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<?php namespace WebPExpress; class CLI extends \WP_CLI_Command { private static function printableSize($bytes) { return ($bytes < 10000) ? $bytes . " bytes" : round($bytes / 1024) . ' kb'; } /** * Convert images to webp * * ## OPTIONS * [<location>] * : Limit which folders to process to a single location. Ie "uploads/2021". The first part is the * "image root", which must be "uploads", "themes", "plugins", "wp-content" or "index" * * [--reconvert] * : Even convert images that are already converted (new conversions replaces the old conversions) * * [--only-png] * : Only convert PNG images * * [--only-jpeg] * : Only convert jpeg images * * [--quality] * : Override quality with specified (0-100) * * [--near-lossless] * : Override near-lossless quality with specified (0-100) * * [--alpha-quality] * : Override alpha-quality quality with specified (0-100) * * [--encoding] * : Override encoding quality with specified ("auto", "lossy" or "lossless") * * [--converter=<converter>] * : Specify the converter to use (default is to use the stack). Valid options: cwebp | vips | ewww | imagemagick | imagick | gmagick | graphicsmagick | ffmpeg | gd | wpc | ewww */ public function convert($args, $assoc_args) { $config = Config::loadConfigAndFix(); $override = []; if (isset($assoc_args['quality'])) { $override['max-quality'] = intval($assoc_args['quality']); $override['png-quality'] = intval($assoc_args['quality']); } if (isset($assoc_args['near-lossless'])) { $override['png-near-lossless'] = intval($assoc_args['near-lossless']); $override['jpeg-near-lossless'] = intval($assoc_args['near-lossless']); } if (isset($assoc_args['alpha-quality'])) { $override['alpha-quality'] = intval($assoc_args['alpha-quality']); } if (isset($assoc_args['encoding'])) { if (!in_array($assoc_args['encoding'], ['auto', 'lossy', 'lossless'])) { \WP_CLI::error('encoding must be auto, lossy or lossless'); } $override['png-encoding'] = $assoc_args['encoding']; $override['jpeg-encoding'] = $assoc_args['encoding']; } if (isset($assoc_args['converter'])) { if (!in_array($assoc_args['converter'], ConvertersHelper::getDefaultConverterNames())) { \WP_CLI::error( '"' . $assoc_args['converter'] . '" is not a valid converter id. ' . 'Valid converters are: ' . implode(', ', ConvertersHelper::getDefaultConverterNames()) ); } } $config = array_merge($config, $override); \WP_CLI::log('Converting with the following settings:'); \WP_CLI::log('- Lossless quality: ' . $config['png-quality'] . ' for PNG, ' . $config['max-quality'] . " for jpeg"); \WP_CLI::log( '- Near lossless: ' . ($config['png-enable-near-lossless'] ? $config['png-near-lossless'] : 'disabled') . ' for PNG, ' . ($config['jpeg-enable-near-lossless'] ? $config['jpeg-near-lossless'] : 'disabled') . ' for jpeg, ' ); \WP_CLI::log('- Alpha quality: ' . $config['alpha-quality']); \WP_CLI::log('- Encoding: ' . $config['png-encoding'] . ' for PNG, ' . $config['jpeg-encoding'] . " for jpeg"); if (count($override) == 0) { \WP_CLI::log('Note that you can override these with --quality=<quality>, etc'); } \WP_CLI::log(''); $listOptions = BulkConvert::defaultListOptions($config); if (isset($assoc_args['reconvert'])) { $listOptions['filter']['only-unconverted'] = false; } if (isset($assoc_args['only-png'])) { $listOptions['filter']['image-types'] = 2; } if (isset($assoc_args['only-jpeg'])) { $listOptions['filter']['image-types'] = 1; } if (!isset($args[0])) { $groups = BulkConvert::getList($config, $listOptions); foreach($groups as $group){ \WP_CLI::log($group['groupName'] . ' contains ' . count($group['files']) . ' ' . (isset($assoc_args['reconvert']) ? '' : 'unconverted ') . 