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/*! v5.2.0 - (C) 2019-2024 Alexandre Dieulot - */ let _chromiumMajorVersionInUserAgent = null , _speculationRulesType , _allowQueryString , _allowExternalLinks , _useWhitelist , _delayOnHover = 65 , _lastTouchstartEvent , _mouseoverTimer , _preloadedList = new Set() init() function init() { const supportCheckRelList = document.createElement('link').relList const isSupported = supportCheckRelList.supports('prefetch') && supportCheckRelList.supports('modulepreload') // is meant to be loaded with <script type=module> // (though sometimes webmasters load it as a regular script). // So it’s normally executed (and must not cause JavaScript errors) in: // - Chromium 61+ // - Gecko in Firefox 60+ // - WebKit in Safari 10.1+ (iOS 10.3+, macOS 10.10+) // // The check above used to check for IntersectionObserverEntry.isIntersecting // but module scripts support implies this compatibility — except in Safari // 10.1–12.0, but this prefetch check takes care of it. // // The modulepreload check is used to drop support for Firefox < 115 in order // to lessen maintenance. // This implies Safari 17+ (if it supported prefetch), if we ever support // fetch()-based preloading for Safari we might want to OR that check with // something that Safari 15.4 or 16.4 supports. // Also implies Chromium 66+. if (!isSupported) { return } const handleVaryAcceptHeader = 'instantVaryAccept' in document.body.dataset || 'Shopify' in window // The `Vary: Accept` header when received in Chromium 79–109 makes prefetches // unusable, as Chromium used to send a different `Accept` header. // It’s applied on all Shopify sites by default, as Shopify is very popular // and is the main source of this problem. // `window.Shopify` only exists on “classic” Shopify sites. Those using // Hydrogen (Remix SPA) aren’t concerned. const chromiumUserAgentIndex = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome/') if (chromiumUserAgentIndex > -1) { _chromiumMajorVersionInUserAgent = parseInt(navigator.userAgent.substring(chromiumUserAgentIndex + 'Chrome/'.length)) } // The user agent client hints API is a theoretically more reliable way to // get Chromium’s version… but it’s not available in Samsung Internet 20. // It also requires a secure context, which would make debugging harder, // and is only available in recent Chromium versions. // In practice, Chromium browsers never shy from announcing "Chrome" in // their regular user agent string, as that maximizes their compatibility. if (handleVaryAcceptHeader && _chromiumMajorVersionInUserAgent && _chromiumMajorVersionInUserAgent < 110) { return } _speculationRulesType = 'none' if (HTMLScriptElement.supports && HTMLScriptElement.supports('speculationrules')) { const speculationRulesConfig = document.body.dataset.instantSpecrules if (speculationRulesConfig == 'prerender') { _speculationRulesType = 'prerender' } else if (speculationRulesConfig != 'no') { _speculationRulesType = 'prefetch' } } const useMousedownShortcut = 'instantMousedownShortcut' in document.body.dataset _allowQueryString = 'instantAllowQueryString' in document.body.dataset _allowExternalLinks = 'instantAllowExternalLinks' in document.body.dataset _useWhitelist = 'instantWhitelist' in document.body.dataset let preloadOnMousedown = false let preloadOnlyOnMousedown = false let preloadWhenVisible = false if ('instantIntensity' in document.body.dataset) { const intensityParameter = document.body.dataset.instantIntensity if (intensityParameter == 'mousedown' && !useMousedownShortcut) { preloadOnMousedown = true } if (intensityParameter == 'mousedown-only' && !useMousedownShortcut) { preloadOnMousedown = true preloadOnlyOnMousedown = true } if (intensityParameter == 'viewport') { const isOnSmallScreen = document.documentElement.clientWidth * document.documentElement.clientHeight < 450000 // Smartphones are the most likely to have a slow connection, and // their small screen size limits the number of links (and thus // server load). // // Foldable phones (being expensive as of 2023), tablets and PCs // generally have a decent connection, and a big screen displaying // more links that would put more load on the server. // // iPhone 14 Pro Max (want): 430×932 = 400 760 // Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra with display size set to 80% (want): // 450×965 = 434 250 // Small tablet (don’t want): 600×960 = 576 000 // Those number are virtual screen size, the viewport (used for // the check above) will be smaller with the browser’s interface. const isNavigatorConnectionSaveDataEnabled = navigator.connection && navigator.connection.saveData const isNavigatorConnectionLike2g = navigator.connection && navigator.connection.effectiveType && navigator.connection.effectiveType.includes('2g') const isNavigatorConnectionAdequate = !isNavigatorConnectionSaveDataEnabled && !isNavigatorConnectionLike2g if (isOnSmallScreen && isNavigatorConnectionAdequate) { preloadWhenVisible = true } } if (intensityParameter == 'viewport-all') { preloadWhenVisible = true } const intensityAsInteger = parseInt(intensityParameter) if (!isNaN(intensityAsInteger)) { _delayOnHover = intensityAsInteger } } const eventListenersOptions = { capture: true, passive: true, } if (preloadOnlyOnMousedown) { document.addEventListener('touchstart', touchstartEmptyListener, eventListenersOptions) } else { document.addEventListener('touchstart', touchstartListener, eventListenersOptions) } if (!preloadOnMousedown) { document.addEventListener('mouseover', mouseoverListener, eventListenersOptions) } if (preloadOnMousedown) { document.addEventListener('mousedown', mousedownListener, eventListenersOptions) } if (useMousedownShortcut) { document.addEventListener('mousedown', mousedownShortcutListener, eventListenersOptions) } if (preloadWhenVisible) { let requestIdleCallbackOrFallback = window.requestIdleCallback // Safari has no support as of 16.3: if (!requestIdleCallbackOrFallback) { requestIdleCallbackOrFallback = (callback) => { callback() // A smarter fallback like setTimeout is not used because devices that // may eventually be eligible to a Safari version supporting prefetch // will be very powerful. // The weakest devices that could be eligible are the 2017 iPad and // the 2016 MacBook. } } requestIdleCallbackOrFallback(function observeIntersection() { const intersectionObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => { entries.forEach((entry) => { if (entry.isIntersecting) { const anchorElement = intersectionObserver.unobserve(anchorElement) preload(anchorElement.href) } }) }) document.querySelectorAll('a').forEach((anchorElement) => { if (isPreloadable(anchorElement)) { intersectionObserver.observe(anchorElement) } }) }, { timeout: 1500, }) } } function touchstartListener(event) { _lastTouchstartEvent = event const anchorElement ='a') if (!isPreloadable(anchorElement)) { return } preload(anchorElement.href, 'high') } function touchstartEmptyListener(event) { _lastTouchstartEvent = event } function mouseoverListener(event) { if (isEventLikelyTriggeredByTouch(event)) { // This avoids uselessly adding a mouseout event listener and setting a timer. return } if (!('closest' in { return // Without this check sometimes an error “ is not a function” is thrown, for unknown reasons // That error denotes that `` isn’t undefined. My best guess is that it’s the Document. // // Details could be gleaned from throwing such an error: //throw new TypeError(` non-element event target: timeStamp=${~~event.timeStamp}, type=${event.type}, typeof=${typeof}, nodeType=${}, nodeName=${}, viewport=${innerWidth}x${innerHeight}, coords=${event.clientX}x${event.clientY}, scroll=${scrollX}x${scrollY}`) } const anchorElement ='a') if (!isPreloadable(anchorElement)) { return } anchorElement.addEventListener('mouseout', mouseoutListener, {passive: true}) _mouseoverTimer = setTimeout(() => { preload(anchorElement.href, 'high') _mouseoverTimer = null }, _delayOnHover) } function mousedownListener(event) { if (isEventLikelyTriggeredByTouch(event)) { // When preloading only on mousedown, not touch, we need to stop there // because touches send compatibility mouse events including mousedown. // // (When preloading on touchstart, instructions below this block would // have no effect.) return } const anchorElement ='a') if (!isPreloadable(anchorElement)) { return } preload(anchorElement.href, 'high') } function mouseoutListener(event) { if (event.relatedTarget &&'a') == event.relatedTarget.closest('a')) { return } if (_mouseoverTimer) { clearTimeout(_mouseoverTimer) _mouseoverTimer = null } } function mousedownShortcutListener(event) { if (isEventLikelyTriggeredByTouch(event)) { // Due to a high potential for complications with this mousedown shortcut // combined with other parties’ JavaScript code, we don’t want it to run // at all on touch devices, even though mousedown and click are triggered // at almost the same time on touch. return } const anchorElement ='a') if (event.which > 1 || event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey) { return } if (!anchorElement) { return } anchorElement.addEventListener('click', function (event) { if (event.detail == 1337) { return } event.preventDefault() }, {capture: true, passive: false, once: true}) const customEvent = new MouseEvent('click', {view: window, bubbles: true, cancelable: false, detail: 1337}) anchorElement.dispatchEvent(customEvent) } function isEventLikelyTriggeredByTouch(event) { // Touch devices fire “mouseover” and “mousedown” (and other) events after // a touch for compatibility reasons. // This function checks if it’s likely that we’re dealing with such an event. if (!