$s integrations with third-party products for all sites in the network. By default, all integrations are enabled, which allows site admins to choose for themselves if they want to toggle an integration on or off for their site. When you disable an integration here, site admins will not be able to use that integration at all.','Activate your subscription'=>'Activate your subscription','Oops, something has gone wrong and we couldn\'t complete the optimization of your SEO data. Please click the button again to re-start the process. '=>'Oops, something has gone wrong and we couldn\'t complete the optimisation of your SEO data. Please click the button again to restart the process.','All permalinks were successfully reset'=>'All permalinks were successfully reset','You can speed up your site and get insight into your internal linking structure by letting us perform a few optimizations to the way SEO data is stored.'=>'You can speed up your site and get insight into your internal linking structure by letting us perform a few optimisations to the way SEO data is stored.','Start SEO data optimization'=>'Start SEO data optimisation','Learn more about the benefits of optimized SEO data.'=>'Learn more about the benefits of optimised SEO data.','You can speed up your site and get insight into your internal linking structure by letting us perform a few optimizations to the way SEO data is stored. If you have a lot of content it might take a while, but trust us, it\'s worth it.'=>'You can speed up your site and get insight into your internal linking structure by letting us perform a few optimisations to the way SEO data is stored. If you have a lot of content, it might take a while, but trust us, it\'s worth it.','Optimize SEO Data'=>'Optimise SEO Data','If the problem persists, please contact support.'=>'If the problem persists, please contact support.','Something has gone wrong and we couldn\'t complete the optimization of your SEO data. Please %1$sre-start the process%2$s.'=>'Something has gone wrong and we couldn\'t complete the optimisation of your SEO data. Please %1$srestart the process%2$s.','If you still need support and have an active subscription for this product, please email %s.'=>'If you still need support and have an active subscription for this product, please email %s.','You can probably find an answer to your question in our %1$shelp center%2$s.'=>'You can probably find an answer to your question in our %1$shelp centre%2$s.','Need support?'=>'Need support?','Disabling Yoast SEO\'s XML sitemaps will not disable WordPress\' core sitemaps. In some cases, this %1$s may result in SEO errors on your site%2$s. These may be reported in Google Search Console and other tools.'=>'Disabling Yoast SEO\'s XML sitemaps will not disable WordPress\' core sitemaps. In some cases, this %1$s may result in SEO errors on your site%2$s. These may be reported in Google Search Console and other tools.','The advanced section of the %1$s meta box allows a user to remove posts from the search results or change the canonical. The settings in the schema tab allows a user to change schema meta data for a post. These are things you might not want any author to do. That\'s why, by default, only editors and administrators can do this. Setting to "%2$s" allows all users to change these settings.'=>'The advanced section of the %1$s meta box allows a user to remove posts from the search results or change the canonical. The settings in the schema tab allows a user to change schema meta data for a post. These are things you might not want any author to do. That\'s why, by default, only editors and administrators can do this. Setting to "%2$s" allows all users to change these settings.','Security: no advanced or schema settings for authors'=>'Security: no advanced or schema settings for authors','Report'=>'Report','Tech Article'=>'Tech Article','Scholarly Article'=>'Scholarly article','Satirical Article'=>'Satirical Article','Advertiser Content Article'=>'Advertiser Content Article','News Article'=>'News Article','Social Media Posting'=>'Social Media Posting','Article'=>'Article','Search Results Page'=>'Search Results Page','Real Estate Listing'=>'Property Listing','Checkout Page'=>'Checkout Page','Collection Page'=>'Collection Page','Medical Web Page'=>'Medical Web Page','Contact Page'=>'Contact Page','Profile Page'=>'Profile Page','QA Page'=>'QA Page','FAQ Page'=>'FAQ Page','About Page'=>'About Page','Item Page'=>'Item Page','Web Page'=>'Web Page','Allow us to track some data about your site to improve our plugin.'=>'Allow us to track some data about your site to improve our plugin.','Usage tracking'=>'Usage tracking','Because of a change in your permalink structure, some of your SEO data needs to be reprocessed.'=>'Because of a change in your permalink structure, some of your SEO data needs to be reprocessed.','Because of a change in your home URL setting, some of your SEO data needs to be reprocessed.'=>'Because of a change in your home URL setting, some of your SEO data needs to be reprocessed.','%1$s Internal Linking Blocks'=>'%1$s Internal Linking Blocks','%1$sFind out how to solve this problem on our help center%2$s.'=>'%1$sFind out how to solve this problem in our help centre%2$s.','The text link counter feature is not working as expected'=>'The text link counter feature is not working as expected','The text link counter helps you improve your site structure. %1$sFind out how the text link counter can enhance your SEO%2$s.'=>'The text link counter helps you improve your site structure. %1$sFind out how the text link counter can enhance your SEO%2$s.','The text link counter is working as expected'=>'The text link counter is working as expected','The links columns show the number of articles on this site linking %3$sto%4$s this article and the number of URLs linked %3$sfrom%4$s this article. Learn more about %1$show to use these features to improve your internal linking%2$s, which greatly enhances your SEO.'