namespace WebPExpress;
use \WebPExpress\FileHelper;
use \WebPExpress\Multisite;
use \WebPExpress\PathHelper;
class Paths
public static function areAllImageRootsWithinDocRoot() {
if (!PathHelper::isDocRootAvailable()) {
return false;
$roots = self::getImageRootIds();
foreach ($roots as $dirId) {
$dir = self::getAbsDirById($dirId);
if (!PathHelper::canCalculateRelPathFromDocRootToDir($dir)) {
return false;
return true;
* Check if we can use document root for calculating relative paths (which may not contain "/.." directory traversal)
* Note that this method allows document root to be outside open_basedir as long as document root is
* non-empty AND it is possible to calculate relative paths to all image roots (including "index").
* Here is a case when a relative CAN be calculated:
* - Document root is configured to "/var/www/website" - which is also the absolute file path.
* - open_basedir is set to "/var/www/website/wordpress"
* - uploads is in "/var/www/website/wordpress/wp-content/uploads" (within open_basedir, as it should)
* - "/wp-uploads" symlinks to "/var/www/website/wordpress")
* - Wordpress has been configured to use "/wp-uploads" path for uploads.
* What happens?
* First, it is tested if the configured upload path ("/wp-uploads") begins with the configured document root ("/var/www/website").
* This fails.
* Next, it is tested if the uploads path can be resolved. It can, as it is within the open_basedir.
* Next, it is tested if the *resolved* the uploads path begins with the configured document root.
* As "/var/www/website/wordpress/wp-content/uploads" begins with "/var/www/website", we have a match.
* The relative path can be calculated to be "wordpress/wp-content/uploads".
* Later, when the relative path is used, it will be used as $docRoot + "/" + $relPath, which
* will be "/var/www/website/wordpress/wp-content/uploads". All is well.
* Here is a case where it CAN NOT be calculated:
* - Document root is configured to "/the-website", which symlinks to "/var/www/website"
* - open_basedir is set to "/var/www/website/wordpress"
* - uploads is in "/var/www/website/wordpress/wp-content/uploads" and wordpress is configured to use that upload path.
* What happens?
* First, it is tested if the configured upload path begins with the configured document root
* "/var/www/website/wordpress/wp-content/uploads" does not begin with "/the-website", so it fails.
* Next, it is tested if the *resolved* the uploads path begins with the configured document root.
* The resolved uploads path is the same as the configured so it also fails.
* Next, it is tested if Document root can be resolved. It can not, as the resolved path is not within open_basedir.
* If it could, it would have been tested if the resolved path begins with the resolved document root and we would have
* gotten a yes, and the relative path would have been "wordpress/wp-content/uploads" and it would work.
* However: Document root could not be resolved and we could not get a result.
* To sum the scenario up:
* If document root is configured to a symlink which cannot be resolved then it will only be possible to get relative paths
* when all other configured paths begins are relative to that symlink.
public static function canUseDocRootForRelPaths() {
if (!PathHelper::isDocRootAvailable()) {
return false;
return self::areAllImageRootsWithinDocRoot();
public static function canCalculateRelPathFromDocRootToDir($absPath) {
* Check if we can use document root for structuring the cache dir.
* In order to structure the images by doc-root, WebP Express needs all images to be within document root.
* Does WebP Express in addition to this need to be able to resolve document root?
* Short answer is yes.
* The long answer is available as a comment inside ConvertHelperIndependent::getDestination()
public static function canUseDocRootForStructuringCacheDir() {
return (PathHelper::isDocRootAvailableAndResolvable() && self::canUseDocRootForRelPaths());
public static function docRootStatusText()
if (!PathHelper::isDocRootAvailable()) {
if (!isset($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])) {
return 'Unavailable (DOCUMENT_ROOT is not set in the global $_SERVER var)';
if ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] == '') {
return 'Unavailable (empty string)';
return 'Unavailable';
$imageRootsWithin = self::canUseDocRootForRelPaths();
if (!PathHelper::isDocRootAvailableAndResolvable()) {
$status = 'Available, but either non-existing or not within open_basedir.' .
