File "wordpress-seo-en_GB-606033e8cb263b032d13356d7a627ed5.json"
Full Path: /home/amervokv/
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{"translation-revision-date":"2025-01-06 17:00:09+0000","generator":"GlotPress\/4.0.1","domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"en_GB"},"%1$sText length%3$s: %2$sPlease add some content%3$s.":["%1$sText length%3$s: %2$splease add some content%3$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d %6$s. This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d %7$s. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["%2$sText length%4$s: the text contains %1$d %6$s. This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d %7$s. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.","%2$sText length%4$s: the text contains %1$d %7$s. This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d %7$s. %3$sAdd more content%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d %6$s. This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d %6$s. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["%2$sText length%4$s: the text contains %1$d %6$s. This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d %6$s. %3$sAdd more content%4$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: The beginning of your text is longer than %4$s %5$s and is not separated by any subheadings. %3$sAdd subheadings to improve readability.%2$s":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: The beginning of your text is longer than %4$s %5$s and is not separated by any subheadings. %3$sAdd subheadings to improve readability.%2$s"],"slug":["slug"],"keyphrase":["keyphrase"],"%1$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$s%5$s%3$s.":["%1$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$s%5$s%3$s."],"%1$s: The focus keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":["%1$s: The focus keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!"],"Keyphrase in SEO title":["Keyphrase in SEO title"],"content words":["content words"],"content word":["content word"],"For the best SEO results include all words of your keyphrase in the SEO title, and put the keyphrase at the beginning of the title":["For the best SEO results, include all words of your keyphrase in the SEO title, and put the keyphrase at the beginning of the title"],"For the best SEO results write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title, and put the keyphrase at the beginning of the title":["For the best SEO results, write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title, and put the keyphrase at the beginning of the title"],"%1$s: Title does not begin with the focus keyphrase. %2$sMove your focus keyphrase to the beginning of the title%3$s.":["%1$s: Title does not begin with the focus keyphrase. %2$sMove your focus keyphrase to the beginning of the title%3$s."],"%1$s: The exact match of the focus keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":["%1$s: The exact match of the focus keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!"],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d %6$s. This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d %6$s. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["%2$sText length%4$s: the text contains %1$d %6$s. This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d %6$s. %3$sAdd more content%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d %6$s. This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d %6$s. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s.":["%2$sText length%4$s: the text contains %1$d %6$s. This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %5$d %6$s. %3$sAdd a bit more copy%4$s."],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d %6$s. This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d %7$s. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":["%2$sText length%4$s: the text contains %1$d %6$s. This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d %7$s. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.","%2$sText length%4$s: the text contains %1$d %7$s. This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d %7$s. %3$sAdd more content%4$s."],"character":["character","characters"],"word":["word","words"],"words":["words"],"characters":["characters"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase contains %1$d %6$s. That's way less than the recommended minimum of %2$d %7$s. %4$sMake it longer%5$s!":["%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: the keyphrase contains %1$d %6$s. That's way less than the recommended minimum of %2$d %7$s. %4$sMake it longer%5$s!","%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: the keyphrase contains %1$d %7$s. That's way less than the recommended minimum of %2$d %7$s. %4$sMake it longer%5$s!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase contains %1$d %6$s. That's less than the recommended minimum of %2$d %6$s. %4$sMake it longer%5$s!":["%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: the keyphrase contains %1$d %6$s. That's less than the recommended minimum of %2$d %6$s. %4$sMake it longer%5$s!"],"%1$sImage Keyphrase%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sImage Keyphrase%2$s: good job!"],"%1$sImage Keyphrase%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes with at least half of the words from your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sImage Keyphrase%3$s: images on this page do not have alt attributes with at least half of the words from your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!"],"%1$sImages%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sImages%2$s: good job!"],"%1$sImages and videos%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sImages and videos%2$s: good job!"],"%3$sImages and videos%5$s: Only %1$d image or video appears on this page. We recommend at least %2$d. %4$sAdd more relevant images or videos%5$s!":["%3$sImages and videos%5$s: only %1$d image or video appears on this page. We recommend at least %2$d. %4$sAdd more relevant images or videos%5$s!","%3$sImages and videos%5$s: only %1$d images or videos appear on this page. We recommend at least %2$d. %4$sAdd more relevant images or videos%5$s!"],"%3$sImages%5$s: Only %1$d image appears on this page. We recommend at least %2$d. %4$sAdd more relevant images%5$s!":["%3$sImages%5$s: only %1$d image appears on this page. We recommend at least %2$d. %4$sAdd more relevant images%5$s!","%3$sImages%5$s: only %1$d images appear on this page. We recommend at least %2$d. %4$sAdd more relevant images%5$s!"],"%1$sImages and videos%3$s: No images or videos appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sImages and videos%3$s: no images or videos appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!"],"%1$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title and put it at the beginning of the title%3$s.":["%1$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title and put it at the beginning of the title%3$s."],"%1$s: The exact match of the focus keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sMove it to the beginning for the best results%3$s.":["%1$s: The exact match of the focus keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sMove it to the beginning for the best results%3$s."],"Has feedback":["Has feedback"],"Content optimization:":["Content optimisation:"],"%3$sImage Keyphrase%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":["%3$sImage Keyphrase%5$s: out of %2$d images on this page, %1$d have alt attributes with words from your keyphrase or synonyms. That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s."],"%3$sImage Keyphrase%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":["%3$sImage Keyphrase%5$s: out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!","%3$sImage Keyphrase%5$s: out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!"],"%1$sImage Keyphrase%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":["%1$sImage Keyphrase%3$s: images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!"],"%1$sImage Keyphrase%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sImage Keyphrase%3$s: images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your H2 and H3 subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your H2 and H3 subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!","%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your H2 and H3 subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your H2 or H3 subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: your H2 or H3 subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: More than 75%% of your H2 and H3 subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimize%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: more than 75%% of your H2 and H3 subheadings reflect the topic of your copy. That's too much. %2$sDon't over-optimise%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your H2 and H3 subheadings%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$suse more keyphrases or synonyms in your H2 and H3 subheadings%3$s!"],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":["%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimise%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimise%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimise%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimise%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The keyphrase was found %3$d times. This is great!