function openDeleteConvertedFilesPopup() { var html = ''; html += '<p>To delete all converted files, click this button:<br>'; html += '<button onclick="purgeCache(false)" class="button button-secondary" type="button">Delete all converted files</button>'; html += '</p>'; html += '<p>Or perhaps, you only want to delete the converted <i>PNGs</i>? Then this button is for you:<br>'; html += '<button onclick="purgeCache(true)" class="button button-secondary" type="button">Delete converted PNGs</button>'; html += '</p>'; document.getElementById('purgecachecontent').innerHTML = html; tb_show('Purge cache', '#TB_inline?inlineId=purgecachepopup'); // purgeCache(); } function purgeCache(onlyPng) { var data = { 'action': 'webpexpress_purge_cache', 'nonce' : window.webpExpress['ajax-nonces']['purge-cache'], 'only-png': onlyPng };, data, function(response) { if ((typeof response == 'object') && (response['success'] == false)) { if (response['data'] && ((typeof response['data']) == 'string')) { alert(response['data']); } else { alert('Something failed'); } return; } var result = JSON.parse(response); //console.log(result); if (result['fail-count'] == 0) { if (result['delete-count'] == 0) { alert('No webp files were found, so none was deleted.'); } else { alert('Successfully deleted ' + result['delete-count'] + ' webp files'); } } else { if (result['delete-count'] == 0) { alert('Failed deleting ' + result['fail-count'] + ' webp files. None was deleted, in fact.'); } else { alert('Deleted ' + result['delete-count'] + ' webp files. However, failed deleting ' + result['fail-count'] + ' webp files.'); } } }); }