($imageRootsWithin ? '' : ' And not all image roots are within that document root.');
} elseif (!$imageRootsWithin) {
$status = 'Available, but not all image roots are within that document root.';
} else {
$status = 'Available and its "realpath" is available too.';
if (self::canUseDocRootForStructuringCacheDir()) {
$status .= ' Can be used for structuring cache dir.';
} else {
$status .= ' Cannot be used for structuring cache dir.';
return $status;
public static function getAbsDirId($absDir) {
switch ($absDir) {
case self::getContentDirAbs():
return 'wp-content';
case self::getIndexDirAbs():
return 'index';
case self::getHomeDirAbs():
return 'home';
case self::getPluginDirAbs():
return 'plugins';
case self::getUploadDirAbs():
return 'uploads';
case self::getThemesDirAbs():
return 'themes';
case self::getCacheDirAbs():
return 'cache';
return false;
public static function getAbsDirById($dirId) {
switch ($dirId) {
case 'wp-content':
return self::getContentDirAbs();
case 'index':
return self::getIndexDirAbs();
case 'home':
// "home" is still needed (used in PluginDeactivate.php)
return self::getHomeDirAbs();
case 'plugins':
return self::getPluginDirAbs();
case 'uploads':
return self::getUploadDirAbs();
case 'themes':
return self::getThemesDirAbs();
case 'cache':
return self::getCacheDirAbs();
return false;
* Get ids for folders where SOURCE images may reside
public static function getImageRootIds() {
return ['uploads', 'themes', 'plugins', 'wp-content', 'index'];
* Find which rootId a path belongs to.
* Note: If the root ids passed are ordered the way getImageRootIds() returns them, the root id
* returned will be the "deepest"
public static function findImageRootOfPath($path, $rootIdsToSearch) {
foreach ($rootIdsToSearch as $rootId) {
if (PathHelper::isPathWithinExistingDirPath($path, self::getAbsDirById($rootId))) {
return $rootId;
return false;
public static function getImageRootsDefForSelectedIds($ids) {
$canUseDocRootForRelPaths = self::canUseDocRootForRelPaths();
$mapping = [];
foreach ($ids as $rootId) {
$obj = [
'id' => $rootId,
$absPath = self::getAbsDirById($rootId);
if ($canUseDocRootForRelPaths) {
$obj['rel-path'] = PathHelper::getRelPathFromDocRootToDirNoDirectoryTraversalAllowed($absPath);
} else {
$obj['abs-path'] = $absPath;
$obj['url'] = self::getUrlById($rootId);
$mapping[] = $obj;
return $mapping;
public static function getImageRootsDef()
return self::getImageRootsDefForSelectedIds(self::getImageRootIds());
public static function filterOutSubRoots($rootIds)
// Get dirs of enabled roots
$dirs = [];
foreach ($rootIds as $rootId) {
$dirs[] = self::getAbsDirById($rootId);
// Filter out dirs which are below other dirs
$dirsToSkip = [];
foreach ($dirs as $dirToExamine) {
foreach ($dirs as $dirToCompareAgainst) {
if ($dirToExamine == $dirToCompareAgainst) {
if (self::isDirInsideDir($dirToExamine, $dirToCompareAgainst)) {
$dirsToSkip[] = $dirToExamine;
$dirs = array_diff($dirs, $dirsToSkip);
// back to ids
$result = [];
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
$result[] = self::getAbsDirId($dir);
return $result;
public static function createDirIfMissing($dir)
if (!@file_exists($dir)) {
// We use the wp_mkdir_p, because it takes care of setting folder
// permissions to that of parent, and handles creating deep structures too
return file_exists($dir);
* Find out if $dir1 is inside - or equal to - $dir2
public static function isDirInsideDir($dir1, $dir2)
$rel = PathHelper::getRelDir($dir2, $dir1);
return (substr($rel, 0, 3) != '../');
* Return absolute dir.
