function openTestConvertPopup(converterId) { var html = '<div id="tc_conversion_options">options</div><div><div id="tc_conversion_result"><h2>Result</h2>wait...</div></div>' document.getElementById('tc_content').innerHTML = html; var w = Math.min(1200, Math.max(200, document.documentElement.clientWidth - 100)); var h = Math.max(250, document.documentElement.clientHeight - 80); tb_show('Testing conversion', '#TB_inline?inlineId=tc_popup&width=' + w + '&height=' + h); webpexpress_createTCOptions(converterId); } function webpexpress_createTCOptions(converterId) { var html = ''; html += '<h2>Options</h2>' html += '<form>'; html += '<div style="display:inline-block; margin-right: 20px;"><label>Converter:</label><select id="converter" name="converter">'; for (var i=0; i<window.converters.length; i++) { var c = window.converters[i]; var cid = c['converter']; html += '<option value="' + cid + '"' + (cid == converterId ? ' selected' : '') + '>' + cid + '</option>'; } html += '</select></div>' html += '<div style="display:inline-block;"><label>Test image:</label><select id="test_image" name="image">'; //html += '<option value="dice.png">dice.png</option>'; html += '<option value="alphatest.png">alphatest.png</option>'; html += '<option value="test-pattern-tv.jpg">test-pattern-tv.jpg</option>'; html += '<option value="dice.png">dice.png</option>'; //html += '<option value="alphatest.png">alphatest.png</option>'; html += '<option value="palette-based-colors.png">palette-based-colors.png</option>'; //html += '<option value="test.png">test.png</option>'; html += '<option value="architecture-q85-w600.jpg">architecture-q85-w600.jpg</option>'; html += '</select></div>'; // html += '<h3>Conversion options</h3>' html += '<div id="tc_png" class="toggler effect-visibility"><h3>Conversion options (PNG)</h3><div id="tc_png_options"></div></div>'; html += '<div id="tc_jpeg" class="toggler effect-visibility"><h3>Conversion options (JPEG)</h3><div id="tc_jpeg_options"></div></div>'; // html += '<div id="tc_jpeg_options" class="toggler effect-visibility"></div>'; html += '<div><label>Metadata:</label><div id="tc_metadata" style="display: inline-block"></div></div>'; html += '<button onclick="runTestConversion()" class="button button-primary" type="button" style="margin-top:25px">Convert</button>'; html += '</form>'; document.getElementById('tc_conversion_options').innerHTML = html; // Append PNG document.getElementById('tc_png_options').appendChild( document.getElementById('png_td').cloneNode(true) ); // Append Jpeg document.getElementById('tc_jpeg_options').appendChild( document.getElementById('jpeg_td').cloneNode(true) ); // Append Metadata document.getElementById('tc_metadata').appendChild( document.getElementById('metadata').cloneNode(true) ); // change ids. All id's will get appended "tc_" - unless they already have document.querySelectorAll('#tc_conversion_options [id]').forEach(function(el) { el.value = document.getElementById(; if ('tc_') != 0) { = 'tc_' +; } }); // listen to all select box changes document.querySelectorAll('#tc_conversion_options select').forEach(function(el) { el.addEventListener('change', function() { webpexpress_updateVisibilities(); }); }); webpexpress_updateVisibilities(); runTestConversion(); } function webpexpress_updateVisibilities() { // toggleVisibility('png_row', el('image_types').value != '1'); function el(elmId) { return document.getElementById(elmId); } var testImage = el('tc_test_image').value; var isPng = (testImage.toLowerCase().indexOf('.png') != -1); toggleVisibility('tc_png', isPng); toggleVisibility('tc_jpeg', !isPng); toggleVisibility('tc_png_quality_lossy_div', el('tc_png_encoding_select').value != 'lossless'); toggleVisibility('tc_png_near_lossless_div', el('tc_png_enable_near_lossless').value == 'on'); console.log('value:' + el('tc_quality_auto_select').value); toggleVisibility('tc_max_quality_div', el('tc_quality_auto_select').value == 'auto_on'); toggleVisibility('tc_quality_specific_div', el('tc_quality_auto_select').value != 'auto_on'); } function runTestConversion() { var html = ''; function elTxt(elmName) { //var el = document.getElementById('tc_' + elmId); var el = document.querySelector('#tc_conversion_options [name=' + elmName + ']'); if (!el) { alert('Error: Could not find element with name: "' + elmName + '"'); } return el.value; } function elInt(elmName) { return parseInt(elTxt(elmName), 10); } var configOverrides = { "jpeg-encoding": elTxt("jpeg-encoding"), "jpeg-enable-near-lossless": (elTxt("jpeg-enable-near-lossless") == 'on'), "jpeg-near-lossless": elInt('jpeg-near-lossless'), "quality-auto": (elTxt("quality-auto") == 'auto_on'), "max-quality": elInt('max-quality'), "quality-specific": (elTxt("quality-auto") == 'auto_on' ? elInt('quality-fallback') : elInt('quality-specific')), "png-encoding": elTxt("png-encoding"), "png-enable-near-lossless": true, "png-near-lossless": elInt("png-near-lossless"), "png-quality": elInt("png-quality"), "alpha-quality": elInt("alpha-quality"), "metadata": elTxt('metadata'), "log-call-arguments": true, }; var data = { 