=>'The links columns show the number of articles on this site linking %3$sto%4$s this article and the number of URLs linked %3$sfrom%4$s this article. Learn more about %1$show to use these features to improve your internal linking%2$s, which greatly enhances your SEO.','We\'ve written an article about %1$show to use the SEO score and Readability score%2$s.'=>'We\'ve written an article about %1$show to use the SEO score and Readability score%2$s.','%1$s adds several columns to this page.'=>'%1$s adds several columns to this page.','I don\'t want this site to show in the search results.'=>'I don\'t want this site to show in the search results.','If you want search engines to show this site in their results, you must %1$sgo to your Reading Settings%2$s and uncheck the box for Search Engine Visibility.'=>'If you want search engines to show this site in their results, you must %1$sgo to your Reading Settings%2$s and uncheck the box for Search Engine Visibility.','Show debug information'=>'Show debug information','Your site will continue to work normally, but won\'t take full advantage of %s.'=>'Your site will continue to work normally, but won\'t take full advantage of %s.','%s had problems creating the database tables needed to speed up your site.'=>'%s had problems creating the database tables needed to speed up your site.',' We estimate this will take less than a minute.'=>' We estimate this will take less than a minute.',' We estimate this will take a couple of minutes.'=>' We estimate this will take a couple of minutes.','%1$sRun the indexation process on your server%2$s using %3$sWP CLI%2$s.'=>'%1$sRun the indexation process on your server%2$s using %3$sWP CLI%2$s.',' We estimate this could take a long time, due to the size of your site. As an alternative to waiting, you could:'=>' We estimate this could take a long time, due to the size of your site. As an alternative to waiting, you could:','Please read %1$sthis help article%2$s to find out how to resolve this problem.'=>'Please read %1$sthis help article%2$s to find out how to resolve this problem.','Replaced with the term ancestors hierarchy'=>'Replaced with the term ancestors hierarchy','Term hierarchy'=>'Term hierarchy','This %1$s REST API endpoint gives you all the metadata you need for a specific URL. This will make it very easy for headless WordPress sites to use %1$s for all their SEO meta output.'=>'This %1$s REST API endpoint gives you all the metadata you need for a specific URL. This will make it very easy for headless WordPress sites to use %1$s for all their SEO meta output.','REST API: Head endpoint'=>'REST API: head endpoint','%1$sYou can change the tagline in the customizer%2$s.'=>'%1$sYou can change the tagline in the Customiser%2$s.','You still have the default WordPress tagline. Even an empty one is probably better.'=>'You still have the default WordPress tagline. Even an empty one is probably better.','You should change the default WordPress tagline'=>'You should change the default WordPress tagline','You are using a custom tagline or an empty one.'=>'You are using a custom tagline or an empty one.','You changed the default WordPress tagline'=>'You changed the default WordPress tagline','Comments on your posts are displayed on a single page. This is just like we\'d suggest it. You\'re doing well!'=>'Comments on your posts are displayed on a single page. This is just like we\'d suggest it. You\'re doing well!','It\'s highly recommended to have your postname in the URL of your posts and pages. Consider setting your permalink structure to %s.'=>'It\'s highly recommended to have your postname in the URL of your posts and pages. Consider setting your permalink structure to %s.','You do not have your postname in the URL of your posts and pages'=>'You do not have your postname in the URL of your posts and pages','You do have your postname in the URL of your posts and pages.'=>'You do have your postname in the URL of your posts and pages.','Your permalink structure includes the post name'=>'Your permalink structure includes the post name','Comments on your posts break into multiple pages. As this is not needed in 999 out of 1000 cases, we recommend you disable it. To fix this, uncheck "Break comments into pages..." on the Discussion Settings page.'=>'Comments on your posts break into multiple pages. As this is not needed in 999 out of 1000 cases, we recommend you disable it. To fix this, uncheck "Break comments into pages..." on the Discussion Settings page.','Comments break into multiple pages'=>'Comments break into multiple pages','Comments are displayed on a single page'=>'Comments are displayed on a single page','No title'=>'No title','%1$sThis was reported by the %2$s plugin%3$s'=>'%1$sThis was reported by the %2$s plugin%3$s','%1$sGo to the Discussion Settings page%2$s'=>'%1$sGo to the Discussion Settings page%2$s','If you want to apply advanced <code>meta</code> robots settings for this page, please define them in the following field.'=>'If you want to apply advanced <code>meta</code> robots settings for this page, please define them in the following field.','The browser you are currently using is unfortunately rather dated. Since we strive to give you the best experience possible, we no longer support this browser. Instead, please use %1$sFirefox%4$s, %2$sChrome%4$s or %3$sMicrosoft Edge%4$s.'=>'The browser you are currently using is, unfortunately, rather dated. Since we strive to give you the best experience possible, we no longer support this browser. Instead, please use %1$sFirefox%4$s, %2$sChrome%4$s or %3$sMicrosoft Edge%4$s.','Check out %1$s'=>'Check out %1$s','We have both free and premium online courses to learn everything you need to know about SEO.'=>'We have both free and premium online courses to learn everything you need to know about SEO.','Want to learn SEO from Team Yoast? Check out our %1$s!'=>'Want to learn SEO from Team Yoast? Check out our %1$s!','Learn SEO'=>'Learn SEO','%s settings to import:'=>'%s settings to import:','Import settings from another %1$s installation by pasting them here and clicking "%2$s".'=>'Import settings from another %1$s installation by pasting them here and clicking "%2$s".','Your %1$s settings:'=>'Your %1$s settings:','Schema'=>'Schema','Settings saved.'