* - Path is canonicalized (without resolving symlinks)
* - trailing dash is removed - we don't use that around here.
* We do not resolve symlinks anymore. Information was lost that way.
* And in some cases we needed the unresolved path - for example in the .htaccess.
public static function getAbsDir($dir)
$dir = PathHelper::canonicalize($dir);
return rtrim($dir, '/');
$result = realpath($dir);
if ($result === false) {
$dir = PathHelper::canonicalize($dir);
} else {
$dir = $result;
// ------------ Home Dir -------------
// PS: Home dir is not the same as index dir.
// For example, if Wordpress folder has been moved (method 2), the home dir could be below.
public static function getHomeDirAbs()
if (!function_exists('get_home_path')) {
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php';
return self::getAbsDir(get_home_path());
// ------------ Index Dir (WP root dir) -------------
// (The Wordpress installation dir- where index.php and wp-load.php resides)
public static function getIndexDirAbs()
// We used to return self::getAbsDir(ABSPATH), which used realpath.
// It has been changed now, as it seems we do not need realpath for ABSPATH, as it is defined
// (in wp-load.php) as dirname(__FILE__) . "/" and according to this link, __FILE__ returns resolved paths:
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3221771/how-do-you-get-php-symlinks-and-file-to-work-together-nicely
// AND a user reported an open_basedir restriction problem thrown by realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']),
// due to symlinking and opendir restriction (see #322)
return rtrim(ABSPATH, '/');
// TODO: read up on this, regarding realpath:
// https://github.com/twigphp/Twig/issues/2707
// ------------ .htaccess dir -------------
// (directory containing the relevant .htaccess)
// (see https://github.com/rosell-dk/webp-express/issues/36)
public static function canWriteHTAccessRulesHere($dirName) {
return FileHelper::canEditOrCreateFileHere($dirName . '/.htaccess');
public static function canWriteHTAccessRulesInDir($dirId) {
return self::canWriteHTAccessRulesHere(self::getAbsDirById($dirId));
public static function returnFirstWritableHTAccessDir($dirs)
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
if (self::canWriteHTAccessRulesHere($dir)) {
return $dir;
return false;
// ------------ Content Dir (the "WP" content dir) -------------
public static function getContentDirAbs()
return self::getAbsDir(WP_CONTENT_DIR);
public static function getContentDirRel()
return PathHelper::getRelPathFromDocRootToDirNoDirectoryTraversalAllowed(self::getContentDirAbs());
public static function getContentDirRelToPluginDir()
return PathHelper::getRelDir(self::getPluginDirAbs(), self::getContentDirAbs());
public static function getContentDirRelToWebPExpressPluginDir()
return PathHelper::getRelDir(self::getWebPExpressPluginDirAbs(), self::getContentDirAbs());
public static function isWPContentDirMoved()
return (self::getContentDirAbs() != (ABSPATH . 'wp-content'));
public static function isWPContentDirMovedOutOfAbsPath()
return !(self::isDirInsideDir(self::getContentDirAbs(), ABSPATH));
// ------------ Themes Dir -------------
public static function getThemesDirAbs()
return self::getContentDirAbs() . '/themes';
// ------------ WebPExpress Content Dir -------------
// (the "webp-express" directory inside wp-content)
public static function getWebPExpressContentDirAbs()
return self::getContentDirAbs() . '/webp-express';
public static function getWebPExpressContentDirRel()
return PathHelper::getRelPathFromDocRootToDirNoDirectoryTraversalAllowed(self::getWebPExpressContentDirAbs());
public static function createContentDirIfMissing()
return self::createDirIfMissing(self::getWebPExpressContentDirAbs());
// ------------ Upload Dir -------------
public static function getUploadDirAbs()
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(null, false);
return self::getAbsDir($upload_dir['basedir']);
public static function getUploadDirRel()
return PathHelper::getRelPathFromDocRootToDirNoDirectoryTraversalAllowed(self::getUploadDirAbs());
public static function getUploadDirAbs()
if ( defined( 'UPLOADS' ) ) {
return ABSPATH . rtrim(UPLOADS, '/');
} else {
return self::getContentDirAbs() . '/uploads';
public static function isUploadDirMovedOutOfWPContentDir()
return !(self::isDirInsideDir(self::getUploadDirAbs(), self::getContentDirAbs()));
public static function isUploadDirMovedOutOfAbsPath()
return !(self::isDirInsideDir(self::getUploadDirAbs(), ABSPATH));
// ------------ Config Dir -------------
public static function getConfigDirAbs()
return self::getWebPExpressContentDirAbs() . '/config';
public static function getConfigDirRel()
return PathHelper::getRelPathFromDocRootToDirNoDirectoryTraversalAllowed(self::getConfigDirAbs());
public static function createConfigDirIfMissing()
$configDir = self::getConfigDirAbs();
// Using code from Wordfence bootstrap.php...
