* A modules class for Jetpack.
* @package automattic/jetpack-status
namespace Automattic\Jetpack;
use Automattic\Jetpack\Current_Plan as Jetpack_Plan;
use Automattic\Jetpack\IP\Utils as IP_Utils;
use Automattic\Jetpack\Status\Host;
* Class Automattic\Jetpack\Modules
* Used to retrieve information about the current status of Jetpack modules.
class Modules {
* Check whether or not a Jetpack module is active.
* @param string $module The slug of a Jetpack module.
* @param bool $available_only Whether to only check among available modules.
* @return bool
public function is_active( $module, $available_only = true ) {
if ( defined( 'IS_WPCOM' ) && IS_WPCOM ) {
return true;
return in_array( $module, self::get_active( $available_only ), true );
* Load module data from module file. Headers differ from WordPress
* plugin headers to avoid them being identified as standalone
* plugins on the WordPress plugins page.
* @param string $module The module slug.
public function get( $module ) {
static $modules_details;
// This method relies heavy on auto-generated file found in Jetpack only: module-headings.php
// If it doesn't exist, it's safe to assume none of this will be helpful.
if ( ! function_exists( 'jetpack_has_no_module_info' ) ) {
return false;
if ( jetpack_has_no_module_info( $module ) ) {
return false;
$file = $this->get_path( $this->get_slug( $module ) );
if ( isset( $modules_details[ $module ] ) ) {
$mod = $modules_details[ $module ];
} else {
$mod = jetpack_get_module_info( $module );
if ( null === $mod ) {
// Try to get the module info from the file as a fallback.
$mod = $this->get_file_data( $file, jetpack_get_all_module_header_names() );
if ( empty( $mod['name'] ) ) {
// No info for this module.
return false;
$mod['sort'] = empty( $mod['sort'] ) ? 10 : (int) $mod['sort'];
$mod['recommendation_order'] = empty( $mod['recommendation_order'] ) ? 20 : (int) $mod['recommendation_order'];
$mod['deactivate'] = empty( $mod['deactivate'] );
$mod['free'] = empty( $mod['free'] );
$mod['requires_connection'] = ( ! empty( $mod['requires_connection'] ) && 'No' === $mod['requires_connection'] ) ? false : true;
$mod['requires_user_connection'] = ( empty( $mod['requires_user_connection'] ) || 'No' === $mod['requires_user_connection'] ) ? false : true;
if ( empty( $mod['auto_activate'] ) || ! in_array( strtolower( $mod['auto_activate'] ), array( 'yes', 'no', 'public' ), true ) ) {
$mod['auto_activate'] = 'No';
} else {
$mod['auto_activate'] = (string) $mod['auto_activate'];
if ( $mod['module_tags'] ) {
$mod['module_tags'] = explode( ',', $mod['module_tags'] );
$mod['module_tags'] = array_map( 'trim', $mod['module_tags'] );
} else {
$mod['module_tags'] = array( 'Other' );
if ( $mod['plan_classes'] ) {
$mod['plan_classes'] = explode( ',', $mod['plan_classes'] );
$mod['plan_classes'] = array_map( 'strtolower', array_map( 'trim', $mod['plan_classes'] ) );
} else {
$mod['plan_classes'] = array( 'free' );
if ( $mod['feature'] ) {
$mod['feature'] = explode( ',', $mod['feature'] );
$mod['feature'] = array_map( 'trim', $mod['feature'] );
} else {
$mod['feature'] = array( 'Other' );
$modules_details[ $module ] = $mod;
* Filters the feature array on a module.
* This filter allows you to control where each module is filtered: Recommended,
* and the default "Other" listing.
* @since-jetpack 3.5.0
* @param array $mod['feature'] The areas to feature this module:
* 'Recommended' shows on the main Jetpack admin screen.
* 'Other' should be the default if no other value is in the array.
* @param string $module The slug of the module, e.g. sharedaddy.
* @param array $mod All the currently assembled module data.
$mod['feature'] = apply_filters( 'jetpack_module_feature', $mod['feature'], $module, $mod );
* Filter the returned data about a module.
* This filter allows overriding any info about Jetpack modules. It is dangerous,
* so please be careful.
* @since-jetpack 3.6.0
* @param array $mod The details of the requested module.
