File "woocommerce-en_GB-6de19c0ec6826c15dc55b28a1722c1b2.json"
Full Path: /home/amervokv/
File size: 6.58 KB
MIME-type: application/json
Charset: utf-8
{"translation-revision-date":"2024-10-02 16:14:23+0000","generator":"GlotPress\/4.0.1","domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"en_GB"},"Walmart":["Walmart"],"Wish":["Wish"],"Tell us where you run your business to help us configure currency, shipping, taxes, and more in a fully automated way.":["Tell us where you run your business to help us configure currency, shipping, taxes, and more in a fully automated way."],"There was a problem saving free features state":["There was a problem saving free features state"],"Discard":["Discard"],"You're about to go to a different step. Do you want to save the changes you've made here so far?":["You're about to go to a different step. Do you want to save the changes you've made here so far?"],"By installing %s plugin for free you agree to our {{link}}Terms of Service{{\/link}}.":["By installing %s plugin for free you agree to our {{link}}Terms of Service{{\/link}}.","By installing %s plugins for free you agree to our {{link}}Terms of Service{{\/link}}."],"Please enter your email address to subscribe":["Please enter your email address to subscribe"],"+250":["+250"],"< 10":["< 10"],"How many employees do you have?":["How many employees do you have?"],"It's just me":["It's just me"],"Get tips, product updates and inspiration straight to your mailbox.":["Get tips, product updates and inspiration straight to your mailbox."],"Powered by Mailchimp":["Powered by Mailchimp"],"I'd rather not say":["I'd rather not say"],"Free features":["Free features"],"Business details":["Business details"],"We recommend enhancing your store with these free extensions":["We recommend enhancing your store with these free extensions"],"Included business features":["Included business features"],"The following plugin will be installed for free: %1$s. %2$s":["The following plugin will be installed for free: %1$s. %2$s","The following plugins will be installed for free: %1$s. %2$s"],"Add recommended business features to my site":["Add recommended business features to my site."],"No commitment required - you can remove them at any time.":["No commitment required - you can remove them at any time."],"Billing is annual. All purchases are covered by our 30 day money back guarantee and include access to support and updates. Extensions will be added to a cart for you to purchase later.":["Billing is annual. All purchases are covered by our 30 day money back guarantee and include access to support and updates. Extensions will be added to a basket for you to purchase later."],"This product type requires a paid extension.\nWe'll add this to a cart so that\nyou can purchase and install it later.":["This product type requires a paid extension.\nWe'll add this to a basket so that\nyou can purchase and install it later."],"Skip setup store details":["Skip setup store details"],"Learn more about recommended free business features":["Learn more about recommended free business features"],"$%f per month":["$%f per month"],"Display monthly prices":["Display monthly prices"],"Manual setup is only recommended for\n experienced WooCommerce users or developers.":["Manual setup is only recommended for\n experienced WooCommerce users or developers."],"There was a problem skipping the setup wizard":["There was a problem skipping the setup wizard"],"User accounts are required to use these features.":["User accounts are required to use these features."],"What is the platform name?":["What is the platform name?"],"Etsy":["Etsy"],"eBay":["eBay"],"Amazon":["Amazon"],"Squarespace":["Squarespace"],"Industry":["Industry"],"I'm setting up a store for a client":["I'm setting up a store for a client"],"What type of products will be listed?":["What type of products will be listed?"],"Please select at least one product type":["Please select at least one product type"],"Choose any that apply":["Choose any that apply"],"In which industry does the store operate?":["In which industry does the store operate?"],"Please select at least one industry":["Please select at least one industry"],"We'd love to know if you are just getting started or you already have a business in place.":["We'd love to know if you are just getting started or you already have a business in place."],"Which platform is the store using?":["Which platform is the store using?"],"What's your current annual revenue?":["What's your current annual revenue?"],"Currently selling elsewhere?":["Currently selling elsewhere?"],"There was a problem updating your industries":["There was a problem updating your industries"],"How many products do you plan to display?":["How many products do you plan to display?"],"$%f per year":["$%f per year"],"There was a problem saving your store details":["There was a problem saving your store details"],"There was a problem updating your product types":["There was a problem updating your product types"],"Business Details":["Business Details"],"Store Details":["Store Details"],"There was a problem finishing the setup wizard":["There was a problem finishing the setup wizard"],"Yes, on another platform":["Yes, on another platform"],"More than %s":["More than %s"],"%s (I'm just getting started)":["%s (I'm just getting started)"],"I don't have any products yet.":["I don't have any products yet."],"Installing the following plugin: %s":["Installing the following plugin: %s","Installing the following plugins: %s"],"store product count or revenue\u0004%s+":["%s+"],"store product count or revenue range\u0004%1$s - %2$s":["%1$s - %2$s"],"This field is required":["This field is required"],"Tell us about your business":["Tell us about your business"],"Wix":["Wix"],"Magento":["Magento"],"BigCommerce":["BigCommerce"],"Shopify":["Shopify"],"Yes, on another platform and in person at physical stores and\/or events":["Yes, on another platform and in person at physical stores and\/or events"],"Yes, in person at physical stores and\/or events":["Yes, in person at physical stores and\/or events"],"Yes, I own a different store powered by WooCommerce":["Yes, I own a different store powered by WooCommerce"],"There was a problem updating your business details":["There was a problem updating your business details"],"Continue without installing":["Continue without installing"],"Up to %s":["Up to %s"],"Retry":["Retry"],"Invalid email address":["Invalid email address"],"Email address":["Email address"],"Product Types":["Product Types"],"Free":["Free"],"Learn more":["Learn more"],"Save":["Save"],"Save changes?":["Save changes?"],"Welcome to WooCommerce":["Welcome to WooCommerce"],"Other":["Other"],"No":["No"],"Continue":["Continue"]}},"comment":{"reference":"assets\/client\/admin\/chunks\/profile-wizard.js"}}