=>'Settings saved.','Show this item.'=>'Show this item.','Hide this item.'=>'Hide this item.','You have %d hidden notification:'=>'You have %d hidden notification:' . "\0" . 'You have %d hidden notifications:','Focus keyphrase not set'=>'Focus keyphrase not set','The form contains %1$s error. %2$s'=>'The form contains %1$s error. %2$s' . "\0" . 'The form contains %1$s errors. %2$s','Activate %s for your site on MyYoast'=>'Activate %s for your site on MyYoast','Posts with the SEO score: %s'=>'Posts with the SEO score: %s','%s video tutorial'=>'%s video tutorial','Post Noindexed'=>'Post Noindexed','No Focus Keyphrase'=>'No Focus Keyphrase','SEO: %s'=>'SEO: %s','To view your current crawl errors, %1$splease visit Google Search Console%2$s.'=>'To view your current crawl errors, %1$splease visit Google Search Console%2$s.','Google has discontinued its Crawl Errors API. Therefore, any possible crawl errors you might have cannot be displayed here anymore. %1$sRead our statement on this for further information%2$s.'=>'Google has discontinued its Crawl Errors API. Therefore, any possible crawl errors you might have cannot be displayed here anymore. %1$sRead our statement on this for further information%2$s.','Organization'=>'Organisation','You have previously set your site to represent a person. We’ve improved our functionality around Schema and the Knowledge Graph, so you should go in and %1$scomplete those settings%2$s.'=>'You have previously set your site to represent a person. We’ve improved our functionality around Schema and the Knowledge Graph, so you should go in and %1$scomplete those settings%2$s.','(if one exists)'=>'(if one exists)','Wikipedia page about you'=>'Wikipedia page about you','YouTube profile URL'=>'YouTube profile URL','Tumblr profile URL'=>'Tumblr profile URL','SoundCloud profile URL'=>'SoundCloud profile URL','MySpace profile URL'=>'MySpace profile URL','Uncategorized'=>'Uncategorised','Pinterest profile URL'=>'Pinterest profile URL','LinkedIn profile URL'=>'LinkedIn profile URL','Instagram profile URL'=>'Instagram profile URL','No JSON object was returned.'=>'No JSON object was returned.','Received internal links'=>'Received internal links','Outgoing internal links'=>'Outgoing internal links','Keyphrase'=>'Keyphrase','For this feature to work, %1$s needs to create a table in your database. We were unable to create this table automatically.'=>'For this feature to work, %1$s needs to create a table in your database. We were unable to create this table automatically.','Cannot get the size of %1$s because of unknown reasons.'=>'Cannot get the size of %1$s because of unknown reasons.','Cannot get the size of %1$s because it is hosted externally.'=>'Cannot get the size of %1$s because it is hosted externally.','Page %s'=>'Page %s','Method %1$s() does not exist in class %2$s'=>'Method %1$s() does not exist in class %2$s','With %s, you can easily create such redirects.'=>'With %s, you can easily create such redirects.','Import of settings is only supported on servers that run PHP 5.3 or higher.'=>'Import of settings is only supported on servers that run PHP 5.3 or higher.','Export your %1$s settings here, to copy them on another site.'=>'Export your %1$s settings here, to copy them on another site.','No settings found.'=>'No settings found.','These are settings for the %1$s plugin by %2$s'=>'These are settings for the %1$s plugin by %2$s','Copy all these settings to another site\'s %1$s tab and click "%1$s" there.'=>'Copy all these settings to another site\'s %1$s tab and click "%1$s" there.','You do not have the required rights to export settings.'=>'You do not have the required rights to export settings.','Upgrade to %s'=>'Upgrade to %s','Learn about why permalinks are important for SEO.'=>'Learn about why permalinks are important for SEO.','Changing your permalinks settings can seriously impact your search engine visibility. It should almost %1$s never %2$s be done on a live website.'=>'Changing your permalinks settings can seriously impact your search engine visibility. It should almost %1$s never %2$s be done on a live website.','WARNING:'=>'WARNING:','Disable'=>'Disable','Allow Control'=>'Allow Control','This tab allows you to selectively disable %s features for all sites in the network. By default all features are enabled, which allows site admins to choose for themselves if they want to toggle a feature on or off for their site. When you disable a feature here, site admins will not be able to use that feature at all.'=>'This tab allows you to selectively disable %s features for all sites in the network. By default all features are enabled, which allows site admins to choose for themselves if they want to toggle a feature on or off for their site. When you disable a feature here, site admins will not be able to use that feature at all.','%s is a required feature toggle argument.'=>'%s is a required feature toggle argument.','This feature has been disabled by the network admin.'=>'This feature has been disabled by the network admin.','Focus keyphrase not set.'=>'Focus keyphrase not set.','Get %s'=>'Get %s','There is a new notification.'=>'There is a new notification.' . "\0" . 'There are new notifications.','Colon'=>'Colon','Both %1$s and %2$s manage the SEO of your site. Running two SEO plugins at the same time is detrimental.'=>'Both %1$s and %2$s manage the SEO of your site. Running two SEO plugins at the same time is detrimental.','%d minute'=>'%d minute' . "\0" . '%d minutes','%d hour'=>'%d hour' . "\0" . '%d hours','%d day'=>'%d day' . "\0" . '%d days','block descriptionCreate a How-to guide in an SEO-friendly way. You can only use one How-to block per post.'=>'Create a How-to guide in an SEO-friendly way. You can only use one How-to block per post.','%1$s Structured Data Blocks'=>'%1$s Structured Data Blocks','Time needed:'=>'Time needed:','Check links to this URL'=>'Check links to this URL','How to'=>'How to','Restore Site'=>'Restore Site','Network Settings'=>'Network Settings','You are not allowed to perform this action.'=>'You are not allowed to perform this action.','Error: %s'=>'Error: %s','Success: %s'=>'Success: %s','Site with ID %d not found.'