* @param string $module The slug of the module, e.g. sharedaddy
* @param string $file The path to the module source file.
return apply_filters( 'jetpack_get_module', $mod, $module, $file );
* Like core's get_file_data implementation, but caches the result.
* @param string $file Absolute path to the file.
* @param array $headers List of headers, in the format array( 'HeaderKey' => 'Header Name' ).
public function get_file_data( $file, $headers ) {
// Get just the filename from $file (i.e. exclude full path) so that a consistent hash is generated.
$file_name = basename( $file );
if ( ! Constants::is_defined( 'JETPACK__VERSION' ) ) {
return get_file_data( $file, $headers );
$cache_key = 'jetpack_file_data_' . JETPACK__VERSION;
$file_data_option = get_transient( $cache_key );
if ( ! is_array( $file_data_option ) ) {
delete_transient( $cache_key );
$file_data_option = false;
if ( false === $file_data_option ) {
$file_data_option = array();
$key = md5( $file_name . maybe_serialize( $headers ) );
$refresh_cache = is_admin() && isset( $_GET['page'] ) && is_string( $_GET['page'] ) && str_starts_with( $_GET['page'], 'jetpack' ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended, WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput
// If we don't need to refresh the cache, and already have the value, short-circuit!
if ( ! $refresh_cache && isset( $file_data_option[ $key ] ) ) {
return $file_data_option[ $key ];
$data = get_file_data( $file, $headers );
$file_data_option[ $key ] = $data;
set_transient( $cache_key, $file_data_option, 29 * DAY_IN_SECONDS );
return $data;
* Get a list of activated modules as an array of module slugs.
* @param bool $available_only Filter out the unavailable (deleted) modules.
* @return array
public function get_active( $available_only = true ) {
$active = \Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'active_modules' );
if ( ! is_array( $active ) ) {
$active = array();
if ( class_exists( 'VaultPress' ) || function_exists( 'vaultpress_contact_service' ) ) {
$active[] = 'vaultpress';
} else {
$active = array_diff( $active, array( 'vaultpress' ) );
// If protect is active on the main site of a multisite, it should be active on all sites. Doesn't apply to WP.com.
if ( ! in_array( 'protect', $active, true )
&& ! ( new Host() )->is_wpcom_simple()
&& is_multisite()
&& get_site_option( 'jetpack_protect_active' ) ) {
$active[] = 'protect';
if ( $available_only ) {
// If it's not available, it shouldn't be active.
// We don't delete it from the options though, as it will be active again when a plugin gets reactivated.
$active = array_intersect( $active, $this->get_available() );
* Allow filtering of the active modules.
* Gives theme and plugin developers the power to alter the modules that
* are activated on the fly.
* @since-jetpack 5.8.0
* @param array $active Array of active module slugs.
$active = apply_filters( 'jetpack_active_modules', $active );
return array_unique( $active );
* Extract a module's slug from its full path.
* @param string $file Full path to a file.
* @return string Module slug.
public function get_slug( $file ) {
return str_replace( '.php', '', basename( $file ) );
* List available Jetpack modules. Simply lists .php files in /modules/.
* Make sure to tuck away module "library" files in a sub-directory.
* @param bool|string $min_version Only return modules introduced in this version or later. Default is false, do not filter.
* @param bool|string $max_version Only return modules introduced before this version. Default is false, do not filter.
* @param bool|null $requires_connection Pass a boolean value to only return modules that require (or do not require) a connection.
* @param bool|null $requires_user_connection Pass a boolean value to only return modules that require (or do not require) a user connection.
* @return array $modules Array of module slugs
public function get_available( $min_version = false, $max_version = false, $requires_connection = null, $requires_user_connection = null ) {
static $modules = null;
if ( ! class_exists( 'Jetpack' ) || ! Constants::is_defined( 'JETPACK__VERSION' ) || ! Constants::is_defined( 'JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR' ) ) {
return array_unique(
* Stand alone plugins need to use this filter to register the modules they interact with.
* This will allow them to activate and deactivate these modules even when Jetpack is not present.
* Note: Standalone plugins can only interact with modules that also exist in the Jetpack plugin, otherwise they'll lose the ability to control it if Jetpack is activated.
* @since 1.13.6
* @param array $modules The list of available modules as an array of slugs.
* @param bool $requires_connection Whether to list only modules that require a connection to work.
