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<?php declare (strict_types=1); namespace ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\Source; use ElementorDeps\DI\Annotation\Inject; use ElementorDeps\DI\Annotation\Injectable; use ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\Exception\InvalidAnnotation; use ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\ObjectDefinition; use ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\ObjectDefinition\MethodInjection; use ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\ObjectDefinition\PropertyInjection; use ElementorDeps\DI\Definition\Reference; use ElementorDeps\Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationRegistry; use ElementorDeps\Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Reader; use ElementorDeps\Doctrine\Common\Annotations\SimpleAnnotationReader; use InvalidArgumentException; use ElementorDeps\PhpDocReader\PhpDocReader; use ReflectionClass; use ReflectionMethod; use ReflectionNamedType; use ReflectionParameter; use ReflectionProperty; use UnexpectedValueException; /** * Provides DI definitions by reading annotations such as @ Inject and @ var annotations. * * Uses Autowiring, Doctrine's Annotations and regex docblock parsing. * This source automatically includes the reflection source. * * @author Matthieu Napoli <> */ class AnnotationBasedAutowiring implements DefinitionSource, Autowiring { /** * @var Reader */ private $annotationReader; /** * @var PhpDocReader */ private $phpDocReader; /** * @var bool */ private $ignorePhpDocErrors; public function __construct($ignorePhpDocErrors = \false) { $this->ignorePhpDocErrors = (bool) $ignorePhpDocErrors; } public function autowire(string $name, ObjectDefinition $definition = null) { $className = $definition ? $definition->getClassName() : $name; if (!\class_exists($className) && !\interface_exists($className)) { return $definition; } $definition = $definition ?: new ObjectDefinition($name); $class = new ReflectionClass($className); $this->readInjectableAnnotation($class, $definition); // Browse the class properties looking for annotated properties $this->readProperties($class, $definition); // Browse the object's methods looking for annotated methods $this->readMethods($class, $definition); return $definition; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * @throws InvalidAnnotation * @throws InvalidArgumentException The class doesn't exist */ public function getDefinition(string $name) { return $this->autowire($name); } /** * Autowiring cannot guess all existing definitions. */ public function getDefinitions() : array { return []; } /** * Browse the class properties looking for annotated properties. */ private function readProperties(ReflectionClass $class, ObjectDefinition $definition) { foreach ($class->getProperties() as $property) { if ($property->isStatic()) { continue; } $this->readProperty($property, $definition); } // Read also the *private* properties of the parent classes /** @noinspection PhpAssignmentInConditionInspection */ while ($class = $class->getParentClass()) { foreach ($class->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE) as $property) { if ($property->isStatic()) { continue; } $this->readProperty($property, $definition, $class->getName()); } } } private function readProperty(ReflectionProperty $property, ObjectDefinition $definition, $classname = null) { // Look for @Inject annotation $annotation = $this->getAnnotationReader()->getPropertyAnnotation($property, 'ElementorDeps\\DI\\Annotation\\Inject'); if (!$annotation instanceof Inject) { return; } // Try to @Inject("name") or look for @var content $entryName = $annotation->getName() ?: $this->getPhpDocReader()->getPropertyClass($property); // Try using PHP7.4 typed properties if (\PHP_VERSION_ID > 70400 && $entryName === null && $property->getType() instanceof ReflectionNamedType && (\class_exists($property->getType()->getName()) || \interface_exists($property->getType()->getName()))) { $entryName = $property->getType()->getName(); } if ($entryName === null) { throw new InvalidAnnotation(\sprintf('@Inject found on property %s::%s but unable to guess what to inject, use a @var annotation', $property->getDeclaringClass()->getName(), $property->getName())); } $definition->addPropertyInjection(new PropertyInjection($property->getName(), new Reference($entryName), $classname)); } /** * Browse the object's methods looking for annotated methods. */ private function readMethods(ReflectionClass $class, ObjectDefinition $objectDefinition) { // This will look in all the methods, including those of the parent classes foreach ($class->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC) as $method) { if ($method->isStatic()) { continue; } $methodInjection = $this->getMethodInjection($method); if (!$methodInjection) { continue; } if ($method->isConstructor()) { $objectDefinition->completeConstructorInjection($methodInjection); } else { $objectDefinition->completeFirstMethodInjection($methodInjection); } } } /** * @return MethodInjection|null */ private function getMethodInjection(ReflectionMethod $method) { // Look for @Inject annotation try { $annotation = $this->getAnnotationReader()->getMethodAnnotation($method, 'ElementorDeps\\DI\\Annotation\\Inject'); } catch (InvalidAnnotation $e) { throw new InvalidAnnotation(\sprintf('@Inject annotation on %s::%s is malformed. %s', $method->getDeclaringClass()->getName(), $method->getName(), $e->getMessage()), 0, $e); } // @Inject on constructor is implicit if (!($annotation || $method->isConstructor())) { return null; } $annotationParameters = $annotation instanceof Inject ? $annotation->getParameters() : []; $parameters = []; foreach ($method->getParameters() as $index => $parameter) { $entryName = $this->getMethodParameter($index, $parameter, $annotationParameters); if ($entryName !== null) { $parameters[$index] = new Reference($entryName); } } if ($method->isConstructor()) { return MethodInjection::constructor($parameters); } return new MethodInjection($method->getName(), $parameters); } /** * @param int $parameterIndex * * @return string|null Entry name or null if not found. */ private function getMethodParameter($parameterIndex, ReflectionParameter $parameter, array $annotationParameters) { // @Inject has definition for this parameter (by index, or by name) if (isset($annotationParameters[$parameterIndex])) { return $annotationParameters[$parameterIndex]; } if (isset($annotationParameters[$parameter->getName()])) { return $annotationParameters[$parameter->getName()]; } // Skip optional parameters if not explicitly defined if ($parameter->isOptional()) { return null; } // Try to use the type-hinting $parameterType = $parameter->getType(); if ($parameterType && $parameterType instanceof ReflectionNamedType && !$parameterType->isBuiltin()) { return $parameterType->getName(); } // Last resort, look for @param tag return $this->getPhpDocReader()->getParameterClass($parameter); } /** * @return Reader The annotation reader */ public function getAnnotationReader() { if ($this->annotationReader === null) { AnnotationRegistry::registerLoader('class_exists'); $this->annotationReader = new SimpleAnnotationReader(); $this->annotationReader->addNamespace('ElementorDeps\\DI\\Annotation'); } return $this->annotationReader; } /** * @return PhpDocReader */ private function getPhpDocReader() { if ($this->phpDocReader === null) { $this->phpDocReader = new PhpDocReader($this->ignorePhpDocErrors); } return $this->phpDocReader; } private function readInjectableAnnotation(ReflectionClass $class, ObjectDefinition $definition) { try { /** @var Injectable|null $annotation */ $annotation = $this->getAnnotationReader()->getClassAnnotation($class, 'ElementorDeps\\DI\\Annotation\\Injectable'); } catch (UnexpectedValueException $e) { throw new InvalidAnnotation(\sprintf('Error while reading @Injectable on %s: %s', $class->getName(), $e->getMessage()), 0, $e); } if (!$annotation) { return; } if ($annotation->isLazy() !== null) { $definition->setLazy($annotation->isLazy()); } } }