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{"translation-revision-date":"2025-01-06 17:00:09+0000","generator":"GlotPress\/4.0.1","domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"en_GB"},"Oops! You can\u2019t see the overview of your SEO scores and readability scores right now because you\u2019re in a non-production environment.":["Oops! You can\u2019t see the overview of your SEO scores and readability scores right now because you\u2019re in a non-production environment."],"It looks like the \u2018SEO analysis\u2019 and the \u2018Readability analysis\u2019 are currently disabled in your %1$sSite features%2$s or your %3$suser profile settings%4$s. Enable these features to start seeing all the insights you need right here!":["It looks like the \u2018SEO analysis\u2019 and the \u2018Readability analysis\u2019 are currently disabled in your %1$sSite features%2$s or your %3$suser profile settings%4$s. Enable these features to start seeing all the insights you need right here!"],"Welcome to your dashboard! Check your content's SEO performance, readability, and overall strengths and opportunities. %1$sLearn more about the dashboard%2$s.":["Welcome to your dashboard! Check your content's SEO performance, readability, and overall strengths and opportunities. %1$sLearn more about the dashboard%2$s."],"Hi %s,":["Hi %s,"],"SEO scores":["SEO scores"],"Readability scores":["Readability scores"],"Something went wrong. In case you need further help, please take a look at our %1$sSupport page%2$s.":["Something went wrong. In case you need further help, please take a look at our %1$sSupport page%2$s."],"A timeout occurred, possibly due to a large number of posts or terms. In case you need further help, please take a look at our %1$sSupport page%2$s.":["A timeout occurred, possibly due to a large number of posts or terms. In case you need further help, please take a look at our %1$sSupport page%2$s."],"Something went wrong.":["Something went wrong."],"Clear filter":["Clear filter"],"All":["All"],"Nothing found":["Nothing found"],"Some of your content hasn't been analyzed yet. Please open it and save it in your editor so we can start the analysis.":["Some of your content hasn't been analysed yet. Please open it and save it in your editor so we can start the analysis."],"Your content has an average readability score. Time to find opportunities for improvement!":["Your content has an average readability score. Time to find opportunities for improvement!"],"Most of your content has a good readability score. Well done!":["Most of your content has a good readability score. Well done!"],"Some of your content hasn't been analyzed yet. Please open it in your editor, ensure a focus keyphrase is entered, and save it so we can start the analysis.":["Some of your content hasn't been analysed yet. Please open it in your editor, ensure a focus keyphrase is entered, and save it so we can start the analysis."],"Some of your content could use a little extra care. Take a look and start improving!":["Some of your content could use a little extra care. Take a look and start improving!"],"Your content has an average SEO score. Time to find opportunities for improvement!":["Your content has an average SEO score. Time to find opportunities for improvement!"],"Most of your content has a good SEO score. Well done!":["Most of your content has a good SEO score. Well done!"],"We haven\u2019t analyzed this content yet. Please open it in your editor, ensure a focus keyphrase is entered, and save it so we can start the analysis.":["We haven\u2019t analysed this content yet. Please open it in your editor, ensure a focus keyphrase is entered, and save it so we can start the analysis."],"Not analyzed":["Not analysed"],"Yes, leave page":["Yes, leave page"],"There are unsaved changes in one or more steps of the first-time configuration. Leaving means that those changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to leave this page?":["There are unsaved changes in one or more steps of the first-time configuration. Leaving means that those changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to leave this page?"],"Unsaved changes":["Unsaved changes"],"This notification can't be hidden at this time. Please try again later.":["This notification can't be hidden at this time. Please try again later."],"This problem can't be