* @param bool $requires_user_connection Whether to list only modules that require a user connection to work.
apply_filters( 'jetpack_get_available_standalone_modules', array(), $requires_connection, $requires_user_connection )
if ( ! isset( $modules ) ) {
$available_modules_option = \Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'available_modules', array() );
// Use the cache if we're on the front-end and it's available...
if ( ! is_admin() && ! empty( $available_modules_option[ JETPACK__VERSION ] ) ) {
$modules = $available_modules_option[ JETPACK__VERSION ];
} else {
$files = ( new Files() )->glob_php( JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR . 'modules' );
$modules = array();
foreach ( $files as $file ) {
$slug = $this->get_slug( $file );
$headers = $this->get( $slug );
if ( ! $headers ) {
$modules[ $slug ] = $headers['introduced'];
JETPACK__VERSION => $modules,
* Filters the array of modules available to be activated.
* @since 2.4.0
* @param array $modules Array of available modules.
* @param string $min_version Minimum version number required to use modules.
* @param string $max_version Maximum version number required to use modules.
* @param bool|null $requires_connection Value of the Requires Connection filter.
* @param bool|null $requires_user_connection Value of the Requires User Connection filter.
$mods = apply_filters( 'jetpack_get_available_modules', $modules, $min_version, $max_version, $requires_connection, $requires_user_connection );
if ( ! $min_version && ! $max_version && $requires_connection === null && $requires_user_connection === null ) {
return array_keys( $mods );
$r = array();
foreach ( $mods as $slug => $introduced ) {
if ( $min_version && version_compare( $min_version, $introduced, '>=' ) ) {
if ( $max_version && version_compare( $max_version, $introduced, '<' ) ) {
$mod_details = $this->get( $slug );
if ( null !== $requires_connection && (bool) $requires_connection !== $mod_details['requires_connection'] ) {
if ( null !== $requires_user_connection && (bool) $requires_user_connection !== $mod_details['requires_user_connection'] ) {
$r[] = $slug;
return $r;
* Is slug a valid module.
* @param string $module Module slug.
* @return bool
public function is_module( $module ) {
return ! empty( $module ) && ! validate_file( $module, $this->get_available() );
* Update module status.
* @param string $module - module slug.
* @param boolean $active - true to activate, false to deactivate.
* @param bool $exit Should exit be called after deactivation.
* @param bool $redirect Should there be a redirection after activation.
public function update_status( $module, $active, $exit = true, $redirect = true ) {
return $active ? $this->activate( $module, $exit, $redirect ) : $this->deactivate( $module );
* Activate a module.
* @param string $module Module slug.
* @param bool $exit Should exit be called after deactivation.
* @param bool $redirect Should there be a redirection after activation.
* @return bool|void
public function activate( $module, $exit = true, $redirect = true ) {
* Fires before a module is activated.
* @since 2.6.0
* @param string $module Module slug.
* @param bool $exit Should we exit after the module has been activated. Default to true.
* @param bool $redirect Should the user be redirected after module activation? Default to true.
do_action( 'jetpack_pre_activate_module', $module, $exit, $redirect );
if ( ! strlen( $module ) ) {
return false;
// If it's already active, then don't do it again.
$active = $this->get_active();
foreach ( $active as $act ) {
if ( $act === $module ) {
return true;
if ( ! $this->is_module( $module ) ) {
return false;
// Jetpack plugin only
if ( class_exists( 'Jetpack' ) ) {
$module_data = $this->get( $module );
$status = new Status();
$state = new CookieState();
if ( ! \Jetpack::is_connection_ready() ) {
if ( ! $status->is_offline_mode() ) {
return false;
// If we're not connected but in offline mode, make sure the module doesn't require a connection.
if ( $status->is_offline_mode() && $module_data['requires_connection'] ) {
return false;
if ( class_exists( 'Jetpack_Client_Server' ) ) {
$jetpack = \Jetpack::init();
// Check and see if the old plugin is active.
if ( isset( $jetpack->plugins_to_deactivate[ $module ] ) ) {
// Deactivate the old plugins.
$deactivated = array();
foreach ( $jetpack->plugins_to_deactivate[ $module ] as $idx => $deactivate_me ) {
if ( \Jetpack_Client_Server::deactivate_plugin( $deactivate_me[0], $deactivate_me[1] ) ) {
// If we deactivated the old plugin, remembere that with ::state() and redirect back to this page to activate the module
// We can't activate the module on this page load since the newly deactivated old plugin is still loaded on this page load.