// Why not simply use wp_mkdir_p ? - it sets the permissions to same as parent. Isn't that better?
// or perhaps not... - Because we need write permissions in the config dir.
if (!is_dir($configDir)) {
@mkdir($configDir, 0775);
@chmod($configDir, 0775);
@file_put_contents(rtrim($configDir . '/') . '/.htaccess', <<<APACHE
<IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
Require all denied
<IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
@chmod($configDir . '/.htaccess', 0664);
return is_dir($configDir);
public static function getConfigFileName()
return self::getConfigDirAbs() . '/config.json';
public static function getWodOptionsFileName()
return self::getConfigDirAbs() . '/wod-options.json';
// ------------ Cache Dir -------------
public static function getCacheDirAbs()
return self::getWebPExpressContentDirAbs() . '/webp-images';
public static function getCacheDirRelToDocRoot()
return PathHelper::getRelPathFromDocRootToDirNoDirectoryTraversalAllowed(self::getCacheDirAbs());
public static function getCacheDirForImageRoot($destinationFolder, $destinationStructure, $imageRootId)
if (($destinationFolder == 'mingled') && ($imageRootId == 'uploads')) {
return self::getUploadDirAbs();
if ($destinationStructure == 'doc-root') {
$relPath = PathHelper::getRelPathFromDocRootToDirNoDirectoryTraversalAllowed(
return self::getCacheDirAbs() . '/doc-root/' . $relPath;
} else {
return self::getCacheDirAbs() . '/' . $imageRootId;
public static function createCacheDirIfMissing()
return self::createDirIfMissing(self::getCacheDirAbs());
// ------------ Log Dir -------------
public static function getLogDirAbs()
return self::getWebPExpressContentDirAbs() . '/log';
// ------------ Bigger-than-source dir -------------
public static function getBiggerThanSourceDirAbs()
return self::getWebPExpressContentDirAbs() . '/webp-images-bigger-than-source';
// ------------ Plugin Dir (all plugins) -------------
public static function getPluginDirAbs()
return self::getAbsDir(WP_PLUGIN_DIR);
public static function isPluginDirMovedOutOfAbsPath()
return !(self::isDirInsideDir(self::getPluginDirAbs(), ABSPATH));
public static function isPluginDirMovedOutOfWpContent()
return !(self::isDirInsideDir(self::getPluginDirAbs(), self::getContentDirAbs()));
// ------------ WebP Express Plugin Dir -------------
public static function getWebPExpressPluginDirAbs()
return self::getAbsDir(WEBPEXPRESS_PLUGIN_DIR);
// ------------------------------------
// --------- Url paths ----------
// ------------------------------------
* Get url path (relative to domain) from absolute url.
* Ie: "http://example.com/blog" => "blog"
* Btw: By "url path" we shall always mean relative to domain
* By "url" we shall always mean complete URL (with domain and everything)
* (or at least something that starts with it...)