hidden at this time. Please try again later.":["This problem can't be hidden at this time. Please try again later."],"Something went wrong":["Something went wrong"],"Dashboard navigation":["Dashboard navigation"],"Close dashboard navigation":["Close dashboard navigation"],"Open dashboard navigation":["Open dashboard navigation"],"Monitor and manage potential SEO problems affecting your site and stay informed with important notifications and updates.":["Monitor and manage potential SEO problems affecting your site and stay informed with important notifications and updates."],"Alert center":["Alert centre"],"Tell us about your site, so we can get it ranked! Let's get your site in tip-top shape for the search engines. Follow these 5 steps to make Google understand what your site is about.":["Tell us about your site, so we can get it ranked! Let's get your site in tip-top shape for the search engines. Follow these 5 steps to make Google understand what your site is about."],"hidden problem":["hidden problem","hidden problems"],"hidden notification":["hidden notification","hidden notifications"],"%1$s Dashboard - %2$s":["%1$s Dashboard - %2$s"],"Buy now":["Buy now"],"If you were thinking about upgrading, now's the time! 30% OFF ends 3rd Dec 11am (CET)":["If you were thinking about upgrading, now's the time! 30% OFF ends 3rd Dec 11am (CET)"],"%1$sBuy%2$s %3$s":["%1$sBuy%2$s %3$s"],"30% OFF - BLACK FRIDAY":["30% OFF - BLACK FRIDAY"],"Make content editing a breeze! Optimize your SEO content with quick, actionable suggestions at the click of a button.%1$s%2$sLearn more%3$s%4$s":["Make content editing a breeze! Optimise your SEO content with quick, actionable suggestions at the click of a button.%1$s%2$sLearn more%3$s%4$s"],"Optimize your SEO content with %s":["Optimise your SEO content with %s"],"Undefined error message.":["Undefined error message."],"E.g. https:\/\/\/yoast":["Eg https:\/\/\/yoast"],"X":["X"],"30-day money back guarantee.":["30-day money back guarantee."],"Only $\/\u20ac\/\u00a399 per year (ex VAT)":["Only $\/\u20ac\/\u00a399 per year (ex VAT)"],"Let AI do some of the thinking for you and help you save time. Get high-quality suggestions for titles and meta descriptions to make your content rank high and look good on social media. %1$sLearn more%2$s%3$s":["Let AI do some of the thinking for you and help you save time. Get high-quality suggestions for titles and meta descriptions to make your content rank high and look good on social media. %1$sLearn more%2$s%3$s"],"Let AI do some of the thinking for you and help you save time. Get high-quality suggestions for product titles and meta descriptions to make your content rank high and look good on social media. %1$sLearn more%2$s%3$s":["Let AI do some of the thinking for you and help you save time. Get high-quality suggestions for product titles and meta descriptions to make your content rank high and look good on social media. %1$sLearn more%2$s%3$s"],"Explore %s now!":["Explore %s now!"],"%1$s24\/7 support%2$s: Also on evenings and weekends.":["%1$s24\/7 support%2$s: also on evenings and weekends."],"%1$sAppealing social previews%2$s people actually want to click on.":["%1$sAppealing social previews%2$s on which people actually want to click."],"%1$sNo more broken links%2$s: Automatic redirect manager.":["%1$sNo more broken links%2$s: automatic redirect manager."],"%1$sSuper fast%2$s internal linking suggestions.":["%1$sSuper fast%2$s internal linking suggestions."],"%1$sMultiple keywords%2$s: Rank higher for more searches.":["%1$sMultiple keywords%2$s: rank higher for more searches."],"%1$sAI%2$s: Better SEO titles and meta descriptions, faster.":["%1$sAI%2$s: better SEO titles and meta descriptions, faster."],"If your goal is to increase your rankings, you need to work on your SEO regularly. That can be overwhelming, so let's tackle it one step at a time!":["If your goal is to increase your rankings, you need to work on your SEO regularly. That can be overwhelming, so let's tackle it one step at a time!"],"Great work! Thanks to the details you've provided, %1$s has enhanced your site for search engines, giving them a clearer picture of what your site is all about.":["Great work! Thanks to the details you've provided, %1$s has enhanced your site for search engines, giving them a clearer picture of what your site is all about."],"Important: We