File "woocommerce-en_GB-2ce1ccfb028a87015cd02b9b1a2b40bc.json"
Full Path: /home/amervokv/
File size: 3.11 KB
MIME-type: application/json
Charset: utf-8
{"translation-revision-date":"2024-10-02 16:14:23+0000","generator":"GlotPress\/4.0.1","domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"en_GB"},"Display product count":["Display product count"],"Reset attribute filter":["Reset attribute filter"],"Select %s":["Select %s"],"There are no products with the selected attributes.":["There are no products with the selected attributes."],"Now displaying a preview of the Filter Products by Attribute block.":["Now displaying a preview of the Filter Products by Attribute block."],"Choose to return filter results for any of the attributes selected.":["Choose to return filter results for any of the attributes selected."],"Choose to return filter results for all of the attributes selected.":["Choose to return filter results for all of the attributes selected."],"Filter Conditions":["Filter Conditions"],"Filter by Attribute":["Filter by Attribute"],"Show 'Apply filters' button":["Show 'Apply filters' button"],"Reset filter":["Reset filter"],"Allow selecting multiple options?":["Allow selecting multiple options?"],"Invalid %s filter.":["Invalid %s filter."],"Remove %s filter.":["Remove %s filter."],"Please select an attribute to use this filter!":["Please select an attribute to use this filter!"],"Block title":["Block title"],"Loading\u2026":["Loading\u2026"],"%s filter removed.":["%s filter removed."],"%s filter added.":["%s filter added."],"Apply filter":["Apply filter"],"Products will update when the button is clicked.":["Products will only update when the button is clicked."],"Attributes are needed for filtering your products. You haven't created any attributes yet.":["Attributes are needed for filtering your products. You haven't created any attributes yet."],"Search for a product attribute:":["Search for a product attribute:"],"Clear selected attribute":["Clear selected attribute"],"Filter by attribute":["Filter by attribute"],"Display Style":["Display Style"],"Content Settings":["Content Settings"],"Display a list of filters based on the selected attributes.":["Display a list of filters based on the selected attributes."],"Search results updated.":["Search results updated."],"%d item selected":["%d item selected","%d items selected"],"Search for items":["Search for items"],"No results for %s":["No results for %s"],"No items found.":["No items found."],"Clear all selected items":["Clear all selected items"],"Clear all":["Clear all"],"Remove %s":["Remove %s"],"%d attribute selected":["%d attribute selected","%d attributes selected"],"Done":["Done"],"Product attribute search results updated.":["Product attribute search results updated."],"Your store doesn't have any product attributes.":["Your store doesn't have any product attributes."],"Product Attributes":["Product Attributes"],"Display Settings":["Display Settings"],"%s product":["%s product","%s products"],"List":["List"],"Dropdown":["Dropdown"],"Learn more":["Learn more"],"Any":["Any"],"All":["All"],"Reset":["Reset"],"Apply":["Apply"],"Edit":["Edit"],"Add new attribute":["Add new attribute"]}},"comment":{"reference":"assets\/client\/blocks\/attribute-filter.js"}}