=>'Site with ID %d not found.','No site has been selected to restore.'=>'No site has been selected to restore.','You are not allowed to modify unregistered network settings.'=>'You are not allowed to modify unregistered network settings.','deleted'=>'deleted','The site\'s tagline'=>'The site\'s tagline','Not all required fields are given. Missing field %1$s'=>'Not all required fields are given. Missing field %1$s','Current year'=>'Current year','Tagline'=>'Tagline','Page'=>'Page','description (custom taxonomy)'=>'description (custom taxonomy)','(custom taxonomy)'=>'(custom taxonomy)','(custom field)'=>'(custom field)','Term404'=>'Term 404','Caption'=>'Caption','Pagenumber'=>'Page number','Pagetotal'=>'Page total','User description'=>'User description','ID'=>'ID','Modified'=>'Modified','Post type (plural)'=>'Post type (plural)','Post type (singular)'=>'Post type (singular)','Separator'=>'Separator','Search phrase'=>'Search phrase','Term title'=>'Term title','Term description'=>'Term description','Tag description'=>'Tag description','Category description'=>'Category description','Primary category'=>'Primary category','Category'=>'Category','Tag'=>'Tag','Excerpt only'=>'Excerpt only','Excerpt'=>'Excerpt','Site title'=>'Site title','Archive title'=>'Archive title','Parent title'=>'Parent title','Date'=>'Date','Get Yoast SEO Premium'=>'Get Yoast SEO Premium','You should create a redirect to ensure your visitors do not get a 404 error when they click on the no longer working URL.'=>'You should create a redirect to ensure your visitors do not get a 404 error when they click on the no longer working URL.','Search engines and other websites can still send traffic to your deleted content.'=>'Search engines and other websites can still send traffic to your deleted content.','Make sure you don\'t miss out on traffic!'=>'Make sure you don\'t miss out on traffic!','You just deleted a %1$s.'=>'You just deleted a %1$s.','You just trashed a %1$s.'=>'You just binned a %1$s.','The %s importer functionality uses temporary database tables. It seems your WordPress install does not have the capability to do this, please consult your hosting provider.'=>'The %s importer functionality uses temporary database tables. It seems your WordPress install does not have the capability to do this, please consult your hosting provider.','Cleanup of %s data failed.'=>'Cleanup of %s data failed.','Content Type'=>'Content Type','Filter by content type'=>'Filter by content type','Show All Content Types'=>'Show All Content Types','Replaced with the normal title for an archive generated by WordPress'=>'Replaced with the normal title for an archive generated by WordPress','Clean'=>'Clean','Once you\'re certain your site is OK, you can clean up. This will remove all the original data.'=>'Once you\'re certain your site is OK, you can clean up. This will remove all the original data.','Step 5: Clean up'=>'Step 5: Clean up','Please check your posts and pages and see if the metadata was successfully imported.'=>'Please check your posts and pages and see if the metadata was successfully imported.','Step 3: Check your data'=>'Step 3: Check your data','This will import the post metadata like SEO titles and descriptions into your %1$s metadata. It will only do this when there is no existing %1$s metadata yet. The original data will remain in place.'=>'This will import the post metadata, like SEO titles and descriptions, into your %1$s metadata. It will only do this when there is no existing %1$s metadata yet. The original data will remain in place.','Step 2: Import'=>'Step 2: Import','Please make a backup of your database before starting this process.'=>'Please make a backup of your database before starting this process.','Step 1: Create a backup'=>'Step 1: Create a backup','We\'ve detected data from one or more SEO plugins on your site. Please follow the following steps to import that data:'=>'We\'ve detected data from one or more SEO plugins on your site. Please follow the following steps to import that data:','Plugin: '=>'Plugin: ','%s did not detect any plugin data from plugins it can import from.'=>'%s did not detect any plugin data from plugins it can import from.','Posts that should not show up in search results'=>'Posts that should not show up in search results','%s data found.'=>'%s data found.','%s data successfully removed.'=>'%s data successfully removed.','%s data successfully imported.'=>'%s data successfully imported.','%s data not found.'=>'%s data not found.','this author\'s archives'=>'this author\'s archives','Do not allow search engines to show %s in search results.'=>'Do not allow search engines to show %s in search results.','On'=>'On','Help on: %s'=>'Help on: %s','Off'=>'Off','Read why XML Sitemaps are important for your site.'=>'Read why XML Sitemaps are important for your site.','Enable the XML sitemaps that %s generates.'=>'Enable the XML sitemaps that %s generates.','See the XML sitemap.'=>'See the XML sitemap.','See who contributed to %1$s.'=>'See who contributed to %1$s.','Should search engines follow links on this %1$s?'=>'Should search engines follow links on this %1$s?','Default for %2$s, currently: %1$s'=>'Default for %2$s, currently: %1$s','Allow search engines to show this %s in search results?'=>'Allow search engines to show this %s in search results?','Show %s in search results?'=>'Show %s in search results?','Toggle %1$s\'s XML Sitemap'=>'Toggle %1$s\'s XML Sitemap','%s integration'=>'%s integration','Find out how the text link counter can enhance your SEO.'=>'Find out how the text link counter can enhance your SEO.','The text link counter helps you improve your site structure.'=>'The text link counter helps you improve your site structure.','Find out how cornerstone content can help you improve your site structure.'=>'Find out how cornerstone content can help you improve your site structure.','The cornerstone content feature lets you to mark and filter cornerstone content on your website.'=>'The cornerstone content feature lets you to mark and filter cornerstone content on your website.','Discover why readability is important for SEO.'