won't sell this data, and we won't collect any personal information about you or your visitors.":["Important: we won't sell this data, and we won't collect any personal information about you or your visitors."],"What data will be collected and why?":["What data will be collected and why?"],"No, I don't want to share my site data":["No, I don't want to share my site data"],"Are you open to help us improve our services?":["Are you open to help us improve our services?"],"Yes, give me your free tips!":["Yes, give me your free tips!"],"Subscribe to the %1$s newsletter to receive best practices for improving your rankings, save time on SEO tasks, stay up-to-date with the latest SEO news, and get expert guidance on how to make the most of %2$s!":["Subscribe to the %1$s newsletter to receive best practices for improving your rankings, save time on SEO tasks, stay up to date with the latest SEO news, and get expert guidance on how to make the most of %2$s!"],"Get free weekly SEO tips!":["Get free weekly SEO tips!"],"You're almost there! Complete all settings in this step so search engines know what your site is about.":["You're almost there! Complete all settings in this step so search engines know what your site is about."],"Completing this step helps Google to understand your site even better. Bonus: You'll improve your chance of getting %1$srich results%2$s!":["Completing this step helps Google to understand your site even better. Bonus: you'll improve your chance of getting %1$srich results%2$s!"],"Let's start by running the SEO data optimization. That means we'll scan your site and create a database with optimized SEO data. It won't change any content or settings on your site and you don't need to do anything, just hit start!\n\nNote: If you have a lot of content, this optimization could take a moment. But trust us, it's worth it!":["Let's start by running the SEO data optimisation. That means we'll scan your site and create a database with optimised SEO data. It won't change any content or settings on your site and you don't need to do anything, just hit start!\n\nNote: if you have a lot of content, this optimisation could take a moment. But trust us, it's worth it!"],"We've successfully analyzed your site & optimized your SEO data!":["We've successfully analysed your site & optimised your SEO data!"],"Fantastic work! Add your organization's social media accounts below. This allows us to fine-tune the metadata for these platforms.":["Fantastic work! Add your organisation's social media accounts below. This allows us to fine-tune the metadata for these platforms."],"Use AI to generate titles and meta descriptions, automatically redirect deleted pages, get 24\/7 support, and much, much more!":["Use AI to generate titles and meta descriptions, automatically redirect deleted pages, get 24\/7 support, and much, much more!"],"30% OFF":["30% OFF"],"BLACK FRIDAY":["BLACK FRIDAY"],"Claim your 30% off now!":["Claim your 30% off now!"],"Use AI to write your titles & meta descriptions!":["Use AI to write your titles and meta descriptions!"],"Learn how to increase your rankings with %1$s":["Learn how to increase your rankings with %1$s"],"Sign up today!":["Sign up today!"],"Feeling lost when it comes to optimizing your site for the search engines? Join our FREE webinar to gain the confidence that you need in order to start optimizing like a pro! You'll obtain the knowledge and tools to start effectively implementing SEO.":["Feeling lost when it comes to optimising your site for the search engines? Join our FREE webinar to gain the confidence that you need in order to start optimising like a pro! You'll obtain the knowledge and tools to start effectively implementing SEO."],"Join our FREE webinar for SEO success":["Join our FREE webinar for SEO success"],"Please select a user in the Site representation step.":["Please select a user in the Site representation step."],"You can %1$supdate or add social profiles to this user profile%2$s.":["You can %1$supdate or add social profiles to this user profile%2$s."],"You have selected the user %1$s as the person this site represents.":["You have selected the user %1$s as the person this site represents."],"If you select a Person to represent this site, we will use the social profiles from the selected user's profile page.":["If you select a Person to represent this site, we