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<?php declare( strict_types=1 ); namespace Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\DependencyManagement; use Automattic\WooCommerce\Blocks\Package as BlocksPackage; use Automattic\WooCommerce\StoreApi\StoreApi; use Automattic\WooCommerce\Utilities\StringUtil; /** * Dependency injection container used at runtime. * * This is a simple container that doesn't implement explicit class registration. * Instead, all the classes in the Automattic\WooCommerce namespace can be resolved * and are considered as implicitly registered as single-instance classes * (so each class will be instantiated only once and the instance will be cached). */ class RuntimeContainer { /** * The root namespace of all WooCommerce classes in the `src` directory. * * @var string */ const WOOCOMMERCE_NAMESPACE = 'Automattic\\WooCommerce\\'; /** * Cache of classes already resolved. * * @var array */ protected array $resolved_cache; /** * A copy of the initial resolved classes cache passed to the constructor. * * @var array */ protected array $initial_resolved_cache; /** * Initializes a new instance of the class. * * @param array $initial_resolved_cache Dictionary of class name => instance, to be used as the starting point for the resolved classes cache. */ public function __construct( array $initial_resolved_cache ) { $this->initial_resolved_cache = $initial_resolved_cache; $this->resolved_cache = $initial_resolved_cache; } /** * Get an instance of a class. * * ContainerException will be thrown in these cases: * * - $class_name is outside the WooCommerce root namespace (and wasn't included in the initial resolve cache). * - The class referred by $class_name doesn't exist. * - Recursive resolution condition found. * - Reflection exception thrown when instantiating or initializing the class. * * A "recursive resolution condition" happens when class A depends on class B and at the same time class B depends on class A, directly or indirectly; * without proper handling this would lead to an infinite loop. * * Note that this method throwing ContainerException implies that code fixes are needed, it's not an error condition that's recoverable at runtime. * * @param string $class_name The class name. * * @return object The instance of the requested class. * @throws ContainerException Error when resolving the class to an object instance. * @throws \Exception Exception thrown in the constructor or in the 'init' method of one of the resolved classes. */ public function get( string $class_name ) { $class_name = trim( $class_name, '\\' ); $resolve_chain = array(); return $this->get_core( $class_name, $resolve_chain ); } /** * Core function to get an instance of a class. * * @param string $class_name The class name. * @param array $resolve_chain Classes already resolved in this resolution chain. Passed between recursive calls to the method in order to detect a recursive resolution condition. * @return object The resolved object. * @throws ContainerException Error when resolving the class to an object instance. */ protected function get_core( string $class_name, array &$resolve_chain ) { if ( isset( $this->resolved_cache[ $class_name ] ) ) { return $this->resolved_cache[ $class_name ]; } // phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.ExceptionNotEscaped if ( in_array( $class_name, $resolve_chain, true ) ) { throw new ContainerException( "Recursive resolution of class '$class_name'. Resolution chain: " . implode( ', ', $resolve_chain ) ); } if ( ! $this->is_class_allowed( $class_name ) ) { throw new ContainerException( "Attempt to get an instance of class '$class_name', which is not in the " . self::WOOCOMMERCE_NAMESPACE . ' namespace. Did you forget to add a namespace import?' ); } if ( ! class_exists( $class_name ) ) { throw new ContainerException( "Attempt to get an instance of class '$class_name', which doesn't exist." ); } // Account for the containers used by the Store API and Blocks. if ( StringUtil::starts_with( $class_name, 'Automattic\WooCommerce\StoreApi\\' ) ) { return StoreApi::container()->get( $class_name ); } if ( StringUtil::starts_with( $class_name, 'Automattic\WooCommerce\Blocks\\' ) ) { return BlocksPackage::container()->get( $class_name ); } $resolve_chain[] = $class_name; try { $instance = $this->instantiate_class_using_reflection( $class_name, $resolve_chain ); } catch ( \ReflectionException $e ) { throw