'action': 'convert_file', 'nonce': window.webpExpress['ajax-nonces']['convert'], 'filename': window.webpExpressPaths['filePaths']['webpExpressRoot'] + '/test/' + elTxt('image'), "converter": elTxt("converter"), 'config-overrides': JSON.stringify(configOverrides) } //html = JSON.stringify(data); //html = 'Converting...'; document.getElementById('tc_conversion_result').innerHTML = html; jQuery.ajax({ method: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, data: data, //dataType: 'json', success: (response) => { convertResponseCallback(response); }, error: () => { convertResponseCallback({requestError: true}); }, }); } function processLogMoveOptions(thelog) { var pos1 = thelog.indexOf('Options:<br>---'); if (pos1 >= 0) { var pos2 = thelog.indexOf('<br>', pos1 + 12) + 4; //pos2+=8; /*if (thelog.indexOf('<br>', pos2) < 2) { pos2 = thelog.indexOf('<br>', pos2) + 4; }*/ var pos3 = thelog.indexOf('----<br>', pos2) + 8; // Remove empty line after "Conversion log:" var pos4 = thelog.indexOf('<br>', pos3); if (pos4-pos3 < 2) { pos3 = pos4 + 4; } //pos3+=4; return thelog.substr(0, pos1) + thelog.substr(pos3) + //'-------------------------------------------<br>' + '<h3>Options:</h3>' + thelog.substr(pos2, pos3-pos2); } return thelog; /* return thelog.substr(0, pos1) + 'Click to view options' + '<div style="display:none">' + thelog.substr(pos1, pos2-pos1) + '</div>' + thelog.substr(pos2); */ } function convertResponseCallback(response){ if (typeof response.requestError == 'boolean') { document.getElementById('tc_conversion_result').innerHTML = '<h1 style="color:red">An error occured!</h1>'; //console.log('response', response); return; } if ((response['success'] === false) && response['data']) { document.getElementById('tc_conversion_result').innerHTML = '<h1 style="color:red">An error occured</h1>' + response['data']; return; } if ((typeof response == 'string') && (response[0] != '{')) { document.getElementById('tc_conversion_result').innerHTML = '<h1 style="color:red">Response was not JSON</h1><p>The following was returned:</p>' + response; return; } var result = JSON.parse(response); //result['log'] = processLogMoveOptions(result['log']); //var html = document.getElementById('tc_conversion_result').innerHTML; var html = ''; if (result['success'] === true) { html += '<h2>Result: <span style="color:green;margin-bottom:2px">Success</span></h2>'; // sizes var orgSize = result['filesize-original']; var webpSize = result['filesize-webp']; html += '<b>Reduction: ' + Math.round((orgSize - webpSize)/orgSize * 100) + '% '; if (orgSize < 10000) { orgSizeStr = orgSize + ' bytes'; webpSizeStr = webpSize + ' bytes'; } else { orgSizeStr = Math.round(orgSize / 1024) + ' K'; webpSizeStr = Math.round(webpSize / 1024) + ' K'; } html += '(from ' + orgSizeStr.replace('K', 'kb') + ' to ' + webpSizeStr.replace('K', 'kb') + ')'; html += '</b><br><br>' if (window.canDisplayWebp) { var filename = document.querySelector('#tc_conversion_options [name=image]').value; var srcUrl = '/' + window.webpExpressPaths['urls']['webpExpressRoot'] + '/test/' + filename; //html += '<img src="/' + srcUrl + '" style="width:100%">'; // TODO: THIS DOES NOT WORK. NEEDS ATTENTION! /* var webpUrl = '/' + window.webpExpressPaths['urls']['content'] + '/webp-express/webp-images/doc-root/' + window.webpExpressPaths['filePaths']['pluginRelToDocRoot'] + '/' + 'webp-express/' + 'test/' + filename + '.webp'; */ //html += '<img src="' + webpUrl + '" style="width:100%">'; var webpUrl = result['destination-url']; html += '<div class="cd-image-container">'; html += ' <div class="cd-image-label webp">WebP: ' + webpSizeStr + '</div>'; html += ' <div class="cd-image-label original">' + (filename.toLowerCase().indexOf('png') > 0 ? 'PNG' : 'JPEG') + ': ' + orgSizeStr + '</div>'; html += ' <img src="' + webpUrl + '" alt="Converted Image" style="max-width:100%">'; html += ' <div class="cd-resize-img"> <!-- the resizable image on top -->'; html += ' <img src="' + srcUrl + '" alt="Original Image">'; html += ' </div>'; html += ' <span class="cd-handle"></span> <!-- slider handle -->'; html += '</div> <!-- cd-image-container -->'; html += '<i>Drag the slider above to compare original vs webp</i><br><br>' } html += '<h3>Conversion log:</h3>'; // the "log" result is a simple form of markdown, using just italic, bold and newlines. // It ought not to return anything evil, but safety first html += '<pre style="white-space:pre-wrap">' + webpexpress_escapeHTML(result['log']) + '</pre>'; document.getElementById('tc_conversion_result').innerHTML = html; initComparisonSlider(jQuery); } else { html += '<h2>Result: <span style="color:red;margin-bottom:2px">Failure</span></h2>'; if (result['msg'] != '') { html += ' <h3>Message: <span style="color:red; font-weight: bold">' + webpexpress_escapeHTML(result['msg']) + '</span></h3>'; } if (result['log'] != '') { html += '<h3>Conversion log:</h3>'; html += '<pre style="white-space:pre-wrap">' + webpexpress_escapeHTML(result['log']) + '</pre>'; } document.getElementById('tc_conversion_result').innerHTML = html; } //html = result['log']; }