will use the social profiles from the selected user's profile page."],"Allow":["Allow"],"Deny":["Deny"],"To see this video, you need to allow %1$s to load embedded videos from %2$s.":["To see this video, you need to allow %1$s to load embedded videos from %2$s."],"%1$sGet%2$s %3$s":["%1$sGet%2$s %3$s"],"We could not save the website name. Please check the value.":["We could not save the website name. Please check the value."],"Unlock with %1$s":["Unlock with %1$s"],"No, continue editing":["No, continue editing"],"E.g. https:\/\/\/yoast":["E.g. https:\/\/\/yoast"],"Refresh this page":["Refresh this page"],"Unfortunately, this means that any unsaved changes in this section will be lost. You can try and refresh this page to resolve the problem. If this error still occurs, please get in touch with our support team, and we'll get you all the help you need!":["Unfortunately, this means that any unsaved changes in this section will be lost. You can try and refresh this page to resolve the problem. If this error still occurs, please get in touch with our support team, and we'll get you all the help you need!"],"Something went wrong. An unexpected error occurred.":["Something went wrong. An unexpected error occurred."],"Contact support":["Contact support"],"We're very sorry, but it seems like the following error has interrupted our application:":["We're very sorry, but it seems like the following error has interrupted our application:"],"Read reviews from real users":["Read reviews from real users"],"Dismiss":["Dismiss"],"We took the liberty of using your website name and logo for the organization name and logo. Feel free to change them below.":["We took the liberty of using your website name and logo for the organisation name and logo. Feel free to change them below."],"Beta":["Beta"],"Dismiss this notice.":["Dismiss this notice."],"Finish configuration":["Finish configuration"],"Personal preferences":["Personal preferences"],"SEO data optimization":["SEO data optimisation"],"An error has occurred: %1$s":["An error has occurred: %1$s"],"We could not save the organization name. Please check the value.":["We could not save the organisation name. Please check the value."],"Or go to your SEO dashboard":["Or go to your SEO dashboard"],"E.g.":["E.g."],"Thank you! Check your inbox for the confirmation email.":["Thank you! Check your inbox for the confirmation email."],"Please enter a valid email address.":["Please enter a valid email address."],"Tell us! Is your site about an organization or a person? ":["Tell us! Is your site about an organisation or a person? "],"Personal logo or avatar":["Personal logo or avatar"],"Select a user":["Select a user"],"You have selected the user %1$s as the person this site represents. This user profile information will now be used in search results. You're not allowed to update this user profile, so please ask this user or an admin to make sure the information is correct.":["You have selected the user %1$s as the person this site represents. This user profile information will now be used in search results. You're not allowed to update this user profile, so please ask this user or an admin to make sure the information is correct."],"You have selected the user %1$s as the person this site represents. This user profile information will now be used in search results. %2$sUpdate this profile to make sure the information is correct%3$s.":["You have selected the user %1$s as the person this site represents. This user profile information will now be used in search results. %2$sUpdate this profile to make sure the information is correct%3$s."],"Uploading image...":["Uploading image..."],"Select an option":["Select an option"],"Be aware that you should run the SEO data optimization for this configuration to take maximum effect.":["Be aware that you should run the SEO data optimisation for this configuration to take maximum effect."],"We've already successfully analyzed your site. You can move on to the next step.":["We've already successfully analysed your site. You can move on to the next step."],"SEO data optimization is running\u2026 You can safely move on to the next steps of this configuration.":["SEO data optimisation is running\u2026 You can safely move on to the next steps of this configuration."],"You're not allowed to edit the social profiles of this user. Please ask this user or