new ContainerException( "Reflection error when resolving '$class_name': (" . get_class( $e ) . ") {$e->getMessage()}", 0, $e ); } // phpcs:enable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.ExceptionNotEscaped $this->resolved_cache[ $class_name ] = $instance; return $instance; } /** * Get an instance of a class using reflection. * This method recursively calls 'get_core' (which in turn calls this method) for each of the arguments * in the 'init' method of the resolved class (if the method is public and non-static). * * @param string $class_name The name of the class to resolve. * @param array $resolve_chain Classes already resolved in this resolution chain. Passed between recursive calls to the method in order to detect a recursive resolution condition. * @return object The resolved object. * * @throws ContainerException The 'init' method has invalid arguments. * @throws \ReflectionException Something went wrong when using reflection to get information about the class to resolve. */ private function instantiate_class_using_reflection( string $class_name, array &$resolve_chain ): object { $ref_class = new \ReflectionClass( $class_name ); $instance = $ref_class->newInstance(); if ( ! $ref_class->hasMethod( 'init' ) ) { return $instance; } $init_method = $ref_class->getMethod( 'init' ); if ( ! $init_method->isPublic() || $init_method->isStatic() ) { return $instance; } // phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.ExceptionNotEscaped $init_args = $init_method->getParameters(); $init_arg_instances = array_map( function ( \ReflectionParameter $arg ) use ( $class_name, &$resolve_chain ) { $arg_type = $arg->getType(); if ( ! ( $arg_type instanceof \ReflectionNamedType ) ) { throw new ContainerException( "Error resolving '$class_name': argument '\${$arg->getName()}' doesn't have a type declaration." ); } if ( $arg_type->isBuiltin() ) { throw new ContainerException( "Error resolving '$class_name': argument '\${$arg->getName()}' is not of a class type." ); } if ( $arg->isPassedByReference() ) { throw new ContainerException( "Error resolving '$class_name': argument '\${$arg->getName()}' is passed by reference." ); } return $this->get_core( $arg_type->getName(), $resolve_chain ); }, $init_args ); // phpcs:enable WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.ExceptionNotEscaped $init_method->invoke( $instance, ...$init_arg_instances ); return $instance; } /** * Tells if the 'get' method can be used to resolve a given class. * * @param string $class_name The class name. * @return bool True if the class with the supplied name can be resolved with 'get'. */ public function has( string $class_name ): bool { $class_name = trim( $class_name, '\\' ); return $this->is_class_allowed( $class_name ) || isset( $this->resolved_cache[ $class_name ] ); } /** * Checks to see whether a class is allowed to be registered. * * @param string $class_name The class to check. * * @return bool True if the class is allowed to be registered, false otherwise. */ protected function is_class_allowed( string $class_name ): bool { return StringUtil::starts_with( $class_name, self::WOOCOMMERCE_NAMESPACE, false ); } /** * Tells if this class should be used as the core WooCommerce dependency injection container (or if the old ExtendedContainer should be used instead). * * By default, this returns true, to have it return false you can: * * 1. Define the WOOCOMMERCE_USE_OLD_DI_CONTAINER constant with a value of true; or * 2. Hook on the 'woocommerce_use_old_di_container' filter and have it return false (it receives the value of WOOCOMMERCE_USE_OLD_DI_CONTAINER, or false if the constant doesn't exist). * * @return bool True if this class should be used as the core WooCommerce dependency injection container, false if ExtendedContainer should be used instead. */ public static function should_use(): bool { $should_use = ! defined( 'WOOCOMMERCE_USE_OLD_DI_CONTAINER' ) || true !== WOOCOMMERCE_USE_OLD_DI_CONTAINER; /** * Hook to decide if the old ExtendedContainer class (instead of RuntimeContainer) should be used as the underlying WooCommerce dependency injection container. * * NOTE: This hook will be removed in WooCommerce 9.5. * * @param bool $should_use Value of the WOOCOMMERCE_USE_OLD_DI_CONTAINER constant, false if the constant doesn't exist. * * @since 9.5.0 */ return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_use_old_di_container', $should_use ); } }