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{"translation-revision-date":"2024-12-16 16:53:45+0000","generator":"GlotPress\/4.0.1","domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"en_GB"},"This result includes an Elementor Pro widget that's not available with your current plan. Upgrade to use all the widgets in this result.":["This result includes an Elementor Pro widget that's not available with your current plan. Upgrade to use all the widgets in this result."],"Luxurious theme with rich colors discussing":["Luxurious theme with rich colours discussing"],"Earthy tones and organic shapes featuring":["Earthy tones and organic shapes featuring"],"Professional look with clean lines for":["Professional look with clean lines for"],"Futuristic design with neon accents about":["Futuristic design with neon accents about"],"Expand":["Expand"],"Seems like the prompt contains words that could generate harmful content. Write a different prompt to continue.":["Seems like the prompt contains words that could generate harmful content. Write a different prompt to continue."],"We were unable to generate that prompt.":["We were unable to generate that prompt."],"Reconnect":["Reconnect"],"Generate":["Generate"],"Enhance prompt":["Enhance prompt"],"Yes, leave":["Yes, leave"],"Leave Elementor AI?":["Leave Elementor AI?"],"Upgrade Elementor AI":["Upgrade Elementor AI"],"AI":["AI"],"Upgrade":["Upgrade"],"Get Elementor AI":["Get Elementor AI"],"Let\u2019s do it":["Let\u2019s do it"],"Show me how":["Show me how"],"Try Again":["Try Again"],"Privacy Policy":["Privacy Policy"],"Terms of Service":["Terms of Service"],"Loading...":["Loading..."],"Beta":["Beta"],"Get Started":["Get Started"],"Connect":["Connect"],"Pro":["Pro"],"Remove":["Remove"],"Go Pro":["Go Pro"],"Close":["Close"],"Cancel":["Cancel"],"Preview":["Preview"]}},"comment":{"reference":"assets\/js\/ai-layout.js"}}