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window.addEventListener('load', function () {; }); jQuery.extend(window.objectcache, { analytics: { charts: {}, comboCharts: window.objectcache.comboCharts, options: { series: [], annotations: { position: 'back', }, stroke: { width: 1, curve: 'straight', }, dataLabels: { enabled: false, }, legend: { show: false, }, grid: { padding: { top: -8, right: 0, left: 0, bottom: -26, } }, fill: { type: 'solid', opacity: 0.1, }, noData: { text: 'Loading cache analytics...', align: 'center', verticalAlign: 'middle', }, xaxis: { type: 'datetime', position: 'top', tickAmount: 3, tickPlacement: 'on', labels: { offsetY: -3, formatter: this.formatTimeTime, }, axisBorder: { show: false, }, crosshairs: { position: 'front', }, tooltip: { enabled: false, }, }, }, init: function () { this.moveMetrics(); this.renderCharts(); this.fetchData(); jQuery(document).on('postbox-toggled', function (event, postbox) { var $postbox = jQuery(postbox); var name = $postbox.find('.objectcache\\:chart').first().data('chart'); if ($':visible')) { this.charts[name].render(); } }.bind(this)); if (objectcache.refresh) { setInterval( this.fetchData.bind(this), objectcache.refresh * 1000 ); } }, moveMetrics: function () { var screenOptions = document.getElementById('screen-options-wrap'); if (! screenOptions) { return; } var metricsGroup = screenOptions.querySelector('.metrics-prefs'); metricsGroup.classList.remove('hidden'); screenOptions.querySelectorAll( '.metabox-prefs label[for*="objectcache_metric_"]' ).forEach(function (el) { metricsGroup.append(el); }); }, renderCharts: function () { document.querySelectorAll( '#dashboard-widgets .objectcache\\:chart' ).forEach(function (el) { var name = el.dataset.chart; var type = el.dataset.type; if (! this.comboCharts.hasOwnProperty(name)) { this.charts[name] = this.setUpChart(el, name, type); } else { this.charts[name] = this.setUpComboChart(el, name, JSON.parse(type)); } this.charts[name].render(); }.bind(this)); }, updateChartsMessage: function (message) { for (var chart in this.charts) { this.charts[chart].updateOptions({ noData: { text: message } }, false, false, false); } }, setUpChart: function (el, id, type) { var color = (function (id) { switch (id.split('-')[0]) { case 'redis': return '#72d1a7'; case 'relay': return '#7b90ff'; default: return '#0096dd'; } })(id); return new ApexCharts(el, Object.assign(this.options, { chart: { id: id, type: 'area', group: 'analytics', parentHeightOffset: 0, toolbar: { show: false, }, animations: { enabled: false, }, zoom: { enabled: false, }, }, colors: [color], markers: { strokeColors: color, colors: [color], showNullDataPoints: false, hover: { sizeOffset: 3, }, }, tooltip: { marker: { show: false, }, custom: this.renderTooltip.bind({ id: id, type: type }), }, yaxis: { forceNiceScale: true, tickAmount: 3, tooltip: { enabled: false, }, floating: true, opposite: true, labels: { offsetX: -5, offsetY: -5, align: 'left', formatter: this.formatLabel.bind({ id: id, type: type, compact: true }), }, min: 0, max: function (max) { return this.type === 'ratio' ? (max > 100 ? 100 : max) : max; }.bind({ id: id, type: type }), } })); }, setUpComboChart: function (el, id, types) { var colors = (function (id) { switch (id.split('-')[0]) { case 'redis': return ['#72d1a7', '#98debf', '#4cc48f']; case 'relay': return ['#7b90ff', '#95a5ff', '#aebbff']; default: return ['#0096dd', '#11b3ff', '#0073aa']; } })(id); var type = types[function() { for (var key in types) return key; }()]; return new ApexCharts(el, Object.assign(this.options, { chart: { id: id, type: 'line', group: 'analytics', parentHeightOffset: 0, toolbar: { show: false, }, animations: { enabled: false, }, zoom: { enabled: false, }, }, colors: colors, fill: { type: 'solid', opacity: [0.1, 1, 1], }, markers: { showNullDataPoints: false, hover: { sizeOffset: 4, }, colors: colors, }, tooltip: { marker: { show: true, }, custom: this.renderTooltip.bind({ id: id, type: types }), }, yaxis: { forceNiceScale: true, tickAmount: 3, tooltip: { enabled: false, }, floating: true, opposite: true, labels: { offsetX: -5, offsetY: -5, align: 'left', formatter: this.formatLabel.bind({ id: id, type: type, compact: true }), }, min: 0, max: function (max) { return this.type === 'ratio' ? (max > 100 ? 100 : max) : max; }.bind({ id: id, type: type }), } })); }, updateCharts: function (response) { for (var chart in this.charts) { if (! response[0].hasOwnProperty(chart)) { if (this.comboCharts.hasOwnProperty(chart)) { this.comboCharts[chart].chart = this.charts[chart]; } continue; } var series = []; objectcache.series.forEach(function (item) { series.push({ name:, type: 'area', data: (interval) { return { x: interval.timestamp, y: interval[chart][item.field], date_display: interval.date_display, }; }), }); }); var measurements = series[0].data.filter(function (measurement) { return measurement.y !