=>'Discover why readability is important for SEO.','The readability analysis offers suggestions to improve the structure and style of your text.'=>'The readability analysis offers suggestions to improve the structure and style of your text.','Learn how the SEO analysis can help you rank.'=>'Learn how the SEO analysis can help you rank.','The SEO analysis offers suggestions to improve the SEO of your text.'=>'The SEO analysis offers suggestions to improve the SEO of your text.','SEO analysis'=>'SEO analysis',''=>'',''=>'','Latest blog posts on %1$s'=>'Latest blog posts on %1$s','First-time SEO configuration'=>'First-time SEO configuration','%s file'=>'%s file','Save changes to %s'=>'Save changes to %s','Edit the content of your %s:'=>'Edit the content of your %s:','Create %s file'=>'Create %s file','Updated %s'=>'Updated %s','You cannot edit the %s file.'=>'You cannot edit the %s file.','You cannot create a %s file.'=>'You cannot create a %s file.','More information about %1$s'=>'More information about %1$s','Old Configuration Wizard'=>'Old Configuration Wizard','Manage your %s subscription on MyYoast'=>'Manage your %s subscription on MyYoast','Mark the most important %1$s as \'cornerstone content\' to improve your site structure. %2$sLearn more about cornerstone content%3$s.'=>'Mark the most important %1$s as \'cornerstone content\' to improve your site structure. %2$sLearn more about cornerstone content%3$s.','(Opens in a new browser tab)'=>'(Opens in a new browser tab)','Posts %1$swithout%2$s a focus keyphrase'=>'Posts %1$swithout%2$s a focus keyphrase','Hey, your SEO is doing pretty well! Check out the stats:'=>'Hey, your SEO is doing pretty well! Check out the stats:','You don\'t have any published posts, your SEO scores will appear here once you make your first post!'=>'You don\'t have any published posts, your SEO scores will appear here once you make your first post!','Read more like this on our SEO blog'=>'Read more like this on our SEO blog','Readability: %s'=>'Readability: %s','Not activated'=>'Not activated','Activated'=>'Activated','%1$s recommendations for you'=>'%1$s recommendations for you','All Readability Scores'=>'All Readability Scores','Filter by Readability Score'=>'Filter by Readability Score','Remind me again in 4 weeks.'=>'Remind me again in 4 weeks.','Request method %1$s is not valid.'=>'Request method %1$s is not valid.','Text link counter'=>'Text link counter','Number of internal links linking to this post. See "Yoast Columns" text in the help tab for more info.'=>'Number of internal links linking to this post. See "Yoast Columns" text in the help tab for more info.','Number of outgoing internal links in this post. See "Yoast Columns" text in the help tab for more info.'=>'Number of outgoing internal links in this post. See "Yoast Columns" text in the help tab for more info.','%s Columns'=>'%s Columns','Readability score'=>'Readability score','Cornerstone content'=>'Cornerstone content','Save changes'=>'Save changes','1 year free support and updates included!'=>'1 year free support and updates included!','The plugin %2$s changes your site\'s output and in doing that differentiates between search engines and normal users, a process that\'s called cloaking. We highly recommend that you disable it.'=>'The plugin %2$s changes your site\'s output and in doing that differentiates between search engines and normal users, a process that\'s called cloaking. We highly recommend that you disable it.','No ads!'=>'No ads!','Get %1$s'=>'Get %1$s','Scroll to see the table content.'=>'Scroll to see the table content.','No new notifications.'=>'No new notifications.','Save all'=>'Save all','Save'=>'Save','%1$s, Author at %2$s'=>'%1$s, Author at %2$s','Name'=>'Name','Export settings'=>'Export settings','Please don\'t show me this notification anymore'=>'Please don\'t show me this notification anymore','If you are experiencing issues, %1$splease file a bug report%2$s and we\'ll do our best to help you out.'=>'If you are experiencing issues, %1$splease file a bug report%2$s and we\'ll do our best to help you out.','We\'ve noticed you\'ve been using %1$s for some time now; we hope you love it! We\'d be thrilled if you could %2$sgive us a 5 stars rating on$s!'=>'We\'ve noticed you\'ve been using %1$s for some time now; we hope you love it! We\'d be thrilled if you could %2$sgive us a 5-stars rating on$s!','Warning: the variable %1$s cannot be used in this template. See the %2$s for more info.'=>'Warning: the variable %1$s cannot be used in this template. See the %2$s for more info.','By the way, did you know we also have a %1$sPremium plugin%2$s? It offers advanced features, like a redirect manager and support for multiple keyphrases. It also comes with 24/7 personal support.'=>'By the way, did you know we also have a %1$sPremium plugin%2$s? It offers advanced features, like a redirect manager and support for multiple keyphrases. It also comes with 24/7 personal support.','(no title)'=>'(no title)','The %1$s admin bar menu contains useful links to third-party tools for analyzing pages and makes it easy to see if you have new notifications.'=>'The %1$s admin bar menu contains useful links to third-party tools for analysing pages and makes it easy to see if you have new notifications.','Admin bar menu'=>'Admin bar menu','Features'=>'Features','SEO title'=>'SEO title','Greater than sign'=>'Greater than sign','Less than sign'=>'Less than sign','Right angle quotation mark'=>'Right angle quotation mark','Left angle quotation mark'=>'Left angle quotation mark','Small tilde'=>'Small tilde','Vertical bar'=>'Vertical bar','Low asterisk'=>'Low asterisk','Asterisk'=>'Asterisk','Bullet'=>'Bullet','Middle dot'=>'Middle dot','Em dash'=>'Em dash','En dash'=>'En dash','Dash'=>'Dash','No'=>'No','Yes'=>'Yes','Posts list'=>'Posts list','Posts list navigation'=>'Posts list navigation','Filter posts list'=>'Filter posts list','Installed'=>'Installed','Seamless integration between %1$s and %2$s'=>'Seamless integration between %1$s and %2$s','Optimize your site for Google News'=>'Optimise your site for Google News','Edit &#8220;%s&#8221;'=>'Edit &#8220;%s&#8221;','Premium'=>'Premium','Get Premium'=>'Get Premium','Notifications'=>'Notifications','Removes the focus keyphrase section from the metabox and disables all SEO-related suggestions.'