* Also note that in this library, we never returns trailing or leading slashes.
public static function getUrlPathFromUrl($url)
$parsed = parse_url($url);
if (!isset($parsed['path'])) {
return '';
if (is_null($parsed['path'])) {
return '';
$path = untrailingslashit($parsed['path']);
return ltrim($path, '/\\');
public static function getUrlById($dirId) {
switch ($dirId) {
case 'wp-content':
return self::getContentUrl();
case 'index':
return self::getHomeUrl();
case 'home':
return self::getHomeUrl();
case 'plugins':
return self::getPluginsUrl();
case 'uploads':
return self::getUploadUrl();
case 'themes':
return self::getThemesUrl();
return false;
* Get destination root url and path, provided rootId and some configuration options
* This method kind of establishes the overall structure of the cache dir.
* (but not quite, as the logic is also in ConverterHelperIndependent::getDestination).
* @param string $rootId
* @param DestinationOptions $destinationOptions
* @return array url and abs-path of destination root
public static function destinationRoot($rootId, $destinationOptions)
if (($destinationOptions->mingled) && ($rootId == 'uploads')) {
return [
'url' => self::getUrlById('uploads'),
'abs-path' => self::getUploadDirAbs()
} else {
// Its within these bases:
$destUrl = self::getUrlById('wp-content') . '/webp-express/webp-images';
$destPath = self::getAbsDirById('wp-content') . '/webp-express/webp-images';
if (($destinationOptions->useDocRoot) && self::canUseDocRootForStructuringCacheDir()) {
$relPathFromDocRootToSourceImageRoot = PathHelper::getRelPathFromDocRootToDirNoDirectoryTraversalAllowed(
return [
'url' => $destUrl . '/doc-root/' . $relPathFromDocRootToSourceImageRoot,
'abs-path' => $destPath . '/doc-root/' . $relPathFromDocRootToSourceImageRoot
} else {
$extraPath = '';
if (is_multisite() && (get_current_blog_id() != 1)) {
$extraPath = '/sites/' . get_current_blog_id(); // #510
return [
'url' => $destUrl . '/' . $rootId . $extraPath,
'abs-path' => $destPath . '/' . $rootId . $extraPath
public static function getRootAndRelPathForDestination($destinationPath, $imageRoots) {
foreach ($imageRoots->getArray() as $i => $imageRoot) {
$rootPath = $imageRoot->getAbsPath();
if (strpos($destinationPath, realpath($rootPath)) !== false) {
$relPath = substr($destinationPath, strlen(realpath($rootPath)) + 1);
return [$imageRoot->id, $relPath];
return ['', ''];
// PST:
// appendOrSetExtension() have been copied from ConvertHelperIndependent.
// TODO: I should complete the move ASAP.
* Append ".webp" to path or replace extension with "webp", depending on what is appropriate.
* If destination-folder is set to mingled and destination-extension is set to "set" and
* the path is inside upload folder, the appropriate thing is to SET the extension.
* Otherwise, it is to APPEND.
* @param string $path
* @param string $destinationFolder
* @param string $destinationExt
* @param boolean $inUploadFolder
public static function appendOrSetExtension($path, $destinationFolder, $destinationExt, $inUploadFolder)
if (($destinationFolder == 'mingled') && ($destinationExt == 'set') && $inUploadFolder) {
return preg_replace('/\\.(jpe?g|png)$/i', '', $path) . '.webp';
} else {
return $path . '.webp';
* Get destination root url and path, provided rootId and some configuration options
* This method kind of establishes the overall structure of the cache dir.
* (but not quite, as the logic is also in ConverterHelperIndependent::getDestination).
* @param string $rootId
* @param string $relPath
* @param string $destinationFolder ("mingled" or "separate")
* @param string $destinationExt ('append' or 'set')
* @param string $destinationStructure ("doc-root" or "image-roots")
* @return array url and abs-path of destination
public static function destinationPath($rootId, $relPath, $destinationFolder, $destinationExt, $destinationStructure) {
// TODO: Current logic will not do!
// We must use ConvertHelper::getDestination for the abs path.