'files'); } \WP_CLI::log(''); } else { $location = $args[0]; if (strpos($location, '/') === 0) { $location = substr($location, 1); } if (strpos($location, '/') === false) { $rootId = $location; $path = '.'; } else { list($rootId, $path) = explode('/', $location, 2); } if (!in_array($rootId, Paths::getImageRootIds())) { \WP_CLI::error( '"' . $args[0] . '" is not a valid image root. ' . 'Valid roots are: ' . implode(', ', Paths::getImageRootIds()) ); } $root = Paths::getAbsDirById($rootId) . '/' . $path; if (!file_exists($root)) { \WP_CLI::error( '"' . $args[0] . '" does not exist. ' ); } $listOptions['root'] = $root; $groups = [ [ 'groupName' => $args[0], 'root' => $root, 'files' => BulkConvert::getListRecursively('.', $listOptions) ] ]; if (count($groups[0]['files']) == 0) { \WP_CLI::log('Nothing to convert in ' . $args[0]); } } $orgTotalFilesize = 0; $webpTotalFilesize = 0; $converter = null; $convertOptions = null; if (isset($assoc_args['converter'])) { $converter = $assoc_args['converter']; $convertOptions = Config::generateWodOptionsFromConfigObj($config)['webp-convert']['convert']; // find the converter $optionsForThisConverter = null; foreach ($convertOptions['converters'] as $c) { if ($c['converter'] == $converter) { $optionsForThisConverter = (isset($c['options']) ? $c['options'] : []); break; } } if (!is_array($optionsForThisConverter)) { \WP_CLI::error('Failed handling options'); } $convertOptions = array_merge($convertOptions, $optionsForThisConverter); unset($convertOptions['converters']); } foreach($groups as $group){ if (count($group['files']) == 0) continue; \WP_CLI::log('Converting ' . count($group['files']) . ' files in ' . $group['groupName']); \WP_CLI::log('------------------------------'); $root = $group['root']; $files = array_reverse($group['files']); //echo count($group["files"]); foreach($files as $key => $file) { $path = trailingslashit($group['root']) . $file; \WP_CLI::log('Converting: ' . $file); $result = Convert::convertFile($path, $config, $convertOptions, $converter); if ($result['success']) { $orgSize = $result['filesize-original']; $webpSize = $result['filesize-webp']; $orgTotalFilesize += $orgSize; $webpTotalFilesize += $webpSize; //$percentage = round(($orgSize - $webpSize)/$orgSize * 100); $percentage = ($orgSize == 0 ? 100 : round(($webpSize/$orgSize) * 100)); \WP_CLI::log( \WP_CLI::colorize( "%GOK%n. " . "Size: " . ($percentage<90 ? "%G" : ($percentage<100 ? "%Y" : "%R")) . $percentage . "% %nof original" . " (" . self::printableSize($orgSize) . ' => ' . self::printableSize($webpSize) . ") " ) ); //print_r($result); } else { \WP_CLI::log( \WP_CLI::colorize("%RConversion failed. " . $result['msg'] . "%n") ); } } } if ($orgTotalFilesize > 0) { $percentage = ($orgTotalFilesize == 0 ? 100 : round(($webpTotalFilesize/$orgTotalFilesize) * 100)); \WP_CLI::log( \WP_CLI::colorize( "Done. " . "Size of webps: " . ($percentage<90 ? "%G" : ($percentage<100 ? "%Y" : "%R")) . $percentage . "% %nof original" . " (" . self::printableSize($orgTotalFilesize) . ' => ' . self::printableSize($webpTotalFilesize) . ") " ) ); } } /** * Flush webps * * ## OPTIONS * [--only-png] * : Only flush webps that are conversions of a PNG) */ public function flushwebp($args, $assoc_args) { $config = Config::loadConfigAndFix(); $onlyPng = isset($assoc_args['only-png']); if ($onlyPng) { \WP_CLI::log('Flushing webp files that are conversions of PNG images'); } else { \WP_CLI::log('Flushing all webp files'); } $result = CachePurge::purge($config, $onlyPng); \WP_CLI::log( \WP_CLI::colorize("%GFlushed " . $result['delete-count'] . " webp files%n") ); if ($result['fail-count'] > 0) { \WP_CLI::log( \WP_CLI::colorize("%RFailed deleting " . $result['fail-count'] . " webp files%n") ); } } }