_lastTouchstartEvent || !event) { return false } if ( != { return false } const now = event.timeStamp // Chromium (tested Chrome 95 and 122 on Android) sometimes uses the same // event.timeStamp value in touchstart, mouseover, and mousedown. // Testable in test/extras/delay-not-considered-touch.html // This is okay for our purpose: two equivalent timestamps will be less // than the max duration, which means they’re related events. // TODO: fill/find Chromium bug const durationBetweenLastTouchstartAndNow = now - _lastTouchstartEvent.timeStamp const MAX_DURATION_TO_BE_CONSIDERED_TRIGGERED_BY_TOUCHSTART = 2500 // How long after a touchstart event can a simulated mouseover/mousedown event fire? // /test/extras/delay-not-considered-touch.html tries to answer that question. // I saw up to 1450 ms on an overwhelmed Samsung Galaxy S2. // On the other hand, how soon can an unrelated mouseover event happen after an unrelated touchstart? // Meaning the user taps a link, then grabs their pointing device and clicks another/the same link. // That scenario could occur if a user taps a link, thinks it hasn’t worked, and thus fall back to their pointing device. // I do that in about 1200 ms on a Chromebook. In which case this function returns a false positive. // False positives are okay, as this function is only used to decide to abort handling mouseover/mousedown/mousedownShortcut. // False negatives could lead to unforeseen state, particularly in mousedownShortcutListener. return durationBetweenLastTouchstartAndNow < MAX_DURATION_TO_BE_CONSIDERED_TRIGGERED_BY_TOUCHSTART // TODO: Investigate if pointer events could be used. // // TODO: Investigate if InputDeviceCapabilities could be used to make it // less hacky on Chromium browsers. // // // Needs careful reading of the spec and tests (notably, what happens with a // mouse connected to an Android or iOS smartphone?) to make sure it’s solid. // Also need to judge if WebKit could implement it differently, as they // don’t mind doing when a spec gives room to interpretation. // It seems to work well on Chrome on ChromeOS. // TODO: Consider using event screen position as another heuristic. } function isPreloadable(anchorElement) { if (!anchorElement || !anchorElement.href) { return } if (_useWhitelist && !('instant' in anchorElement.dataset)) { return } if (anchorElement.origin != location.origin) { let allowed = _allowExternalLinks || 'instant' in anchorElement.dataset if (!allowed || !_chromiumMajorVersionInUserAgent) { // Chromium-only: see comment on “restrictive prefetch” and “cross-site speculation rules prefetch” return } } if (!['http:', 'https:'].includes(anchorElement.protocol)) { return } if (anchorElement.protocol == 'http:' && location.protocol == 'https:') { return } if (!_allowQueryString && && !('instant' in anchorElement.dataset)) { return } if (anchorElement.hash && anchorElement.pathname + == location.pathname + { return } if ('noInstant' in anchorElement.dataset) { return } return true } function preload(url, fetchPriority = 'auto') { if (_preloadedList.has(url)) { return } if (_speculationRulesType != 'none') { preloadUsingSpeculationRules(url) } else { preloadUsingLinkElement(url, fetchPriority) } _preloadedList.add(url) } function preloadUsingSpeculationRules(url) { const scriptElement = document.createElement('script') scriptElement.type = 'speculationrules' scriptElement.textContent = JSON.stringify({ [_speculationRulesType]: [{ source: 'list', urls: [url] }] }) // When using speculation rules, cross-site prefetch is supported, but will // only work if the user has no cookies for the destination site. The // prefetch will not be sent, if the user does have such cookies. document.head.appendChild(scriptElement) } function preloadUsingLinkElement(url, fetchPriority = 'auto') { const linkElement = document.createElement('link') linkElement.rel = 'prefetch' linkElement.href = url linkElement.fetchPriority = fetchPriority // By default, a prefetch is loaded with a low priority. // When there’s a fair chance that this prefetch is going to be used in the // near term (= after a touch/mouse event), giving it a high priority helps // make the page load faster in case there are other resources loading. // Prioritizing it implicitly means deprioritizing every other resource // that’s loading on the page. Due to HTML documents usually being much // smaller than other resources (notably images and JavaScript), and // prefetches happening once the initial page is sufficiently loaded, // this theft of bandwidth should rarely be detrimental. = 'document' // as=document is Chromium-only and allows cross-origin prefetches to be // usable for navigation. They call it “restrictive prefetch” and intend // to remove it: // // This document from the Chrome team dated 2022-08-10 // // claims (I haven’t tested) that data- and battery-saver modes as well as // the setting to disable preloading do not disable restrictive prefetch, // unlike regular prefetch. That’s good for prefetching on a touch/mouse // event, but might be bad when prefetching every link in the viewport. document.head.appendChild(linkElement) }