File "woocommerce-en_GB-aed9978d56728838866cc7df41558060.json"

Full Path: /home/amervokv/
File size: 2.15 KB
MIME-type: application/json
Charset: utf-8

{"translation-revision-date":"2024-10-02 16:14:23+0000","generator":"GlotPress\/4.0.1","domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"en_GB"},"Design and easily sell custom\u00a0print products\u00a0online with Printful.":["Design and easily sell custom\u00a0print products\u00a0online with Printful."],"Print-on-demand products":["Print-on-demand products"],"Are you already selling somewhere else?":["Are you already selling somewhere else?"],"A collection of related products.":["A collection of related products."],"A digital product like service, downloadable book, music or video.":["A digital product like service, downloadable book, music or video."],"A product with variations like color or size.":["A product with variations like colour or size."],"A tangible item that gets delivered to customers.":["A tangible item that gets delivered to customers."],"can\u2019t decide?":["can\u2019t decide?"],"Can\u2019t find your product type? {{sbLink}}Start Blank{{\/sbLink}} or {{LspLink}}Load Sample Products{{\/LspLink}} to see what they look like in your store.":["Can\u2019t find your product type? {{sbLink}}Start Blank{{\/sbLink}} or {{LspLink}}Load Sample Products{{\/LspLink}} to see what they look like in your store."],"Link a product to an external website.":["Link a product to an external website."],"Load sample products and see what they look like in your store.":["Load sample products and see what they look like in your store."],"We are loading 9 sample products into your store":["We are loading nine sample products into your store"],"Load sample products":["Load sample products"],"Loading sample products":["Loading sample products"],"There was an error importing the sample products":["There was an error importing the sample products"],"Promoted":["Promoted"],"Digital product":["Digital product"],"Physical product":["Physical product"],"Import sample products":["Import sample products"],"External product":["External product"],"Grouped product":["Grouped product"],"Variable product":["Variable product"],"Cancel":["Cancel"]}},"comment":{"reference":"assets\/client\/admin\/chunks\/4272.js"}}