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!","%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The keyphrase was found %5$d times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!"],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$smultiple times before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%2$s.":["%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: you've used this keyphrase %1$smultiple times before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%2$s."],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%2$s.":["%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: you've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%2$s."],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":["%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good."],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":["%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!"],"%1$sImages%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sImages%3$s: no images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!"],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":["%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!"],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d %4$s. Good job!":["%2$sText length%3$s: the text contains %1$d %4$s. Good job!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s.":["%1$sSEO title width%3$s: %2$sPlease create an SEO title%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s.":["%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit. %2$sTry to make it shorter%3$s."],"%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sSEO title width%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s.":["%1$sSEO title width%3$s: The SEO title is too short. %2$sUse the space to add keyphrase variations or create compelling call-to-action copy%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sOutbound links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal outbound links on this page. Good job!"],"%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sOutbound links%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s.":["%1$sOutbound links%3$s: All outbound links on this page are nofollowed. %2$sAdd some normal links%3$s."],"%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":["%1$sOutbound links%3$s: No outbound links appear in this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sMeta description length%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is over %4$d characters. To ensure the entire description will be visible, %2$syou should reduce the length%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: The meta description is too short (under %4$d characters). Up to %5$d characters are available. %2$sUse the space%3$s!"],"%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":["%1$sMeta description length%3$s: No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":["%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase contains %1$d %6$s. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d %6$s. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: the keyphrase contains %1$d %6$s. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d %6$s. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!"],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase contains %1$d %6$s. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d %6$s. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":["%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: the keyphrase contains %1$d %6$s. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d %6$s. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":["%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!"],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s."],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":["%1$sKey phrase in introduction%3$s: your key phrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!"],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":["%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!"],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!":["%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. Good job!"],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s.":["%1$sInternal links%3$s: The internal links in this page are all nofollowed. %2$sAdd some good internal links%3$s."],"%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!":["%1$sInternal links%3$s: No internal links appear in this page, %2$smake sure to add some%3$s!"],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":["%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: Well done!"],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s.":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: Only %3$s of the sentences contain transition words, which is not enough. %4$sUse more of them%2$s."],"%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s.":["%1$sTransition words%2$s: None of the sentences contain transition words. %3$sUse some%2$s."],"%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s.":["%1$sNot enough content%2$s: %3$sPlease add some content to enable a good analysis%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, but your text is short enough and probably doesn't need them."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: You are not using any subheadings, although your text is rather long. %3$sTry and add some subheadings%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d %6$s and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d %6$s and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s.","%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: %3$d section of your text is longer than %4$d %6$s and is not separated by any subheadings. %5$sAdd subheadings to improve readability%2$s."],"%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!":["%1$sSubheading distribution%2$s: Great job!"],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$d character, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.":["%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$d character, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s.","%1$sSentence length%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain more than %4$d characters, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. %6$sTry to shorten the sentences%2$s."],"%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!":["%1$sSentence length%2$s: Great!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!":["%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: There is enough variety in your sentences. That's great!"],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":["%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!","%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %4$d instances where %3$d or more consecutive sentences start with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!"],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":["%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s."],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":["%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum number of characters (%4$d). %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":["%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum number of characters (%4$d). %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!","%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contain more than the recommended maximum number of characters (%4$d). %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!"],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!":["%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. Great job!"],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment"],"Good SEO score":["Good SEO score"],"OK SEO score":["OK SEO score"],"Feedback":["Feedback"],"SEO title":["SEO title"],"Needs improvement":["Needs improvement"],"Good":["Good"],"OK":["OK"],"meta description":["meta description"]}},"comment":{"reference":"js\/dist\/externals\/analysis.js"}}