=>'Removes the focus keyphrase section from the metabox and disables all SEO-related suggestions.','Disable SEO analysis'=>'Disable SEO analysis','Make primary'=>'Make primary','%s notification'=>'%s notification' . "\0" . '%s notifications','Disable readability analysis'=>'Disable readability analysis','Removes the readability analysis section from the metabox and disables all readability-related suggestions.'=>'Removes the readability analysis section from the meta box and disables all readability-related suggestions.','Readability analysis'=>'Readability analysis','Needs improvement'=>'Needs improvement','Readability'=>'Readability','Good job! We could detect no serious SEO problems.'=>'Good job! We could detect no serious SEO problems.','We have detected the following issues that affect the SEO of your site.'=>'We have detected the following issues that affect the SEO of your site.','Problems'=>'Problems','Not available'=>'Unavailable','Filter by SEO Score'=>'Filter by SEO Score','Meta description not set.'=>'Meta description not set.','Dashboard'=>'Dashboard','You can fix this on the %1$sPermalink settings page%2$s.'=>'You can fix this on the %1$sPermalink settings page%2$s.','Replaced with the primary category of the post/page'=>'Replaced with the primary category of the post/page','Buy %s'=>'Buy %s','New %1$s Title'=>'New %1$s Title','Existing %1$s Title'=>'Existing %1$s Title','Expected an integer as input.'=>'Expected an integer as input.','Trying to build the sitemap cache key, but the postfix and prefix combination leaves too little room to do this. You are probably requesting a page that is way out of the expected range.'=>'Trying to build the sitemap cache key, but the postfix and prefix combination leaves too little room to do this. You are probably requesting a page that is way out of the expected range.','Redirects'=>'Redirects','Remove'=>'Remove','Keep'=>'Keep','Primary %s'=>'Primary %s','Primary'=>'Primary','Make %1$s primary %2$s'=>'Make %1$s primary %2$s','Integrations'=>'Integrations','Term is set to noindex.'=>'Term is set to noindex.','Enabled'=>'Enabled','Disabled'=>'Disabled','The separator defined in your theme\'s %s tag.'=>'The separator defined in your theme\'s %s tag.','No index'=>'No index','SEO score'=>'SEO score','Team Yoast'=>'Team Yoast','The first true all-in-one SEO solution for WordPress, including on-page content analysis, XML sitemaps and much more.'=>'The first true all-in-one SEO solution for WordPress, including on-page content analysis, XML sitemaps and much more.','Yoast SEO'=>'Yoast SEO','The %1$s plugin installation is incomplete. Please refer to %2$sinstallation instructions%3$s.'=>'The %1$s plugin installation is incomplete. Please refer to %2$sinstallation instructions%3$s.','The Standard PHP Library (SPL) extension seem to be unavailable. Please ask your web host to enable it.'=>'The Standard PHP Library (SPL) extension seem to be unavailable. Please ask your web host to enable it.','SEO Settings'=>'SEO Settings','Google Page Speed Test'=>'Google Page Speed Test','Facebook Debugger'=>'Facebook Debugger','Analyze this page'=>'Analyse this page','%s Archive'=>'%s Archive','You searched for %s'=>'You searched for %s','The post %1$s appeared first on %2$s.'=>'The post %1$s appeared first on %2$s.','No numeric value was received.'=>'No numeric value was received.','This must be an existing blog. Blog %s does not exist or has been marked as deleted.'=>'This must be an existing blog. Blog %s does not exist or has been marked as deleted.','The default blog setting must be the numeric blog id of the blog you want to use as default.'=>'The default blog setting must be the numeric blog id of the blog you want to use as default.','%1$s is not a valid choice for who should be allowed access to the %2$s settings. Value reset to the default.'=>'%1$s is not a valid choice for who should be allowed access to the %2$s settings. Value reset to the default.','Please select a valid post type for taxonomy "%s"'=>'Please select a valid post type for taxonomy "%s"','Please select a valid taxonomy for post type "%s"'=>'Please select a valid taxonomy for post type "%s"','You searched for'=>'You searched for','Home'=>'Home','Archives for'=>'Archives for','Error 404: Page not found'=>'Error 404: Page not found','Good'=>'Good','Replaced with a custom taxonomies description'=>'Replaced with a custom taxonomies description','Replaced with a posts custom taxonomies, comma separated.'=>'Replaced with a posts custom taxonomies, comma separated.','Replaced with a posts custom field value'=>'Replaced with a posts custom field value','Replaced with the slug which caused the 404'=>'Replaced with the slug which caused the 404','Replaced with the posts focus keyphrase'=>'Replaced with the posts focus keyphrase','Attachment caption'=>'Attachment caption','Replaced with the current page number'=>'Replaced with the current page number','Replaced with the current page total'=>'Replaced with the current page total','Replaced with the current page number with context (i.e. page 2 of 4)'=>'Replaced with the current page number with context (i.e. <samp>page 2 of 4</samp>)','Replaced with the current year'=>'Replaced with the current year','Replaced with the current month'=>'Replaced with the current month','Replaced with the current day'=>'Replaced with the current day','Replaced with the current date'=>'Replaced with the current date','Replaced with the post/page author\'s \'Biographical Info\''=>'Replaced with the post or page author\'s \'Biographical Info\'','Replaced with the post/page author\'s \'nicename\''=>'Replaced with the post/page author\'s \'nicename\'','Replaced with the post/page ID'=>'Replaced with the post/page ID','Replaced with the post/page modified time'=>'Replaced with the post/page modified time','Replaced with the content type plural label'=>'Replaced with the