$deactivated[] = "$module:$idx";
if ( $deactivated ) {
$state->state( 'deactivated_plugins', implode( ',', $deactivated ) );
wp_safe_redirect( add_query_arg( 'jetpack_restate', 1 ) );
// Protect won't work with mis-configured IPs.
if ( 'protect' === $module ) {
if ( ! IP_Utils::get_ip() ) {
$state->state( 'message', 'protect_misconfigured_ip' );
return false;
if ( ! Jetpack_Plan::supports( $module ) ) {
return false;
// Check the file for fatal errors, a la wp-admin/plugins.php::activate.
$state->state( 'module', $module );
$state->state( 'error', 'module_activation_failed' ); // we'll override this later if the plugin can be included without fatal error.
$module_path = $this->get_path( $module );
if ( file_exists( $module_path ) ) {
require $this->get_path( $module ); // phpcs:ignore WordPressVIPMinimum.Files.IncludingFile.NotAbsolutePath
$active[] = $module;
$this->update_active( $active );
$state->state( 'error', false ); // the override.
} else { // Not a Jetpack plugin.
$active[] = $module;
$this->update_active( $active );
if ( $redirect ) {
wp_safe_redirect( ( new Paths() )->admin_url( 'page=jetpack' ) );
if ( $exit ) {
return true;
* Deactivate module.
* @param string $module Module slug.
* @return bool
public function deactivate( $module ) {
* Fires when a module is deactivated.
* @since 1.9.0
* @param string $module Module slug.
do_action( 'jetpack_pre_deactivate_module', $module );
$active = $this->get_active();
$new = array_filter( array_diff( $active, (array) $module ) );
return $this->update_active( $new );
* Generate a module's path from its slug.
* @param string $slug Module slug.
public function get_path( $slug ) {
if ( ! Constants::is_defined( 'JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR' ) ) {
return '';
* Filters the path of a modules.
* @since 7.4.0
* @param array $return The absolute path to a module's root php file
* @param string $slug The module slug
return apply_filters( 'jetpack_get_module_path', JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR . "modules/$slug.php", $slug );
* Saves all the currently active modules to options.
* Also fires Action hooks for each newly activated and deactivated module.
* @param array $modules Array of active modules to be saved in options.
* @return bool $success true for success, false for failure.
public function update_active( $modules ) {
$current_modules = \Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'active_modules', array() );
$active_modules = $this->get_active();
$new_active_modules = array_diff( $modules, $current_modules );
$new_inactive_modules = array_diff( $active_modules, $modules );
$new_current_modules = array_diff( array_merge( $current_modules, $new_active_modules ), $new_inactive_modules );
$reindexed_modules = array_values( $new_current_modules );
$success = \Jetpack_Options::update_option( 'active_modules', array_unique( $reindexed_modules ) );
// Let's take `pre_update_option_jetpack_active_modules` filter into account
// and actually decide for which modules we need to fire hooks by comparing
// the 'active_modules' option before and after the update.
$current_modules_post_update = \Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'active_modules', array() );
$new_inactive_modules = array_diff( $current_modules, $current_modules_post_update );
$new_inactive_modules = array_unique( $new_inactive_modules );
$new_inactive_modules = array_values( $new_inactive_modules );
$new_active_modules = array_diff( $current_modules_post_update, $current_modules );
$new_active_modules = array_unique( $new_active_modules );
$new_active_modules = array_values( $new_active_modules );
foreach ( $new_active_modules as $module ) {
* Fires when a specific module is activated.
* @since 1.9.0
* @param string $module Module slug.
* @param boolean $success whether the module was activated. @since 4.2
do_action( 'jetpack_activate_module', $module, $success );
* Fires when a module is activated.
* The dynamic part of the filter, $module, is the module slug.
* @since 1.9.0
* @param string $module Module slug.
do_action( "jetpack_activate_module_$module", $module );
foreach ( $new_inactive_modules as $module ) {
* Fired after a module has been deactivated.
* @since 4.2.0
* @param string $module Module slug.
* @param boolean $success whether the module was deactivated.
do_action( 'jetpack_deactivate_module', $module, $success );
* Fires when a module is deactivated.
* The dynamic part of the filter, $module, is the module slug.
* @since 1.9.0
* @param string $module Module slug.
do_action( "jetpack_deactivate_module_$module", $module );
return $success;