// And we must use logic from AlterHtmlHelper to get the URL
// Perhaps this method must be abandonned
$root = self::destinationRoot($rootId, $destinationFolder, $destinationStructure);
$inUploadFolder = ($rootId == 'upload');
$relPath = ConvertHelperIndependent::appendOrSetExtension($relPath, $destinationFolder, $destinationExt, $inUploadFolder);
return [
'abs-path' => $root['abs-path'] . '/' . $relPath,
'url' => $root['url'] . '/' . $relPath,
public static function destinationPathConvenience($rootId, $relPath, $config) {
return self::destinationPath(
public static function getDestinationPathCorrespondingToSource($source, $destinationOptions) {
return Destination::getDestinationPathCorrespondingToSource(
new ImageRoots(self::getImageRootsDef())
public static function getUrlPathById($dirId) {
return self::getUrlPathFromUrl(self::getUrlById($dirId));
public static function getHostNameOfUrl($url) {
$urlComponents = parse_url($url);
/* ie:
[scheme] => http
[host] => we0
[path] => /wordpress/uploads-moved
if (!isset($urlComponents['host'])) {
return '';
} else {
return $urlComponents['host'];
// Get complete home url (no trailing slash). Ie: "http://example.com/blog"
public static function getHomeUrl()
if (!function_exists('home_url')) {
// silence is golden?
// bad joke. Need to handle this...
return untrailingslashit(home_url());
/** Get home url, relative to domain. Ie "" or "blog"
* If home url is for example http://example.com/blog/, the result is "blog"
public static function getHomeUrlPath()
return self::getUrlPathFromUrl(self::getHomeUrl());
public static function getUploadUrl()
$uploadDir = wp_upload_dir(null, false);
return untrailingslashit($uploadDir['baseurl']);
public static function getUploadUrlPath()
return self::getUrlPathFromUrl(self::getUploadUrl());
public static function getContentUrl()
return untrailingslashit(content_url());
public static function getContentUrlPath()
return self::getUrlPathFromUrl(self::getContentUrl());
public static function getThemesUrl()
return self::getContentUrl() . '/themes';
* Get Url to plugins (base)
public static function getPluginsUrl()
return untrailingslashit(plugins_url());
* Get Url to WebP Express plugin (this is in fact an incomplete URL, you need to append ie '/webp-on-demand.php' to get a full URL)
public static function getWebPExpressPluginUrl()
return untrailingslashit(plugins_url('', WEBPEXPRESS_PLUGIN));
public static function getWebPExpressPluginUrlPath()
return self::getUrlPathFromUrl(self::getWebPExpressPluginUrl());
public static function getWodFolderUrlPath()
self::getWebPExpressPluginUrlPath() .
public static function getWod2FolderUrlPath()
self::getWebPExpressPluginUrlPath() .
public static function getWodUrlPath()
self::getWodFolderUrlPath() .
public static function getWod2UrlPath()
self::getWod2FolderUrlPath() .
public static function getWebPRealizerUrlPath()
self::getWodFolderUrlPath() .
public static function getWebPRealizer2UrlPath()
self::getWod2FolderUrlPath() .
public static function getWebServiceUrl()
//return self::getWebPExpressPluginUrl() . '/wpc.php';
//return self::getHomeUrl() . '/webp-express-server';
return self::getHomeUrl() . '/webp-express-web-service';
public static function getUrlsAndPathsForTheJavascript()
return [
'urls' => [
'webpExpressRoot' => self::getWebPExpressPluginUrlPath(),
'content' => self::getContentUrlPath(),
'filePaths' => [
'webpExpressRoot' => self::getWebPExpressPluginDirAbs(),
'destinationRoot' => self::getCacheDirAbs(),
public static function getSettingsUrl()
if (!function_exists('admin_url')) {
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-includes/link-template.php';
if (Multisite::isNetworkActivated()) {
// network_admin_url is also defined in link-template.php.
return network_admin_url('settings.php?page=webp_express_settings_page');
} else {
return admin_url('options-general.php?page=webp_express_settings_page');