content type plural label','Replaced with the content type single label'=>'Replaced with the content type single label','Replaced with the current search phrase'=>'Replaced with the current search phrase','Replaced with the term name'=>'Replaced with the term name','Replaced with the term description'=>'Replaced with the term description','Replaced with the tag description'=>'Replaced with the tag description','Replaced with the category description'=>'Replaced with the category description','Replaced with the post categories (comma separated)'=>'Replaced with the post categories (comma separated)','Replaced with the current tag/tags'=>'Replaced with the current tag/tags','Replaced with the post/page excerpt (without auto-generation)'=>'Replaced with the post/page excerpt (without auto-generation)','Replaced with the post/page excerpt (or auto-generated if it does not exist)'=>'Replaced with the post/page excerpt (or auto-generated if it does not exist)','The site\'s name'=>'The site\'s name','Replaced with the title of the parent page of the current page'=>'Replaced with the title of the parent page of the current page','Replaced with the title of the post/page'=>'Replaced with the title of the post/page','Replaced with the date of the post/page'=>'Replaced with the date of the post/page','Page %1$d of %2$d'=>'Page %1$d of %2$d','You cannot overrule a WPSEO standard variable replacement by registering a variable with the same name. Use the "wpseo_replacements" filter instead to adjust the replacement value.'=>'You cannot overrule a WPSEO standard variable replacement by registering a variable with the same name. Use the "wpseo_replacements" filter instead to adjust the replacement value.','A replacement variable with the same name has already been registered. Try making your variable name unique.'=>'A replacement variable with the same name has already been registered. Try making your variable name unique. ','A replacement variable can not start with "%%cf_" or "%%ct_" as these are reserved for the WPSEO standard variable variables for custom fields and custom taxonomies. Try making your variable name unique.'=>'A replacement variable can not start with %%cf_ or %%ct_ as these are reserved for the WPSEO standard variable variables for custom fields and custom taxonomies. Try making your variable name unique.','A replacement variable can only contain alphanumeric characters, an underscore or a dash. Try renaming your variable.'=>'A replacement variable can only contain alphanumeric characters, an underscore or a dash. Try renaming your variable.','Admin only notice: this page does not show a meta description because it does not have one, either write it for this page specifically or go into the [%1$s - %2$s] menu and set up a template.'=>'Admin only notice: this page does not show a meta description because it does not have one, either write it for this page specifically or go into the [%1$s - %2$s] menu and set up a template.','Page not found'=>'Page not found','%s Archives'=>'%s Archives','Meta description to use for Author page'=>'Meta description to use for Author page','Title to use for Author page'=>'Title to use for Author page','%1$s settings'=>'%1$s settings','Export your %1$s settings'=>'Export your %1$s settings','Import settings'=>'Import settings','Import from other SEO plugins'=>'Import from other SEO plugins','Import'=>'Import','If you had a %s file and it was editable, you could edit it from here.'=>'If you had a %s file and it was editable, you could edit it from here.','If your %s were writable, you could edit it from here.'=>'If your %s were writable, you could edit it from here.','You don\'t have a %s file, create one here:'=>'You don\'t have a %s file, create one here:','Below are your published posts\' SEO scores. Now is as good a time as any to start improving some of your posts!'=>'Below are your published posts\' SEO scores. Now is as good a time as any to start improving some of your posts!','Credits'=>'Credits','&laquo; Back to Tools page'=>'&laquo; Back to Tools page','%1$s comes with some very powerful built-in tools:'=>'%1$s comes with some very powerful built-in tools:','This tool allows you to quickly change important files for your SEO, like your robots.txt and, if you have one, your .htaccess file.'=>'This tool allows you to quickly change important files for your SEO, like your robots.txt and, if you have one, your .htaccess file.','File editor'=>'File editor','Import settings from other SEO plugins and export your settings for re-use on (another) site.'=>'Import settings from other SEO plugins and export your settings for reuse on (another) site.','Import and Export'=>'Import and Export','This tool allows you to quickly change titles and descriptions of your posts and pages without having to go into the editor for each page.'=>'This tool allows you to quickly change titles and descriptions of your posts and pages without having to go into the editor for each page.','Bulk editor'=>'Bulk editor','Default settings'=>'Default settings','Description'=>'Description','Restore site to defaults'=>'Restore site to defaults','Site ID'=>'Site ID','Using this form you can reset a site to the default SEO settings.'=>'Using this form you can reset a site to the default SEO settings.','Privacy sensitive (FB admins and such), theme specific (title rewrite) and a few very site specific settings will not be imported to new sites.'=>'Privacy sensitive (FB admins and such), theme specific (title rewrite), and a few very site specific settings will not be imported to new sites.','Enter the %1$sSite ID%2$s for the site whose settings you want to use as default for all sites that are added to your network. Leave empty for none (i.e. the normal plugin defaults will be used).'=>'Enter the %1$sSite ID%2$s for the site whose settings you want to use as default for all sites that are added to your network. Leave empty for none (i.e. the normal plugin defaults will be used).','Choose the site whose settings you want to use as default for all sites that are added to your network. If you choose \'None\', the normal plugin defaults will be used.'