an admin to do this.":["You're not allowed to edit the social profiles of the user %1$s. Please ask this user or an admin to do this."],"Add another profile":["Add another profile"],"Delete item":["Delete item"],"E.g. https:\/\/\/yoast":["E.g. https:\/\/\/yoast"],"Other social profile":["Other social profile"],"E.g. https:\/\/\/yoast":["E.g. https:\/\/\/yoast"],"E.g. https:\/\/\/yoast":["E.g. https:\/\/\/yoast"],"E.g. https:\/\/\/yoast":["E.g. https:\/\/\/yoast"],"E.g. https:\/\/\/yoast":["E.g. https:\/\/\/yoast"],"E.g. https:\/\/\/yoast":["E.g. https:\/\/\/yoast"],"E.g. https:\/\/\/yoast":["E.g. https:\/\/\/yoast"],"E.g. https:\/\/\/yoast":["E.g. https:\/\/\/yoast"],"E.g. https:\/\/\/yoast":["E.g. https:\/\/\/yoast"],"E.g. https:\/\/\/yoast":["E.g. https:\/\/\/yoast"],"E.g. https:\/\/\/yoast":["E.g. https:\/\/\/yoast"],"First-time configuration":["First-time configuration"],"Could not save this value. Please check the URL.":["Could not save this value. Please check the URL."],"Could not save this value. Please check the URL or username.":["Could not save this value. Please check the URL or username."],"Email address":["Email address"],"Oops! Something went wrong. Check your email address and try again.":["Oops! Something went wrong. Check your email address and try again."],"Yoast respects your privacy. Read %1$sour privacy policy%2$s on how we handle your personal information.":["Yoast respects your privacy. Read %1$sour privacy policy%2$s on how we handle your personal information."],"Save and continue":["Save and continue"],"Yes, you can collect my site data":["Yes, you can collect my site data"],"Does your site represent an Organization or Person?":["Does your site represent an organisation or a person?"],"Site representation":["Site representation"],"Continue":["Continue"],"Error stack trace":["Error stack trace"],"Response":["Response"],"Error message":["Error message"],"Status code":["Status code"],"Request method":["Request method"],"Request URL":["Request URL"],"Error details":["Error details"],"Remove image":["Remove image"],"Select image":["Select image"],"Replace image":["Replace image"],"This feature has been disabled since subsites never send tracking data.":["This feature has been disabled, since sub-sites never send tracking data."],"Stop SEO data optimization":["Stop SEO data optimisation"],"SEO data optimization is disabled for non-production environments.":["SEO data optimisation is disabled for non-production environments."],"This feature includes and replaces the Text Link Counter and Internal Linking Analysis":["This feature includes and replaces the Text Link Counter and Internal Linking Analysis"],"Start SEO data optimization":["Start SEO data optimisation"],"Can we collect anonymous information about your website to enhance %1$s?":["Can we collect anonymous information about your website to enhance %1$s?"],"Check out %1$s":["Check out %1$s"],"We have both free and premium online courses to learn everything you need to know about SEO.":["We have both free and premium online courses to learn everything you need to know about SEO."],"Want to learn SEO from Team Yoast? Check out our %1$s!":["Want to learn SEO from Team Yoast? Check out our %1$s!"],"Learn SEO":["Learn SEO"],"Organization logo":["Organisation logo"],"Organization name":["Organisation name"],"Upgrade to %s":["Upgrade to %s"],"This feature has been disabled by the network admin.":["This feature has been disabled by the network admin."],"Content type":["Content type"],"(Opens in a new browser tab)":["(Opens in a new browser tab)"],"Go back":["Go back"],"Save changes":["Save changes"],"No new notifications.":["No new notifications."],"Name":["Name"],"Social profiles":["Social profiles"],"Notifications":["Notifications"],"%s notification":["%s notification","%s notifications"],"Needs improvement":["Needs improvement"],"Good job! We could detect no serious SEO problems.":["Good job! We could detect no serious SEO problems."],"We have detected the following issues that affect the SEO of your site.":["We have detected the following issues that affect the SEO of your site."],"Problems":["Problems"],"Loading...":["Loading..."],"Dashboard":["Dashboard"],"Good":["Good"],"Website name":["Website name"],"Close":["Close"],"Facebook":["Facebook"],"OK":["OK"],"Edit":["Edit"]}},"comment":{"reference":"js\/dist\/general-page.js"}}