== null; }).length; if (measurements < 2) { this.charts[chart].updateOptions({ noData: { text: 'Waiting for more data...' } }, false, false, false); continue; } this.charts[chart] .updateSeries(series) .then(function (chart) { if (chart.annotations) { chart.removeAnnotation('now'); chart.addXaxisAnnotation({ id: 'now', x: response[0].timestamp, x2: response[1].timestamp, fillColor: '#e0e0e0', borderColor: null, }); } }); } this.updateComboCharts(response); }, updateComboCharts: function (response) { for (var chart in this.comboCharts) { if (! this.charts.hasOwnProperty(chart)) { continue; } var series = []; this.comboCharts[chart].containers.forEach(function (comboChart, index) { objectcache.series.forEach(function (item) { series.push({ name: comboChart + ' - ' +, type: parseInt(index) === 0 ? 'area' : 'line', data: (interval) { return { x: interval.timestamp, y: interval[comboChart][item.field], date_display: interval.date_display, }; }), }); }); }); var measurements = series[0].data.filter(function (measurement) { return measurement.y !== null; }).length; if (measurements < 2) { this.comboCharts[chart].chart.updateOptions({ noData: { text: 'Waiting for more data...' } }, false, false, false); continue; } this.charts[chart] .updateSeries(series) .then(function (chart) { if (chart.annotations) { chart.removeAnnotation('now'); chart.addXaxisAnnotation({ id: 'now', x: response[0].timestamp, x2: response[1].timestamp, fillColor: '#e0e0e0', borderColor: null, }); } }); } }, fetchData: function () { var fields = [ 'timestamp', 'date_display', ]; for (var chart in this.charts) { if (this.comboCharts.hasOwnProperty(chart)) { this.comboCharts[chart].containers.forEach(function (container) { objectcache.series.forEach(function (series) { fields.push(container + '.' + series.field); }); }); continue; } objectcache.series.forEach(function (series) { fields.push(chart + '.' + series.field); }); } jQuery .ajax({ url: + 'objectcache/v1/analytics', data: { context: 'compute', interval: objectcache.interval, per_page: objectcache.per_page, _fields: fields.filter(function (field, i) { return fields.indexOf(field) == i; }).join(','), }, beforeSend: function (xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader('X-WP-Nonce',; }, }) .done( this.updateCharts.bind(this) ) .error(function (error) { console.log(error);'Unable to load cache analytics'); }); }, formatTimeTime: function (value, timestamp, opts) { if (value < 990748800) { return; } var date = new Date( (timestamp + (objectcache.gmt_offset * 3600)) * 1000 ); var dateOffset = new Date( date.toISOString().substring(0, 19).replace('T', ' ') + ' GMT' ); return opts.dateFormatter(dateOffset, 'HH:mm'); }, formatLabel: function (value) { if (value === null || value === Number.MIN_VALUE) { return 0; } if ( === 'ms-total' || === 'response-times') { return Math.round(value) + ' ms'; } if ( === 'ms-cache-avg') { return value.toFixed(2) + ' ms'; } if (this.type === 'integer') { if (value === 0) return value.toFixed(0); if (value < 1) return value.toFixed(2); if (value < 1e3) return value.toFixed(0); if (value >= 1e3 && value < 1e6) return +(value / 1e3).toFixed(1) + 'k'; if (value >= 1e6 && value < 1e9) return +(value / 1e6).toFixed(1) + 'm'; if (value >= 1e9 && value < 1e12) return +(value / 1e9).toFixed(1) + 'b'; if (value >= 1e12) return +(value / 1e12).toFixed(1) + 't'; } if (this.type === 'ratio') { return Math.round((value + Number.EPSILON) * 100) / 100 + '%'; } if (this.type === 'time') { return Math.round((value + Number.EPSILON) * 100) / 100 + ' ms'; } if (this.type === 'bytes') { var i = value === 0 ? 0 : Math.floor(Math.log(value) / Math.log(1024)); return parseFloat((value / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(this.compact ? 0 : 2)) + ' ' + ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB'][i]; } return value; }, renderTooltip: function (opts) { var w = opts.w; var dataPointIndex = opts.dataPointIndex; var context = this; var analytics =; var values = (series, index) { if ([dataPointIndex].y === null) { return ''; } var marker = ''; var seriesName =; var label =,[dataPointIndex].y); if (analytics.comboCharts.hasOwnProperty( { var comboContext = analytics.comboCharts[] (chart) { return { id: chart, type: context.type[chart] }; }).filter(function (chart) { return + ' - ') === 0; })[0]; marker = '<span class="apexcharts-tooltip-marker" style="background-color: ' + w.config.colors[index] + ';"></span>'; label =,[dataPointIndex].y); seriesName = analytics.comboCharts[].labels[] + ' ' +'-')); } return '<div>' + marker + '<em>' + seriesName + ': ' + label + '</em></div>'; }); var date = w.config.series[0].data[dataPointIndex]; var time = w.config.series[0].data[dataPointIndex].date_display.time; return '<div class="objectcache:chart-tooltip">' + '<div><small>' + date + '</small></div>' + '<div><strong>' + time + '</strong></div>' + values.join('') + '</div>'; }, }, });