=>'Choose the site whose settings you want to use as default for all sites that are added to your network. If you choose \'None\', the normal plugin defaults will be used.','New sites in the network inherit their SEO settings from this site'=>'New sites in the network inherit their SEO settings from this site','Super Admins only'=>'Super Admins only','Site Admins (default)'=>'Site Admins (default)','Who should have access to the %1$s settings'=>'Who should have access to the %1$s settings','spam'=>'spam','mature'=>'mature','archived'=>'archived','public'=>'public','%s restored to default SEO settings.'=>'%s restored to default SEO settings.','Settings Updated.'=>'Settings Updated.','Title'=>'Title','Take note:'=>'Take note:','%1$s Extensions'=>'%1$s Extensions','Seamlessly integrate WooCommerce with %1$s and get extra features!'=>'Seamlessly integrate WooCommerce with %1$s and get extra features!','Rank better locally and in Google Maps, without breaking a sweat!'=>'Rank better locally and in Google Maps, without breaking a sweat!','Are you in Google News? Increase your traffic from Google News by optimizing for it!'=>'Are you in Google News? Increase your traffic from Google News by optimising for it!','Optimize your videos to show them off in search results and get more clicks!'=>'Optimise your videos to show them off in search results and get more clicks!','The premium version of %1$s with more features & support.'=>'The premium version of %1$s with more features & support.','Person'=>'Person','Permalink'=>'Permalink','To be able to create a redirect and fix this issue, you need %1$s. You can buy the plugin, including one year of support and updates, on %2$s.'=>'To be able to create a redirect and fix this issue, you need %1$s. You can buy the plugin, including one year of support and updates, on %2$s.','Creating redirects is a %s feature'=>'Creating redirects is a %s feature','New URL'=>'New URL','URL'=>'URL','Deactivate %s'=>'Deactivate %s','The %1$s plugin might cause issues when used in conjunction with %2$s.'=>'The %1$s plugin(s) might cause issues when used in conjunction with %2$s.','%s Posts Overview'=>'%s Posts Overview','Close'=>'Close','Both %1$s and %2$s can create XML sitemaps. Having two XML sitemaps is not beneficial for search engines and might slow down your site.'=>'Both %1$s and %2$s can create XML sitemaps. Having two XML sitemaps is not beneficial for search engines and might slow down your site.','Configure %1$s\'s Open Graph settings'=>'Configure %1$s\'s Open Graph settings','Both %1$s and %2$s create Open Graph output, which might make Facebook, X, LinkedIn and other social networks use the wrong texts and images when your pages are being shared.'=>'Both %1$s and %2$s create Open Graph output, which might make Facebook, X, LinkedIn, and other social networks use the wrong texts and images when your pages are being shared.','OK'=>'OK','Meta Desc.'=>'Meta Desc.','All SEO Scores'=>'All SEO Scores','Post is set to noindex.'=>'Post is set to noindex.','The URL that this page should redirect to.'=>'The URL that this page should redirect to.','301 Redirect'=>'301 Redirect','The canonical URL that this page should point to. Leave empty to default to permalink. %1$sCross domain canonical%2$s supported too.'=>'The canonical URL that this page should point to. Leave empty to default to permalink. %1$sCross domain canonical%2$s supported too.','Canonical URL'=>'Canonical URL','Title to use for this page in breadcrumb paths'=>'Title to use for this page in breadcrumb paths','Breadcrumbs Title'=>'Breadcrumbs Title','No Snippet'=>'No Snippet','No Archive'=>'No Archive','No Image Index'=>'No Image Index','None'=>'None','Meta robots advanced'=>'Meta robots advanced','Warning: even though you can set the meta robots setting here, the entire site is set to noindex in the sitewide privacy settings, so these settings won\'t have an effect.'=>'Warning: even though you can set the meta robots setting here, the entire site is set to noindex in the sitewide privacy settings, so these settings won\'t have an effect.','Meta description'=>'Meta description','SEO Title'=>'SEO Title','Focus keyword'=>'Focus keyword','Settings successfully imported.'=>'Settings successfully imported.','Settings could not be imported:'=>'Settings could not be imported:','Action'=>'Action','Page URL/Slug'=>'Page URL/Slug','Publication date'=>'Publication date','Post Status'=>'Post Status','WP Page Title'=>'WP Page Title','View'=>'View','View &#8220;%s&#8221;'=>'View &#8220;%s&#8221;','Preview'=>'Preview','Preview &#8220;%s&#8221;'=>'Preview &#8220;%s&#8221;','Edit'=>'Edit','Filter'=>'Filter','postsTrash <span class="count">(%s)</span>'=>'Bin <span class="count">(%s)</span>' . "\0" . 'Bin <span class="count">(%s)</span>','postsAll <span class="count">(%s)</span>'=>'All <span class="count">(%s)</span>' . "\0" . 'All <span class="count">(%s)</span>','New Yoast Meta Description'=>'New Yoast Meta Description','Existing Yoast Meta Description'=>'Existing Yoast Meta Description','Facebook profile URL'=>'Facebook profile URL','FAQ'=>'FAQ','Settings'=>'Settings','Huge SEO Issue: You\'re blocking access to robots.'=>'Huge SEO Issue: You\'re blocking access to robots.','Posts'=>'Posts','Edit Files'=>'Edit Files','General'=>'General','Extensions'=>'Extensions','Search Console'=>'Search Console','Tools'=>'Tools','XML sitemaps'=>'XML sitemaps','Social'=>'Social','SEO'=>'SEO','%1$s detected you are using version %2$s of %3$s, please update to the latest version to prevent compatibility issues.'=>'%1$s detected you are using version %2$s of %3$s, please update to the latest version to prevent compatibility issues.','Just another WordPress site'=>'Just another WordPress site','You have used HTML in your value which is not allowed.'=>'You have used HTML in your value which is not allowed.','You can\'t edit %s that aren\'t yours.'=>'You can\'t edit %s that aren\'t yours.','You can\'t edit %s.'=>'You can\'t edit %s.','Post has an invalid Content Type: %s.'=>'Post has an invalid Content Type: %s.','Post doesn\'t exist.'=>'Post doesn\'t exist.']];