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<?php namespace Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\DataStores\Orders; use Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\Utilities\DatabaseUtil; use Exception; /** * Creates the join and where clauses needed to perform an order search using Custom Order Tables. * * @internal */ class OrdersTableSearchQuery { /** * Holds the Orders Table Query object. * * @var OrdersTableQuery */ private $query; /** * Holds the search term to be used in the WHERE clauses. * * @var string */ private $search_term; /** * Limits the search to a specific field. * * @var string[] */ private $search_filters; /** * Creates the JOIN and WHERE clauses needed to execute a search of orders. * * @internal * * @param OrdersTableQuery $query The order query object. */ public function __construct( OrdersTableQuery $query ) { $this->query = $query; $this->search_term = $query->get( 's' ); $this->search_filters = $this->sanitize_search_filters( $query->get( 'search_filter' ) ?? '' ); } /** * Sanitize search filter param. * * @param string $search_filter Search filter param. * * @return array Array of search filters. */ private function sanitize_search_filters( string $search_filter ): array { $core_filters = array( 'order_id', 'transaction_id', 'customer_email', 'customers', // customers also searches in meta. 'products', ); if ( 'all' === $search_filter || '' === $search_filter ) { return $core_filters; } else { return array( $search_filter ); } } /** * Supplies an array of clauses to be used in an order query. * * @internal * @throws Exception If unable to generate either the JOIN or WHERE SQL fragments. * * @return array { * @type string $join JOIN clause. * @type string $where WHERE clause. * } */ public function get_sql_clauses(): array { return array( 'join' => array( $this->generate_join() ), 'where' => array( $this->generate_where() ), ); } /** * Generates the necessary JOIN clauses for the order search to be performed. * * @throws Exception May be triggered if a table name cannot be determined. * * @return string */ private function generate_join(): string { $join = array(); foreach ( $this->search_filters as $search_filter ) { $join[] = $this->generate_join_for_search_filter( $search_filter ); } return implode( ' ', $join ); } /** * Generate JOIN clause for a given search filter. * Right now we only have the products filter that actually does a JOIN, but in the future we may add more -- for example, custom order fields, payment tokens, and so on. This function makes it easier to add more filters in the future. * * If a search filter needs a JOIN, it will also need a WHERE clause. * * @param string $search_filter Name of the search filter. * * @return string JOIN clause. */ private function generate_join_for_search_filter( $search_filter ): string { /** * Filter to support adding a custom order search filter. * Provide a JOIN clause for a new search filter. This should be used along with `woocommerce_hpos_admin_search_filters` * to declare a new custom filter, and `woocommerce_hpos_generate_where_for_search_filter` to generate the WHERE * clause. * * Hardcoded JOINS (products) cannot be modified using this filter for consistency. * * @since 8.9.0 * * @param string $join The JOIN clause. * @param string $search_term The search term. * @param string $search_filter The search filter. Use this to bail early if this is not filter you are interested in. * @param OrdersTableQuery $query The order query object. */ return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_hpos_generate_join_for_search_filter', '', $this->search_term, $search_filter, $this->query ); } /** * Generates the necessary WHERE clauses for the order search to be performed. * * @throws Exception May be triggered if a table name cannot be determined. * * @return string */ private function generate_where(): string { $where = array(); $possible_order_id = (string) absint( $this->search_term ); $order_table = $this->query->get_table_name( 'orders' ); // Support the passing of an order ID as the search term. if ( (string) $this->query->get( 's' ) === $possible_order_id ) { $where[] = "`$order_table`.id = $possible_order_id"; } foreach ( $this->search_filters as $search_filter ) { $search_where = trim( $this->generate_where_for_search_filter( $search_filter ) ); if ( strlen( $search_where ) > 0 ) { $where[] = $search_where; } } $where_statement = implode( ' OR ', $where ); return ( strlen( $where_statement ) > 0 ) ? " ( $where_statement ) " : ''; } /** * Generates WHERE clause for a given search filter. Right now we only have the products and customers filters that actually use WHERE, but in the future we may add more -- for example, custom order fields, payment tokens and so on. This function makes it easier to add more filters in the future. * * @param string $search_filter Name of the search filter. * * @return string WHERE clause. */ private function generate_where_for_search_filter( string $search_filter ): string { global $wpdb; $order_table = $this->query->get_table_name( 'orders' ); if ( 'customer_email' === $search_filter ) { return $wpdb->prepare( "`$order_table`.billing_email LIKE %s", // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared -- $order_table is hardcoded. $wpdb->esc_like( $this->search_term ) . '%' ); } if ( 'order_id' === $search_filter && is_numeric( $this->search_term ) ) { return $wpdb->prepare( "`$order_table`.id = %d", // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared -- $order_table is hardcoded. absint( $this->search_term ) ); } if ( 'transaction_id' === $search_filter ) { return $wpdb->prepare( "`$order_table`.transaction_id LIKE %s", // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared -- $order_table is hardcoded. '%' . $wpdb->esc_like( $this->search_term ) . '%' ); } if ( 'products' === $search_filter ) { return $this->get_where_for_products(); } if ( 'customers' === $search_filter ) { return $this->get_where_for_customers(); } /** * Filter to support adding a custom order search filter. * Provide a WHERE clause for a custom search filter via this filter. This should be used with the * `woocommerce_hpos_admin_search_filters` to declare a new custom filter, and optionally also with the * `woocommerce_hpos_generate_join_for_search_filter` filter if a join is also needed. * * Hardcoded filters (products, customers, ID and email) cannot be modified using this filter for consistency. * * @since 8.9.0 * * @param string $where WHERE clause to add to the search query. * @param string $search_term The search term. * @param string $search_filter Name of the search filter. Use this to bail early if this is not the filter you are looking for. * @param OrdersTableQuery $query The order query object. */ return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_hpos_generate_where_for_search_filter', '', $this->search_term, $search_filter, $this->query ); } /** * Helper function to generate the WHERE clause for products search. Uses FTS when available. * * @return string|null WHERE clause for products search. */ private function get_where_for_products() { global $wpdb; $db_util = wc_get_container()->get( DatabaseUtil::class ); $items_table = $this->query->get_table_name( 'items' ); $orders_table = $this->query->get_table_name( 'orders' ); $fts_enabled = get_option( CustomOrdersTableController::HPOS_FTS_INDEX_OPTION ) === 'yes' && get_option( CustomOrdersTableController::HPOS_FTS_ORDER_ITEM_INDEX_CREATED_OPTION ) === 'yes'; if ( $fts_enabled ) { // phpcs:disable WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared -- $orders_table and $items_table are hardcoded. return $wpdb->prepare( " $ in ( SELECT order_id FROM $items_table search_query_items WHERE MATCH ( search_query_items.order_item_name ) AGAINST ( %s IN BOOLEAN MODE ) ) ", $wpdb->esc_like( $db_util->sanitise_boolean_fts_search_term( $this->search_term ) ), ); // phpcs:enable } // phpcs:disable WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared -- $orders_table and $items_table are hardcoded. return $wpdb->prepare( " $ in ( SELECT order_id FROM $items_table search_query_items WHERE search_query_items.order_item_name LIKE %s ) ", '%' . $wpdb->esc_like( $this->search_term ) . '%' ); // phpcs:enable } /** * Helper function to generate the WHERE clause for customers search. Uses FTS when available. * * @return string|null WHERE clause for customers search. */ private function get_where_for_customers() { global $wpdb; $order_table = $this->query->get_table_name( 'orders' ); $address_table = $this->query->get_table_name( 'addresses' ); $db_util = wc_get_container()->get( DatabaseUtil::class ); $fts_enabled = get_option( CustomOrdersTableController::HPOS_FTS_INDEX_OPTION ) === 'yes' && get_option( CustomOrdersTableController::HPOS_FTS_ADDRESS_INDEX_CREATED_OPTION ) === 'yes'; if ( $fts_enabled ) { $matchers = "$address_table.first_name, $address_table.last_name, $, $address_table.address_1, $address_table.address_2, $, $address_table.state, $address_table.postcode, $, $"; // Support for phone was added in 9.4. if ( version_compare( get_option( 'woocommerce_db_version' ), '9.4.0', '>=' ) ) { $matchers .= ", $"; } // phpcs:disable WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared -- $order_table and $address_table are hardcoded. return $wpdb->prepare( " $ IN ( SELECT order_id FROM $address_table WHERE MATCH( $matchers ) AGAINST ( %s IN BOOLEAN MODE ) ) ", $wpdb->esc_like( $db_util->sanitise_boolean_fts_search_term( $this->search_term ) ) ); // phpcs:enable } $meta_sub_query = $this->generate_where_for_meta_table(); return "`$order_table`.id IN ( $meta_sub_query ) "; } /** * Generates where clause for meta table. * * Note we generate the where clause as a subquery to be used by calling function inside the IN clause. This is against the general wisdom for performance, but in this particular case, a subquery is able to use the order_id-meta_key-meta_value index, which is not possible with a join. * * Since it can use the index, which otherwise would not be possible, it is much faster than both LEFT JOIN or SQL_CALC approach that could have been used. * * @return string The where clause for meta table. */ private function generate_where_for_meta_table(): string { global $wpdb; $meta_table = $this->query->get_table_name( 'meta' ); $meta_fields = $this->get_meta_fields_to_be_searched(); if ( '' === $meta_fields ) { return '-1'; } // phpcs:disable WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared -- $meta_fields is already escaped before imploding, $meta_table is hardcoded. return $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT search_query_meta.order_id FROM $meta_table as search_query_meta WHERE search_query_meta.meta_key IN ( $meta_fields ) AND search_query_meta.meta_value LIKE %s GROUP BY search_query_meta.order_id ", '%' . $wpdb->esc_like( $this->search_term ) . '%' ); // phpcs:enable } /** * Returns the order meta field keys to be searched. * * These will be returned as a single string, where the meta keys have been escaped, quoted and are * comma-separated (ie, "'abc', 'foo'" - ready for inclusion in a SQL IN() clause). * * @return string */ private function get_meta_fields_to_be_searched(): string { $meta_fields_to_search = array( '_billing_address_index', '_shipping_address_index', ); /** * Controls the order meta keys to be included in search queries. * * This hook is used when Custom Order Tables are in use: the corresponding hook when CPT-orders are in use * is 'woocommerce_shop_order_search_fields'. * * @since 7.0.0 * * @param array */ $meta_keys = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_order_table_search_query_meta_keys', $meta_fields_to_search ); $meta_keys = (array) array_map( function ( string $meta_key ): string { return "'" . esc_sql( wc_clean( $meta_key ) ) . "'"; }, $meta_keys ); return implode( ',', $meta_keys ); } }